originally thought that Bazel would be confused.

   Unexpectedly, Bazel twisted his neck and said to Shen Ye arrogantly.

   "Your invigilator, do you think you misunderstood it? Oh, yes, there is something I think it is necessary to remind you."

   "I have good eyes, no need to remind."

   Shen Ye doesn't eat this set at all.

   "Hehe, our family is a great noble in the alliance government, and there are many people in our family who work in the star tower. Are you sure you haven't taken a blind eye?"

   Bazel looked at Shen Ye confidently.

   "Are you threatening me?"

   Shen Ye replied lightly.

   "I can't talk about it, but the invigilator should weigh it down, for a few untouchables, is it cost-effective?"

   Bazel used an unsuccessful trick.

   The corners of Shen Ye's mouth rose slightly: "Snatching other people's trophies and seriously threatening the lives of classmates, you have been eliminated."

  Bazer heard Shen Ye's words, his entire face suddenly distorted, staring at Shen Ye very fiercely.

"What did you say!"

   "I said you were eliminated!"

   Shen Ye unceremoniously directly sentenced Bazel and others.

   The faces of Zhang Heng and others were all green, and they were eliminated.

   Bazel stared at Shen Ye fiercely. In fact, for a second, he wanted to violently attack Shen Ye.

   Question, the inspector in front of him is a five-star star warrior.

   How could I ever fight!

   "I am not convinced, you have no evidence, I will complain to you!"

   Bazel retorted viciously.

   As a result, Shen Ye smiled dumbly, borrowing a sentence he heard not long ago.

   "If I said you violated the rules, I violated the rules, and I am the evidence. As for you, if you want to make a complaint, please file a complaint. Do you think Star Tower believes me or believes yours!"

   Bazel's expression was distorted with anger, and his reason was almost burnt out.


   "I don't think you are convinced, so I will give you a chance. You go together and can hold on to my hands for ten minutes, and I will let you go."

  Shen Ye suddenly changed his conversation and gave Bazel a chance to them!

   "You said, don't regret being beaten and disabled."

   Bazel angrily smiled back.

   "Don't worry about it."

   Shen Ye took a step back. Actually, Shen Ye just wanted to come down, and he was sentenced to be eliminated and it was over. The problem is that this guy dared to threaten him, how could he let him off so easily for those who threatened him.

   But I can't beat the students for no reason, I have to find a legitimate reason.

   Zhang Heng and others swallowed and spit, and looked at Bazel.

   "Brother, are we really going to fight him? He is a five-star!"

   Bazel looked at Zhang Heng and others fiercely: "I'm afraid of a ball! Give it to me. If anyone doesn't, I will take him out!"

   Zhang Heng and others shuddered, and under threat, they took up weapons one after another.

  Bazel takes the lead and rushes towards Shen Ye!

   The strange stone inlaid on the back of his hand burst out with purple light.

   His eyes became blood red!

   The whole body's skin is flushed, and the power grows like an explosion, and the whole popularity continues to rise.

   Shen Ye couldn't help but take a high look at Bazel, this guy really has the qualifications to be arrogant, and his family is very rich!

   No wonder you dare to be so arrogant, even the invigilator dared to threaten!

   This purple strange stone seems to belong to the more extreme series of violent.

   Bazel waved his iron fist, and smashed Shen Ye with his fist full of destructive power.

   Shen Ye dodged dexterously, slamming his knees on his stomach fiercely.

   Bazel red eyes ignoring the pain, frantically attacking Shen Ye! Moreover, in a violent state, his pain is greatly reduced, and his muscles are full of strength and extremely hard.


Hard enough!

   Shen Ye couldn't help but step back, moving his feet.

   As for Shen Ye, why not use a sword!

   I was afraid that if I didn't take my hand back for a while, it would be troublesome if I chopped it and disabled it.

   Zhang Heng and others also bite the bullet and launched an attack from the side.

   Shen Ye kept moving back for a while.

   Bazel arrogantly yelled without limit: "Only this ability."

   "Don't worry."

   Shen Ye said lightly.

   Suddenly Shen Ye stopped, lifted his foot and slammed on the ground!

   At this time, the fist shook by Bazel also smashed towards Shen Ye's face, and Zhang Heng and others also pierced it with a sword.

