Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 438 Call the door

No wonder Zhang Shun was ecstatic. He had heard about Sun Chengzong's name in his previous life, and was commented as follows: If this person were here, he would not allow the Manchus to cross the border!

Now that Zhang Shun has such a talented person, if it weren't for his face, he would almost want to take him and become his brother.

It's just that Zhang Shun was not good at studying history. How could he know that the real Sun Chengzong was over sixty years old and had already retired to his hometown in Gaoyang, Baoding Prefecture.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun is now in a high position, living in the Qi and nourishing the body, which is no longer what it used to be. He pretended that nothing happened and took Xu Quan and more than ten people under his command.

Since Xu Quan, Sun Chengzong and others were all scribes, they were appointed as staff to follow orders.

Afterwards, Zhang Shun ordered his soldiers to collect the war horses brought by Tang Jiuzhou, and ordered "King Zuo Jin", "Ge Liyan" and others to lead the cavalry to nearby villages to find officers and soldiers to exterminate.

The real name of "King Zuo Jin" was He Jin, and the real name of "King Liyan" was He Yilong. In order to avoid arousing the suspicion of Xu Quan and the other four people, Zhang Shun deliberately called them names to confuse the public.

Sure enough, Xu Quan, Hong Jinyang, Li Xijiu, Wang Maozhong and Sun Chengzong did not doubt that he was there. They saw that Zhang Shun's command was orderly and the soldiers acted quickly and orderly.

In addition, the war horses bore the imprints of the border troops, and many of their weapons and armor were similar to those of the border troops, which made them even more convinced.

"Guard" He Jin and He Yilong took the order to "suppress the bandits" and pacify the people, which surprised Xu Quan and others who were deeply influenced by Confucianism.

They didn't know what they could do for a while, so they had no choice but to flatter him: "General Tang Bing really has the style of a Confucian general and loves the people like his own son. In the past, the Yue Family Army 'frozen to death without tearing down their houses, and starved to death without looting', that's all." !”

Zhang Shun smiled reservedly and thought to himself: I don't know if these people are really talented. It is rare to be so blind!

The rebels struggled for a long time and waited until noon to finish driving away the nearby officers and soldiers. In total, the rebels captured more than a hundred war horses and captured more than 300 border soldiers.

Zhang Shun ordered his soldiers to detain them and successfully "return" Song County.

The magistrate of Nasong County was named He Fu, whose courtesy name was Zhenzi and whose nickname was Jian Yuan. He was a native of Gezhuang, Qianqu, Pingdu, Shandong.

When he was young, he came from a poor family, was smart and eager to learn, and passed the imperial examination in the third year of Chongzhen, and won the Jinshi title in the seventh year of Chongzhen. Therefore, He Fu was appointed as the magistrate of Song County.

Song County was at the strategic point of Henan. At that time, the rebel army was crossing south. Huang Lai'er, the "general in charge", led his army to the north and destroyed all the prefectures and counties he passed. Only this county town, because how can this magistrate county be alone?

At that time, when the rebel army first arrived, people in Song County were panicked. He Fu had just completed the handover with Wu Daozhou, the former magistrate of the county where he was registered. He simply recruited Wu Daozhou, deputy commander Fu Yuren, and Liu Yuejiang, a student from Xiang County in the county, to lead the army.

He sent Liu Yuejiang to guard Pingfeng Village near the county seat, forming a rivalry with Song County. "Chuang Jiang" Huang Lai'er personally led his troops to attack many times, but could not defeat him.

It even caused one of Huang Lai'er's generals, named Wei Zhiyou, to be shaken when he saw the officers and soldiers' rigorous defense.

He then led 500 elite soldiers to abandon their armor and surrender. He knelt down shirtless at the foot of the city and said to He Fu: "I was a thief before because I had no choice but to be a thief. Now that I see the righteousness and bravery of the public, I am willing to beg for my life as a guide."

At that time, everyone in the city tried to persuade He Fuda: "This is a plan that the thieves will fake to surrender. Please be careful about it!"

