"Of course it's awesome, but remember to charge this sword."

   "No, do you want to recharge again?"

   Shen Ye is a little bit overwhelmed by charging, and his natal stones are all dissatisfied.

   "What do you mean by charging again."

   Amos looked at Shen Ye inexplicably.

"No no……"

   Shen Ye reacted and quickly waved his hand in response.

"This sword is actually not difficult at all to recharge. As long as you kill the most vicious people and monsters, you can draw evil from them. But you have to pay attention, not to say that the stronger the enemy, you can recharge it when you kill it. The more. Sometimes the top master you try to kill with all your strength may not be able to charge a little bit, because it may not have any guilt value. Sometimes, you kill a weak chicken, the result can be a lot of charge, and you need Be careful, don’t cut down good people, otherwise you will have to lose money. In addition, the judgment of the guilt value of monsters is also very strange, often can not be absorbed at all, but demons and ghost monsters often contribute a lot."

   Amos imparted all his known experience and skills to Shen Ye.


   Shen Ye listened very carefully. With the teaching of Amers, he didn't have to explore it on his own.

"By the way, there is one more point. If your strength has not reached the nine-star level, and you have not practiced the hardened fifth layer absolute defense. Then you must never use the holy redemption ability of this sword, otherwise its terrifying power will directly affect you The whole body is shattered, and the ten-star power is not what you can imagine, and only a body that has been trained to be absolutely defensive can carry it."

   Amos reminded him worriedly.

   "Understand, by the way, Master, is this sword well charged?"

   Shen Ye looked at Amos with very expectant eyes.

   Amos coughed embarrassingly.

   "I'm sorry, I used it for the last time. I used the power of ten stars to split the space turbulence."

   When Shen Ye heard what Ames said, he was a little disappointed, he bit the bullet and asked.

   "Master, how long did it take you to fill it up."

   "This is simple, it took me a few years."

"That is not bad."

   Shen Ye breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that it was not too difficult to recharge.

   "But at the time I was always responsible for hunting down the most vicious wanted criminals of the Alliance government."

   Amos added another sentence.

"forget it."

   Shen Ye didn't want to complain anymore.

   "Since this sword is given to you, give you this general suit too."

   Amos handed the general clothes on another shelf to Shen Ye.

   Shen Ye took it over excitedly, and joked.

   "Master, do you give me this suit as a representative? I will be a general of the alliance government in the future?"

Chapter 558 The Past

"I think you are not awake, what are you doing daydreaming? The general government of the alliance is not a cabbage, how can you be able to take a suit of clothes to be able to be, give you this suit to let you just in case. If you Inadvertently let the Alliance government detect the sword in your hand, and then you were arrested idiotically, so you took out this suit, said you are my inheritor, and remembered that I was dead."

   "Then the Alliance government will give me the sword?"

   Shen Ye asked expectantly.

   "Dreaming, I won't kill you, I will take the sword back, thank goodness."

   Amos directly extinguished Shen Ye's fantasy.

   "Hey, I'm not asking, right, Master, why don't you go back to the alliance government."

   Shen Ye asked curiously, with the power of Amers, there should still be a chance to go back.

   When Amos heard Shen Ye's words, there was a trace of melancholy on his face, as if he had fallen into memories from a long time ago.

   After a long time, he thought twice and said to Shen Ye, "I have something to tell you."

"You say."

   Shen Ye responded respectfully.

Amos then said to Shen Ye: "Didn’t you just ask me why I didn’t return to the Alliance government? In fact, I didn’t have the face to return. I used to be the head of the five generals and was responsible for executing the rulings and orders of the Alliance government. In my principle. In China, guilty is guilt, innocence is innocence, and I have never favoritism. Therefore, my reputation is extremely high. Of course, because of this, I have no friends. Later, by chance, I met a couple in Autumn Star. Of course, they are not ordinary people, they are the eight-star top demon king. In fact, things that alien races hide in our human region to survive are everywhere. As long as they don’t do evil, they basically keep one eye open. So I too It's just a half-monitoring of them, but if you go back and forth, you will be familiar with it. As a result, something very ironic happened. We turned out to be very good friends!"

   Shen Ye listened carefully, without interrupting.

"I still remember that time. In our leisure time, we were drinking together and discussing life together. It was very pleasant! Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. One day after more than ten years, I suddenly received an SSS-level lore order from the Alliance government. There was an alien demon king who rushed into the alliance government at night, forcibly seized the sacred stone of the alliance government, and killed countless masters who went to recapture the sacred stone. The alliance government furiously promised a huge reward and issued a death order. The holy stone was taken back, so I took the order to hunt down! When I arrived, the whole area was imprisoned in the chaotic space, and there were corpses everywhere, and what I didn’t expect most was the wanted demon. Wang turned out to be their husband and wife, and they also took their two daughters with them. On the one hand, they were brothers and on the other hand, they were ordered by the alliance government. I was forced by the military's vocation to defeat them."

   Amos sighed helplessly.

   Shen Ye didn't dare to ask more, but continued to listen.

"At that time, I defeated the couple and asked them why they had to steal the sacred stone from the alliance government. My brother told me that the sacred stone was the treasure of their fox clan. They were also attacked by the group of demons because of the great changes in the fox clan. I had to take the holy stone and fled to the area of ​​the alliance government. I wanted to find a place to live and work, but I wondered, because of her kind heart, her wife made some holy water with holy stones and saved some people. The result was discovered by the alliance government. It just caused the murderous disaster. In the end, they expressed their willingness to hand over the holy stone in exchange for the safety of their families."

   "Master, will it be okay if you hand it over?"

   Shen Ye couldn't help but ask.

