Shen Ye stretched out his hand and patted Bai Xiong's hand, and replied in an angry tone.

   "Are you so exaggerated? It's just a seventh-order imperial weapon."

   "What is so exaggerated, I have never seen such a good thing in my life."

   The white bear grumbled to Shen Ye.

   "Fuck again, Bi Luosi has a Tier 7 imperial weapon master weapon."

   Shen Ye replied with a deep impression.

"Brother, who is Biluos, who are we! She is the daughter of Elder Tirion in the Star Tower headquarters. The seventh-order imperial artifact in her hand is the treasure of their family town. And let me tell you. , This support operation, Bi Luosi can survive, it is purely a normal thing, if those cultists dared to kill her, the Star Tower headquarters will never end with them. But if you come back alive, it is purely unexpected. ."

   Bai Xiong winked at Shen Ye.

   The corners of Shen Ye's mouth twitched constantly, he wanted to shoot the white bear to death.

   "What is your expression, I didn't make a joke with you. And this necklace is really a treasure, and this thing has special abilities."

   Bai Xiong smiled and continued.

   "What ability."

   "If this necklace is worn by a pure girl, its power will be greatly increased!"

   "I, shit, isn't this a necklace for girls."

   Shen Ye is even more speechless, how can I give him this reward?

   "Don't dislike it, this ability is good, commonly known as the green tea identification chain. But you have to be careful, don't use this necklace casually to try girls, a hundred meat buns will never return."

   "You deliberately did it, you are really speechless, how could you give this reward."

   "Okay, don't be dissatisfied. I secretly tell you that this reward is good. I have a gossip, do you want to listen?"

   Bai Xiong whispered in Shen Ye's ear with a smug look.

   "Aren't you nonsense, you must be listening!"

"I'm telling you, you can get such a rich reward, but Vanoranka personally asked for the Star Tower headquarters. But it seems that Vanoranka asked for you at first, not this piece of equipment, but a handful. Seventh-order imperial sword. But obviously Star Tower is reluctant to cut the flesh, but because you have made such a great contribution, it won't work if you don't. For a while, you can't get anything else, you can only give you the words of witch spirit. "

   Bai Xiong whispered to Shen Ye.

   After listening to Shen Ye, my heart hurts more, my seventh-order weapon!

   You must know that the main sword weapon is more valuable, and each one is out of print.

   "A bunch of petty ghosts."

   Shen Yeqi replied with itchy teeth.

   In fact, this is a mental game between Vanoranka and the Star Tower executives. Although everyone knew in their hearts that the demise of the Evil Eye Organization had nothing to do with Shen Ye, but the credit for the Evil Eye Organization's destruction fell on Shen Ye's head after all. This was a real deal.

   If you have merit, you must reward. This is a fact that you can't run away.

   That's why Vanoranka dared to speak so loudly and ask for something for Shen Ye. You must know that Vanoranka's own main weapon is only Tier 7, he is about to step into the existence of the eight stars.

Chapter 430 Digging the Foot of the Wall

   "Okay don't get angry, this necklace is also good. Oh, yes, I have something to tell you. I have done the thing you asked me to do. I will give it to you when I go back."

   "Yes, it's efficient, but I haven't paid you yet?"

   Shen Ye was also slightly startled.

   "No need to give me money, you forgot, I still owe you money."

   "Where did you get so much money? Could it be that Zhao Lan borrowed it?"

   "Go on, I have a way to make money, you don't have to worry about it."

   The white bear replied irritably.

   "I said why are you so excited."

   Shen Ye became more and more interested.

   "Well, forget it, let's not talk to you. The commendation meeting is about to end, and the reporter chick seems to be coming towards you."

   The white bear suddenly smiled wickedly.

   "Hurry up."

   Shen Ye immediately said to Lan Chen.

   Just when Shen Ye was about to leave, Yueli rushed over and hurriedly stopped Shen Ye.

   "Don't leave, Master Vanoranka asked me to tell you that when the commendation ceremony is over, let you go to his office and Master Borosi wants to see you."

   "Ah, he wants to see me? What's the matter?"

  Shen Ye was very surprised. It was not a good thing for Bo Rossi to see what he did.

   We must know that Bo Rossi, as one of the three deputy tower owners of the Star Tower headquarters, is in charge of rewards and punishments. Whoever is interviewed in private will be under great pressure.

   "I don't know this. Anyway, you'll know it once you go. Well, anyway, the commendation ceremony is about to end anyway, I will push you to the office."

   Yori said.

   "It's okay, then Lan Chen will wait for me here."

   Shen Ye let out a long sigh, forget it, if it is a blessing or a curse, you will know when you meet.

   At this time Xuenai and Liu Liang came over, Xuenai was still a little unwilling to give up, she said politely to Shen Ye.

   "Master Shen Yeguan, can I interrupt you a little longer, I want to ask some questions."

   "Sorry, I have something to go to a private meeting now, I have a chance to talk again, goodbye."

   Shen Ye responded politely, he could see that Xuena really wanted to do something for the people of Autumn Stars. But Shen Ye knew very well that it was not the time yet.

"okay then."

   Xuena was also a little disappointed.

   So Yueli pushed Shen Ye away.

