Thunder Country


   At the same time, attach a picture, you can see the city with smoke everywhere!

   Shen Ye looked at his eyes straight, hell, do you want to be so fierce.

   At this time, Wuri, who had been eating quietly, stood up excitedly and shouted: "Nonsense, it's all lie!"

   Shen Ye looked at Wuri with a dazed expression, why is this guy so excited? As for?

   "Wuri calm down, what's going on."

"The owner of the pavilion is not what they say. It is the countries that are killing us madly. It is not our people who are causing chaos. I have some relatives in the Voent Empire. I received their contact a while ago. They are Besieged and killed indiscriminately."

   Wuri explained to Shen Ye excitedly.

   "You don't need to say I understand."

   Shen Ye motioned for him to be quiet.

   Wu Rui gradually calmed down at this time.

   At this time, after the announcement of the list, the hostess continued to announce.

"Because the relationship between the mutants and the various local alliance countries is very tense, they have reached the point of walking on thin ice. In addition, the Autumn Star recently conducted a trial of temporary identities of mutants, resulting in a large number of mutants wanting to smuggle at all costs. The Star of Autumn. According to statistics from relevant departments, the number of mutants who have recently smuggled to the Star of Autumn has skyrocketed with an exponential pattern. In the past seven days, the interstellar airports of the alliance countries have arrested more than 7 million mutants who tried to smuggle to the Star of Autumn. Therefore. The coalition government issued a special interstellar civil aviation control order to strengthen inspections of all interstellar flights, and at the same time ordered the City of Autumn to temporarily close some interstellar civilian flights to calm the smuggling trend."

   When Shen Ye heard this, his face was black! Go all over here, that's okay!

   Luo Yun and Xiaoha looked at Shen Ye with a worried look: "The master, what should I do?"

"It's okay, it's okay, what should we do, it's not our business, we can't manage this kind of big market thing. Besides, it doesn't affect us much. Didn't you see that the interstellar flight has been controlled? They can't teleport over."

   Shen Ye analyzed confidently.

   "Yes, but it feels so pitiful!"

   Luo Yun nodded and said back, she could feel the helplessness of those people, just like they had tried so hard to sneak over.

   Although the environment on the Autumn Star is also good, many of my compatriots have also died here. But compared to the country they used to stay in, this place is simply heaven. Because here, at least it won't be suppressed every day, don't look at the besieged and suppressed a few days ago, it was at least secretly. And it won’t happen once in a few years. In other countries, it’s a public act, every day, every day. All mutants are like mice under the ground, it is impossible to see the bright sunshine and breathe a breath of fresh air.

   "Eat, eat."

   Shen Ye picked up the remote control and changed the channel directly. In fact, he is also very painful. Don't look at the good words above, he has already taken control and control!

   There is a demand since ancient times, and there is a market!

   He can guess with his eyes closed, how many mutants will arrive at the Star of Autumn when he looks back, the position of the curator is not easy to sit in.

   And the most cheating thing is that he is still the curator outside. Of those newly added mutants, 90% must stay on the periphery.

When    falls, the area here is probably more chaotic.

   The night is getting deeper and deeper, and on the top of a dilapidated clock tower outside the city of Autumn, there are two figures standing.

   A faint starlight shone on the two blurred figures, barely able to see their faces.

   A mutant girl with furry ears, a delicate face, and a lace dress. The other is a black-haired man full of gentlemen and nobles.

   And they carry a cross badge on their chests at the same time.

   If anyone sees this badge, they will be absolutely shocked. Anyone who wears this badge belongs to a special organization, the Holy Alliance Cross Brigade, and all members of the brigade are called Backlighters.

   "The City of Autumn, I haven't been here for a long time."

   "Yes, I haven't been here for a while. If I can, I don't want to break the peace here. After all, this is one of the few paradise for our compatriots."

   "But we seem to have no choice."

   "That one can say sorry to the Lord Hongye..."


   With a sigh, the two figures gradually disappeared.

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Eight

   The next day, Shen Ye lay in bed and fell asleep.


   The sound of rapid footsteps came into the room along with Luo Yun's horrified shouts.

   "My lord, it's not good!"

   "Master of the museum!"

   was sleeping very sweetly in the deep night, suddenly jumped up from the bed, stretched out his hand to touch the weapon on the bedside table.


   The houses were directly pushed aside by Luo Yun.


   "Don't be afraid, where is the enemy if I am here?"

   Shen Ye said to Luo Yun with a weapon in his hand.

   "Not the enemy."

   Luo Yun was also taken aback, hurriedly waved his little hand, and replied somewhat incoherently.

   After listening to Luo Yun's words, Shen Ye heaved a sigh of relief and put the sword away. He breathed, he thought that an enemy had rushed into the tavern, and he was almost not scared to death.

   "No enemies, why are you so anxious."

   "Not the owner, there are so many mutants outside!"

