The flash bangs~~

   Bo Rossi continued to read the next name.


   Shen Ye gets more excited as he listens, what rewards will he get when he arrives.

   Time passed every second.

   In the end, Bo Rossi cleared his throat and announced: "Next will be the highlight of the awarding of honors. Please ask Huang Wuyan, the host."

   I saw Huang Wuyan stepping onto the podium on the side of the Spring Star Tower.

"In this unexpected incident of the entrance exam, the master Huang Wuyan killed the A-level wanted criminal Moxi, 25 fourth-order mutants, and 48 third-order mutants. In addition, he was not afraid of life and death in rescuing captured students. Great credit!"

   "A gold badge of honor is now given! 5000W star coins, 3000 honor points, 2000 star points."

   After receiving the honor, Huang Wuyan saluted everyone and walked on in applause.

   Shen Ye looked at the reward, and he was also very happy, very rich!

   "The next hero, Haig, please."

   Bo Rossi yelled faintly.

   I saw the Xia Zhixing Tower branch, and Haig stepped onto the podium.

"Senior Nightbearer Haig killed A-level wanted criminal Xilu, 21 Tier 4 mutants, and 62 Tier 3 mutants in this unexpected incident of the entrance exam. In addition, none of the captured students were rescued. Fear of life and death, make great contributions!"

   "A gold honor badge is now given! 4000W star coins, 2500 honor points, and 2000 star points are awarded."

   Haig also saluted everyone after the award, and stepped down in applause.

   Soon the next one will arrive at Koshin.


   Shen Ye got more and more excited, and the reward seemed to be pretty good.

   Bai Xiong said to Shen Ye: "Calmness will arrive at you soon."

"I also feel that way!"

   Shen Ye smiled and replied.

   No accident, Ke Xin also received a gold badge of honor, rewarding 2000W star coins, 2000 honor points, and 1500 star points.

   The rewards are also very good. The reason why they are few is because they didn't kill Tier 5 wanted criminals.

   Then Hui Ge also stepped onto the stage.


   It didn't take long for Hui Ge and Luo Zheng to finish their rewards. They were about the same as Ke Xin.

   At this moment, Bo Rossi said, "Now I have the last hero Shen Ye to come on stage!"


   All eyes of the entire conference hall gathered.

   Shen Ye stood up calmly and walked up to the parliament stand.

   Vanoranka stood on the edge, looking at Shen Ye who came up with a kind smile, and nodded slightly to encourage him.

   Soon Shen Ye stood in front of everyone.

  Countless reporters started shooting crazy!

   The dazzling flash made Shen Ye's eyes a little unclear, but he still maintained a faint smile, the image first!

"In this unexpected incident of the entrance exam, the master of Shen Ye Museum killed A-level wanted criminal Leris, 14 fourth-tier mutants, and 27 third-tier mutants. In addition, he was not afraid of life and death in rescuing captured students. Make a great contribution!"

   "A gold badge of honor is now given! 2000W star coins, 2500 honor points, and 2000 star points are awarded."

   Shen Ye heard this reward, although the smile on his face did not change, but his heart was petrified, what's the situation?

   Huang Wuyan, Haige and others were also taken aback!

  Why the reward for Shen Ye is so low, it shouldn’t be! He killed an A-level wanted criminal. And in the final rescue, that guy blasted Moguka's head. Although he didn't get rid of him, he was not defeated by any of them in terms of credit.

   At this time, Vanoranka, who was standing on the edge of the podium, heard the announced reward and looked at the sinking night on the stage. His old face couldn't help but sighed and thought to himself.

   The old problems of the upper-level personnel of the Star Tower have committed again, and they have begun to measure rewards by seniority. They think that Shen Ye is a newly promoted newcomer, so they lowered the reward.

   Full bureaucracy, but it's normal. The huge star tower has existed for so many years, and the internal organization is naturally a bit bloated.

   But this kind of behavior is stupid in the eyes of Vanoranka.

   But soon Vanoranka came back to his senses. He stepped onto the stage, came in front of Shen Ye, picked up a gold medal and hung it on Shen Ye's chest.

   Shen Ye accepted it cheerfully and bowed to everyone, and soon there was a warm applause!

   At this time, Shen Ye stepped off the stage and came to the waiting area under the stage, Haig and the others were standing there, waiting for a group photo.

   At this time, Bo Rossi is making a routine summary speech.

   And when Huang Wuyan and others saw Shen Ye walking over, they greeted them one after another, raised their hands, and said hello.

   "Shen Ye met again."


   Shen Ye smiled and replied.

   "Because something left in a hurry, I didn't have time to say goodbye to you, don't mind!"

   Ke Xin said apologetically to Shen Ye.

Chapter 320 Reward

   "It's the same with me, I got the notice suddenly and left, sorry!"

   "Shen Ye, and me, I also have a temporary business, and there is no time to say goodbye to you. When you come back and have the opportunity to come to our planet, even if you come to us, I will definitely entertain you!"

   Hui Ge and others said with a smile.

   "No problem, if you have time to come to the Star of Autumn, just come to me, I promise to receive it all the way!"

   Shen Ye also patted his chest and replied.

   "Okay! Then it's settled."

   Haig and others responded with a smile, leaving contact information with each other.

