Shen Ye asked straightforwardly.

   "Something big happened. The Extreme Ice Death Prison on the Winter Planet rioted, and a large number of death row prisoners escaped. Moreover, the group of death row prisoners entered the City of Autumn directly through the portal, and now the entire City of Autumn is almost in chaos."

   Bai Xiong said eagerly.

   "Big brother, are those people stupid? You will get better if you escape from prison, it's okay, why are you burning Laozi's factory?"

   Shen Ye replied with an angry stomach.

   "I didn't say they burned it?"

   The white bear replied in a daze.

   "Then it has something to do with them?"

   "It doesn't matter, these are two different things."

   "I wipe it, it's okay. Tell me about wool, I'm really..."

"Let's let things go in your factory first. This group of death row prisoners is the most troublesome. There are only sixteen S-rank wanted criminals, and two seven-star SS wanted criminals. Now everyone is in danger. , As a member of the Star Tower, we are in great trouble now, and the group of prisoners are basically hiding in the outer area. In other words, in our area, do you think the matter is big?"

   Bai Xiong quickly reminded Shen Ye.

   Shen Ye suddenly reacted, his face is very ugly, sixteen six-stars? The owner of the entire Autumn City Pavilion couldn't find a few six-star ones.

   Not to mention there are two Seven Stars. It is estimated that unless it is Vanoranka personally, it will not work well. Whoever hits them will be unlucky.

   How horrible the Seven Stars are, what Shen Ye knew best in his mind, was not at the same level at all.

   "Bye, I'd better hide for a while before going back, the ghost can beat it."

   Shen Ye didn't reply in kind.

   "Don't worry about this. The Garrison of Autumn City has dispatched a large number of people to search. We only need to stay steady for a while, but you can come back quickly. I can't hold the scene alone."

   Bai Xiong said to Shen Ye with a headache.

   "Okay, I see, I'm on my way back, let's not talk about it. And you help me to look after the tavern, and nothing will happen."

   Shen Ye quickly asked the white bear.

   "I understand this, I have been living directly in your tavern recently."

   "That's fine, let's do this first."

   Shen Ye hung up after speaking.

Chapter 463 Appeasement

   At this time in a remote area on the beach, Xiaoya stood on the reef with cold eyes, looking at the sea in the distance, not knowing what she was thinking.

   At this moment, a figure fell beside her.


  The person who came is not someone else but Gaso.

"whats the matter?"

   Xiaoya asked faintly without turning her head.

   "General, there is an urgent message from the family. Your grandfather failed to break through the 9th star for the third time and was backlashed. The situation is very serious. Now let you return to the family immediately."

   When she heard her expression tightly locked, she said coldly to Gaso: "Where is the Star of Autumn?"

   "It hasn't made much progress yet. The mice learned to be smart this time. But even if you are not in Autumn Star, they didn't come out rashly. They seem to be deliberately playing peekaboo with us."

   Gaso explained respectfully.

   "I know, look after them, and when I finish dealing with the family's affairs, I will come back and clean them up."


   Gaso quickly responded.

   Xiaoya turned around and left.

   At noon the next day, Shen Ye finally rushed back, and he came to the outskirts of the Autumn City.

   Throughout the streets outside the city of Autumn, the doors and windows of every house are closed, and there are no people in sight on the street, only the guards patrolling. From time to time, people in military uniforms can be seen searching everywhere. In addition, a famous nightman can be seen on the roofs of surrounding houses, who are also performing inspection missions.

   It can be said that the huge city of Autumn has entered a state of control, and it's almost all soldiers.

   If it weren't for Shen Ye's reputation in the City of Autumn, many people knew him. He walked on the road so swaggeringly, I don't know how many times he has been questioned.

   Not long after, Shen Ye came to the neighborhood of his tavern. At a glance, he saw a wounded mutant lying on the street outside the tavern, and there were low painful moans everywhere.

   Many mutants were sitting on the ground with ashes in their hands and tears.

   Luo Yun and others are busy taking care of the injured mutants.

   At this time, when Luo Yun raised his head, he saw Shen Ye standing not far away, his eyes suddenly red, and his voice was a little choked.

   "Master of the museum."

   Hearing Luo Yun's shouts, Lan Chen, Wuri, Xiaoha and others stood up one after another, looking at the coming Shen Ye, one by one they bowed their heads guiltily.

   "Why are you hanging your heads one by one, tell me what's going on."

   Shen Ye asked calmly.

Wuri gritted his teeth and said to Shen Ye: "Someone attacked our factory. It should be a stranger. Some of our workers saw a fire dragon descend from the sky, and the factory burned a raging fire. It was useless for us to fight the fire. The fire can't be extinguished at all."

   "Wuri is right, it should be artificial."

   Lan Chen also echoed.

   "Needless to say, I know what's going on."

   Shen Ye interrupted them directly. He closed his mind to know who did it. He still made a mistake. He looked too high at the group of people. He just cut off their goods for a while, but they couldn't help it anymore. Shen Ye originally thought that the group of people would at least fight back through regular channels, but he didn't expect that the group of people would not even bother to cover the fig leaf.

   Since this is the case, he doesn't intend to be polite with them. They are so unreasonable, so Shen Ye really has to fight them to the end.

