Shen Ye waved his hand, condensing ice cups out of thin air, took out a bottle of wine again, opened the lid, and poured a glass for them all.

   Wuri took the wine glass and asked Shen Ye very curiously.

   "Master, do you think the planet Montesi is still saved?"

"You are so interested, so I will analyze it from my perspective. Although I don't know what the current situation of Montesi planet looks like, from the information I just saw, I personally I don’t feel optimistic. Under normal circumstances, if things ferment so badly, the alliance government will carefully consider it. Even if it costs a little more, it will be rescued, but you have also seen that bad news one after another, the alliance government is still waiting for the day after tomorrow The big resolution, which shows that the situation is worse than imagined."

   "My lord, are they unsaved?"

   Hualin Shui Lingling looked at Shen Ye with her eyes.

"This is hard to say, but forget it, forget it, let's not discuss this matter. The matter of the Moncassian planet is not something that we little people can participate in. After all, that does not mean that who can solve it alone, this requires a lot of not afraid of death. The heroes and powerful forces can only make a turn for the better if they shoot together."

   Shen Ye explained to Hua Lin with emotion.

   The white bear sitting aside smiled and said, "I know what you want to say, you want to say that you are the hero among them, right?"

   "Fuck you, I'm not going to get stuck between my teeth, I won't go to kill me."

"Oh, is it? I think your analysis is good, and I thought you wanted to go. I told you about the monsters entrenched on the planet Montesi, but the strange alien monsters called Yuanling, the fighting power of those guys and the void Some of the aliens fight. And it’s trickier than them. Conventional weapons don’t have any special effects on them."

   The white bear smiled and replied.

Chapter 697 Eat melon

"Of course I know the dangers. Am I not just analyzing the market? It doesn't mean that I am cerebral palsy and feel that I can save the world. No matter how awesome the individual is, can I outperform the coalition government? They can't handle things, how can I be confident? It can be done."

   Shen Ye didn't respond kindly.

   "Well said, a little self-aware. By the way, I have forgotten one thing."

   Bai Xiong suddenly realized.

   "Huh? What's the matter?"

   Shen Ye looked at the white bear suspiciously.

   "The reward you were on the front line last time was sent down. I was too busy before and forgot to give it to you."

   Bai Xiong said with a smile.

   "I despise you, get it quickly."

   Shen Ye was also taken aback, Bai Xiong almost forgot even if he didn't say it. However, he was also very curious about what reward the Star Tower would give him. He had always said that he would be rewarded, but the reward has not been given. This is really rare.

   Bai Xiong picked up two delicate boxes and handed them to Shen Ye.

   "Just these two boxes, are they too picky? Don't worry if you don't have the commendation conference, you should give them more."

   Shen Ye vomited with a black face.

   "If you do, you will be content. The box on the left is the star tower for rewards. As for the box on the right, according to Lord Vanoranka, it is a private reward given to you by Miss Xuenai's family."

   "Damn! More deductions than expected. Wait, Xuena's gift?"

   "Okay, don't complain, open it and take a look."

   Bai Xiong is also a little curious about what will be installed in it, and he has never opened the box.

   Shen Ye opened the reward box given by the Star Tower, and found that there was a very delicate diamond medal inside, and the medal was engraved with a pattern of a monster.

   "Fuck, diamond medal!"

   The white bear jumped up excitedly.

   Shen Ye twitched the corners of his mouth and replied: "Excited a wool, it is pure and beautiful, it is really good enough, but forget it, I have made a special contribution."

   Shen Ye was not surprised at the result of this reward. It would be nice if he hadn't been convicted. It would be nice to be able to mix in a Medal of Honor.

   "Open the other one and have a look."

   The white bear urged Shen Yedao.

   "What a hurry."

   Shen Ye picked up another box and opened it carefully.

   I saw a pair of white gloves inside the box. The gloves were inlaid with a legendary strange stone with a red background and two colors of orange and blue. This is a seventh-order imperial weapon.

   Seeing this glove, the white bear cried out in silence: "The blessing of the seventh-order imperial weapon Sindwar."

   "Can you please don't, if I drive something, you just shout excitedly. Is it that exaggerated?"

   "Nonsense, this thing is a seventh-order imperial weapon. And it's an imperial weapon beyond its name. Do you know who the former owner of this imperial weapon is?"

   Bai Xiong looked at Shen Ye like an idiot.

"do not know."

   Shen Ye shook his head and replied.

   "The SSS-level wanted criminal in detention, the Redemption Organization Highham."

   The white bear took a deep breath and said.

   "This is his equipment."

   Shen Ye picked up the gloves unexpectedly and took a look, and then tried to put them on. It felt quite comfortable and warm.

   "How do you use these gloves?"

   Shen Ye asked curiously.

"Fuck, you don't use it blindly, otherwise we will all have to burp, this glove can give you the power to control the flame. Of course, this is not the most important ability. With a snap of your fingers, you can blast where you want to blast. And if you press on an enemy or something with a gloved hand, you can plant the mark of blasting on it, and you can detonate it at any time. I think that Hagrim used this ability back then. Let the master suffer."

   Bai Xiong was clever all over, and quickly reminded Shen Ye.

   Shen Ye was also stunned, I can use such a cool ability, okay!

   "Yes, I like this ability."

   "Okay, you can take off your gloves when you are okay. It makes me panic. What is the origin of Xuena's family, so generous!"

   The white bear spit out.

   "It's okay, I have a sense of measure, how nice to wear, drink! