Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 731 Celebrities come to vote

From Ruzhou to Nanyang, there is just one big road and one small road, one is good and the other is strange. Wei Jie's advice to Zhang Shun was exactly what he wanted.

On the bright side, Zhang Shun praised: "Ying's talent is just what I want!"

In fact, in private Zhang Shun could not help but mutter: How can you, a defeated general who was easily defeated by the rebels, have the dignity to offer me advice?

Fortunately, Zhang Shun is not someone who talks nonsense based on others. Seeing that he has some knowledge, he thinks highly of him.

The rebel army rested for a while in Ruzhou and then headed towards Baofeng under the leadership of Zhang Shun. At this time, Li Xin, who was focusing on attacking Jiaxian County, got the news that Zhang Shun had arrived in Ruzhou, so he arrived belatedly.

By the time he returned to Ruzhou, Zhang Shun had already left. Li Xin was immediately frightened and quickly led dozens of his bodyguards to go to plead guilty.

Not long after, Zhang Shun was not far from the border of Baofeng County.

The guide pointed to the path ahead and said: "General, after passing the Sanshanzhai in front, we will reach the main camp of Baofeng County!"

"The camp?" Zhang Shun was surprised, "Which general's camp?"

"It's not the army's camp, it's called the camp after the place!" the guide explained quickly.

Zhang Shun breathed a sigh of relief. He thought it was He Jin, the pioneer officer in front, who had lost his chain.

The result was that Cao Cao arrived. Just when Zhang Shungang thought of He Jin, this guy actually brought a few people with him and returned quickly.

Zhang Shun frowned and scolded Wukong quickly: "He Jin, what on earth is wrong with you? That you have to go back and report in person?"

"There was a man who was very angry and blocked the road in front, claiming that he wanted to see the lord. I saw that he had an extraordinary temperament, and I was afraid that I would miss the talent, so I had to plead guilty to the lord in person!" He Jin responded quickly and loudly.

"Talent?" Zhang Shunxin asked: Could it be that he triggered some plot? Why are there people clamoring to surrender to me for no reason?

He then ordered: "Let him come forward to see me and order He Jin to continue to lead the vanguard, open roads when encountering mountains and build bridges when encountering water!"

Not long after, He Jin got the order and turned around and left. Only one person was left in front, and Zhang ordered Wukong to bring that person over.

Not long after, Zhang Shun saw a man wearing Confucian robes and a square scarf being led over by soldiers.

His complexion is slightly dark, his eyes are bright, and he is about forty years old.

The man stepped forward, gave a salute, and shouted: "I have heard the name of King Shun for a long time, and it is like thunder in my ears. I am here to meet you!"

"Oh?" Zhang Shun felt strange when he saw that he stopped talking after doing this, so he asked, "I wonder what you call your Excellency? Why can you teach me?"

The man heard the words and smiled and said: "Why should King Shun be anxious? Let me follow you for a while and we will know later."

Zhang Shun felt strange in his heart, but now that his troops were strong and organized, he was not afraid of his schemes.

So, Zhang smiled and said, "That's fine. Sir, just stay with me and be my companion!"

Seeing Zhang Shun's calmness and extraordinary demeanor, the man couldn't help but smile and said: "Not far ahead is Baofeng County. This Baofeng County was originally called Longxing County. It's a pity that I haven't heard of a real dragon rising since then. It's a waste of time." What a name!”

"When Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty came, because this Longxing County produced three treasures. One is: the brewed wine; the second is: the fired Ru porcelain; the third is: the smelted refined iron."

"There is an abundance of treasures, and treasures flourish. Therefore, the county was named Baofeng County."

"Oh? So there is such an anecdote?" Zhang Shun had nothing to do along the way, but he listened with interest. When he heard the key points, he didn't mind giving a compliment.

"Yes!" The Confucian scholar sighed and replied, "Although there are many treasures here, I wonder which of the three kings Shun thinks is more valuable and which is less valuable?"

Zhang Shun had never heard of fine wine or fine iron, so the only one that could be called a treasure was Ru porcelain, the first of the five official kilns, right?

