"It's a pity, it's not on our side."


   On the spacecraft, Shen Ye woke up suddenly, with a cold sweat on his forehead.

   "Huh~ Fortunately, it's a dream, it's really a **** of a life, I can dream that Chen Weisi is being that. It seems that my nerves are too tight recently, and I really need a good rest when things are done."

   Shen Ye wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said helplessly.

   Then he took out his phone and looked at the time. He slept long enough, five or six hours passed.

   Shen Ye raised his hand and pressed the meal button next to the seat.

   Very soon, a hearty meal was delivered.


   After Shen Ye thanked the beautiful girl, he began to eat.

   He calculated the time to finish the meal and watch a movie, almost the time passed.

   As a result, after Shen Ye Shen Ye watched two super long movies, he picked up his phone and looked at the time with some doubts. It should be almost time, why didn’t he notice to land?

   At this time, the passengers around Shen Ye were all whispering.

   Seems to be late?

   Just then the broadcast sound on the spacecraft sounded.

   "I'm sorry to all the distinguished passengers, due to the unexpected special situation of Winter Star, three hours ago, Winter Star officially announced that it has entered a first-level alert status. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to all passengers."

   Shen Ye also looked dazed, what's the situation?

   Winter Star has actually entered the first level alert state, wouldn't it be so unlucky?

   The tourists on the boat suddenly exploded and vomited very annoyed.

   "What the **** is going on!"


   At this time, the broadcast continued to sound.

   "Please stay calm, all passengers. We will wait outside of Winter Star and wait for the latest administrative order of Winter Star. Please rest assured that we will provide all meals and necessary living supplies during this period."


   "Everyone, please calm down a little bit. Now I am denied entry. Not just our spacecraft, but all the spacecraft are waiting in suspension."

  The beautiful female flight attendants came down one after another, trying to reassure all the passengers as much as possible.

   The dissatisfaction soon subsided, everyone gradually calmed down, and complaints were useless.

   can only wait quietly.

   Shen Ye touched his forehead, he was a little skeptical, is this considered a disadvantage to the teacher?

   Forget it, I can only wait, I hope the next journey will be smoother.

   Three days later, Shen Ye leaned back in his chair feebly. Nima was so cheating that they had to wait here for three days.

   What the **** is it? Even if the first level alert is not lifted, there is not even a quasi-trust.

   Shen Ye felt that he was already more patient, and the passengers next to him were about to shake up the sky.

   Those beautiful female flight attendants have been scolded and cried a lot.

   Shen Ye also noticed that many of the passengers on the spacecraft were dressed very luxuriously, either rich or expensive.

   At this time, the radio sounded the captain's calm voice.

"Dear travelers, I’m sorry to inform you that the planet of Winter has been attacked by aliens and cultists, so it has entered a first-level alert state. Although it has been reduced from a first-level alert state to a second-level alert state, it is due to the risk level For this reason, the spacecraft will land at the Winter Space Transit Station. At that time, all personnel will be re-identified and risk-verified. Only those who pass the verification will be able to go to Winter City. At that time, all those who are denied entry will also be sent by us. You return to the Star of Autumn."


   "Damn, you have to re-verify your identity at risk."

   "This is not a bully!"

   "Forget it, forget it, just verify it, it's impossible."


   Shen Ye shook his head helplessly. It was not an ordinary trouble, but forget it, he should be fine.

   Not long after, the spacecraft docked at the Winter Space Transit Station suspended outside the Winter Star.

Shen Ye followed the tourists out of the boarding gate. After three days in the spacecraft, he was almost suffocated. You must know that he was riding on this spacecraft, which was not an interstellar cruise ship or an ordinary sailing ship. The conditions inside were not very good. .

   After stepping off the spacecraft, Shen Ye looked around. There were a lot of spacecrafts parked nearby, and a group of passengers gathered in front of each spacecraft.

   "Look, it's not Winter Star."

   A young girl shouted to her companion excitedly.

   Shen Ye regained consciousness, and then looked over, a huge white planet not far away came into view.

   On its surface, a huge vortex revolves, very spectacular.

"so beautiful."

   "Yes, you see that the vortex seems to be a funnel."

   The girls discussed excitedly.

At this time, an uncle standing next to him smiled and said, “That’s not a beautiful funnel, it’s all a cannibalistic storm! The only thing that is really beautiful about Winter Star is Winter City. Other than that, it’s all outside. Thousands of miles are frozen and the storm is raging."

   "Huh? How do the people outside survive?"

   the girls asked curiously.