   At this time, a staff member came over and said politely to Shen Ye and the others: "Masters, the group photo is about to begin."


   Shen Ye and the others nodded, and then all the honoring personnel stepped onto the stage!

   Not long after, Shen Ye and the honorees all lined up, and Shen Ye's six stood at the forefront.

   "three, two, one"

   shout with the photographer!


   The group video was finished, and Shen Ye and others all stepped off the stage.

Boroka said in a deep voice to many reporters: "I am here again to thank all the heroes for their dedication. It is because of their hard work that this world is so beautiful and full of hope. This is the end of the commendation meeting. All reporters please have Before leaving the venue, we have dedicated personnel to guide you to the lobby to rest."

   After speaking, a staff member of the Star Tower stepped forward and began to lead the reporter out.

   Shen Ye walked back to the Bai Xiong and sat down. Before Shen Ye could speak, Bai Xiong couldn't help but ask.

   "How come your rewards are so small."

"I'm not so sure either."

   Shen Ye is also a little puzzled, but he can't ask Boroka on the stage, right? Isn't that looking for smoke?

   "It's really too much."

   Bai Xiong couldn't help but complained for Shen Ye.

   "Ok, yes, it doesn't matter how much."

   Shen Ye replied indifferently. In fact, what he wanted to say was, what do you want these rewards for, it would be better to reward him with Dragon Sniper!

   "Yeah, I haven't seen you for a few days, I have increased my consciousness, and I regard money as dung?"

   The white bear looked at Shen Ye in an incredible way.

   "Go on, come to taunt me again. By the way, let me ask you, what's the use of this golden badge of honor?"

   Shen Ye asked curiously.

"Don't understand? The honor badges are divided into silver badges, gold badges, platinum badges, diamond badges, star badges, five ranks, among which silver is the lowest rank. But I haven't got one yet! These badges say Useful and useful, said useless or useless, it is mainly a symbol of honor. For example, when you attend the annual meeting, you can save face by hanging on your chest, or when you want to run for tower master or deputy tower master, and special positions in the star tower , It’s useful. At that critical moment, only look at the honor badge. And you are doing tasks, such as running for the joint examination invigilator. The badges are super dominant. Basically, you choose one. And each of these badges They are all unique. Look carefully at your golden badge to see if there is a picture on it."

   "Yes, there is a red maple leaf pattern."

   "This represents the glory of the Red Sea Land event."

   The white bear popularized Shen Ye.

   "So that's it!"

   Shen Ye nodded.

   When the two were chatting, the reporters all left the scene!


   The door to the conference hall suddenly closed!

   The atmosphere suddenly changed.

   Shen Ye and others' hearts suddenly froze, and he whispered to the white bear.

   "It seems something is wrong."

   "The highlight is coming."

   The white bear lowered his voice and replied.

   At this time, Bo Rossi patrolled everyone below with a cold and solemn gaze.

"Since ancient times there are rewards and punishments! A large number of students in the Land of the Red Sea incident have suffered torture and death. This incident happened not only because of the participation of the Holy Redemption Organization, but also because of the moths that appeared within us. Eating inside and out, assisting the personnel of the Holy Atonement Organization to enter the land of the Red Sea, and leaking the information and distribution map of the joint examination invigilator! Some people even assisted the mutant to sneak attack on the chief examiner Zhu Qi, resulting in Zhu Qi's death. His crime is inexcusable!"

   Hearing what Bo Rossi said, everyone present was startled.

   Shen Ye also took a deep breath.

   "First announce the list of trials. The original Autumn Star Nightbearer·Tu Qi is suspected of assisting mutants to enter the Red Sea, suspected of massacring their companions, and then committing death in an attempt to escape sanctions! He is sentenced to be executed!"

   Every time Bo Rossi announced a list, one person involved was brought up in public.

   "Zhang Song, the former night bearer of the Winter Star, was sentenced to 180 years in prison on suspicion of assisting the mutant to enter the land of the Red Sea."

   "Tan Wen, the owner of the original Autumn Star Tavern, is greedy for life and fear of death, forced by mutants and prostitution, has no moral bottom line, publicly insults female students, and causes serious damage to the star tower's reputation, and is sentenced to be executed."

   I saw Tan Wen, who was pressed up, fainted.

   Bo Rossi continued to announce the list indifferently.


   Shen Ye was also shocking to hear that, so many people were caught out of fraudulent deaths, and Star Tower's punishment was not so severe this time.

   Basically, either a decisive decision was taken, or it was imprisoned for more than a hundred years, and basically, if people went in, it was almost dead.

   A moment later, when Bo Rossi read the last names, these people were not brought up, and they seemed to have escaped.

"Ludong, the former senior director of the Star Tower resident of Hongmu Town, colluded with the Redemption Organization to assist the mutants to enter the land of the Red Sea, exposed Zhu Qi's location, and was suspected of inducing Zhu Qi to enter the trap. His crime is punishable. A Grade A wanted order is now issued. , You want to see people in life, and corpses in death."


   More than an hour later, after Bo Rossi explained all the matters, he said solemnly.

   "I hope everyone here will take this as a warning, and the meeting will be adjourned!"

   Hearing this, everyone heaved a sigh of relief!


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