Outside the Rotting Snake’s Lair, shadows surrounded from all directions at extremely fast speeds.

   The cannon fodder who was on guard in a dark place along the way was breathing out boredly.

   Suddenly one hand stretched out from the shadow behind, covering his mouth!


   suddenly broke his head.

   A famous night-bearer appeared from the darkness, they continued to cooperate with each other, and fumbled inside vigilantly.

  Behind these night-bearers, the white bear walked out accompanied by a woman with short hair, a flat chest, a rigid face and large black glasses.

   "This group of people is not easy. There are guards in such far away areas."

   The white bear is also a little surprised.

"This shows that your good luck is coming. The fatter your goal, the richer your rewards. No matter how strong the opponent is, your mission this time is stable. Because this is their nest, as long as they are exposed, they can only escape. The road can go!"

The woman next to    said lightly.

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty

   "Master Kai'Sa, you are right."

   The white bear replied respectfully, don't look at Kai'Sa's inhumane look. In fact, she is very fair and takes good care of him. Otherwise, the white bear, who grew up from the grass roots, could not be so good.

   Kai'Sa feels like a female nerd, not threatening.

   Only those who know her know that Kai'Sa is a five-star high-level horror night bearer. She has been responsible for many large and small tasks and has very rich experience.

   As soon as the task is executed, she can see how good the task is at a glance.

   Rotting Snake Lair is deep in the second floor underground, in a wide room.

   The whole room is full of sophisticated instruments.

   There is a luxurious seat in the middle area with a man sitting on it.

   This man has a pale yellow face, his eyes are dull, and his entire skin including his face is wrinkled.

   On his chest, there is an ugly and distorted face, and the whole face is vivid, like a real person. And behind this face, countless subtle blood touches stretched out to link the body.

   "This body is dying again."

   "Master Omas, you can have as many carriers as you want."

   Hu Lie replied calmly.

   "The conventional carrier is boring. I want to change to a new one this time. What do you think of a woman?"

   Omas made a harsh sound.

   "No problem, go and bring some."

   Hu Lie waved at the subordinate next to him.

   It didn't take long for a row of women to be taken up, and Xiaoli was among them.

   She lowered her head in extreme horror.

   Ormus walked up to this row of girls and looked at everyone with great interest.

   Some people with relatively poor psychological quality fainted on the spot.

   After all, those who were pulled over were basically serving as nourishment for Omas.

   Of course, it can be used as a nourishment, and it’s okay to be a carrier naturally.

  Omas walked to Xiaoli.

   Xiaoli was trembling all over, praying silently not to choose her.

   Hu Lie said to Omas, "This one is pregnant, and his body is not good."

   "It's really not good, it's a pity, but it's better for a pregnant woman, let me watch it carefully, and when her baby is more mature, I will start to enjoy it."


   Hu Lie nodded, and said nothing.

  Omas walked to the next tall woman, who was trembling in fright.

   "It's her!"

"no, do not want…"

   The woman who heard that she had been selected shouted in fear, trying to escape.

   Unfortunately, it was useless. The **** behind her directly stretched out her hand to press on her shoulder, suppressing it firmly.

   In the next second, Omas's face straightened out.

   The blood touching the withered man was broken one by one, and then the tentacles plunged directly into the woman's chest.


  Omas is like a layer of leather, sticking to his chest.

   The woman who was still struggling suddenly stopped.

   Then the people pressing her released their hands.

   Omas let out a harsh laugh: "Yes! Yes, it feels good."

   Hu Lie waved his hand: "It's good to take everyone down."


   The people below responded one after another.

   Hu Lie asked Omas, "Master Omas, let me ask about how long it will take for new products to be developed."

   "You told them that it's coming soon, and the new generation of magic cards is even more effective!"

   Omas replied with a grinning smile.

   "Okay, I believe the adults above heard this..."

   Hu Lie was just halfway talking.

   Suddenly, the whole lair rang an ear-piercing alarm!

"what's the situation?"

   Hu Lie's face changed suddenly.

   Someone rushed in immediately, and anxiously reported: "It's not good, we are surrounded, and a large number of night-bearers have come in!"

"How can it be!"

   Hu Lie's eyes almost protruded.

   "A bunch of rubbish, people don't even know that they are packaged."

   Omas's ugly face is extremely angry!

   "I will meet them, you protect Lord Omas, if it doesn't work, prepare to retreat!"

   Hu Lie gave orders with a gloomy face.


   On the other side, Lan Chen rushed forward as soon as Director Bai and others rushed in.

   In the entire huge warehouse, gunshots were heard everywhere, exploding everywhere, and flames blazing into the sky.

   The battle was extremely fierce from the start.

   There are screams and flesh and blood everywhere.

   Shen Ye patted Tang Hao on the shoulder.

   "Remember not to go anywhere."

   "Okay, okay..."

   Tang Hao was almost scared to pee when he saw this fierce battle scene.

   Shen Ye instructed Tang Hao to directly use Ruying Follow Me!

   The whole body suddenly disappeared, appearing in the dark corner marked previously.

   At this time, the entire Rot Snake Base was messed up in a pot of porridge, and there were sounds of running everywhere.

   "Quick! Quick..."

   Shen Ye stared at the door in front of him.

   He still did not dare to approach.

   At this time, the leader of the patrol here last time, holding a very special bell in his hand.

   He shook it a few times! The whole bell made a harsh sound.

   Immediately after the empty gate, two humanoid and ferocious earthbound spirits appeared, their eyes were scarlet, and they fell into a violent state.

   If it weren't for that guy with a bell in his hand, it is estimated that these two spirits would directly kill the man in front of him.

   But the next scene stunned Shen Ye even more.

   saw that the team leader retreated to a certain safe distance, then slammed the bell to the ground and squashed it, then turned and left.

   "Damn! It's ruthless, it's after self-breaking!"

   Shen Ye was also surprised and grateful when he saw this scene.

   Fortunately, I am not that idiot and rushed over.

   Although it is difficult for others to pull themselves out of the shadows, these two are absolutely no problem, and they can definitely attack him.

   Shen Ye decisively turned his head to look in another direction, and walked to the middle road.

  After counting the distance, he planned to pass through the wall in the middle, bypassing the two earth-bound spirits.

   Can't beat, still can't hide?

   Not to mention it's really not easy to get around, Shen Ye also bite the bullet, and took a lot of effort to get through.

   But when Shen Ye got out of the shadow on the other side of the wall, he was also confused.

   Where did you wear this?

   He found himself shuttled to a fully enclosed storage room.

   There are shelves in the storage room, and many things are placed on them.

  The most conspicuous among them are weapons.

   A special high-level Rattlesnake Rocket Launcher, and many other types of weapons.

   And on the front of these weapons, there is also a very special round tube rod. The center of the rod body is transparent glass, and the fluorescent liquid flowing inside can be seen, which is quite unique.

   Shen Ye walked over and picked it up, squeezed it, played with it, and it felt quite light.

Um? There are actually instructions.

   He stretched out his other hand curiously and took a look, his eyes were almost falling out.

   Highly concentrated star crystal fission bomb.

   Killing range 10 kilometers * 10 kilometers.

  Producing country railroad country!

   super dangerous goods, please handle with care.

   Shen Ye saw this, his hands trembled, and he almost threw the highly concentrated star crystal fission bomb to the ground.

   My face is scared green~

   Are these guys crazy? Such dangerous things are placed indiscriminately.

   Shen Ye gently put the bomb back, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.


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