"Oh, you are so confident, then we will wait and see."


   After a while, sixteen jurors supported the two judges, and a presiding judge walked in.

   The two trial officials were Xiao Wei, who had interrogated Chen Weisi, and the other was Gaul.

   The most conspicuous is the presiding judge Gu Shen with white hair and wrinkles on his face. He is one of the oldest presiding judges in the trial court, and his position and authority are relatively high.

  All the judges were soon in place.

   Gu Shen said hoarsely: "I officially announce the opening of the trial, and now the prosecution will explain its views."

  Yori stood up first, and he saluted all the jurors, as well as the judge and the chief judge.

"Hello, sirs, my name is Yorie, Mr. Shen Ye’s accusation representative. I am now fully responsible for Mr. Shen Ye’s accusation against Mr. Jihan Kincer. Two years ago, Mr. Jihan Kinsey signaled his subordinates to intimidate his subordinates by force. It’s illegal to force my client’s sellers to sell their land. Now the original owners of these lands have legally and compliantly sold the land to my client, Mr. Shen Ye. I hope that the judges can judge Jihan Jincer The land transaction contract numbered CRC123-CRC421 held by Mr. is invalid."

   Gu Shen turned his head to look at Jihan Jinser's defense lawyer team.

   "The accused is now speaking to explain the debate concept."

At this time, a solemn middle-aged lawyer stood up, and said in a calm and powerful voice: "On behalf of Mr. Jihan Jinse, I deny all the accusations of the other party. Mr. Fang Jihan Jinse is a hereditary noble of the Alliance government and has always been adhering to Based on the will of the alliance government, fraternity, and justice, naturally we will not make a forced purchase. Moreover, the land transaction contract numbered CRC123-CRC421 signed by our Mr. Fang Jihan Jinse was a matter of two years ago. If the sellers feel that they have been Oppression, why didn’t appeal for so long, and Mr. Shen Ye appealed on his behalf? If the other party cannot produce substantive evidence to prove it, we will also counter suing the other party for defamation."

   "The prosecutor will show evidence."

   Gu Shen expressionlessly followed the process of review.

Chapter 689: Unfavorable

  Yory picked up a copy of the compulsory complaint prepared in advance, signed and written by the seller, and handed it to the staff next to it to distribute to all juries and examiners, while the original was handed over to Gu Shen.

"You can see these complaints, each with the signatures and pictures of the oppressed people, which elaborated in detail how the minions of the Golden Family oppressed and threatened them. Some of them were beaten because they did not agree. They broke their feet, and some people’s houses were burned because of resistance... It’s hard to imagine that under the wise leadership of the alliance government, such a heinous thing would happen. This is trampling on the law and blatantly despising the alliance government. the behavior of……"

   Yory explained the tragic experiences of those sellers with eloquence, and accused the Jihan Kincer family of crimes.

   Jihan Kincer's face grew gloomy as he listened to Yory's accusation. He hadn't heard anyone accuse him like that in a long time.

  All the censorship officials present also frowned.

  Jihan Kincer’s debating lawyers group discussed with each other after listening to Yory’s complaint, and then dispatched a rather young female lawyer to stand up as a counter-rebutting representative.

   "We protested against the evidence submitted by the prosecutor, suspected that the prosecutor was involved in temptation, and abetted the sellers to jointly produce false evidence to achieve bad goals..."

Yory retorted: “Every complaint is a private prosecution of every victim, and it is signed and detained to ensure the authenticity of the evidence. As for the alleged temptation and abetting by the other party, it is even more nonsense. , We are just a fair and equitable transaction based on the laws of the alliance government and at market prices."


   At this moment, the debate between the two sides is getting more intense.

   At this moment, the other party spoke to the presiding judge: "The presiding judge, relying only on some so-called physical evidence, it is ridiculous to prove a glorious nobleman. The other party does not even have a decent personal testimony, so why convince the public?"

   The jurors present also began to express their opinions.

   "I think it would be a little tricky to testify against Lord Jihan if I just used a paper complaint."

   "Yes, I think so too."


   More than half of the sixteen jury opened their mouths and stood on the side of the Kincer family.

   Gaul, one of the two major judges, also said: "It is indeed difficult to convince the public just by relying on the evidence of these dead objects."

And Xiao Wei, who had interrogated Chen Weisi, his expression was constantly changing, and then he opened his mouth and said: "I have seen the evidence, the amount is large, and the content of the complaint is complete. It is not arbitrarily fabricated, and all formats are in accordance with the legal process. It’s written as required. The signature and handprint on it are also true and should have the effect of legal evidence."

