"It's you."

   "Why are you scared? Are you scared?"

   "Where is it."

   Hong Ye bit her lip and replied, she didn't want to be ashamed in front of the man in front of her.

   "You haven't answered my doubts, how do you feel that your family is so weak?"

"How can there be so many seven-star masters in this world? Our entire Maple Leaf family has only three seven-star masters including the division. Moreover, every seven-star master needs to spend countless financial resources and resources to cultivate. The Xiazhixing economy is very prosperous. The Xiazhi family is the richest of our four big families. Naturally, we can cultivate a large number of masters. In contrast, we don’t have that much money. Most of the money we make every year is Subsidies to the people below, as well as to rescue those mutants in disguise, how can there be any money to train masters."

   Hong Ye explained to Shen Ye disapprovingly.

   "I understand what is commonly called a bad guy."

   Shen Ye responded with a smile.

"Everyone has everybody’s beliefs and guidelines. In your eyes, we are bad people, but in my eyes, we are just doing what we should do. If everyone in this world is selfish, then this world is a little bit more selfish. It's not worth remembering."

   Hong Ye retorted without flinching.


   When Shen Ye was about to return to Hongye.

   suddenly found that three figures behind him were approaching quickly.

   I saw the three guys chasing after them, and I don't know what method they used to lock the red leaf position easily.

   "Hold me tight, the other party is about to catch up."

   Shen Ye said to Hongye with a smile.

   Hong Ye subconsciously hugged Shen Ye's neck, and the fragrant breath came directly.

   Shen Ye couldn't help feeling stunned, and couldn't help but say something.

   "You smell so good!"

   In an instant, the red leaves were red from the neck to the base of the ears.


   "Stop making trouble! Hold it."

   Shen Ye speeds up, jumping between the buildings, just like Superman. This time Shen Ye really went all out, and if three guys caught up, it would be troublesome.

   But being chased in this way couldn't work, so Shen Ye changed direction and jumped towards the military building.

   As Shen Ye accelerates, the howling wind becomes louder and louder.

   As an ordinary person, Hongye clings to Shen Ye instinctively, and dare not let go.

   At this time, the Mordesa trio were chasing after him desperately! I'm almost scolding in my heart. Now they are in a dilemma.

   The goal is about to be in front of you. It's a pity to give up. If you don't give up, you will get yourself in at any time.

  Modesa and the three looked at each other, and their hearts rushed forward, preparing to fight hard.

   At this time, Shen Ye was also scolding his mother!

   These **** still don't give up. If they are caught up, they won't be able to resist with his current strength for long. Maybe even fold in yourself, and then your original strange stone will be in danger.

   There was a dilemma for a while.

   At this moment, Shen Ye's eyes suddenly lit up, and he felt a few very terrifying auras, and he was approaching quickly.

   So when Shen Ye jumped to a tall building with Hongye in his arms, he suddenly changed direction, leaped towards the road, and jumped up high.

   Then he said to the red leaves in his arms.



   The very nervous City Lord Hongye raised his face and replied subconsciously.

   "Goodbye, looking forward to seeing you next time."

   After Shen Ye finished jokingly, he disappeared without waiting for City Lord Hongye to react.

   Hongye City Lord in mid-air began to quickly free fall.


   Hongye was also shocked by the sudden change, and instinctively shouted.

   At this moment, Gasol, Roderick and others just arrived.

   Gaso jumped up and caught the fallen red leaves.

   Mordesa and the three people saw Gaso and the others, their expressions changed suddenly, and they turned and fled directly.


   Roderick and the others just chased after him without saying a word.


   In the secret room of the tavern, Shen Ye controlled the clone and returned safely.

   Shen Ye's body absorbed the original strange stone in the clone, and at the same time took back all the equipment on his body, and then cancelled the incarnation.

   After doing all this, he let out a long sigh of relief, and finally got it done.

   Shen Ye eased his mood, and began to pour out what he had looted from Tang Ke.

   By the way, Di Ang's mechanical capsule was also taken out, ready to systematically sort out this income.

   About half an hour later, Shen Ye finally sorted it out.

  The other sundries in the vault are basically rare gems, luxury goods, and some rare materials. The specific value is not easy to estimate. Moreover, it is not easy to sell, and it is easy to be targeted by Tang Ke.

   But in those debris, Shen Ye found a lot of files, these files are very special, all of which are written in special cipher text.

   is very much like a ledger, but unfortunately there is no corresponding decoded text, it is impossible to crack at all.

   But keep it for now, maybe it's useful to look back.

   As for Di Ang's mechanical capsule, Shen Ye also used the Mother Virus Spider to crack it.

