Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 583 The Rising Storm (Part 1)

Now Zhang Huaji is over one year old and can toddler. But Xiaopingan is only more than ten months old and can only babbling, and I don’t know what he is expressing.

Of these two dolls, one is an adopted son and the other is a biological son. When Zhang Shunchu became a father, he loved him very much.

He originally wanted to stay in Baodu Village for a few days, enjoy some family happiness, and then return to Luoyang City. Unexpectedly, as soon as his front foot arrived, Zhao Lizi followed behind.

Early on the next morning when Zhang Shun stayed in Baodu Village, Zhao Lizi ran over to him panting and reported: "My lord, Mrs. Hong and Duke Zhang have ordered me to ask you to return to Luoyang City as soon as possible. Leader of the rebel army." King Chuang, General Chuang, Huo Cao Cao, and the Eight Great Kings led their troops to the west to pay homage to the lord, and it seems that they have plans to join forces."

"This is such a serious matter that Madam Hong and Mr. Zhang do not dare to take matters into their own hands, so they specially ordered me to travel day and night to report to the lord!"

Zhang Shun was also shocked when he heard this. After meeting these people in Xin'an County, Zhang Shun never thought of using their power to show off his power for a while.

It's just that when he thought about how these people were so respectful and arrogant in Huaiqing Mansion, Zhang Shun was disgusted.

These people are all tigers and wolves, and they are not people who have lived under others for a long time. Now that they have bowed to him, they either have a compelling reason, or they have ulterior motives.

No matter what kind of situation it is, if Luoyang City is without him in charge, the Red Lady or Zhang Shenyan alone will not be able to suppress this group of rebellious people, not to mention that there are other people with different ambitions in Luoyang City who are ready to take action.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun quickly asked Wukong to rectify his personal guards and be ready to go at any time; at the same time, he said to Li Sanniang and Li Xiang: "This happened suddenly, I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse. Just stay in Baodu Village and guard the camp. Just wait for my follow-up news!”

How can Li Sanniang and Li Xiang agree? Zhang Shun coaxed him for a long time before finally convincing Li Sanniang to stay in Baodu Village and guard the camp. Li Xiangzhu stayed in Baodu Village for a while, and then returned to Luoyang City after the situation in Luoyang City was settled.

The plan was decided, Zhang Shun led Zhao Lizi, Wukong and his personal guards to return quickly.

Without the burden of Li Xiang and Liu Rushi, Zhang Shun and others rushed to Luoyang City the next night.

Everyone entered through the south gate, but saw no movement. Just entering the city, I suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the city was quite different from the past.

After walking for a while, everyone suddenly heard a noise in front of them. Zhang Shun took a closer look and saw that several soldiers were beating a commoner.

Zhang Shun frowned and yelled: "Stop it, who are you? How can you bully a minority and beat a passerby?"

"Don't mind your own business. You've made me angry, so I'll beat you up too!" Those people laughed arrogantly after hearing this, "I'm a righteous man under the command of King Chuang. I only eat two pieces of cake from him, but I dare to ask him for help." Do you want money?"

"If it were another place, let alone eating two pieces of cake. He would have been chopped off with a knife. Eat as many pieces of cake as you want. If you want to sleep with his mother-in-law and daughter, sleep with his mother-in-law and daughter. How can there be so many What a mess!"

Zhang Shun raised his eyebrows and ordered calmly: "Hit me, just don't kill me! If you dare to use a knife, I will kill you without mercy!"

The soldiers were shocked when they heard this and saw a young man leading dozens of soldiers rushing over.

They have long been accustomed to being arrogant, so how can they be willing to arrest them without restraint? Immediately, they all held guns and swords in their hands, and shouted strangely: "Donkey balls, how dare you play tricks with me? If you don't ask, I will come out from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood to kill you. I'm afraid you don't come to die!"

The person who acted according to the order was Zhao Lizi who went to report the news. Although his spear was not perfect, it was much easier to deal with these miscellaneous fish.

I saw him flicking his spear and stabbing the most arrogant person to death with one shot. Yu Ze saw that the idea was too difficult, so he had to abandon his weapons and surrender.

Zhao Lizi quickly gathered people around him, then turned to look at Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun knew what Zhao Lizi meant, but he kept a straight face and said coldly: "How did I give the order just now? Do you need me to repeat it again?"

Zhao Lizi had never seen Zhang Shun so ruthless, so he hesitated a little and ordered the soldiers to kill these four or five people together.

When the soldiers saw this, they couldn't help but cursed, and in the end they couldn't prevent themselves from being slaughtered. Suddenly, there were shouts of insults and screams, and then it became quiet for a moment.

Then there were cheers again. It turned out that everyone on the street couldn't help but clapped and praised them when they saw them being killed.

In fact, it stands to reason that their crimes would not lead to death. But if they don't die, others will continue to suffer. There is a saying called "Kill the chicken to scare the monkey", and this is true.

While Zhang Shunzheng was entangled with these soldiers, Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi, Xiao Qinhu and Zhang Sanbai also had disputes with "Chuang King", "Chuang General", "Living Cao Cao" and "Eight Kings" in Prince Fu's Mansion.

"King Chuang" said aggressively: "The rebels are like brothers and we are as close as brothers. Now we have led the army to defect. Firstly, we have no food and grass, and secondly, we are not allowed to enter the city for accommodation. It is really unreasonable! Where is the 'Optimus Prime'? How dare I So rude!”

"You are not my king, and I am not your minister. Without King Shun's order, nothing is allowed!" Zhang Shenyan said angrily upon hearing this.

"If that's the case, then don't blame the brothers for being ungrateful!" "King Chuang" screamed and sneered, "You can't afford to suffer the consequences of harming our harmony!"

"If you want to fight, then fight. Isn't Zhang afraid of you?" Zhang Sanbai glared angrily after hearing this.

"Who are you? You dare to talk to us like this!" "The Eight Kings" couldn't help but said, "Either let King Shun come out to receive us, or supply us with food and grass quickly and allow our army to enter the city!"

Zhang Shenyan secretly complained when he heard this. Originally, Zhang Shun was not around, so the red lady could take care of things. Zhang Shenyan also knew a little bit about the Red Lady's affairs. He knew that she had something to do with the bandit chief "Chuang Jiang", but it was inconvenient for him to come forward.

As a result, he was careless and let these four people enter the city. As leaders of the rebel army, their status and status are not comparable to those of Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi, Xiao Qinhu and Zhang Sanbai.

They deliberately used force to suppress others, but the others were unable to cope with them. They made a fuss here for two or three days, and even King Fu wanted to harass and harass them, causing everyone a headache.

Just when everyone was having a headache, a loud voice came: "Who wants to see me? How dare you be so arrogant!"

Everyone was shocked and delighted when they heard the sound, and turned their heads to look, only to see Zhang Shun striding in.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Shenyan hurriedly took a few steps, opened his mouth and said: "King Shun, they"

Zhang Shunyi raised his hand to indicate that he already knew and Zhang Shenyan didn't need to say anything more. Then, he cupped his hands and said with a smile: "It turns out that four old friends are here. I am a bit disappointed to welcome you from afar, so please bear with me!"

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