Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 790 Zhuxian Town

It is said that Li Zicheng, Luo Rucai and others unexpectedly encountered the Biao camp of Henan Governor Fu Zonglong, and their first reaction was to run away.

Li Luo's 2nd Battalion was a guest army. They knew that if the enemy's situation was unclear, once they entangled with the officers and soldiers for too long, the rebels would lose their speed advantage and would be easily surrounded and annihilated by the army mobilized by the governor of Henan.

But if they want to leave, how can Henan Governor Fu Zonglong be willing to follow them?

Although the eastern Henan area is a plain, it is not a teahouse or inn after all. It does not allow them to come and leave as they please.

The two sides chased and fled for most of the day, covering about thirty miles.

Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai suddenly heard that spies were reporting that there was a big city a few miles ahead. They came to ask: Are the rebels planning to take a detour or take the opportunity?

After Li Zicheng and Luo Ru figured it out, Cheng felt strange and asked, "But we're in Weishi County? Why haven't we seen Weishi Realm?"

"The front is not Weishi, but Zhuxian Town." The spy responded quickly when he heard the words, "There happens to be a river blocking the front. This town is rich and there are many ships coming and going. Maybe we can cross the river from here!"

"The Central Plains is richer than Yansui!" Li and Luo couldn't help but sigh after hearing this, "This town alone is no less than the county seat."

In fact, it was Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai who were short-sighted. Is Zhuxian Town no less than a county town?

I'm afraid that ordinary government and provincial governance may not be able to match it.

It turns out that this Zhuxian Town was originally from the Warring States Period. After Lord Xinling "stealed the talisman to save Zhao", Zhao State used this place as his fiefdom and fief in order to thank Zhu Hai, the warrior who assisted Wei Gongzi Wuji.

Therefore, Zhuxian Town, formerly known as Juxian Town, also got its name.

At the end of the Tang Dynasty and the beginning of the Song Dynasty, especially Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty ordered that the boundary of Weishi County be dug for 90 miles from the Xinhe River. Because this place is close to the Cai River, it became a strategic point between the north and south water and land.

At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, Yue Fei went on the Northern Expedition. It is said that he fought with Jin Wushu here and won a great victory in Zhuxian Town.

Later, due to frequent wars, the Yellow River changed its course, and Zhuxian Town declined accordingly.

By the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty ordered Jialu to regulate the river.

He first forced the Yellow River into its old course, and then diverted the water from Mi County, passing through Zhengzhou and Zhongmou, turning south to Zhuxian Town, Kaifeng, and then merged into the ancient canal, directly reaching Shangshui County and entering Huaihe River.

This move killed two birds with one stone. It not only solved the flood problem of the Yellow River at that time, but also revived water transportation.

In order to commemorate his achievements, people named this newly dug river "Jialu River".

Zhuxian Town is right at the end point where the Jialu River merges into the ancient canal. It became one of the four famous towns in the Ming and Qing Dynasties along with Foshan Town in Guangdong, Jingdezhen in Jiangxi, and Hankou Town in Huguang.

At this time, Zhuxian Town had more than 40,000 private and commercial households, a population of 200,000 to 300,000, and a circumference of more than ten miles, which was even larger than the Luoyang City occupied by Zhang Shun.

Sure enough, the spy heard the words and said with a smile: "The two bosses underestimated this place. The younger one looked up and saw that this town is even more spectacular than King Shun's Luoyang City."

"The canal passes through the city, and ships come and go like carriages and horses. There may not be five hundred, but two hundred every day. Not to mention, there are many docks on both sides, four or five miles long, with rare treasures from the north and south. countless."

The two of them couldn't help but feel excited when they heard this. Although Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai were somewhat ambitious at this time, they were just rogue bandits after all.

Bandits take things by force.

How can all the volunteers make a living if they don't engage in production? Only rob ears.

Except for one plunder in Fengyang, the two battalions were mostly hungry and well-fed at other times.

Later, they sent troops to the fortified city of Xuzhou, which was destroyed by the officers and soldiers. They had already lost all their heavy materials and were short of supplies.

Luo Rucai then discussed with Li Zicheng: "I see that most of the pursuing officers and soldiers are infantry, and they are exhausted, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Why don't we attack this town, rest for a while, and then head west again."

It turns out that the tactics of these rebels from the Qin region were quite nomadic. They took advantage of the mobility of their many horses, mules and other livestock to move and plunder, so the officers and soldiers were often unable to catch up.

According to Li and Luo's thinking, although this town has a city wall, it is just a show-off.

If there is no leader to rule and no officers and soldiers to garrison, what can it withstand?

Just send a few "children" to climb the city wall, kill a few people to shock them, and then they can be defeated in one fell swoop.

So, when Li Zicheng heard the words, he nodded and said: "That's fine, brothers, I haven't seen meat and fish for a long time, I'm afraid it has sapped my ambition!"

The two came to an agreement and assigned Li Zicheng's department to be responsible for attacking the city, while Luo Rucai's department was responsible for blocking the officers and soldiers coming from afar.

Li Zicheng ordered Liu Zongmin to lead a dozen brothers to attack the city first, and then asked Li Guo to lead 500 troops to be ready to respond at any time.

Zhuxian Town has also discovered the arrival of the thieves and has closed its gates long ago. The people in the docks and shops outside the city were also wiped out. Only some supplies could not be transported before being easily obtained by the rebels.

When Li Guo saw this, he couldn't help but frowned, and pulled Liu Zongmin and said: "Jixuan, be careful, something is not right!"

"What's wrong?" Liu Zongmin said indifferently when he heard this, "Whatever conspiracy or conspiracy, you have to rely on a knife to speak."

"When I go to the city, let's see who dares to play any tricks?"

When Li Guo heard this, he just said that he was overly worried. He saw that ordinary people and merchants outside the city could run away so cleanly, so he thought that the other party was prepared.

Think about it carefully, this place is just a town, what kind of defenders can there be?

Seeing that the city gate of Zhuxian Town was closed, Liu Zongmin and others prepared ropes and hooks, threw them onto the city wall, and climbed up along the wall.

The city walls in Zhuxian Town are relatively simple, with bare rammed earth walls and no brick covering. Many ravines have been carved out by rain all year round.

Liu Zongmin and others can use their knives to dig out some places to stay while holding on to the rope.

Not long after, everyone climbed to a height of more than ten feet. Suddenly, several heads appeared on the city, and they could only be heard muttering: "Son, you dare to climb the wall and play in broad daylight?"

Liu Zongmin couldn't help shouting, but he didn't wait for a reaction.

I saw those few people shrinking back, and then revealed a few hoes, and they started to hoe the ropes of the rebel army.

Some ropes were cut off in just a few strokes, and some were dug out directly along with the iron hooks.

Everyone felt the rope loosen in their hands, and they fell one after another with a pop.

Li Guo saw and understood at the bottom of the city, and quickly ordered his soldiers to attack with bows, arrows and firecrackers. He didn't know how many people were shot down. In the end, all the rebels fell.

Logically speaking, it wouldn't be a big deal if he fell down from a height of more than ten feet. The only problem was that the rebels were cautious and wore iron armor.

The fall was so hard that some broke their arms and legs, some were knocked out of breath, and some were unlucky enough to fall to death on the spot.

Liu Zongmin was also knocked hard and lay on the ground unable to get up for a long time.

It happened that the people in the city saw it and threw down the pots, bricks, and clods of earth. Liu Zongmin was so frightened that he ran back crawling.

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