Those few Star Tower civilians drifted away.

   Shen Ye looked at the back of them leaving, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching. He seemed to underestimate the seriousness of the situation. Forget it, now that he has made a decision, it is impossible to back down.

   Just when Shen Ye looked back and was about to leave. He suddenly saw a familiar figure walking out of the star tower hall.

   "Isn't that Gaso?"

   Shen Ye was also taken aback for a moment, why did that guy come here? He was a little curious, so he followed up secretly.

   Gaso went fast, and Shen Ye followed silently all the way.

   followed, Shen Ye couldn't keep up with this guy's rhythm a bit.

   Shen Ye was also very surprised, I wiped it, this guy is fine! Shen Ye became more curious, so he turned into a shadow and chased after him.

   Gaso was walking, but stopped suddenly, squinting behind him.

   then speeds up and walks into an alley.

   Chen Ye turned into a shadow to follow, but after entering, he was taken aback. He didn't see any figure at all, and Gaso didn't know where he was going anymore. Shen Ye escaped from the shadows, and was also extremely surprised that he was even lost.


   Early the next morning, in the center of Autumn City, inside a heavily guarded military building.

   A famous general formed two rows and stood upright.

   On a huge throne at the forefront, Eve Yueya was dressed in a general's uniform, lying on her side lazily.

   Gaso respectfully stood on his left side, reporting the incident.

   "The meaning of the Star Tower headquarters is very clear, they will not help the sub-tower to deal with the current mess."

   "A group of old and stubborn."

   A sneer smile appeared on Eve Yueya's face.

   At this time, a non-commissioned officer walked in quickly and saluted Eve Yueya.

   "My lord, there is a little girl outside who sent a letter and a box, and asked Xiaoya to sign for it."

   Hear the words of the non-commissioned officer in front of me!


   The eyes of the generals in the two rows all fell on the non-commissioned officer.

   Gaso snorted coldly: "Who is so courageous, dare to call an adult by his nickname."

   The non-commissioned officer stammered with sweat on his forehead.

   "I originally thought so, but I was afraid that this was an important letter, so I rashly stepped forward to report it."

   Eve Yueya, who was lying lazily, also frowned. Few people dared to call her Xiaoya, and the Star of Autumn was even rarer.

  Isn't he going to sink the night that kid? How did he know he was here?

   So Eve Yueya turned to look at Gasol.

   "How did that kid know that I am here."

   Gaso reacted immediately, and he quickly explained to Eve Yueya: "Impossible, I met him yesterday, but I threw him away the first time."

   Eve Yueya touched her forehead and said when she heard Gaso's words.

   "Stupid, that guy is such a thief, if you get rid of him so easily, you have exposed your strength. Since my subordinates are so strong, he can of course guess where I will be."

   "Yes, my mistake."

   Gaso was also wronged at this time, he really didn't know what to say, he now has the urge to catch Shen Ye and beat him up.

   "General, what about this letter and things?"

   The non-commissioned officer in front of him asked hesitantly.

   "Open things, open letters and read."

   Eve Yueya didn't bother to get the letter, that kid Shen Ye would never do anything good.


   The non-commissioned officer in front of him opened the box and found that there was a bright rose in the box.

   Then the non-commissioned officer opened the letter and said loudly.

"Dear Xiaoya, since you left, I have missed it. Occasionally, when I took a nap, I dreamed of the **** of love, Vinomis. She told me that falling in love starts with receiving a bouquet of flowers and an official confession. Let's fall in love together..."

Chapter 390 Departure

   Hearing what the non-commissioned officer said, the many officers present were taken aback first, and then they all fry.

   suddenly a wave of nameless murderous aura dispersed in all directions.

   "Presumptuous! What a courage!"

   "That **** wrote this? It's so arrogant."

   "That is, let Lao Tzu know who it is, you have to pinch him to death."


   The generals in the audience were murderous, and they looked like they were going to smash them into pieces.

   Xiaoya had a black line on her face and immediately sat up and shouted: "Stop reading!"

   Then she stretched out her hand and waved, the letter flew directly into her hand, and she continued to look down, itchy.

   But it turned out to be stunned, only to see the content of the second half of the writing turn around.

"Ahem, I'm about to leave the city of autumn, I'm going to calm the chaos, I don't know if I can come back alive, and say goodbye to you! I wanted to call you, but later I thought about it too hypocritically, so I gave You wrote a letter!"

   "This bastard, tell him to be honest, and ran out to make trouble again."

   She knows how dangerous the cultists outside are, she knows better than anyone else, she really doesn't worry.


   On the south street of the City of Autumn, Shen Ye put on the clothes of the owner of the tavern, carrying a dragon sniper, and wearing a sixth-order imperial tool·Tianjin Flowing Fire on his waist. However, if you look carefully, you will find that the appearance of the sixth-order Emperor Gu·Tiankai Liuhuo has been attached to a rusty film with the power of the alchemy stone by Shen Ye. The entire tall sword has become rusty, completely unrecognizable. Looks like.

   He walked towards the south gate of the Autumn City, prepared to gather there, and then left.

   Due to the increasingly chaotic situation, the City of Autumn has been closed down, and all transportation has been suspended.

