"Then Lord Shen Ye, let's withdraw first. If you have anything to do, call us as soon as possible."

   After speaking, the doctors who were present quit one after another.

   Shen Ye had a tired expression on his face, and his mood was very depressed. He kept thinking about what Went and Rodrit had said in his mind.

   In fact, he originally had a little expectation for this chaotic world, but it seems that the expectation now has been trampled on.


   At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open, Xiaoya walked in with a smile on her face, and sat in front of Shen Ye.

   "Why don't you welcome me?"


   Shen Ye replied with no energy.

   "How come after being injured, you have become so desperate, with no energy at all, unlike your style, the arrogant Shen Ye before?"

   Xiaoya blinked, looking at Shen Ye and asked.

   Shen Ye didn't answer Xiaoya's words, he was in a bad mood, and he couldn't afford to talk nonsense.

   It's a pity that Xiaoya didn't plan to let go of such a good opportunity to tease Shen Ye.

   "Oh, why don't you speak anymore? Maybe it's just a little bit of a blow, and you can't stand it. Didn't you say you want to win the gift and marry me? Do you want me to wait for you?"

   Shen Ye sighed slightly, and replied hoarsely.

   "Don't use me to open it, I know it was a bit whimsical before, I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick and lawless. Now I recognize the reality, I know it was a bit too crazy, too stupid, and naive."

   Xiaoya smiled brighter when she heard Shen Ye's words.

   She is still very happy in her heart. It is a good thing to suffer a little frustration and get rid of her arrogance. After all, things will happen sooner or later.

"Okay, don't be discouraged, I know you are hurt very badly, but don't worry, I am not the kind of person who has no conscience. You asked me for medicine before, but I remember it, this time I will help you. No matter what, I will find a way to cure you. But you have to pay attention to the fact that your injuries are really serious. Don't use force with others within three years. You should be cured after ten years of recuperation."

   Xiaoya finally said to Shen Ye with a serious tone.

   Shen Ye didn't answer anything, he really couldn't be interested in teasing Xiaoya.

   Xiaoya saw Shen Ye's mood very depressed, she didn't say much, people always have to go through some ups and downs, and some cross channels have to be crossed by themselves.

   She believes that if Shen Ye is given some time, he will overcome all obstacles and get a new rebirth.

Chapter 421 Discharged

   So Xiaoya smiled and said to Shen Ye: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, you are here to recover. I will come to see you when I have time, don't miss me too much."

   Shen Ye nodded slightly, as a response to Xiaoya.

   Xiaoya stood up, turned and left.

  Shen Ye lying on the hospital bed, looking at the maple leaves falling continuously outside the window, he didn't know why, he suddenly felt a little sad.

   A lively face constantly appeared in his mind.

   I don't know how long it took, and the door of the ward was pushed open again.

   No one else came in this time, it was Master Vanoranka.

   Vanoranka walked to Shen Ye with a kind smile on his face, and asked gently.

   "Is there any better body?"

   Shen Ye responded with a depressed mood: "It's okay."

   Vanoranka saw that Shen Ye was not in a good mood at a glance, he stretched out his hand and patted Shen Ye gently.

"I know you are feeling disappointed for not being able to save those people. Actually, you don't need to do that. I know you really did your best. You have done well. Even if I was there at the time, you might not have done it. outstanding."

   Shen Ye heard Vanoranka's words, his heart was touched, he raised his head to look at Varoranka, and asked faintly.

   "Master Vanoranka, I want to ask you something?"

   Vanoranka was also slightly startled, and then replied.

"go ahead."

   "Is this world really as they say, the alliance government is not a federal government, it exists only to serve the upper class. This world is just a world that pays attention to profit and the weak."

   Shen Ye stared at Vanoranka and asked.

  Wanoranka heard Shen Ye's words, and the expression on his old face was rarely moved. He didn't expect Shen Ye to know these things.

