Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 86 Fight to the Death (Part 1)

The road heading east from Jiuxian Town follows the valley of a small river in the mountains. "Zijinliang" and the others also had to attack eastward along the river valley. Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi, was caught off guard. He thought that "Zijin Liang" and others were turtles in the urn, just waiting to be captured. Only the offensive formation was arranged, but no corresponding defensive formation was arranged.

They were caught off guard by "Zijin Liang" and others. After the Qingqi troops who originally came to harass the camp ended, they rested a few miles away from Jiuxian Town according to Song Tongyin's subordinates. As a result, "Zijin Liang" and others concentrated their cavalry and launched a counter-surprise attack.

Song Tong Yin's forward cavalry was caught off guard and was completely defeated. They had no choice but to flee all the way, but on their way they met thousands of Song Tongyin's infantry who were preparing to support the cavalry. When the officers, soldiers and infantry discovered the enemy's situation and formed their formation, the rebels drove the defeated cavalry into the formation.

The officers and soldiers were in a dilemma for a while, not knowing how to deal with their own cavalry. As a result, the rebels who were chasing after them raised troops and took the opportunity to attack. They defeated them in one fell swoop and covered them up for several miles. At this time, Shanxi Governor Song Tongyin had just arrived at the mouth of the valley with his main force of more than 10,000 people, preparing to enter the valley to capture the thieves.

However, he did not expect the defeated cavalry to retreat in advance. Song Tongyin received the news that "the thieves and bandits were all rebelling", and he quickly deployed his soldiers at the mouth of the valley to prevent the rebels from leaving the valley. When the "Zijinliang" and other rebels rushed out of the valley entrance, they were blocked by Song Tongyin's troops. A burst of gunfire and artillery bombardment pushed the rebels back to the valley entrance.

Zhang Shun's team moved slowly because of the bullock carts, artillery and other equipment, and followed the "Eight King Kong". When he arrived near the mouth of the valley, he saw a sea of ​​people in front of him. Zhang Shun stepped forward and asked, only to find out that the rebels were blocked in the valley and could not get out.

"Purple Golden Liang" knew that he was resourceful and quickly invited him to consult. Zhang Shun followed "Zijinliang", "Lao Huihui", "Ba Jingang" and others to look outside, and saw Shanxi Governor Song Tongyin's troops lined up, blocking the entrance of the valley.

The opponent occupies a flat land, and the formation is suitable for deployment; while the rebels occupy a valley, and although there are more people than the opponent, they cannot deploy the formation. We can only adopt the tactic of adding fuel to the fire and kill people one by one. If the officers and soldiers were slightly weak, they would retreat slightly, then ride on them, and the rebel army would be defeated again.

Zhang Shun now understood that in this kind of terrain, if the rebels were to defend and the officers and soldiers came to attack, the rebels would only need a small number of men and horses to prevent the officers and soldiers from entering; however, conversely, no matter how many soldiers and soldiers the rebels had, they would not be able to get out. This is exactly what "there is a strong enemy in front and a pursuing army behind", and the situation of the rebel army was precarious for a while.

Zhang Shun thought for a while and said to "Purple Gold Liang" and others: "It is not difficult to break this lineup. The difficulty lies in the lack of ammunition and artillery. If the artillery and ammunition are enough, I can break it for everyone."

"Zijinliang" was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly returned the artillery that he had exchanged from Zhang Shun to Zhang Shun. However, due to the emergency situation, several artillery pieces were abandoned on the road, and Zhang Shun could only return eleven artillery pieces, eight two-inch pieces and three three-inch squatting tiger pieces.

Therefore, Zhang Shun added his original artillery and newly cast artillery, and had a total of thirty-six artillery pieces, including eighteen two-inch caliber guns and eighteen three-inch caliber guns. Zhang Shun asked for a lot of gunpowder pellets from everyone before he was satisfied.

He ordered his men to load all the artillery on the ox carts, and formed a formation around the carts. With the cavalry behind them, they rushed towards Song Tongyin's formation with the cart formation. Seeing this, Song Tongyin quickly ordered a bombardment with artillery.