Only Nahe Fu smiled and said: "Buddhists say: Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. Can't we, Confucianism, tolerate a person who abandons the secret and turns to the light?" Then he included him in the city and defended it together.

As expected, Wei Zhiyou knew the reality of the rebel army and offered advice and suggestions on many occasions, repelling the attack of "Invading General" Huang Lai'er.

Huang Lai'er, the "advocate general", was frustrated by this, so he had to avoid attacking and went south to Xichuan and Neixiang.

When He Fu heard that Tang Jiuzhou had first annihilated the "nine dragons" and pacified the thieves outside the city, he was about to order his soldiers to open the city gate and go to greet them.

Wei Zhiyou quickly stopped him and said, "I was among thieves before, and I know very well that thieves are cunning. The thieves like to pretend to be officers and soldiers in order to deceive the city gates. Please be careful, Mr. He."

He Fu had received a lot of help from Wei Zhiyou the previous time, and he immediately accepted his kindness and said with a smile: "What General Wei said is true. I must understand it clearly before I dare to open the door."

When Na He Fu stood on the city tower, he saw that the soldiers outside the city were neat and orderly, and the troops were powerful, not in a mess like rogue bandits.

Fortunately, He Fu was very cautious and just shouted loudly on the city: "Song County is small and cannot station such a large army. We also asked General Tang to station the army outside the city so as not to disturb the people. He only led twenty or thirty soldiers. When people enter the city, I will meet Mr. Tang and wash away the dust!"

Zhang Shun said, "Easy to say, easy to say!" and handed the customs clearance documents, defense seals and other items seized from Tang Jiuzhou to Xu Quan, asking him to go to the city and hand them over to the city for inspection.

In accordance with the regulations, Song County City lowered the hanging basket and soon hung up the relevant documents. After checking both sides, there is no way to make a mistake.

The magistrate He Fu inspected it for a long time, then put it on the hanging basket and let the soldiers hang it down. At this time, he looked down and found that he seemed to recognize the person below. He then shouted loudly: "Isn't it possible that Xu Quan is a native of the city?"

It turned out that when Huang Lai'er, the "crossing general", attacked the city, Xu Quan, Hong Jinyang, Li Xijiu, Wang Maozhong and Sun Chengzong also participated in the battle.

In particular, Xu Quanqi was outstanding in his ability to shoot and shoot. He shot and killed dozens of thieves and soldiers in a row, which left a deep impression on He Fu.

Xu Quan heard the magistrate He Fu's question at the foot of the city and quickly responded: "It's just a student. We were robbed by thieves earlier. Fortunately, General Tang arrived in time and we were able to survive. In order to repay the kindness of General Tang, Righteous, the five of us are ready to abandon our writing and join the army to achieve great achievements!"

He Fu smacked his mouth when he heard this, feeling a bit pity. What kind of martial artist can you do if you don't do anything for a good boy? However, the two parties are not very familiar with each other. Everyone has their own ambitions and it is not convenient to force them.

As soon as he thought of this, He Fu, the magistrate of Song County, had already determined that under the city was Tang Jiuzhou, the deputy general of Changping who had passed by the city last time. He waved his hand and ordered the soldiers to open the city gate.

Liu Cheng, He Jin and He Yilong were immediately ready to make a move when they saw the Song County city gate open, looking like a naked big girl.

Zhang Shun glanced at them and said pointedly: "We are fighting bandits in Song County, and we deserve to be welcomed by everyone in Song County. Why are you so anxious?"

The others were silent after hearing this, but Wukong couldn't help but said: "Master, the monkey is not in a hurry, it's them who are!"

Zhang Shun was already accustomed to this guy's lackluster behavior and ignored him. On the contrary, Liu Cheng, He Jin and He Yilong were all so suppressed that they didn't dare to laugh even if they wanted to.

Hong Jinyang, Li Xijiu, Wang Maozhong and Sun Chengzong looked puzzled and didn't know what kind of medicine they were selling in the gourd. It's just that they are new members, so they don't say anything.

Sun Chengzong has the same name, and in ancient times this name was also difficult to describe. I don’t believe that those time travelers who know astronomy and geography never admit their mistakes. How funny!

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