   Of course, Vanoranka didn't intend to hide from Shen Ye, but there were some things, there was no need to say it specifically. When some things grow to a certain height, you will naturally find that knowing it too early will only be an extremely heavy burden.

He said to Shen Ye earnestly and earnestly: "This world is indeed a world respected by the strong, and we can't deny that everything measured by others' interests is their choice and belief. But we also have our own choices and beliefs. We Just stick to your own heart. The coalition government is indeed not a federal government. It does serve the upper echelons, but under the leadership of the president of the parliament, the parliament is not without any change. To be honest, if everyone in this world They are all selfish, brutal and tyrannical and only speak with their fists. Then the world will lose its beauty. In fact, the good people and ordinary people in this world still account for the majority, but because they are kind and ordinary, they are destined to only It can be a disadvantaged group that has been humiliated and squeezed. And we, Star Tower, are the representatives of these disadvantaged groups. If we all abandon them, then they will be even more hopeless."

   Shen Ye became more silent after listening, and he said hoarsely.

   "But we can't change anything!"

"Don't think about it this way. Everything we do seems trivial, but it is changing the world a little bit. When the Star Tower was just established, not only did it not have its current status, but it was classified as evil by the alliance government. Organizations have always been the target of annihilation. It is also the tragic price paid by countless ancestors to have the achievements of the Star Tower. Of course, I do not deny that the Star Tower is indeed a bit stiff and problematic over the years, but if we all abandon ourselves Then there is really no hope in this world."

   Vanoranka taught Shen Ye heartily.

   After listening to Shen Ye, his expression became more silent, and he replied after a long time.

"I see."

  Wanoranka looked at the silent Shen Ye, he could feel Shen Ye’s mood at this time. When the beautiful fantasy was disillusioned and when he saw the naked reality, not everyone could accept it.

   "You have a good rest, don't care about anything, we will wait for your return if you recover."


   Shen Ye hoarsely replied.

   Vanoranka didn't say much, stood up and walked out slowly.

   The smile on his face gradually faded, replaced by endless sadness. In this rescue incident, nearly half of the 542 Star Tower personnel who went down to support the Star Tower died!

   More than half of the Star Tower personnel died in Karundi City, and even the bodies were not recovered.

   And most of the support personnel who died were his disciples.

   The reason why he smiled and chatted with Shen Ye was because he didn't want to put more pressure on Shen Ye.


   Three months later, Shen Ye limped and walked out of the Autumn City Central Hospital under the **** of the Night Bearer of the Star Tower.

   I saw thousands of reporters gathered at the Central Hospital of Autumn City.

   They rushed in frantically. If it weren't for the night-bearers present to maintain order, it would be possible to bury Shen Ye alive.

   Just like that, several reporters squeezed in front of Shen Ye, handed over the microphone, and asked eagerly.

   "Mr. Shen Ye, how did you eliminate the evil pupil organization."

   "That's right! May I ask Mr. Shen Ye, how did you destroy the conspiracy of the Holy Redemption Organization, the closed door of the alien world."


   After hearing the reporter's question, Shen Ye's expression became deeper and deeper under his silent face.

   He didn't eliminate the evil pupil organization at all, but these reporters said that he eliminated the evil pupil organization. He closed his eyes and wanted to know that it must be the ghost of the guy above!

   An unnamed fire ignited suddenly. For some reason, he felt the reporter's questioning at the scene unusually harsh.

"Step aside!"

   Shen Ye said coldly.

   All the reporters present were stunned, and Shen Ye went straight into the special car.

   At this time, Yorie wiped his sweat, squeezed out an awkward smile, and said to many reporters.

"Don’t care, everyone, our hero may not want to recall the plot at that time. You must know how many innocent people died in that disaster, and how many of Mr. Shen Ye’s companions died. The hero is also a human, and he is also a man of flesh and blood. The heart hurts too."

   "We understand! Mr. Shen Ye is too sad because of excessive sadness. Coupled with physical discomfort, he loses his emotional control."

