He didn't have the time to deal with Liu Liang, and quickly opened the message and took a look.

   Liu Liang saw that Shen Ye suddenly looked serious and became more curious.

   As a result, Shen Ye put the phone away directly.

   "Why, want to see?"

"In no mood."

   Liu Liang's face was a bit unbearable.

   "If you don't want to see it, just go find Miss Xue Nai."

   Shen Ye didn't say much nonsense.

   Liu Liang hurriedly walked out.

   Shen Ye looked at the back of Liu Liang's departure, his expression became more solemn, and the situation was very not optimistic. Vanoranka's reply was helpless, and Star Tower could not interfere with the decision of the front defense army.

   The commander of any front has ample power to deal with emergencies, even if he makes a wrong decision. Unless the President of Parliament directly issues a mandatory interference order, no one can stop it, and can only file objections and complaints later.

   There is another point. Vanoranka's meaning is also very clear. He must ensure the safety of Xuenai's life. It can be seen that this Xuenai's identity is not simple, and he is not an ordinary reporter.

   And there is internal intelligence showing that Miss Xue Nai may be dangerous on the front line, if possible, it is best to persuade her to return to the Alliance government.

   There was a rush of footsteps at this time.

   Xuenai and Liu Liang walked in, and Xuenai didn't care to say hello to Shen Ye, but asked directly.

   "Is there any news from Mr. Shen Ye?"

   "I'm sorry! Miss Xuenai, Star Tower can't intervene in this matter, and basically there will be no turning point in this matter. You may have to give up."

   Shen Ye said as calmly as possible.

   Xuena shook his head and said to Shen Ye: "Thank you, but I won't give up."

   "I don't quite understand, you have done your best, why do you continue to insist on it? And this thing is not useful if you insist on it. If you continue to obstruct it, it might be dangerous."

   Shen Ye reminded me a little bit.

   "No, I haven't tried my best yet, I have to try again. Those are living lives, not a string of cold numbers. If you say it is erased, then erase it."

   "Then what are you going to do?"

   "In three days, Commander Lu will convene a meeting of all officers, and I will convince everyone!"

   Xuenai said something that shocked Shen Ye.

Chapter 516 Hard Break

   "Ms. Xuenai, think twice, this is a bit too risky. If you let Commander Lu not get off the stage in front of everyone, you might be disturbed by the military's mind to rectify the Fa on the spot."

   Shen Ye's brows curled up to remind Xue Nai that he had never expected Xue Na to be this way.

   "Yes, Xuena, don't do this, it's too dangerous. That group of people are big bosses, and they are unreasonable when they start the fire."

   Liu Liang was also anxious.

   "I have decided, no matter whether it succeeds or not, I will try it, and I don't have to persuade me."

   Xuena made up his mind.

   "Well, in that case, I'll go with you."

   Shen Ye replied with a headache. Although he could not help much, at least if the situation really got out of control, he could also stop Xuena.

   "Mr. Shen Ye, I won't bother you with this. I can't cause serious trouble to you because of my personal reasons. After all, this is my will."

   Xuena sincerely bowed to Shen Ye, her eyes were very firm.

Shen Ye smiled and replied: "In life, it’s not that you trouble me, or I trouble you. If there is anything to care about, those who really don’t trouble each other are passers-by. You don’t need to say much, Miss Xuenai, I will accompany you. One trip, just so I can see your heroic appearance. You know, not everyone has the courage and confidence to argue with a commander."

   Xuenai felt a little embarrassed when she heard Shen Ye's words.

   "Master Shen Ye, you are absurdly praised."

   "I will go with you too, what's so great."

   Liu Liang interrupted in annoyance, and Shen Ye took all the limelight.

   Shen Ye smiled and said nothing.

   Three days later, in the center of the Iron Wall Fortress, a slaying non-commissioned officer walked towards the conference room.

   The corridor leading to the conference room was guarded by a soldier in colonial armor.

   Shen Ye and Liu Liang followed Xuenai over.

   As a result, he was stopped as soon as he approached, and the leader of the captain who was wearing colonial armor and couldn't see his face said coldly.

   "Sorry, there is a military conference room in front. It is strictly forbidden for any non-officers to enter."

   "I am a reporter dispatched by the alliance government. This is my identity certificate and the authorization letter from the alliance government. Please let us in."

   Xuena asked for her credentials.


   The captain glanced at him, and refused without saying a word.

   "Please be accommodating."

   Xuena pleaded.

   It's a pity that the other party didn't respond to her at all, and stood there like a log.

   "Don't go too far, believe it or not, we will complain to you."

   Liu Liang became more annoyed when they saw that they ignored Xuena.

   But it's still useless, I don't want them at all.

   At this time, more and more officers entered, and many officers even looked back at Xuenai and Shen Ye who were stopped outside.

   Soon all the officers who participated in the meeting entered the meeting room, and the thick meeting room door slowly closed.

   The spacious and solemn military conference room, with rows of officers sitting upright, like a very beautiful landscape.

   At this time, Lu Tianyuan stepped onto the parliament stand from the side, and the meeting room immediately burst into applause.

   Lu Tianyuan walked to the middle of the parliamentary platform and stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"I won't talk any more nonsense. The purpose of this emergency meeting is to tell you that the Carlofa Front is now on the verge of an emergency. As of last night, a total of more than three hundred planets affiliated with the Front have sent messages for help. The star of Jinshi, the star of Watermark, and the star of Guattari have completely fallen."

   Hearing the many officers present here was in an uproar.

   But calm soon returned.