   I found 120 million stars, and some groceries, ID cards, bank cards and the like.

   The other things are worthless things. That guy doesn't seem to put his belongings on him, but it's normal. He is not a desperado, so there is no need to take all his belongings with him. It is estimated that following Tang Ke, he has very few chances to fight.

Chapter 487: Flowers

   There is also the strange stone that Shen Ye dug out from Di Ang. He also carefully checked his abilities.

   Xinli's Stone of Fury (Legendary)

   One-stage unique ability (fitness 60%): violent power, giving the host violent violence.

   Second-stage unique ability (fitness 80%): run wild, sacrifice a certain sense of reason, stimulate the potential to obtain madness and violence.

   Three-stage legendary unique ability (fitness 100%): violent will, passively increase the power attribute of the host.

   As for the pair of sixth-order imperial weapon·grey shoes, Shen Ye found its information, sixth-order imperial weapon·light boots.

  Wearing these shoes, the body will become extremely light, with strong jumping ability, and it comes with a very special logo skill that flashes for a short distance.

   Shen Ye used alchemy to slightly change his appearance and put it on directly.

   And the green women's bracelet is also very famous, Shen Ye also found the corresponding information, the sixth-order imperial instrument · Green Vine Attachment, its symbol ability is Forest Guardian.

   As for the azure spear, it is a seventh-order imperial weapon named Wind Chaser.

   That weapon was once a famous weapon of an eight-star master.

   Its value is unparalleled!

   And its iconic skill, Wind Shuttle, is also known as invincible.

   It's only a pity that Shen Ye's knowledge on guns is average. If it were a sword, it would be perfect.

   The overall income is very good, and the only biggest pity is that the energy of the original strange stone has dropped four squares, blood loss!

   At this time, Shen Ye's cell phone buzzed.

   Shen Ye glanced at the caller's number, and was also taken aback, then connected. He answered the phone with his shoulder tucked in, while encapsulating the things he didn't need.


   Shen Ye replied as he cleaned up.


   When the sun rose the next day, the city of Autumn became lively again, as if nothing had happened.

   Shen Ye went out very early. He went to a nearby flower shop and bought a beautiful bunch of white orchids.

   Then he borrowed a small car from Bai Xiong and drove towards the military building in the center of the city.

   Not long after, Shen Ye arrived near the military gate.

   Shen Ye stopped the car, and before he got out of the car, he saw an extended silver sports car parked at the gate of the military department.

   At this time, Shen Ye saw Xiaoya and Elemi walk out of the military gate side by side, talking and laughing as they walked.

   Shen Ye didn't mean to go up and bother, he just sat in the car and waited quietly.

   Time goes by little by little.

   At this time, Shen Ye saw Ai Laimi walking to the car door, and elegantly extended her hand to open the car door, inviting Xiaoya to get in the car.

   Xiaoya got in the car.

   Then the sports car drove out.

   Shen Ye thought for a while, then started the car and followed.

   After a while, Elemi's car stopped in a relatively quiet cafe.

   The entire restaurant is small in size and has two floors.

   Ai Laimi invited Xiaoya to the second floor, and they found a place by the window to sit down.

   Shen Ye walked out of the car holding flowers and stood diagonally across from the coffee shop. You could just see Xiaoya and Elemi drinking coffee.

   I saw Elemi and Xiaoya talking and laughing, as if the atmosphere was very good.

   Shen Ye waited quietly below, taking a look at his phone from time to time.

   At this time, Elemi looked out the window, and then he continued to chat with Xiaoya.

   Time goes by little by little.

   Shen Ye picked up the phone and dialed Xiaoya's number, but unfortunately Xiaoya still didn't answer his call.

   Then helplessly Shen Ye looked at the time, then slowly turned and left.

   He drove towards the Starfield Airport of Autumn City.


   In the restaurant half an hour ago, Elemi and Xiaoya were sitting by the window.

   Elemi, who has always been an elegant gentleman, spoke first.

   "I have heard about you and your family. I am sorry to have caused you such a big trouble, but that was not my intention."

   "You don't have to apologize to me, I understand."

   Xiaoya replied with a smile.

   "Seriously, you don't have to worry about it. If you really don't want to, I can take the initiative to dissolve the marriage contract. I will do the bad guy."

   Elemi said sincerely.

   "No, our two things are not as simple as you think. If you do this, you think people in your family will let you go? Even you will be unlucky then."

   Xiaoya said seriously.

   "I know, but it's okay. It doesn't matter if marriage is not a success. But I cherish our friendship very much. You should also know very well that people like us are born lonely. It is not easy to have a true friend."

   Elemi replied very gentlemanly.

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