Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 512 First Alarm

"Little Yuchi" Wei Congyi has been doing nothing since he followed Zhang Shun across the Yellow River and arrived at Baodu Village.

It's hard to say that there really isn't anything to do. The lord gave him a medium-sized task, asking him to stay in Lushi County and monitor the county magistrate and large households in the city.

The magistrates and wealthy households in the city knew very well that an arm could not twist a thigh, and they had always been honest.

But Wei Congyi had nothing to do. Even the booming development of Baodu Village and the excitement of the rebel army's conquests have nothing to do with him.

It is impossible to say that I am not disappointed!

Originally, Wei Congyi changed leaders several times. Although he was secretly mocked as "Wei Wuyi", he didn't care much.

But this time he was under Zhang Shun's command, and he felt a little uneasy. This was not because he was worried because Zhang Shun was "treating him differently", but because he felt uneasy because he felt he had done something wrong.

When Zhang Shun ordered him to lead his cavalry to harass people near the capital, he gave him great trust. He lived up to expectations, and was indeed powerful in the capital and famous all over the world.

But he didn't expect that after he retreated to the vicinity of Wutai Mountain, he followed the advice of his newly recruited aide Azabu. He then recruited the defeated bandits from various tribes in Wutai Mountain, set up his own pole, and formed his own battalion.

He has followed many leaders before, and they all have different styles, some are domineering, some are kind, some are calculating, and some are bold and generous.

However, he never took them seriously. Judging from Wei Congyi's ability to study the art of war and practice martial arts since he was a child, these people are nothing more than chickens and dogs.

As a result, when it was his turn to make the decision, everything turned out to be extremely difficult.

Today he said to go east, and tomorrow he said to go west. In the morning someone suggested stealing a dog, and in the evening someone suggested touching a chicken.

Everyone under his command was troubled, and for a while they didn't know who came first and who came last, which one was more important and which one was less important.

I was in a daze, and I hadn't had enough of being a lord yet, but I didn't expect that an army of officers and soldiers would suddenly come to suppress me.

Wei Congyi himself led his troops and went forward to fight. As a result, the courage of one person is not enough, and the strength of a hundred cavalry is not enough.

Although he had done something for himself and the officers and soldiers were on their backs, they still could not stop the officers and soldiers from slaughtering the newly recruited rebel soldiers under his command.

For a time, the rebels suffered heavy losses, but Wei Congyi managed to escape and took shelter in a ravine. As a result, officers and soldiers arrived not long after, and the rebel army suffered heavy losses again.

This happened again and again, and Wei Congyi managed to pull the pole he had erected with great difficulty, but it was completely wiped out by the officers and soldiers.

Desperate, Wei Congyi had no choice but to lead his cavalry south again and once again attached himself to Zhang Shun's command.

Zhang Shun still said nothing this time and welcomed his arrival as usual. Then, he followed Zhang Shun to fight against Huaiqing Mansion, crossed the Yellow River, and entered the Lu family.

However, things came to an abrupt end.

Zhang Shun still didn't say anything, but he understood that he had withdrawn from Zhang Shun's inner circle.

He always wanted to ask Zhang Shun why Zhang Shun didn't care when he changed his owner before. But why did he break up with himself just because he stood on the pole once?

But Zhang Shun came and left in a hurry, and he never found a chance to ask this question.

Recalling the scene when the two met, Zhang Shun looked ecstatic and didn't care about his past. But how did things come to this point?

He wanted to complain about Azabu's encouragement to him, but after all, he was thinking about himself, so how could he blame him?

He deliberately complained that Zhang Shun was inconsistent with him, but he was actually the first person who treated him sincerely and thought highly of him!

Everything stems from my own ambition!

But why? Why can everyone be free to dominate, but only I can only follow others?

Is it because my own strength is inferior to others? Or is it because I am not very good at studying the art of war?

"A war is established by deceit, moved by advantage, and transformed by division and combination!"

What did you do wrong?

"General, general!" Just when "Little Yuchi" Wei Congyi was in deep confusion, he suddenly saw his military adviser hurriedly rushed in, covered in sackcloth, and whispered: "General, something has changed in the city! "

When Wei Congyi heard this, he quickly stood up, took the horse's horse, and asked his bodyguard to put on the armor for him.

Wei Congyi only thought that the magistrate or the big family in the city had different intentions, but he never thought that Mabu whispered: "General, don't be anxious, this is a happy event!"

"Oh? He Xi only?" Wei Congyi asked strangely, are any of the happy events in the world related to him?

"Now a large number of soldiers and horses have arrived from outside Lushi County. Lushi Baizhi County has led the big families in the city to greet them!"

Before Mabu could finish his words, Wei Congyi couldn't help but said in shock: "Get my horses and armor quickly. If the Baizhi County leaks one or two things, I will die without a burial place!"

Hearing this, Ma Bu quickly grabbed Wei Congyi and said with a smile: "General, don't disturb me. I have already inquired about this matter. He is going to Luoyang to conquer the rebel camp in Beijing."

"The generals leading the army are Ni Chong and Wang Pu. Now is the time for the country to use troops. According to the general's martial arts and military skills, if you can join one of them, you will definitely be able to prosper and prosper, and your future is limitless!"

Mabu said with a smile on his face, but he never thought that Wei Congyi could not help but frown when he heard this, and shouted sternly: "You want me to be a dog!"

Azabu was startled, and then he laughed quickly and said, "What are you talking about, General? Since ancient times, if you want to become a successful person, what man can't bend and stretch?"

"It's easy to break when it's strong, but it's durable when it's soft! It's the greatest honor to be Ming Dynasty's dog!"

When Wei Congyi heard this, he couldn't help but glared, and cursed: "Don't you understand that the male rises and the female falls? How can I, a seven-foot tall man, do what the rabbit did? Since I can be a human being, how can I be willing to be a dog?"

"Even Ming Dynasty's dog will probably end up with the fate of 'the cunning rabbit dies and the lackey is cooked'!"

Azabu was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then asked in a low voice: "What does the general want to do?"

Wei Congyi was silent for a moment, and then said: "When we were in Qinshui, we were kicked out by Zhang Daojun, and it was King Shun who saved us. Now I owe King Shun a favor, and I want to repay this man. I don't know. Is it okay?"

"This" Mabu was speechless for a moment and didn't know what Wei Congyi wanted to do.

Wei Congyi explained: "The military advisor does not know that the person in the capital camp who wants to conquer is King Shun. Although most of the rebels regard me as an outsider, I am originally from the border area and have many connections with King Shun's subordinates. You can get some information to some extent."

"I heard that King Shun has occupied Luoyang City. I guess the opponent of this capital camp is King Shun. In his position and for his political affairs, since I have been ordered by King Shun to monitor Lu's county, it is necessary to inform the village of this matter. middle."

"But..." Azabu said hesitantly, "there is no way to join the Beijing camp!"

"How can a great man, with a gun in his hand and a horse on his hip, seize fame and wealth, be 'humiliated in the hands of slaves and die in a stall'?" Wei Congyi couldn't help but laugh and said, and for a moment the idea came to his mind.

"Okay!" Mabu was inspired by Wei Congyi and couldn't help but said with pride, "Since the general has such great ambitions and lofty ideals, why worry about not being rich and noble! Although Mabu has no talent or virtue, he is willing to follow the general to the death to serve as a dog and horse!"

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