For Zhang Shun, it was easy to compile a simple method of using troops, but difficult to compile a method of using artillery. He is also a second-hand swordsman, although he has quite a lot of experience in how to organize artillery. But how to use the cannon requires professional advice.

In order to ensure safety, Zhang Shun specifically consulted Zhang Dudu, Han Lin, Gao Yizhi and Li Shi'an, who had considerable practical experience.

Zhang Shun was still uneasy, so he went to Cao Wenzhao's camp in person to ask for advice on shooting experience from the gunners who followed Cao Wenzhao.

After embracing all rivers and absorbing the strengths of many schools, Zhang Shuncai finally figured out what the so-called "artillery skills" were all about.

As Zhang Shun's " trump card ", artillery had to be carefully prepared. In order to ensure everything was foolproof and not leak out, Zhang Shun simply compiled the artillery manual himself.

The first step in artillery shooting is to measure the range. There are two methods for artillery range measurement: visual inspection and pole measurement.

The traditional Chinese method is visual inspection. The specific operation method is to first measure the standard distance with a ruler, and then let the observer observe the characteristics of the soldiers standing at the corresponding distance.

The formula for comparing the characteristics is: when you are twenty-five feet apart, you can see the person's facial features, mouth and nose; when you are fifty feet apart, you can't see the person's facial features, and the person's face looks red; when you are seventy-five feet apart, when you look at the person's face, they turn from red to bluish white, and their body is slightly hazy. .

If you are ninety feet apart, you will see that person's face as white as a snake and become smaller and smaller; if you are one hundred feet apart, you will see that person's face as pale as a snake and only an inch thicker when you meet.

One hundred and twenty feet apart, the other person's complexion is just a little bit, as if there is something there or not; one hundred and thirty feet apart, the other person's face is dark and his body is dim.

Zhang Shun estimated in his mind that one hundred and thirty feet was almost four hundred meters away. In addition, the hazier the body and the farther the distance, the harder it is for the artillery to hit.

The pole method is slightly different between China and the West. Basically, it just stands on a pole and uses the trigonometric function method to calculate.

At first, Zhang Shun was confused by the gunner, Han Lin, Gao Yizhi and others talking about Ziwu and Yin Chou.

After coming here for a long time, Zhang Shun finally realized that the so-called "Ziwu Yin Chou" of feelings was a code name similar to "ABCD".

In Zhang Shun's previous life, he could not achieve high or low results, but at least the roots of the nine-year compulsory education were still there. Don’t you even know the simplest trigonometric functions?

Afterwards, Zhang Shun understood the key and immediately started writing like a dragon. He solved the simple trigonometric function calculation problems in less than one stick of incense.

This suddenly surprised Governor Zhang, Han Lin and Gao Yizhi. After all, boring things like mathematics are not something that most people can easily like.

Xu Guangqi, the bachelor of Wenyuange and the second minister of the cabinet, worked together with the missionary Matteo Ricci to translate the first six volumes of "Elements of Geometry". Although it became famous for a while, everyone rushed to copy it.

As a result, few can finally understand it, let alone conduct in-depth research.

As a church member of Xu Guangqi, Han Lin naturally had to get a copy. After only watching it for half a day, I was already confused and had no choice but to leave it on the shelf.

Seeing that Zhang Shun "likes" geometry, Han Lin quickly recommended it for the great mission of Tianjiao: "Since my lord likes the study of degrees, I even have Xu Ge Lao's "Elements of Geometry" and "Pythagorean Theory" in my house in Jiangzhou. and books such as "Measuring Similarities and Differences". By the way, there are also agricultural works such as "The Complete Book of Agricultural Politics", "Sweet Potatoes", "Miscellaneous Agricultural Relics", "Drafts of Agricultural Books", "Taixi Water Method"; "Selecting and Training Tiege", "Lianyi Tiege", "Shuwu Tiege", "Shape and Name Tiege", "Fire Attack Essentials", "Gunpowder Making Method" and art of war works."