   The reporters on the scene looked like human beings, and immediately borrowed the donkey.

   After rounding up the words, Yuri got into the car, wiping the sweat from his forehead. I couldn't help smiling inwardly, who scared me to death.

   He quickly greeted the driver to drive. At this point, how dare he let Shen Ye continue to speak.

   You must know that now the entire Autumn Star has been swiped by Shen Ye’s news. So his current image is glorious, and the Star Tower has also given him instructions, absolutely forbidden to show any moths.

   He could tell at a glance that Shen Ye was in a very bad mood.

   Soon the car drove out slowly, looking out the window blankly at night, the familiar and unfamiliar street scene.

   At this time, the scene that suddenly appeared on the street made Shen Ye a little touched.

Chapter 422: A New Beginning

   He saw a lot of people in the City of Autumn standing on the streets on both sides of the road, waving at his car to see him off, all welcoming him to leave the hospital.

   At this time, Yorie said to Shen Ye: "Brother, go back and have a good rest. Three days later, the Star Tower will hold a grand commendation meeting, and the people at the headquarters will come down in person."

"I see."

   Shen Ye nodded slightly.

   Seeing that Shen Ye was not in high spirits, he didn't say much.

   Shen Ye kept looking out the window, only to see the surface of the buildings on the street, constantly broadcasting the latest news.

   A female news anchor said excitedly.

"According to the latest news, the Holy Redemption Organization incited various evil organizations to riots, causing immeasurable damage to the massive cities of the Autumn Star! A large number of innocent people died at this critical moment of crisis. The Star Tower relentlessly reached out and saved thousands. Disaster-affected people. The Star Tower personnel represented by Heroes of the Night, successfully defeated the Holy Redemption Organization’s conspiracy and closed the door to the different dimensions. At the same time, some members of the Evil Eye Organization and the Dead Soul Brigade became conscious and plunged into the embrace of the Alliance government. He fought hard with those heretics. Afterwards, he swore allegiance to the Alliance government, so the Alliance government will amnesty them."


   Shen Ye watched the news, although his expression did not change, his eyes grew colder.

   He feels like he heard a big joke, that group of people can also wash white.

   But Shen Ye didn't show it, he knew exactly what the situation was.

   It didn't take long for the car to stop at the door of the Red Flower Pub. Bai Xiong, Lan Chen and others had been waiting at the door for a long time.

   As soon as Shen Ye got out of the car, the white bear walked up and gave Shen Ye a warm hug, and said to Shen Ye in a deep voice.

   "Just come back!"

   Shen Ye was also a little touched, he nodded and turned back.


   "Let's go in."

   Bai Xiong and others helped Shen Ye into the tavern.

   Then Bai Xiong said to Lan Chen: "Closed, the tavern will no longer be open these days."


   Lan Chen nodded.

   On the table in the pub, the white bear prepared a good food and good wine.

   "Come and have a drink."

   Bai Xiong could see that Shen Ye was in a heavy mood, very bad.

   In fact, Bai Xiong can feel Shen Ye's mood. When he was performing tasks in the past, he often watched his companions die and was helpless.

   Shen Ye did not refuse, he took a sip from the wine glass, and said to the white bear.

   "Hey, I think this world is so ridiculous now!"

   "It's good to get used to it, but it doesn't matter, one day when we climb up, we will just flip them."

   Bai Xiong picked up the wine glass and bumped into Shen Ye. In fact, he didn't need Shen Ye to tell the insider. Everyone in the Star Tower knew what was going on after reading the news. The Death Soul Brigade and the Evil Eye Organization killed countless people, and it was even more commonplace to slaughter cities in other countries.

   is simply a shame!

   The inner cluster of the Star Tower has exploded a long time ago, it's just that the arms can't twist the thighs, and it's impossible to say that it's done.

   Shen Ye and Bai Xiong drank until midnight, and the two chatted for a long time.

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