Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 80 Who is kneeling down?

Early the next morning, "Purple Golden Liang" sent someone to invite Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun thought about it and took Wukong, Zhao Yutou and Zhang Shenyan to the appointment. Zhang Shenyan was quite cautious and deliberately changed his clothes to prevent Zhang Daojun from recognizing him.

The four of them arrived at the "Purple Golden Liang" camp and gathered with "Purple Golden Liang" Wang Ziyong, Han Tingxian, Qixu Taoist, "Lao Hui Hui" and "Ba Jingang", and headed to the foot of Douzhuang City to meet Zhang Daojun.

Arriving at the foot of Douzhuang City, everyone stood outside a stone's throw away, waiting for Zhang Daojun's arrival. Zhang Shun stood there and looked at Douzhuang, only to see that all the houses outside Douzhuang Castle had been burned down. Only the ruins of Heigulong, the dark red blood stains stuck on them, and an unknown corpse scattered everywhere were left, half burnt by the fire, giving off bursts of burnt smell.

Zhang Shun suppressed his nausea and thought: This "Purple Golden Liang" is still daydreaming, beating others like this, but failed to finally conquer this city. Now to come here and grovel, isn't it like slapping someone on the left cheek twice, and then expecting them to slap the other cheek? Do you think he, Zhang Daojun, is a fanatical believer in God?

Sure enough, after a while, a man nearly forty years old, wearing armor, climbed up the city wall and stood in front of the crenellations of the city wall. He smiled and said: "You burned my house. If you don't leave, I will burn you to ashes too!"

"Purple Gold Liang" was not upset when he heard this, but asked loudly: "Is this the former governor and acquaintance Zhang Gong in the city?"

"It's me, the rebellious ministers and traitors. What do you want?" Zhang Daojun asked contemptuously.

"Purple Gold Liang" hurriedly walked a few steps quickly, knelt down and said, "It turns out that it's Mr. Zhang who is in front of you. I am the 'Purple Gold Liang', and I'd like to have a word with you!"

"Oh? What's the matter with you?" Zhang Daojun no longer maintained his identity and treated him arrogantly, but instead said to his left and right, "Don't fire off guns and cannons, and let him come and speak."

"Purple Gold Liang" was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly took off his helmet and held it with his left hand. He walked dozens of steps forward on his knees, stuck out his buttocks, bowed three times to Zhang Daojun on the city, and said: "A certain person, formerly known as Wang Ziyong, became a monk and studied Taoism since he was a child. He mistakenly followed Wang Jiayin and ended up here."

Zhang Shun was immediately disgusted when he heard this. Not to mention the way he stuck his butt out, lying down and letting someone beat him, he looked very much like Song Sanlang played by later teacher Li Xuejian, making people want to kick him in the butt.

Besides, he has a smooth head with scars that haven't disappeared even after taking off his helmet, and he keeps claiming that he learned Taoism since he was a child, which is the most ridiculous thing in the world. There is nothing more humbling than this in the world.

I don't know what Zhang Daojun on the city thought, but he just asked sternly: "Since you know the mistake of the thieves, why don't you surrender as soon as possible? Instead, you are so rampant and vicious."

Upon hearing this, Wang Ziyong of "Zijinliang" quickly kowtowed his head several times like a kowtowing insect, and defended himself: "I came here specifically to discuss surrender."

"Nonsense!" Zhang Daojun said angrily, "You have besieged me for more than a month, attacking the city day and night. Rushing chariots, arrow towers, earth mountains, and artillery took turns to attack, destroying my houses, killing my people, and injuring my soldiers. How can this be done in the world? Surrender? Don’t you, Wang Ziyong, treat me like a three-year-old?"

"Don't you dare, it's a capital crime!" Wang Ziyong kowtowed quickly, "This matter was all the daring and reckless actions of the young men before. When I arrived, it was already too late. Now that the matter has come to this, I only ask for Mr. Zhang's forgiveness. I immediately ordered the camp to be closed and evacuated."

"Since the boys' work was in vain, please point out who did this. And only after punishing this person for me can I surrender!" Zhang Daojun said with a smile.

"Purple Golden Liang" was shocked and at a loss when he heard this, so he had to turn around to look at everyone who came. "Lao Huihui", "Eight King Kongs" and others all looked at their mouths, noses and minds, without saying much. When Wang Ziyong of "Purple Golden Liang" visited Zhang Shun, Zhang Shun was excited and thought to himself: "This guy is not a good guy, so don't jump over the wall in a hurry. I have a shallow foundation and no loyalty to him, so I must not let him take advantage of me." Take the blame.”

So, Zhang Shun swaggered forward a few steps and said with a smile: "How foolish you are. Since the king leader has asked to surrender, he has already killed this person to show his sincerity. Why do you need to be aggressive? Yes or no, But there is only one thing to say. If your Excellency allows us to surrender, we should do so sincerely to show the court's favorable treatment and avoid the military disaster in Shanxi. If you do not allow it, everyone will gather their troops and horses according to their abilities. Why keep chattering? Like a girl!"

"Who are you? Why don't you kneel down when you see me?" Zhang Daojun saw that this person was very popular and neither humble nor arrogant, so he deliberately suppressed his momentum.

"I am the 'Optimus Prime' under the command of 'Purple Gold Liang'. Since I am not your subject, and you are not my king, why do you make me kneel down?" Zhang Shun said with a smile. He thought to himself, before I have time to marry your mother, I must not disturb the seniority first and make it difficult for you to be a good person in the future.

"Your leader, Zijin Liang, has already knelt down. Why don't you kneel down? Aren't you afraid of offending me?" Zhang Daojun also laughed.

"Zou Ji once said: When my wife beautifies me, she is selfish; when my concubine is beautifying me, she is afraid of me; when a guest beautifies me, she wants something from me. The king's leader is not kneeling to you, but to Shanxi. Cangsheng'er. This kneeling is an act of great sincerity and great virtue. How dare you accept it? Now I have no desires and no demands. One person is full and the whole family is not hungry. Why do I kneel to you? Why do I kneel to the world?" Zhang Shun laughed loudly. He smiled and said that not only Zhang Daojun on the city was confused by his words, but also the king himself was confused: Do I have such high virtue? Why don’t I, the king Ziyong, know about it?

Standing on the city wall, Zhang Daojun felt that he was much smaller. This verbal battle was a complete defeat. Zhang Daojun was suppressed by Zhang Shun's righteousness. If he didn't express anything, his reputation would be ruined if word spread. So he had no choice but to take his own helmet, bowed three times in return to the "Purple Gold Liang", and said: "I didn't know that if the king's leader is so righteous, he will lose his way."

"You release the people you captured, return the property you plundered, and dismiss your tribe. I will ask you to appease the army, express your righteousness, and forgive your death penalty!"

Wang Ziyong of "Zijinliang" was surprised and happy when he heard this. He thought that Zhang Shun was so arrogant and things were not harmonious. However, he did not expect that things would turn around in an instant. He couldn't help crying with joy. He kowtowed three times and said, "Thank you, Duke Zhang, for your righteousness. I also want to thank Duke Zhang for your kindness in surviving for the sake of my soldiers."

Zhang Daojun heard this and shook his head secretly, thinking: "This king is a thief who can only defend himself, and he will be captured sooner or later. But that 'Optimus Prime' has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, so he must be dealt with carefully. We must not leave any room for him." Here’s an opportunity to take advantage of.”

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