   Luo Yun explained.

   "A lot of mutants? How could it be possible."

   Shen Ye asked with a dazed expression.

   "Really, the owner doesn't believe you go out and have a look."

   Luo Yun explained.

   "Oh, I thought it would be a big deal, just let Lan Chen drive them away, really."

   "No way, I can't drive away!"

   "What do they want? Want to blackmail me?"

   When Shen Ye heard Luo Yun's words, an unknown flame was also burning, and he was sick! Why are you here to gather here?

   "No, I don't know how to say, anyway, Brother Lan Chen can't figure it out. Master, please go and have a look, or something will happen."

   Luo Yun hurriedly took Shen Ye out.

   "I haven't changed my clothes yet!"

   Shen Ye has a black line on his face.

   Not long after, Shen Ye in pajamas was pulled into the lobby by Luo Yun. All the windows of the tavern were closed tightly, the door was closed, and Wuri was moving the dining table to block the door.

   "Hey, what are you doing? Demolition of the house!"

   Shen Ye shouted out of temper.

   Lan Chen and the three turned their heads to see Shen Ye coming.

   "Master, you are awake."

   "I was awakened by you when I was not awake, what are you doing?"

   "Block the door, there are too many mutants outside."

   Lan Chen scratched his head and replied.

"Insane, blocking the door. I have a dignified tavern owner who was blocked by a few mutants, and he was too scared to open the door. I won't be a joke when it spreads out? I want to see which **** is so courageous. , Open the door!"

   Shen Ye said to the three Lan Chen.

   Lan Chen and the three shook their heads desperately, looking like they couldn't.

   Shen Ye got angry with his stomach, and said angrily: "Open the door!"

   "Big brother, are you sure?"

   Lan Chen asked worriedly.

"I'm sure!"

   Shen Ye doesn't believe in evil anymore!

"okay then."

   Seeing Shen Ye's persistence, Lan Chen and Wuri started to move back the table blocking the door.

   Shen Ye walked to the gate and stretched out his hand to open the door of the tavern directly, and the bright sun shone into the tavern.

   Immediately after Shen Ye, it was petrified in place.

   I saw mutants sitting cross-legged in a dense crowd at the entrance of the tavern and on the street outside. At a glance, there is no end in sight of a large area of ​​black pressure, there are so many fingers!



   Shen Ye stepped back immediately and closed the tavern door.

   He turned his head mechanically to look at Lan Chen and several people: "Who can explain to me why there are so many mutants? Surround us!"

   Lan Chen shook their heads desperately.

   Shen Ye took a deep breath, calming down his excitement.

   He immediately said to Lan Chen and the others.

   "Immediately move the tables and chairs over, block the doors for me, and the windows! I'll call for help."

   Lan Chen and the others hurriedly moved again, moving tables and chairs.

   Shen Ye picked up his cell phone and quickly dialed Bai Xiong, he wanted to scold his mother!


   The call was connected soon.


   The voice of the white bear rang on the phone.

   "Don't feed me, hurry up and save me. Lao Tzu's tavern is surrounded by mutants. If you don't come again, you won't see me brother when they move."

   Shen Ye Shiwan anxiously shouted to the white bear.

   "It can't be saved, Lao Tzu is now guarding the intersection leading to Changning Street. But you don't have to worry, you are not alone, but to be correct, the entire city of Autumn is besieged."

   The white bear exhaled and said.

   "What! The whole city of autumn is surrounded. Don't joke with me, how could it be possible! Where are so many mutants, are you **** in the daytime?"

   "You're right, it's hell. With so many mutants, Maple Leaf City's security bureau and city guards have all been dispatched, and they are now trying to control the situation."

   "Impossible, impossible, you treat them as Xiaoqiang! There are so many that pop up? You tell me what happened, why are so many mutants appearing here?"

"Don't ask me anymore. I don't know who to ask. I am a hell! I tell you that according to preliminary statistics, at least one hundred million mutants have entered the Autumn Star and are scattered in various cities of the Autumn Star. Among them are More than ten million mutants came to the City of Autumn! More than ten million! What a concept! The total population of the City of Autumn is only 50 million!"

   The white bear is also extremely annoyed.

   Shen Ye was stunned, unable to say a word for a long time, so many people?

   He stuttered and asked, "You didn't kid me, did you?"

   "I made a fart joke with you!"

   Bai Xiong took a deep breath, his lungs ached.

"Impossible, impossible, you are definitely joking with me, you treat me as a three-year-old child, 100 million people? You are 100 million meters! If you enter the Autumn Star, you will enter the Autumn Star! Even if you let all of your interstellar flights Uninterrupted and openly carrying mutant people over 24 hours a day, it is impossible to carry them over overnight."

   "You ask me, who do I ask? You think I don't understand the truth of these three-year-olds. The problem is that they really appear now. I won't tell you anymore."

   Bai Xiong directly hung up the phone.

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