Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 88 Fight to the Death (Part 2)

Of course, even if it is said to be a real fight, it also requires skill, and one cannot lose one's life in vain. Seeing the sharp artillery of Zhang Shun's team, Song Tongyin immediately came up with a countermeasure: he ordered a group of troops to form a "sparse formation" to attack.

The so-called "sparse formation", as the name suggests, means that the distance between the soldiers in the formation is larger, which can reduce casualties caused by artillery shot. If generalized in a broad sense, the hollow square formation in the West and the "three-three system" of the people's army in later generations are also a continuation of this idea.

Of course, Song Tongyin certainly did not have this level of ability. He simply spread out the ordinary formation. But that was all, and it also put huge pressure on Zhang Shun. Because Zhang Shun knew very well the character of his soldiers. A few months ago they were all victims of disaster and starvation in Mengjin, and a month ago they were not equipped with weapons.

To put it nicely, this is called soldiers who are not trained, but to put it worse, it is just that the farmer has a gun. If it weren't for the high martial arts skills of his subordinates Chen Changzhen, Xiao Qinhu and others, they might not be able to defeat even the more ferocious bandits in hand-to-hand combat, let alone officers and soldiers who have undergone military training? Although the officers and soldiers in Song Tongyin's hands were not the elite of the border army, they were still carefully selected guardsmen, and they were not comparable to those of Zhang Shun's ordinary people who had sufficient life skills.

However, if the artillery is released now, not only will it not be able to kill the enemy, but it will also lose the deterrent effect on the enemy, making it easier for the opponent to take advantage of the gap between artillery reloading to rush up and engage in hand-to-hand combat with one's own troops.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun secretly ordered the Chinese army to get out of the way and leave a wide enough passage. When the middle of the formation was empty, only Wei Congyi's troops in front were still blocking the passage. However, Wei Congyi himself had strong leadership ability and had many veterans under his command, so it was easy for his soldiers to disperse to both sides and open up the passage.

The officers and soldiers on the opposite side moved forward cautiously because they were afraid of Zhang Shun's artillery. Although it is said that his side has set up a "sparse formation" to reduce the damage of artillery. But for individual officers and soldiers, as long as they are hit, they will lose their lives. It does not matter how many other officers and soldiers around them die.

Therefore, taking advantage of the slow rhythm of the officers and soldiers' attack, Zhang Shun opened a passage in the middle of the formation, allowing Chen Changzhen to gallop out with his freshly prepared cavalry. Chen Changzhen, armed with a tiger tendon bow and riding a bay-red horse, rushed out of the formation first and shot a small flag officer to death with just one arrow.

At this time, other cavalrymen also rushed out following Chen Changzhen, like a flood rushing out of a mountain stream, instantly rolling into the officers and soldiers who were slowly attacking. The officers and soldiers had already formed a sparse lineup to protect the artillery. How could they withstand the cavalry's surprise attack?

Zhang Shun's rookie cavalry, led by Chen Changzhen, clumsily lit the three-eyed musket in their hands, and then pointed it at the officers and soldiers more than ten steps away from him and others. There was only a burst of firecrackers, and the officers and soldiers fell to the ground one by one like wheat being cut, never to get up again.

Although the three-eyed gun is weak in power, it is not very accurate. However, Chen Changzhen asked the cavalrymen to load three or four projectiles into their guns and fire them three at the same time. Even gods could not avoid them at such a close distance. Many officers and soldiers wore cotton armor that was made of shoddy materials and didn't even have iron armor inside. How could they defend themselves? All of a sudden there was death.

Chen Changzhen was still quite nervous at first, but when he saw this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. With a loud shout, he put down the tiger tendon bow, replaced the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, and rushed into the enemy's formation first. The other cavalrymen also swung the three-eyed guns in their hands and hammered them at the officers and soldiers on the right.

Riding on foot is a test of courage, experience, and martial arts equipment. The cavalry and horses together are already taller than the soldiers, which is not conducive to infantry attacks. What's more, the horse speed is very fast. When many people see the cavalry raising their weapons, they think that the attack has not yet come, but they never thought that the cavalry waved and the distance of more than ten feet passed by in an instant.

Shanxi is originally a second-line border town. It rarely engages in direct field battles with northern Tatars. Even if there is a conflict, most of them focus on defending the city. The officers and soldiers in person can be considered to have experienced battle formations, but they have rarely experienced cavalry charges. What's more, if their formation is spread out, how can they withstand a cavalry charge? Immediately, the cavalry led by Chen Changzhen plowed through several bloody "bloody roads" like plows plowing the ground.

When Song Tongyin saw that the attacking team was in chaos, and then many cavalry broke through the formation, he couldn't help but be frightened. He only knew that the rebels blocking the valley had been released. In panic, No matter what, he quickly ordered the archers and gunmen to shoot.

As soon as Chen Changzhen and others rushed out, they were faced with a black muzzle and open bows and arrows, and they couldn't help but be shocked. Chen Changzhen quickly turned his horse's head and ordered the cavalry to move laterally, trying to avoid the shooting of the officers and soldiers.

But wherever it was easy to dodge, five or six cavalrymen were knocked off their horses on the spot, and three or four more were hit and hit on their horses. They were thrown off and had no way of survival. But what was even worse was the officers and soldiers behind them who had just been attacked by them.

The wolf had just gone in front, and the tiger was attacked behind. They were served by their own people with bows, arrows, and firecrackers, and there were countless casualties. These officers and soldiers didn't know where the attack came from, and they suddenly became chaotic.

When Zhang Shun saw this situation, how could he let go of such a good opportunity? No matter what happened, Wei Congyi, Zhang Sanbai, and Xiao Qinhu were quickly ordered to attack. These officers and soldiers had suffered heavy losses. They were frightened and did not dare to resist. They were frightened by the charge launched by Zhang Shun's men. They immediately turned around and ran towards the officers and soldiers' main formation in a chaotic manner.

Although Tongyin of the Song Dynasty was known as a military commander, how could he have commanded a battle involving more than ten thousand people on the spot? I was suddenly at a loss and didn't know how to deal with these defeated troops. Before his subordinates and generals could run over and suggested killing without mercy, the defeated army had already reached the main formation.

Zhang Shun was overjoyed when he saw it, and shouted loudly: "The officers and soldiers have been defeated, the officers and soldiers have been defeated!" When Zhang Shun's subordinates heard this, they also responded and shouted: "The officers and soldiers have been defeated!" Above the battle formation, it was originally People are bumping into each other, and they are crowded together, making it impossible to see clearly the situation of the battle. This is also the reason why ancient commanders liked to command on high ground or set up watchtowers to check the enemy's situation.

The officers and soldiers did not know the depth of "thieves". They only knew that they had suffered heavy losses in the previous attacks, and it was natural that they should be defeated this time. Immediately, the big officials and the small soldiers turned around and ran away. As the saying goes, "You can lose a team battle, but you can't lose your life."

When Zhang Shun saw the officers and soldiers in front of him were in chaos and trampling on each other, why didn't he know that his life should be cut off? He quickly boarded the bullock cart excitedly, picked up the drumstick, and started beating the drum of injustice that he had snatched from the Mengjin County government office.

Thank you to fan "Po Shui" and fan "Wu Lingyi" for the large reward, and thank you to fan "shumushui" for the reward! Thanks!

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