   After a while, Shen Ye was pushed into Vanoranka's office.

   It didn't take long for Vanoranka and Bo Rossi to walk in.

   Yueli retired with great eyesight.

   Soon there will be three people left in the office, Shen Ye respectfully greeted them.

   "Master Borosi, Master Vanoranka don't know what to do with me?"

   "Shen Ye, don't worry, Lord Borosi wants to talk to you about work."

   Vanoranka smiled comfortingly.


   Shen Ye nodded slightly.

   Bo Rossi didn't mean anything, and said to Shen Ye very simply.

"Master Shen Ye, in view of your repeated contributions since joining the Star Tower, you have been awarded twice in just two years. The Star Tower headquarters looks very nice to you, and after high-level discussions, I think you have great potential. I hereby want to transfer you to the Star Tower headquarters, which will give you new opportunities and benefits."

   After Shen Ye finished listening, he was also very surprised, and it took a long time to react. This is the rhythm of digging the foot of the wall. In addition, he keenly heard a hint of implication from the other party's words. If he agreed to be transferred to the Star Tower headquarters, there seemed to be invisible benefits.

Seeing that Shen Ye did not respond, Bo Rossi went on to say, "Master Shen Ye, I hope you can carefully consider my invitation in all aspects. This is an opportunity that others can't ask for, as long as you are willing to transfer to the Star Tower headquarters. , I believe that your future path will be even more brilliant."

   Bo Rossi is indeed very optimistic about Shen Ye, a 20-year-old five-star warrior, who has a very special ability to kill six-star warriors at the next level. Both the IQ and the temperament are first-rate, the comprehensive ability is extremely excellent, and he is completely a genius!

   If you are transferred to the Star Tower headquarters and cultivated well, your future achievements will be great.

   But the Star Tower also has rules, although the Star Tower headquarters has the highest authority. But if you want to transfer people from the sub-tower, there is a hard requirement, that is, the person being transferred must agree, otherwise the Star Tower headquarters has no right to transfer anyone. This rule generally does not constitute an obstacle, and basically no one stupidly refuses to be transferred to the headquarters.

   But the situation is not always the same now. Shen Ye is a person that Vanoranka focuses on training, and he may not be willing to go. That's why he offered such generous terms.

   Vanoranka didn't say a word during the whole process, although he didn't want to leave Shen Ye. But everyone has his own choice, and he will not force Shen Ye to stay, he respects Shen Ye's choice.

   After a while, Shen Ye apologized to Bo Rossi and declined.

   "Sorry! Lord Borosi, I don't think I'm good enough yet, I'm afraid I won't be qualified for the post transferred. Thank you all for your kindness."

   Bo Rossi was not anxious when he heard it, but spoke lightly.

   "Master Shen Ye Guan, if you think about it, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

   "I have considered it clearly, thank you Lord Borosi for your love."

   Shen Ye said firmly.

   "If that's the case, don't say much."

   Bo Rossi flicked his sleeves slightly, then turned and left, looking a little unhappy.

   "Lord Borosi walk slowly."

   Vanoranka said with a smile.

   Soon, Shen Ye and Vanoranka were left in the office.

   "Isn't it painful not to be transferred to the headquarters? You know, they have prepared a very important position for you, both in terms of benefits and remuneration are very high."

   Vanoranka asked Shen Ye with a smile.

   "I don't have any ambitions, but I just want to mess around. A place like the headquarters is not suitable for me, or the Star of Autumn is more suitable for me."

   Shen Ye replied with an indifferent expression.

   "Since you think so, I won't say anything more, go back and heal up, if you encounter any problems, come to me."

   Vanoranka exhorted Shen Ye with satisfaction.

   "Lord Vanoranka, I have something to ask you for help."

   Shen Ye said cheeky.

   "Oh, what do you want to say."

   "It's like this, I feel that my knowledge of cultivation and common sense is a bit flawed. I don't know, Mr. Vanoranka, do you know where to go for further studies? I want to learn more systematically?"

   Shen Ye said sincerely.

   He made this request after deep consideration and familiarity, the Karundi City incident, Shen Ye deeply realized the importance of strength, as well as his own shortcomings. He wants to become stronger, but he hasn't studied systematically. To put it bluntly, any student who graduated from Autumn Academy has better theoretical knowledge than himself.

   "I understand, don't worry about this, I will arrange it for you. But it will take a while, and I will notify you when there is news."

   Vanoranka replied thoughtfully.

   "Thank you! Master Vanoranka."

   Shen Ye replied very happily.

Chapter 431: Xingshi Asks Crimes

   Soon after, Shen Ye followed Bai Xiong and Lan Chen back to the tavern.

   "Would you like to stay and eat together."

   Shen Ye asked the white bear.

   "No, I still have a bunch of bad things to deal with. There have been too many troubles recently, I'm leaving now."

   The white bear yawned and replied.

   Just as Shen Ye wanted to spit out White Bear, suddenly the phone kept vibrating.

   He raised his hand suspiciously.

"What's wrong?"

   Bai Xiong asked curiously.

   "It is the bounty settlement."

   Shen Ye looked at the pop-up text message and replied.

"How much?"

   Bai Xiong asked very gossiping.

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