Han Lin suddenly babbled a lot, and Zhang Shun didn't even hear what he said. Knowing that he had heard "The Complete Book of Nongzheng", he couldn't help but feel that it sounded familiar, and quickly asked: "Who is Mr. Xu Ge? Where does he live now?"

"Who else? Xu Zixian, Mr. Xu Guangqi!" Han Lin responded in surprise when he heard this. "This man is a member of my Heavenly Cult. He is master of calendars, farming, military arts, firearms, and mathematics!"

"Unfortunately, he passed away last winter!" Han Lin sighed, "Many of these books have not yet been published. It is only because we have a good relationship that I have a few of them at home!"

Xu Guangqi? Like thunder, how could Zhang Shun not hear about this? As a result, before Zhang Shun had time to rejoice, he tried every means to dig out Xu Guangqi, but was shocked to hear the bad news that Xu Guangqi had passed away.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but sighed: "Mr. Xu's talent is so fascinating that I wish I could meet him!"

When Han Lin heard this, he couldn't help but look at Gao Yizhi and thought to himself: Since my lord is fond of Western learning, there is hope for the spread of our Tianjiao!

Therefore, Han Lin hurriedly responded: "Although our Tianjiao is not as good as Xu Guangqi, we have great skills in military arts, firearms, city building, calendars and mathematics. If your lord is interested, I would like to recommend a few more people for your lord's benefit." Always ask for help!”

"Okay, okay, okay, that's great!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile. The mountains never get too high and the sea never gets too deep. How could Zhang Shun dislike talented people coming to seek refuge with him?

"By the way, Xu Guangqi. Ahem, Mr. Xu Ge's book was also delivered in time. Let me see how it goes first!" Hum, science and technology are the primary productive forces, I can't let go of even a hair on my legs!

Han Lin and Gao Yizhi were immediately delighted and quickly agreed. Zhang Shun carefully distinguished the pros and cons of the two methods, and decided to use the visual inspection method as an emergency measure. Since the pole-standing method is more complicated, it should be used as a learning method for cultivating elite gunners first, and then you can learn it gradually.

In addition to distance measurement, the second most technical content is the method of gun gauge and gun ruler.

The so-called protractor is actually a protractor that is slightly more than a quarter circle, with a vertical line at the center of the circle. It is divided into sixteen grids and thirty-two grids. Each large grid is approximately 3.75 degrees, and each small grid is approximately 1.875 degrees. They are used to measure and adjust the firing angle of the artillery.

The gun ruler is used to measure the amount of ammunition used in artillery. It is divided into three types of scales: lead, iron, and stone.

Zhang Shun disliked the trouble of gun rulers and directly decided that from now on artillery pieces would be wrapped with oil paper and rationed powder packets. During combat, the loader only needs to load the corresponding explosive package into the artillery according to the order.

Then the gunner used a red-hot iron hook to pierce it and ignite it. Naturally, everything was fine.

In addition to the above technologies, the rest is the procedure for releasing the artillery, which is quite simple. Zhang Shun wrote directly:

First, range measurement, second, loading, third, angle measurement and muzzle pitch determination, fourth, ignition, and the gunner's observation of the shooting effect.

5. Reset, 6. Wet brush to moisten the barrel, 7. Hook out the residue, 8. Dry brush to clean.

Treat water stains, 9. Load, 10. Adjust the muzzle. There are ten steps in total, and the rest of the release process,

Just cycle back and forth.

When firing, the flag commander selects the artillery position, and the gunner is responsible for observing, measuring the muzzle and giving orders. The remaining artillerymen acted in accordance with operating procedures and the gunner's orders.

After Zhang Shun's preliminary experiments, he found that after such training, the artillery's firing rate was more than twice as fast as before, and its accuracy was greatly improved.

The number of words in the update is not enough, I have to modify it slightly, please forgive me!

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