   Not long after, Shen Ye came to the south gate of the City of Autumn.

   I saw that Bi Luosi and others had arrived long ago, and when they saw Shen Ye, they nodded in greeting.

   Vanoranka also came at this time, and he didn't say much, just waved his hand.

   It seems that everyone is already here, it's almost too late.

  Everyone walked to Vanoranka's side, and a photographer walked up with the equipment and said to everyone.

   "Are you all ready? I'm going to start shooting."



   With the flash of the flash! The photo is finished.

   Then Vanokalan slowly turned around, bowed to everyone, and said, "Thank you for your selfless dedication to the Star Tower. The Star Tower will remember it forever. Go ahead and remember to come back alive!"


   So Shen Ye and others were present, without turning their heads, walking towards the south gate of the City of Autumn and entering the 6th Ring Road area.

   However, not long after everyone went out, a shocking scene appeared. Dark mutants gathered and couldn't see the end at a glance. After seeing Shen Ye and the others, these mutants automatically gave way.

   They all looked at Shen Ye with grateful eyes.

   Shen Ye walked forward step by step in their gaze.

   A dirty child in the mutant crowd raised his head to look at his mother.

   "Mother, who are they?"

   The mother took out a bunch of unremarkable wildflowers and handed it to her daughter, and said to her.

   "They are all the owners of the Star Tower, and it is because of them that we can survive. Now they are going out to perform a very dangerous task, and obediently send this bunch of flowers."


   I saw a famous child walking out of the mutant crowd, and they nervously handed the wild flowers in their hands to Shen Ye and the others.

   Shen Ye was also slightly startled, and then he stretched out his hand to take the wild flower in the girl's hand in front of him.

   reached out and touched her head.

   The tension on the girl's face gradually disappeared, showing a very happy smile, turned and ran towards her mother.

   Shen Ye took a deep breath. At this moment, he finally understood Vanoranka's original intention, and Star Tower's contribution was not completely meaningless. Mutant people are not as grateful as the world says, they are also grateful with their meager behavior.

   proves that there is still love in this world.

   At this moment, Shen Ye's phone vibrated.

   He subconsciously picked up the phone and glanced at it, and a text message popped out.

"Bon Voyage!"

   Shen Ye glanced at the text message, with a bright smile on his face, strode forward!


   One day later, outside a city full of black smoke and flames, Shen Ye stood on a tree, and he was browsing the tavern app with his mobile phone.

   After repeated consideration, Shen Ye chose, Barenkaz City!

   It is a secondary city with a very important geographical location and a developed economy. The city normally has 6 million people. But now more than half of this city has been occupied, and a large number of people have fled. Now the remaining population is less than 4 million, of which 3.5 million are hiding in the unoccupied area. In other words, there are nearly 400,000 people in the area. The occupied area was taken hostage.

   Shen Ye looked at the information and tasks uploaded in the Intelligence Museum, and it was a bit painful.

  The hijacking of this city is an evil organization called the Crimson Scorpion. The number of members of the organization is estimated to be 3,200.

  The leader is called Badin, an S-level wanted criminal of the alliance government, a six-star section, a bounty of 1 billion stars, and a drug capable person.

Under    there are five five-star star warriors, of which three are mutants and two are normal people.

   As for the four-star manpower, there are not many, there are more than one hundred people.

   can use the rich family to describe this organization, no wonder they can capture half of the city.

   Shen Ye twisted his neck, and did not shrink from the opponent's strength. Since he chose the third most turbulent city, he was naturally prepared for it.

   either don't do it, or just do it!

   But this city of Barenkaz is still some distance away from Shen Ye. Before arriving, he needs to pass through three cities.

   As for why not drive and fly there, first, the traffic road has been destroyed and it is easy to be ambushed or beaten down. Second, the place where Shenye went is the key occupied area, and the airport has been destroyed. Third, the City of Autumn has been closed, all planes and spaceships have been grounded, and no one is willing to go. Fourth, and the most important point, that is, Shen Ye pretended to overdo it. After donating the money, he found that he was poor again, and he was reluctant to buy transportation.

   But fortunately, Shen Ye has the assistance of wind-wing shoes and wind-type strange stones, and he does not belong to a car when he runs.

   And the city in front of me is a must-pass, it seems to be called Fangtu City, it is a three-tier city.

   However, it seems that the conditions of this city are not very good either. Smoke billows in broad daylight.

   Shen Ye shut down the intelligence of Barenkaz City and began to inquire Fangtu City.

   quickly called up the information, and the results showed that the information was a little bit scarce. I only knew that the city was being attacked by an organization called the Evil Fang.

   Their head seems to be a ghostly capable person, with a wanted level A, and seems to be a fifth-order mutant.

   Other information is unknown, it is a new organization.

   Shen Ye put the phone away and touched his chin for a few seconds. Since you are all passing by, you can't leave it alone. Anyway, you have to rest, so let's stay here for one night. So it turned into a shadow and moved towards the city.

Chapter 391 Play

   On the edge of Fangtu city, a heavily armed soldier guards the way out of the city!

   It is strictly forbidden for residents in the city to leave.

   The two non-commissioned officers lit the cigarette in their hands and took a sip, talking with a worried expression on their faces.

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