It's just that Song Tongyin acted in a hurry and did not have time to bring more large-caliber artillery. The artillery in hand was mostly firearms such as Tiger Crouching Cannon and Wankou Tong. For Zhang Shun's team, which was defended by vehicles, the threat was not great. Only a few unfortunate people were injured by firearms.

In turn, Zhang Shun was not in a hurry to order to fire, but just ordered the soldiers to follow the formation and press closer to the formation of officers and soldiers. When Song Tongyin saw that something was not going well, he quickly ordered the bows and crossbows to be fired. Most of the soldiers in the front row of Zhang Shun's team were protected by cotton armor and other armors. Many of them were hit by fire blunderbuss, bows and arrows, but they hardly suffered much damage. Only some were killed or injured on the spot.

After all, Zhang Shun's men were all new soldiers, and now they were all panicked and a little shaken. As soon as Zhang Shun saw that things were not going well, he quickly ordered five two-inch caliber and five three-inch caliber Tiger Crouching Cannons to bombard Song Tongyin's formation with live ammunition.

Song Tong Yin's army formation was still deployed in a traditional way, and the lineup was relatively dense. When Zhang Shun fired live ammunition into it, many people were killed and injured immediately. Some unlucky soldiers were even strung together by live ammunition. At this time, the morale of Zhang Shun's men was greatly boosted, but Song Tong and Yin soldiers began to riot.

Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi Province, saw that Zhang Shun's "turtle fire gun formation" was really difficult to fight, and that he had already released the artillery, so he immediately seized the opportunity and ordered the cavalry to charge into the formation. There were many officers, soldiers and cavalry, but because the terrain was not conducive to deployment, only more than 500 cavalry were sent to charge the formation.

Since Zhang Shun had many soldiers and only a hundred or so ox-carts, which could not tightly surround the soldiers, and there was a large gap in the middle, the officers and soldiers were not worried about Zhang Shun using vehicles to prevent the cavalry from attacking. Five hundred cavalry may not sound like much, but once they charge, they are no less powerful than thousands of troops.

Many people's understanding of the cavalry is mostly based on texts and film and television works, but when they actually face the cavalry, they can truly understand why the cavalry is the master of the cold weapon era.

The weight of war horses is generally not less than 600 jins, the weight of soldiers is not less than 100 jins, the weight of armor and weapons is not less than 100 jins, and the total weight is upwards of 800 jins, which is about the weight of a thousand jins in later generations. .

The movement of a thousand kilograms of weight cannot be stopped by human power, let alone the movement of hundreds of kilograms of weight. Suddenly the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the sound of horse hooves was deafening; the cavalry and infantry came towards them, and the oppressing soldiers were frightened.

Although Zhang Shun was considered a brave man, he didn't realize that the two sides were fighting and almost wanted to flee. He gritted his teeth, barely suppressed the fear in the center, and shouted loudly: "Prepare the second group of artillery, and the other artillery is not allowed to fire!"

At this time, several gunners who were extremely frightened tried to tremble with the torches in their hands to light the artillery in front of them. Zhang Shun rushed up, kicked one over, and knocked down another with a whip. At this time, Zhang Shun didn't talk about any rules and regulations, and just shouted: "If you don't obey my order, you are not allowed to fire!"

The others were already frightened and were at a loss as to whether they heard Zhang Shun's order. At this time, Zhang Shun thought of Liu Yinggui and shouted loudly: "Where is the military judge? Stand behind the formation with me immediately. Anyone who dares to flee and retreat will be killed without mercy!"

Liu Yinggui said "Ah" and seemed to have just recovered from the fear. He subconsciously replied: "My lord, Yinggui is here!" He quickly pulled out the knife, kicked left and right a few times, and ordered them all to pull it out. When the sword came, he ran to the back of the formation to supervise the battle.

Thanks to the fan "龾爩驧雦" for the reward, the author will update the work for everyone as soon as possible

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