After listening to the opinions of all parties, Gu Shen, who was sitting at the top, spoke slowly and hoarsely: "The accusation of a great nobleman is a very serious matter. The evidence required must be more complete and rigorous. The substantive evidence is not rigorous enough, and each piece of paper evidence needs to correspond to the relative evidence. Moreover, the behavior of the prosecutor has to be suspected and temptation to instigate the seller's suspicion, so the prosecutor needs to provide new evidence."


   Hearing Gu Shen's statement, Yuli's expression was a little stiff, he lowered his voice and said to Shen Ye.

"It's not very good, the presiding judge has a problem. With so much evidence, at most, it means that the evidence is not strong enough under normal circumstances. But he meant that we should show the witnesses behind each piece of paper evidence, otherwise we will have to My evidence of the veto, this is not naked favoritism? But I remember that Presiding Judge Gu Shen didn't seem to have much contact with the Jinse family, and I haven't heard of any friendship. His reputation has always been very good."

"I see."

   Shen Ye replied in a deep voice.

   And the family members on the Kinsey side showed excited expressions, all the fools knew that the trial was on their side, and they were determined to win.

   "Jihan, you have the ability, when did you get Gu Shen? No wonder you are confident and confident about winning."

   Ye Zhong praised Ji Han.

   "That is, it makes us worry for nothing."

   Rui Ni also echoed.

   "Hmph, this is called being prepared without danger, just because of the stunned green with no full hair, wanting to fight with me, it's still early, he never dreamed that Gu Shen was my dark line."

   Jihan Kincer said with a smug look.

   "This thing was done so beautifully. This time, depending on how they ended up, maybe we can counter-accuse them."

   Ye Zhong suggested in a very good mood.

   At this time, Tang Ke, who was sitting on the side, looked at the trio's triumphant looks, without much excitement or joy on their expressions. He could tell at a glance that these three guys must have secretly established an alliance agreement in private. To put it bluntly, they were wearing a pair of trousers and secretly repelling themselves.

   As for the reason, Tang Ke doesn't need to think about it. He has had bad luck over the years and has been frustrated. These guys have started to squeeze him out intentionally or unintentionally.

   At this time, Tang Ke's gaze inadvertently swept over Shakira who was sitting next to Shen Ye.

   A hint of surprise flashed in his muddy eyes, how could that woman look so familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

   Tang Ke's eyes kept turning, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he remembered.

   His heart trembled suddenly, and his wrinkled old face couldn't help but twitch.

   Isn’t that woman Shakira, the lord of Summer City? She actually sat with Shen Ye, shouldn't this lawsuit be a part of this woman, right?

   If you guessed it right, it should be like this.

Thinking of this, Tang Ke looked at the trio of Jihan who were complacent, and sneered inwardly: "Three idiots, let you be proud of you for a while, when you will cry, even if you don’t know who your opponent is, Just being complacent there is really stupid. Although Shakira does not have the strength and military power of Eve Yueya, she is more terrifying than Eve Yueya in a sense. Because Eve Yueya has rules. She won’t kill people for no reason, but Shakira’s woman is their kind. In order to achieve the goal, she will use cruel and uncompromising means. She doesn’t mind smashing him if she stands in her way."

   At this time, Shakira lowered her voice and smiled and said to Shen Ye: "It looks like you can't do it, do you want me to come."

   "No, I will solve the matter by myself. The trial is not over yet, and it is still uncertain who wins and who loses."

   Shen Ye said indifferently, of course he was also holding on, and he himself was a little unsure.

   At this moment, the gate of the trial hall was closed and the door was pushed open.


   All the people present looked at the door.

   I saw Hong Shi walking in wearing the uniform of the chief judge, and he walked straight towards Gu Shen.

   Gu Shen's brows moved slightly, a trace of helplessness in his eyes, he had to stand up and prepare to give way.

Chapter 690 Reversal

   Hongshi walked to the side of Gu Shen and said to him: "Presiding Judge Gu Shen, because this case has too much influence, the Red Leaf City Lord decided that I, the highest presiding judge, will personally be responsible for the ruling. I'm sorry to ask you to retire temporarily."


   Gu Shen replied hoarsely. Although they were all the presiding judge, Redstone was their immediate boss.

   And there is Hongye's authorization, there is no way to refute it.

  Jihan saw Redstone appear on the scene to replace the presiding judge, his originally proud face stiffened, his hands clenched into fists, making a straight sound.

   "Red leaves!"

   It is obvious that Hongye is working against him.