   "There is no one outside. Except for those prisons, the entire Winter Star is one city, the Winter City. But the Winter City is a good place. I guarantee that after you go, you will only linger."

   The uncle said this with a special smile on his face.

   Shen Ye was free to do nothing, and curiously observed the Winter Star.

Chapter 637 Security Check

   It doesn't matter if you look at it or not, a strange color suddenly appeared in Shen Ye's eyes, he rubbed his eyes vigorously, and then opened his eyes to watch Winter Star carefully.

   He watched again and again to confirm that it was not because of the dazzling himself. He saw a small humanoid phantom trembling on the right part of the Winter Star.

   But you have to know that this is space, no matter how small it looks, how big is the real volume of the object.

   Shen Ye still felt a bit ridiculous, so he said deliberately.

   "Hey, how can there be a human-like phantom on that Winter Star?"


   The passengers who were idle around with nothing to do were also aroused by Shen Ye's words, looking at the Winter Star one after another.

   "It's over there."

   Shen Ye pointed the direction for them.

   "No, are you dazzled."

   "Yes, there is nothing."


   The passengers around complained.

   "Don't you see it?"

   Shen Ye also asked a little hoodwinked.

   "How can you be dazzled."

   Everyone at the scene said one after another.

   Shen Ye looked at it carefully, and found that the phantom was gone. He touched his chin. Could it be true that he was dazzled, or was the phantom just caused by the rolling clouds on the surface of the Winter Star?

   Before Shen Ye could think about it, a soldier in exoskeleton armor walked over.

"Everyone will go to the front security check channel to conduct a second identity verification. We will send you a spacecraft personally if the verification is passed, and all those who fail the verification will be repatriated. I said the ugly thing in front. Don't blame us for being rude then."

   The visitors shuddered one after another, and no one dared to say anything.

   Shen Ye cooperated to queue up, the queue was quite long, but the group of people was also very efficient, and the queue moved forward very quickly.

   It didn't take long before it was the turn of the night. He saw the interrogator in front, a man in a white garrison uniform.

   "Name, identity, what are the Winter Stars doing."

   "My name is Liu Ru. I am the chairman of a large company. I am here on holiday."

   "No approval! Go back."

"Ah, wait……"

   "Do you want to make trouble?"

   The investigator asked in a low tone.

   "No, don't leave without me."

   The man named Liu Ru left dejectedly.

   Shen Ye looked dazed, this is called identity verification, and it is a one-size-fits-all approach, so there is no plan to let you in.

   Soon it was Shen Ye's turn. At this time, the few people in front of him were all dead, and no one passed through, which really made Shen Ye feel weak.

   "Name, identity, what does Winter Star do."

   asked the investigator mechanically.

   "Shen Ye, Master of the Star Tower, I'm coming to Winter Star to find friends."

   Shen Ye introduced himself.

   Hearing what Shen Ye said, the interrogator in front of him raised his head and looked at Shen Ye.

   "Is it from the Star Tower?"

   "Yes, this is my ID card."

   Shen Ye picked up his ID card, thinking that there should be no major problems.

   As a result, the interrogator in front of him didn't look at his ID card at all, but made trouble.

   "What are the Star Tower people doing here?"

   "Didn't I say to come to find friends."

   The corners of Shen Ye's mouth twitched, this guy did it on purpose.

   "No, at this very time, the city lord has an order to prohibit unnecessary people from entering. Not to mention that you are visiting friends, even if you are on business, it is not easy to use."

   The interrogator just didn't let go, but he didn't scold Shen Ye to leave either.

   instead looked at Shen Ye meaningfully.

   Shen Ye's heart is angry, this guy deliberately made things difficult for him, right? If no one from the Star Tower can enter the country, how many people can pass?

   "My lord, I think there should be no problem with my immigration check!"

   "I said that if you have a problem, there will be a problem. The people of Star Tower are amazing."

   Seeing that Shen Ye was so uninterested in front of him, the interrogator dared to question him, which was a bit annoyed.

   Shen Ye is also inexplicable, why this guy made such a big fire.

"I do not have it."

   Shen Ye calmly defended, and did not get angry.

   At this moment, another team next to him who was in charge of interrogation, one of the men wearing the costume of the star tower night bearer heard the sound of the dispute and immediately walked over with a smile on his face.

   "What is the madness of Captain Qi? You see this person is from the Star Tower, right? Give me some face and let me cross-examine."

   The Qi team's expression changed for a while, and finally said displeased: "Take it away."

   "This brother comes with me."

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