
   Then Shen Ye and Zhao Lan rushed to other enemies.

   Among the evil men present, a senior officer saw the ugly girl dead. It was also shocked, the secret path was not good, the opponent came with strong reinforcements, and could only give orders unwillingly.


   The evil people present turned around and evacuated.

Chapter 405 Strange

   Shen Ye did not venture to chase after him! His target is not these trash fish.

   The riots in the City Lord's Mansion soon subsided.

   Everyone at the scene looked at Shen Ye's, and City Lord Sare came over and reached out to Shen Ye's.

   "This gentleman, thank you very much for your support, I don't know what you call it."

   "My name is Shen Ye, the owner of Star Tower. Are you?"

   Shen Ye introduced himself.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Lan immediately introduced to Shen Ye: "I'll introduce to you, this is the city lord of Barenkaz City. Here are some people from our Star Tower. They are Okra and Wu. Far…"

   Under Zhao Lan's introduction, Shen Ye greeted the people present a little bit, which was regarded as getting to know each other.

   Then everyone present went to rescue the injured companions.

   Shen Ye looked at the tragic sight in front of him, and couldn't help sighing.

   "It seems that the situation is not optimistic!"

   "Yes, the situation has been getting worse recently. Let's not talk about this, why have you come to Barenkaz City." Zhao Lan asked curiously.

"Oh, this, I originally planned to come here to support, the tasks I downloaded are all here. And I saw what you said in the tavern app, I guessed something went wrong, so the first time Come here for a sneak attack. By the way, sister Lan, why are you here!"

   "After the city below was attacked, our group responded to Lord Vanoranka's call very early and came down to support it."

   Zhao Lan directly explained to Shen Ye.

   "When I said that when Master Vanoranka initiated the call again, no one responded."

   Shen Ye suddenly replied.

   "You should be the second batch of support. The remaining people who are left behind are either not strong enough or too strong, and don't let anyone go above them."

   "Ah, there is such a saying? Isn't this voluntary? Is it possible that someone else cares about it."

   "It's voluntary, but it's not as simple as you think. For example, Bi Luos, do you know why she called Vanoranka twice before she came to support it? Know that her strength is the strongest among us."


   "That's because the above did not allow her to leave the city of autumn, because she stayed in the city of autumn, which also plays a very important role in the stability of the city of autumn."

   "I see, but that has nothing to do with me."

   Shen Ye waved his hand and replied.

"It has nothing to do with you. When your strength becomes stronger, you will enjoy the same treatment as her. Then, even if you go home to visit relatives, you have to report in advance. You don't want to stray freely, you can stray. "

   Zhao Lan replied in a good mood.

   "Fuck it, isn't it!"

   Shen Ye suddenly felt very painful.

   "You don't need to have such an expression, the stronger the power, the greater the responsibility, and you will gradually get used to it. By the way, you come out, didn't the white bear follow?"

   Zhao Lan asked suddenly when the topic changed.

   "You said the white bear, he didn't come out."

   Shen Ye replied.

   "Oh, it's so sad, that guy didn't come out to save me, it's really too conscience..."

"I also think he has no conscience. You shouldn't give him the rage of thunder. Instead, you should beat and beat him well. It's too much. Don't let a beauty like our sister Lan, be blind outside all day long. Engage."

   Shen Ye added oil and jealousy, lest the world would not be chaotic and said.

   After Zhao Lan listened, her smile became brighter.

   "It makes sense, I'll pick him up later."

   "Well, let's leave him alone, how is Sister Lan's situation in Barenkaz City now?"

   Shen Ye cut to the topic and asked.

   When Zhao Lan heard Shen Ye's question, the smile on her face gradually faded, and she hesitated for a while and said to Shen Ye.

   "The situation is worse than you think."

   Shen Ye was also taken aback, and asked quickly.

   "How bad is it?"

"Let me tell you. The residents in the northern half of Barenkaz have been kidnapped, and there are high-explosive remote-controlled bombs everywhere. But this is not the most troublesome. The most troublesome is the Lord Saree's. Wife and children were arrested, several senior officers of the Security Bureau were also taken prisoner, and several very old museum owners in Barenkaz were also arrested, and the rest were arrested, big and small rich men and nobles. I will not say much."

   "You mean, there are a lot of hostages in the other side?"

  Shen Ye also feels the pain of the egg, the most annoying thing about him is the threat of hostages.

"If this is the case, I would not say that it is worse than I thought. The other party installed a giant SHD-232 nerve-corrosive gas bomb in a certain area in the north. Once the gas bomb exploded, it would be in ten minutes. It can cover the entire city, and then the entire city of Barenkaz will become a purgatory on earth."

   Zhao Lan explained helplessly.

   After listening to Shen Ye, his expression was stunned, and he almost didn't turn around.

   "That's a fart, hurry up and evacuate people!"

   "You think we don't want to. The problem is that those who are willing to flee have escaped. We can't force those who are unwilling to flee."

   "Wait, it's not right. According to your statement, the other party has the obvious dominant right! They can completely detonate the gas bomb directly, and everything is over. No need to spend it here with us."

   Shen Ye also thinks about it, the more something is wrong.

