Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 72 Unprecedented forces

Zhang Shun thought about it for a long time and suddenly asked Zhang Shenyan: "I heard that there is an old mother in Daojun's family. I wonder if she is filial?"

"You want to threaten him with his mother? Not to mention that you can't break the Douzhuang Fort. Even if you can break it, you will just follow Cao Cao's trick of forcing Xu Shu, and you won't be afraid of being laughed at by the heroes of the world?" Zhang Shenyan said angrily.

"Ah? No, no, no, you got it wrong. Sir, I, Zhang Shun, am an upright person and will never do anything to force others!" Zhang Shun promised, patting his chest. Zhang Shenyan squinted her eyes at him, not believing him at all.

Zhang Shun had no choice but to honestly tell his plan to set the record straight, saying: "I heard that his old mother is a widow at home, and she is unmarried. I am young and unmarried. How about a marriage with her if I don't have three matchmakers and nine betrothals?" ? When the time comes, it will also be a good story about kings and ministers, fathers and sons, husbands and wives! Even though Zhang Daojun is nearly forty years old, I understand he is also a filial man."

Damn you, bah bah bah, your mother has nothing to do with me at all! Zhang Shenyan almost died when he heard this. There are people in the world who regard ethics and morality as nothing. No, they are beasts who regard ethics and morality as a means. They have simply exceeded the lower limit of human beings! She couldn't help but said with sadness and anger: "How unfortunate it is for the Zhang family in the world to have the same surname as you!"

Not to mention how sad and angry Zhang Shenyan was, he almost wanted to fight with Zhang Shun and die together. Zhang Shunze was in a relaxed mood and happily reported to "Zijinliang" that his camp was stationed, and then returned to the camp happily.

Seeing that he was in a good mood, Chen Jingzhi quickly said to him: "My lord, a few days ago you asked me to count the names of the people in the camp. I have already completed the statistics and submitted them to my lord for browsing."

After finishing speaking, he took out a thread-bound booklet and handed it to Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun opened it and saw that there was a row of rankings written in it. It said something like "Zhao Mazi, thirty-one years old, from Mengjin. Zhang has three hundred soldiers under his command."

Zhang Shun had a headache when he saw it, and said: "Why is it so confusing? You should list them separately. For example, under Zhang Sanbai, who is so and so, what position they hold, where they are from, their age, and their appearance."

Chen Jingzhi was young and had never experienced anything like this before. Hearing this, his eyes lit up and he quickly praised: "My lord, it's a great idea. He analyzed it clearly and clearly in just a few seconds. He was so impressed by it that I turned around and copied it again." .”

"Okay, go back and write it again to make it clear. If there is no problem, just copy one more side and give it to me. The original book will be kept with you for future reference." Zhang Shun arranged, "By the way, you will edit it one by one. Book, are there any loopholes you want to tell me?"

"My lord, when you ask about this, I am about to report it to your lord. I found that many of our soldiers have fled. Because there is no manual and the leader does not report, everyone is completely unaware." Chen Jingzhi replied quickly.

"Oh?" Zhang Shun said in surprise, "I didn't know about this. I didn't expect that I would make a big deal out of my negligence. Do you have any data on how many people have escaped?"

"Yes, there are seven scouts who fled under Zhao Lizi, two of whom also fled with horses; four soldiers who fled under Zhang Sanbai; eleven who fled under Wukong, including Yi Wu Zhang; Zhang Wuhao Six of his subordinates fled, including one Shi Chang; three soldiers of Liu Yinggui's command fled, and twenty-seven soldiers of the baggage camp fled, two corps commanders and one Shi Chang. As for Chen Changzhen and Xiao Qinhu who had just led the army, three soldiers had already fled. Wei Congyi's soldiers did not flee, and a total of three of the newly added infantry fled, while the Linjiazhuang soldiers who were handed over to him fled seriously, with a total of nine fleeing. Ma Yingniang's men were okay, none of them fled. In summary, the above According to the report, we have a total of seventy-three soldiers who have fled." Chen Jingzhi reported the report like a treasure trove.

"What?" Zhang Shun was shocked when he heard this. He only had about 1,500 people under his command. He didn't even hear the sound of water. In just two months, there were seventy-three missing? If I don't care about it, I'm afraid that next year and the year after, I will become a bare commander.

"Then how many people do I have left under my command now?" Zhang Shun asked helplessly.

"Fortunately, lord! The number of Linjiazhuang's slaves has dropped by forty or fifty. Previously, there were serious desertions in the supply camp, so Mr. Chen and I recruited more than ten more. We conquered Linjiazhuang and gained great prestige, and some people joined us. There are more than ten people. In addition to the fifty-three blacksmiths recruited by the Lord and the twenty-seven women's battalion, the total is one thousand six hundred and thirty-one."

"Well, the increase and decrease are actually more, so let's consider it a good thing. You can make up the roster again and submit it to me later." Zhang Shun ordered.

"Yes, Lord! Let's do it right now." After hearing this, Chen Jingzhi understood the elegance and quickly left.

Zhang Shun thought to himself for a while, then simply came out of the tent, called Wukong and went to Wei Congyi's camp. Wei Congyi is worthy of being one of the hundreds of families in the guard station, and the two hundred soldiers are managed by him in an orderly manner, each performing their duties. Compared with Zhang Wuhao, he is simply like the legendary "Ruo Dolphin Dog"!

When Zhang Shungang arrived at Wei Congyi's camp, soldiers had already reported to him. Wei Congyi quickly put down what he was doing and came to see Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun quickly helped him up and said with emotion: "Ruling the army from righteousness is really the legacy of Liu Yafu. It is orderly, complicated and not chaotic."

"My lord, you are ridiculous! There is a law in the army. To obey the law is to follow the law, so that the soldiers can perform their duties without confusion in their hearts, so there will be no chaos." Wei Congyi was inexplicably praised and felt a little uneasy, so he had to answer vaguely .

"Well said, what is this law? Can you teach me from Yi? I think Chen Changzhen, Xiao Qinhu, and Zhang Sanbai are all fierce generals in the world, but the way to run the army is messy and messy. I want others to imitate you. Is this a good way to run the army?" Zhang Shun asked happily.

"It stands to reason that this is impossible, but when my lord asks, by definition he knows everything and tells everything!" Wei Congyi was also considered cunning. After some calculations, he found that this matter was beneficial to him, and he quickly agreed. .

Zhang Shun's original idea was that Wei Congyi would talk eloquently to himself, even holding a candle and talking at night. Who would have thought that he left for a moment and took out a few pages from the camp. Zhang Shun took a look and saw that there were plans for encampment, march, formation, and operations. There are small text annotations on the pictures, and all the details such as how many people are guarding the door, how many people are playing drums, how many people are carrying flags, how many people are guarding, etc. are written clearly.

It turns out that although the ancients often said that "soldiers have no constant momentum, and water has no constant shape" and "the best use lies in one mind", in fact, more often than not, they just follow the rules and follow the plans. Although this method is rigid and rigid, it is suitable for novices like Zhang Shun to learn how to use troops in battle.

Zhang Shun looked at it and said with emotion: "From today on, Congyi is half my master!" Wei Congyi didn't even dare to say it, but his heart felt like honey.

Thanks to Po Shui for the many tips! The author has something to do at home today, so I'm sorry for the late update. I will update the second update as soon as possible! In addition, because Zhang Shenyan and Zhang Daojun are both factual figures and loyal ministers and generals. As a novel, this work contains many interpretations, and there is no disrespect to the above characters. Please bear with me if you are interested!

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