   "Don't be angry, it's not what you said. It's normal for Hongye to launch a counterattack. Don't mess yourself up."

   Tang Ke paid back what they had advised him to say.

   "Tang Ke, which side are you on?"

   "Of course I'm on your side, but if you can't bear it, you will be in a big way. This is not the time to tear your face with Hongye."

   Tang Ke reminded.

   Jihan's eyes rolled around, gritted his teeth and swallowed the anger in his heart.

   Hongshi sat in Gu Shen's position, re-reading the evidence submitted by Yuri, he raised his head and said.

"The prosecution provides evidence, although there is no witness, but according to the judicial interpretation of the Union government, Article 732, Article 6, the witness is a person whose prosecution status is higher than that of himself. In order to ensure his own safety, he can provide standardized The complaint letter does not need to be in person to testify. Therefore, the validity of the evidence provided is not affected in any way, so I ruled that the evidence provided is valid, and the defense has anything to defend."

   is really Feng Shui turns, when the red stone comes up, it directly overturns the previous ruling, and slaps the opponent's face with a slap.

"The presiding judge, about those land transactions, it’s been two years ago. The other party suddenly found the sellers and re-purchased them. It was clearly a collusion. The purpose was to illegally occupy the land. The motive was not pure. I think they The authenticity of the evidence provided is not high."

  The prosecutor's lawyer changed the angle of approach.

"Rejected, I have seen that your transaction price is far lower than the market price. Even the land outside the city of Autumn is not that cheap. If a seller is lower than the market price, he can barely use eager money and other reasons to prevaricate. Sellers in a region are so short of money and need to sell their place of residence cheaply?"

   Redstone directly dismissed it without even thinking about it.

   In fact, the Kincer family are used to being arrogant, and they don't even bother to do superficial skills. If they trade prices higher, it would be better to explain.

   Immediately, the lawyer team of the debating party became anxious, and they began to discuss.

   The situation was completely reversed one hundred and eighty degrees.

   Bai Xiong smiled and said to Shen Ye: "Yes, so you still have one hand."


   Shen Ye was also secretly grateful in his heart, but fortunately, he didn't entrust him, and before he set off, he sent a message to City Lord Hongye.

   At this time, Yory also began to pursue the victory, he said: "Respect the Redstone Presiding Judge, we request that the other party's transaction contract be invalidated in accordance with the law, and the other party's land ownership certificate should be cancelled..."

   "We are opposed to the land ownership certificate that we own, and all procedures are legal and compliant. If all of our certificates are easily cancelled, wouldn't it be a mess? How can normal citizens of the coalition government guarantee their legal rights?"

   The opposing team’s defense lawyers are still holding on.

   "The way you obtained the certificate was illegal from the beginning, so naturally it doesn't count..."


  The debate between the two sides became more intense, and with the support of the redstone, Yorie naturally let go of his hands and feet boldly, and fought each other vigorously.

   does not save face at all.

   As a result, when a person faced a lawyer team, not only did he not fall behind, but he also gained the upper hand, and the other party was speechless.

   At this time, Redstone took the mallet and knocked on the table.


   The noisy trial court quieted down.

Redstone stood up and solemnly announced: "The facts of the case have become clear after the debate between the two parties. I officially declare that the CRC123-RC421 land transaction contract held by Mr. Jihan Kincer is invalid and destroy all his land holdings. Certificate. The new land transaction contract signed by Mr. Shen Ye takes effect, allowing him to re-apply for the land ownership certificate. At the same time, I am here to convey the will of Hongye City Lord. Any act of oppressing innocent civilians will be punished by the law. From today At the beginning, the City of Autumn will send a special review team to investigate all acts of strong buying and selling!"

   A closer look at the past will reveal a very interesting behavior. Although Redstone ruled that Shen Ye had won and was ready to correct all the behaviors of forced buying and selling of land, it did not give Jihan Kincer any punishment.

   It's quite good, and gave Jihan Kincer a step down, instead of letting him not be able to step down on the spot, he froze.


   Jihan Golden slapped the handrail in anger, stood up, turned around in anger and left.

  The members of the Kincer family present, all looked at each other and hurriedly exited.

   Shakira was very happy and said to Shen Ye: "It looks like it is done, we can start construction."

   "It's alright!"

   Shen Ye suppressed the excitement in his heart, took a deep breath and formally answered Shakira.

   Shakira directly took out the phone and dialed out.


   Soon there was a respectful voice over the phone.


   "Plan to start the action, order the 76 spacecraft on standby at the Interstellar Airport to take off!"


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