"You are too naive. I was not the only one who was responsible for the siege at the time. The cosmic noble thugs and all the masters in the alliance government were present. They would not listen to me. And there was also a warlord holding a lore at the time. Ling’s special officer was present. At that time, the official made it clear that the alliance government issued a lore order, so don’t even want to live! So some people at the scene took the risk and killed my brother and his wife in a sneak attack, and stretched out their hand to them. My child, I didn’t know what to do at the time, and I didn’t know who was right to listen to. It was completely messed up. So I resigned to my fate and placed my choice on Natural Selection. The strongest power burst out, Launch a trial attack on everyone! If they are not guilty, then they will have nothing to do. If they are guilty, they will be killed on the spot!"

   Amos said with deep emotion.

   Shen Ye was dumbfounded at the end when he heard it. It was crazy to use a trial attack on everyone, he asked with some curiosity.

   "Master, what happened then?"

   Shen Ye asked very curiously.

Amos took a deep breath, with a painful look on his face, and said to Shen Ye: "What will happen in the end? I was dumbfounded. In addition, because my attack was too strong, the space barrier they used to besie my brother collapsed, and the surviving people were all involved in the huge spatial turbulence. And I was at that moment. Using the Holy Atonement, forcibly breaking through to ten stars, protecting my brother’s orphans, that is, sisters Xiyue and Ximeng, escaped from the broken starry sky. But the people of the alliance government also died because of me, and those who were judged guilty I don’t feel guilty at all for the killer. But those innocent companions also died because of me, and I really have no face to go back."

   Shen Ye was still sighed after listening, not knowing what to say.

"Don’t think that Xiyue and Ximeng are quite strong. They are the patriarchs of the fox clan. In fact, they are also poor people. The reason why I stay in the fox clan is because I am ashamed of them. If I had been tougher at the time, and believe my brother, I would directly and forcefully stop all of this, let them leave, and go to the Alliance government to collect punishment by myself, then there would be no tragedy."

   Amos thinks more and more painful.

   Shen Ye said to Amers, "Master, don't blame yourself, all this is over."

   "Yes, it's all over, people always like to remember the past when they are old. Don't talk about those, the time is almost up, you should also go back to Xingyao's attic."

   Amos quickly adjusted his condition and said to Shen Ye.

   "Okay, then I'm leaving."

   Shen Ye put the clothes of Tiancho and General into the space ring, and hurried towards Xingyao's attic.

   The information I learned today really shocked Shen Ye too much.

   At night, Shen Ye returned to Xingyao's attic. He and Xiaoli were in the boiling water room, working hard.

   "There are so many guests today, and many fox girls have been ordered. Look at so many brands, will Brother Shen Ye be too late!"

   Xiaoli asked worriedly.

   "What are you afraid of, I am here?"

   Shen Ye touched Xiaoli's head and promised.


   Xiaoli nodded very confidently.

   At this time, Uncle Gou walked in and cursed eagerly.

   "Hurry up! The guests are urging."

   Everyone in the handyman room speeded up their hands and feet.

   At this moment, a roar of rage sounded, and the entire Xing Yao attic shook.

  Many monsters and foxes in the handyman's room showed horror.

   Uncle Gou's face changed suddenly!

   "It's not good, something happened."

   He rushed out immediately.

   Shen Ye and others also followed out.

   I saw that the entire Xing Yao attic was messed up. A big demon with a naked body came out from the hot spring pool behind, each with an angry expression on his face.

   Fox mother immediately greeted her and asked with a smile.

   "My lord, what's wrong."

   "Fox mother, you are too much, you even used fake holy spring water for us, you are really fat, believe it or not, we demolished your Xingyao attic!"

   "That's right!"


  The big monsters present were very angry.

The 559th chapter is missing

  Some of them have even shown part of their bodies. If they don’t, Xingyao’s attic will be demolished.

   Fox mother saw this scene, her face also became very ugly.

   At this time, a group of elite fox guards rushed in, but they didn't dare to act rashly, not only because these were big monsters, but the most important point was that they were still guests of Xingyao's attic and couldn't afford to offend them.

   Fox mother licked her face and explained.

   "Look at what the adults said, are we that kind of person? Besides, how could something go wrong with the holy spring."

   "If something goes wrong, you won't go and see by yourself!"

   The great demon present roared.

   At this time, a fox goddess rushed over in a panic, walked to the fox mother, and whispered.

   "There is indeed a problem with the holy spring water, there is no power."

   Hearing this, Mother Fox's face couldn't be stretched.

   She said to everyone present.

   "Masters, it may be one of the following guys who doesn't have eyesight, and the operation made a mistake! Masters, wait a minute, I will ask Master Xiyue to come down."

   Hearing the name Xiyue, the angry expressions of the many big monsters present gradually eased.

   Xiyue's strength is terrifying. The Demon Realm has always respected strength, and being strong can naturally win everyone's approval.

   "Okay, but if you can't give a satisfactory explanation, we won't let it go. We are not vegetarian."

   Many big monsters present expressed their opinions.

   "Understand, understand, everyone, wait a moment."

   Fox mother quickly responded.

   Then the mother fox and Uncle Gou who rushed over gestured a wink to make them look at these guys.

   She hurried to find Xiyue herself.

   At this time, Xiyue was combing Ximeng's slender hair, and asked softly.

   "Sister, have you slept well recently?"

   Ximeng replied in a low voice: "Sister is worried."

   "Fool, I am your sister, I don't care about you, who cares about you."

   Xiyue petted her head and said softly.

   At this time, there was a rush of footsteps, and then there was a knock on the door.



   Xiyue asked a little displeasedly, she had clearly ordered that there is nothing to do, don't disturb their sisters.

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