   Lv Hua saw this scene and stretched out his hand to cover his mouth nervously.

   Just when his fist was about to hit Shen Ye's face, he stopped.

   How to appoint Bazel, the fist just can't move!

   Zhang Heng and others were also shocked, and they found that they couldn't move either.

   Looking carefully, you will find that their shadows are all controlled by Shen Ye, which in turn restrains them.

   The corner of Shen Ye's mouth raised slightly and said to Bazel.

   "Don't fight anymore? Then it's me, iron!"

   Shen Ye hardened his fist instantly, and hit Bazel's face with a punch. Bazer was directly beaten up, and the whole head was buzzing.

   exited the violent state instantly.

   But before he could react sensibly, Shen Ye gave another punch and slammed it on his stomach.



   Bazel let out a painful cry.

   Shen Ye didn't mean to stop at all, and beat Bazel violently!

   directly beat him into a pig!

At the side of   , Zhang Heng and others were so scared that they were almost urinating. They were trembling all over, and they didn't even know that they were free to move.

   A few minutes later, Shen Ye looked at Bazel lying on the ground and fainted, clapped his hands with a still-unexpected expression, and turned his head to look at Zhang Heng.

   "Too casual, there are still seven minutes, how about you?"

   Zhang Heng and others kept shaking their heads suddenly

   "No, no, we surrender, we are willing to be eliminated."

   "Oh, why are you so witty?"

   Shen Ye looked boring.

   At this moment, a regional invigilator rushed over and fell in front of Shen Ye.

"grown ups."

   Shen Ye said to the invigilator: "They have been eliminated, take them away."

   "Okay, but this candidate was beaten so badly. If someone asks after going out, what should I say?"

   asked the invigilator hesitantly in the area before his eyes.

"ask for it."

   Shen Ye replied with a smile.

"Okay, I understand."

   The invigilator nodded, and said nothing.

Chapter 291 Notice

   Shen Ye turned to look at the five Lu Hua, and said faintly: "Send you a word, keep the green hills, don't be afraid that there is no firewood, life is more important than anything, you can do it yourself."

   Lv Hua nodded in response.

   "Thank you! Your invigilator."

   Shen Ye didn't say a word of nonsense, turned around and jumped away.

   In the early morning of the fourth day, Shen Ye stood on a towering tree with luxuriant branches, frowning, with a helpless expression on his face. There are only three days left until the end of the exam.

   I really want to find the designated person in the huge sea of ​​trees. If it's not very lucky, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

   If this is the case, there is no way, Shen Ye can only use the ultimate move.

   I saw Shen Ye standing on the trunk, slowly closing his eyes.

   In the next second, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a strong breath radiated from his body. At this moment, he reversed the original Qishi·Zero, releasing surging star power. I saw that the abundant star power began to leak out, by then, Shen Ye suddenly launched him to hide his big move!

   "Thousands of people and thousands of faces!"

   In an instant, on the big trees all around, there were nights with different appearances!

The number of    reached one thousand, making people look at the scalp numb.

   If possible, Shen Ye really doesn't want to use this trick. This trick was actually positioned by Shen Ye to save his life and escape.

   There is another point. This trick is extremely expensive to use star power. Under normal circumstances, Shen Ye's star power can't differentiate so many clones, and it can't last for too long. Only in the case of reversing the original stone, can it be fully utilized!

   So he can't use it as he wants, but now the situation is beyond his control, time is limited!


   Shen Ye shouted in a deep voice.

   In an instant, a thousand clones, like a tide, rushed in all directions.

   Numerous pictures passed from the clone to Shen Ye's mind.

   Shen Ye felt that his brain was about to explode. This was a kind of torture, he could only bite the bullet and support it.

   Time goes by every second.

   In the field of vision that Shen Ye passed back from the clone, he saw a famous candidate.

   A few hours later, Shen Ye's tight face suddenly moved slightly.

   From the information returned by the clone, he successfully found Shen Meng and Yunlan.

   It's a pity that Ye Han was not found, but it is normal. Ye Han is a third-grade student, and it is very likely that he has gone deeper into the Red Sea.

   Shen Ye stayed for a while, but Ye Han still didn't find Ye Han.

   So he kept the clones that followed Yunlan and Shen Meng, and cancelled all other clones.

   In the sea of ​​trees, the clones began to disappear.

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