   Many mutants were present, and many of them cried out in a low voice. They were not just the people who died of sorrow, but also that they had lost their only hope. The factory was gone and the job was gone.

   Shen Ye looked at the helpless eyes of the workers present, and a fire was in his heart.

   He opened his mouth and asked Wuri and Kazante: "How about the casualties?"

   "A total of 523 people died and 1,789 disabled."

   Wuri took out the statistical table and reported the situation to Shen Ye.

   "Luo Yun!"

   Shen Ye turned to look at Luo Yun.

   "At the main hall."

   Luo Yun quickly responded.

   "Any mutants who died will be given compensation of 100,000 stars to their families. All the disabled will be given treatment, and all the expenses will be paid by us. From now on, all workers will be paid as long as they are still willing to follow us."

   Shen Ye said simply and neatly.

When Luo Yun heard this, it was like a child who had done something wrong and said to Shen Ye: "My lord, I don’t have enough money. Before you let us finish the order, don’t pick up new ones. For the order, we thought about adding more raw materials so that we can buy some goods, but we didn’t expect..."

   "Master, this is not entirely Luo Yun's fault, it is also our idea."

   Xiaoha, Kazante and others said quickly.

   Lan Chen also said, "Big Brother, I also agree with this idea, and I am also wrong."

   Shen Ye waved his hand and replied: "It's not your fault, and it's no problem with what you did. You should do this yourself. You don't have to worry about the money, and I will solve it myself."

   "My lord, we don't want to compensate..."

"Yes, the factory just opened for a long time, and it was immediately burned by the fire. We understand that all of this is our cause in the final analysis. You took the risk to do this for us. Now you have no money, how can we still be able to do this? I want your compensation."

   "That's right! Master, we don't want to compensate, you are good enough for us."

The mutants beside    stood up one after another and said.

   At this time, a female mutant who looked very immature, suddenly took out a packed dress from her arms and handed it to Shen Ye.

   She said hurriedly: "My lord, this is what I rescued back. I hope it can still be used to reduce the loss a little bit."

   At this time, many mutants also took out pieces of rescued clothes.

   Shen Ye looked at these rescued clothes, his face became more ugly, he said a little annoyed.

   "Naughty! What to do to rescue these things, life is the most important thing."

   "Master of the museum."

   When everyone present heard Shen Ye's words, they wiped the wet corners of their eyes.

Shen Ye said in a deep voice to everyone: "You don't owe me anything, but if you really want to support me. Then after the factory is rebuilt, as long as you are all present, that is the greatest support for me. I will rebuild. A factory with a larger scale and more advanced equipment."

   At this moment, Shen Ye was also completely offended. Originally, Shen Ye was only planning to get involved in this industry casually. Since those guys burned his factory, he would build a bigger factory. He took this cake, he wanted to see who would dare to move his factory.

   "Thank you! Your master!"

   The many mutants who had been lifeless were rejuvenated.

   "Shen Ye!"

   At this time, the white bear ran from a distance.

   Shen Ye looked at the white bear and replied irritably: "Who told me that I have been living in a pub these days."

   "What you said is really chilling, I don't have to work. I am now patrolling at work, and I will help you look at the tavern after get off work, 24 hours a day."

   Bai Xiong replied with a stomachache.

Chapter 464 Objection

   "Okay, okay, I'm doing something wrong."

   Shen Ye hurriedly responded.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, you quickly prepare a little bit, Master Vanoranka wants to see you. But I helped you round the lie for a long time, I really convinced you, and I will shut down at the critical moment. I dare not yet. Say you went on vacation."

   Bai Xiong hurriedly said to Shen Ye.

   "What did he ask me to do, am I not in work injury holiday time?"

   Shen Ye also had a baffling expression.

   "There must be nothing good, you think! Now the Autumn Star is so chaotic, so many horrible thugs have broken in, and the manpower is severely understaffed. If there is one who can still gasp for manpower, he has to pull it out and use it."

   "No way."

   Shen Ye has a black line on his face.

   "Okay, go and see Vanoranka quickly."

   Bai Xiong didn't bother to talk nonsense with Shen Ye.

   "Okay, I will see him now."

   Shen Ye didn't say much.


   Takiji Empire·Shenji City, a mechanical city made of steel, in the center is a huge luxury mansion covering an area of ​​one thousand acres.

   In the brightly lit hall, the main core members of the Belix family gathered at this time. An old man sat neatly on the chairs on both sides of the hall, all of them straight and straight, and everyone's expressions were tight.

   Including the younger generation of offspring standing in the corner, they are all standing with their chests and heads high, like a telephone pole.

  The Belix family has been a general family for generations, and basically all members of the family have served in the military, or have served in it.

   Military discipline has been deeply rooted in everyone's bones.

At the very front of the hall, there is a middle-aged man with a tiger waist and bear back, thick eyebrows and thick eyes. His face is full of flesh, his eyes are extremely sharp, and he is murderous. He is the current patriarch of the Belix family. special.

   At this time, in the middle of the hall, stood an old man with a flattering smile and dressed in luxurious royal robes.

   He said to Dovkis politely.

   "Master Dovekit, I regret the failure of my father to break through. We are also deeply sorry, but there is something I don't know if it should be said or not."

   "Ma Ya, what do you want to say, just say directly, don't hesitate to fight with us haha!"

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