"You are right, this is exactly where I can't figure it out. I haven't figured out what those people want to do until now. I have captured so many prisoners, neither negotiating with us, nor blackmailing us, three Don’t tear up the ticket! Just spend it with us here. It’s not right for us to attack by force, and it’s not right for night attack. Anyway, it feels wrong to do it."

   Zhao Lan frowned at the end.

"oh, I understand now."

   At this time, Shen Ye's mind suddenly flashed, and a very bad premonition rose.


In an abandoned barn in the north of Barenkaz, a man is naked with his upper body and his body is green. There is a red poisonous scorpion inscribed on his chest. There is a scar from right to left on his face, and his eyes are like wild beasts. The brutal man sat on a sofa.

   This guy is not someone else but the leader of the Crimson Scorpion, Badin.

   stood beside him a subordinate with a famous costume and various weapons.

   In front of Buding, there was a man who was in a panic, unwilling to explain.

   "Boss, those people from the Star Tower are too arrogant. They keep calling up people and harassing us. This is not because Qin Yun and the others who came to support us can't stand it, so they led us to attack at night."

   "Gaby! How many times have I warned you that the group of people who are not allowed to attack the Star Tower without my order, who allows you to go against my will?"

"Big brother, isn't this aggrieved? Normally, we have nothing to do with the gangsters of the Star Tower. It is rare that we have a good chance to deal with them, so we attacked them. And I don't understand, brother, why should we stay aggrieved. Here, we can completely detonate gas bombs or bombs, and directly kill everyone here and make us famous!"

   Gaby asked very puzzled.

Chapter 406 Pursuit

   Badin stood up at this time, walked in front of Gaby, slapped his face with a slap, Gaby flew directly, and lost two teeth.

   Gaby looked at Budding in panic.

"When do I need you to teach me to do things? When did I allow you to go against my will? Do you really think the star towers are muddled? The reason why we can crush them now is because we don't have There is too much trouble, the old and immortal group of Star Tower headquarters did not take it seriously. If you foolishly regard each other’s disdain as cowardly, large-scale slaughter of Star Tower, you will soon know the Star Tower’s How terrifying the anger is. And our goal has never been to kill them, but to delay time. Those people who came to support, if they don’t obey the command and want to die, let them die. Who is that? If you dare to mix things up anymore, it will ruin the affairs of the adults above. Don't blame me for being polite. Screw your heads off, understand? You fool!"

"yes, Sir!"

   Gaby nodded in fear.

   At this time, a pretty woman with a naked belly button beside Buding asked with a smile.

   "Master Badin, who are we doing things for?"

   "Did I ask you to ask? Don't ask if you shouldn't ask!"

   Badin scolded coldly.

   The woman hurriedly lowered her head and said nothing. The expressions of everyone present were also a bit unnatural, and even Zheng Qian, who was most favored by Lord Buding, was scolded.

   At this moment, a subordinate rushed over and shouted in panic.

   "The boss is not good!"

   "What's wrong!"

  Bading was irritable, and his face became more gloomy when he heard the words of his subordinates.

   "The gas bomb is gone, it was stolen!"

   The subordinates who rushed in were terrified and reported.

"What did you say!"

  Badin directly stretched out his hand and grabbed the leader of his subordinates.

   "Boss, the gas bomb is lost!"

   "How did you lose such a big gas bomb! Tell me?"

   Badin roared extremely furiously, knowing that if the gas bomb really exploded, causing trouble, he wouldn't think about getting better in the future.

   "We don't know, we lost it for some reason."

   His younger brother stammered back.

  Bading's expression is constantly changing, he feels something wrong!

   He suddenly turned his head to look at Gaby, and asked directly: "Did you bump into any suspicious people when you attacked the City Lord's Mansion at night."

   "The other party seems to be a very strong person, and he killed the ugly girl when he came up."

   Gaby hurriedly replied, covering his face.

   Badin's expression kept changing, and then he asked.

   "Are there any actions from the Star Tower gang?"

   "No, they just strengthened their defenses, and there is no sign of attacking us."

   the person below replied.

   Budding suddenly reacted, awful, being overcast!

   That guy stole the gas bomb, maybe he wanted to take it to Karundi Economic City to deal with those people, right?

   Thinking of this, Buding's face suddenly looked ugly, just like his dead father.

Not to mention that everyone knows that the gas bombs are organized by their scarlet poisonous scorpions. If the hypocrites of the Star Tower take the gas to Karundi and detonate it, it will damage the serious affairs of the people above, and then blame them on them. Then it will really hit the market, it's a good calculation!

   "Big brother, without the gas bombs, it's actually fine. Just the miscellaneous fish in the Star Tower, there is no way we can do it."

   Zheng Qian's flattering way.

"Shut up! What do you know? From now on, Barenkaz City will be handed over to you, and be optimistic about the hostages in your hands. If the Star Tower gang want to attack, they will use them as shields to threaten them, and they are not allowed to have a big deal with them. Fight on a scale. I am going to retrieve the gas bomb and kill that guy by the way, do you understand?"


   Everyone responded quickly.

   Badin turned around and left directly.


   At this time in the forest leading to the eventually occupied city Kalundi.

   Shen Ye stepped on the trunk and jumped to the next big tree at high speed. His thoughts returned to a few hours ago, after talking with Zhao Lan.

   He felt more and more wrong, recalling everything he had encountered along the way, and then coordinating all the doubts.

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