Zhang Shun never expected that the famous Ru porcelain in history would be produced here. It is only a hundred miles away from Yuzhou, which is rich in Jun porcelain.

Zhang Shun was about to open his mouth to answer, but suddenly he thought that this guy was mysterious. Could it be him who was taking the exam?

He quickly changed his words and said: "In the world, people are precious. These three are just external things, how can they be called treasures? In my opinion, the people of Baofeng County are priceless treasures!"

When the Confucian scholar heard this, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, looked at Zhang Shun in disbelief, and was speechless for a long time. If he were a later generation, he would probably complain directly: You are a bit high at this level!

The Confucian scholar asked after a while: "What if we only use these three to discuss it?"

Zhang Shun laughed when he heard this and said: "Fine wine can easily cause confusion, and luxurious things can easily damage people's minds. Only farm tools cast from fine iron can plow fields, and forged armor can destroy powerful enemies. They can barely be called treasures!"

"Wonderful, really wonderful!" The Confucian scholar couldn't help stroking his palms and said with a smile, "King Shun is really knowledgeable and ambitious!"

Originally, the Confucian scholar wanted to pretend to be 13, but he never expected that Zhang Shun, who had trained in reading comprehension and summarizing central ideas since childhood in his previous life, covered all his ideas and viewpoints, so he couldn't help but be unconvinced.

This time the Confucian scholar was at the end of his game. At this time, the rebel army marched to the narrow area of ​​Sanshanzhai. He pointed at the terrain and said: "Originally, I suggested that the magistrate of Baofeng County set up a checkpoint here and set up an ambush to wait. King Shun, I wonder when King Shun can be defeated?"

Zhang Shun was shocked when he heard this. He saw that this road was sandwiched between two mountains, and it was quite difficult for ten thousand people to open it.

Although he has 20,000 elite men under his command, if he is attacked by someone and blocked here, unable to take full advantage of his numerical advantage, I am afraid it will be delayed for three to five days.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but said in surprise: "I wonder what you mean?"

As a result, the Confucian scholar took three steps back, fell down on the ground, and shouted loudly: "A certain person's surname is Niu, his given name is Jinxing, and his courtesy name is Juming. He is originally from Baofeng County."

"Hearing about the name of King Shun, I originally wrote to the county magistrate, planning to use this strategy to stop King Shun's heavenly troops! However, the magistrate drove Niu out in the name of not being able to discuss government affairs."

"I'm so angry that I can't calm down. It's time for the wind to blow up, so I divined a divination. This wind comes from the northwest, it's warm and cool, and the breeze is gentle. This is an auspicious wind, and it's good luck!"

"I also used my birth date to calculate the heavenly official's horoscope. I will be rich and powerful, so I will be your queen for a long time!"

Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, are you Niu Jinxing? Li Zicheng’s mastermind? If you didn't go to harm Li Zicheng, why did you come to me? Could it be that I will change my name in the future?

No wonder Zhang Shun had such doubts and thoughts. In later generations, because Li Zicheng was defeated and died, Niu Jinxing was also considered a narrow-minded villain. Who knew what he was capable of?

Fortunately, Zhang Shun also knew that if you judge a person by his appearance, you will lose him.

Zhang Shenyan, Song Xiance and Lu Weiqi, who had little reputation in history, all had average abilities, not to mention the famous Niu Jinxing?

Zhang Shun quickly got off his horse, helped him up with his own hands and said, "I was blind and underestimated sir. Please don't blame me if I'm rude!"

It turns out that this Niu Jinxing is from Baofeng, and his father's name is Chang, who was originally Ji Shan from Lu Mansion. Therefore, he was well-educated at a young age, became a scholar in his twenties, and became a scholar in his thirties.

He was a simple man who liked to read, and he was familiar with Tianguan, Fengjiao and the art of war of Sun and Wu. He has a farm in Beibei, Baofeng County. He usually sets up a school to teach apprentices, earns his own living, and calls himself a hermit.

But he never expected that his first plan would be to be humiliated by the county magistrate. He felt resentful and decided to vote for Zhang Shun based on the divination of bad luck.

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