Lu Tianyuan said in a deep voice to the crowd: "According to normal, we should send troops to support them. But something worse happened. According to the information from the investigation team, it was on the west side of the Iron Wall Fortress. 500 kilometers away, I have explored subspace fluctuations. The fluctuations are very strong, and there is a possibility that large cracks will open. We must go all out, and we must not be able to make any accidents. We must know that the Carlofa Front can stand tall in the past few years. , All relying on the **** battles of everyone here, and the sacrificed compatriots, it is you who used your blood to forge the indestructible Karofa front. Therefore, for the planets that have fallen outside, I decided to bear the pain and give the order to destroy the stars, so the notoriety has me. Come carry it."

   There were heavy expressions on the faces of many people present.


   Just then the door of the meeting room was opened.


   Everyone looked at Xuena who broke in.

   Just now, Xuena finally couldn't help but want to break in, but the soldiers wouldn't give her a chance at all and stopped her directly.

   In desperation, Xue Na can only turn to Shen Ye for help.

   Facing Xuenai's sincere eyes, Shen Ye could only helplessly restrain the soldiers who were obstructing him with shadows.

   This scene appeared as a result.

   Shen Ye sometimes feels crazy.

   On the parliament stage, Lu Tianyuan's face sank, with a trace of anger on his face.

   Lieutenant General Yajie, who was sitting in the front row, shouted angrily: "Bold! Who allowed you to break into the military conference room? You won't get it for me."

   Suddenly a dozen soldiers walked up!

   Shen Ye sighed, raised his head and his eyes became very firm. He took a step forward and stood in front of Xuenai.

   However, Xuena didn't let Shen Ye protect herself, so she walked forward and said.

   "Commander Lu, everyone present, please finish listening and say a few words. When I finish speaking, I am willing to bear all responsibilities and punishments, even if it is shot."

   Lu Tianyuan said hoarsely, "All retreat."

   The soldiers who stepped forward to take someone suddenly retreated one after another.

   Lu Tianyuan looked at Xuenai immediately: "According to normal, I should have someone take you down, but Lu Tianyuan has always convinced people with morals, and I will give you the opportunity to speak freely."

"Thank you, Commander Lu, for giving me this opportunity. As a reporter, I shouldn’t interfere in any military operations. However, the destruction of stars is indeed against humanity. There are countless compatriots living on every planet, even if it’s fallen. It’s the same with the planet of, they themselves are struggling. Now instead of extending a helping hand, we are going to launch annihilation when they are most difficult. I hope Commander Lu and everyone here will consider carefully and retract this decision. Those are all flesh and blood, alive people."

   Xue Na said to everyone.

   "Are you finished?"

   Lu Tianyuan looked at Xuena with a daunting look.

   "I would like to ask Commander Lu to think twice."

   Xuena gritted her teeth and replied without any fear.

   Lu Tianyuan slammed a punch on the table on the parliament stage!


   A loud noise resounded throughout the conference room.

Immediately after Lu Tianyuan said to Xuena: "You are right, the people and mutants who are struggling and struggling in the Occupied Stars are indeed flesh and blood! But have you considered that my brothers are also flesh and blood, now the main battlefield? There are many crises, and there will be emergencies at any time. We need materials without materials, money without money, and manpower without manpower. This is the time for my brothers to throw their heads and blood to fight for those fallen planets. I can’t do it. I would rather bear this infamy and solve those fallen planets once and for all, than watch my brothers sacrifice in vain, they also have relatives waiting."

   Many officers present bowed their heads.

   When Shen Ye heard this, it was painful too. It seemed that Commander Lu said nothing wrong!

Chapter 517 Premeditated

   And Xue Nai was also at a loss for a while, not knowing how to answer Lu Tianyuan's words.

At this time, Lu Tianyuan patted his chest, and said to Xuenai with a majestic expression: "Miss Xuenai, I don't blame you, I know you have compassion for those people because of kindness. But you don't understand the hardships of us soldiers fighting on the frontline. And helpless, this thing ends here. If you still don’t understand, then if you have the opportunity, you can go to the frontline battlefield and you will know how naive everything you say is."

   "But, Commander Lu."

   Xuena just wanted to say something.

   Lu Tianyuan flicked his sleeves and snorted coldly: "The meeting is over!"

   then turned around and left.

   The non-commissioned officers on the scene also got up and left. No one stayed and greeted Xuenai and the others.

   On the contrary, some non-commissioned officers looked at Xuena with a trace of disgust in their eyes.

   At this time, Shen Ye saw Liu Tan and Kaqiu.

   They nodded to Shen Ye, and Shen Ye nodded slightly in response.

   Now the situation is a bit sensitive, they are really not suitable for chatting with Shen Ye.

   Shen Ye said to the somewhat disheartened Xuena: "Go back to rest first, and then think of a solution when you look back."

   Xuena bit her lip lightly and lowered her head.


   On the other side, Yajie followed Lu Tianyuan back to the office.

   Yajie closed the office door.

   Lu Tianyuan tightened his face with a smile of satisfaction, and said to Yajie: "Everything is going well. All that's left is to show Miss Xue Nai a wonderful show. Are everything arranged?"

"Commander, you can rest assured that I have made arrangements. All the orbital weapons are already in place, and all weapons in the Iron Wall Fortress are on standby. In addition, our elite troops are also ready. We are using level six this time. Resonance device. Normally, the monster that ran out is only Tier 6, no matter how troublesome it is, even if there is an unexpected problem, there are monsters that ran out of Tier 7 across levels, so many weapons are facing there, too. Can be wiped out easily."

   Yajie responded respectfully.

   "Well, very good, how are the vanguards going?"

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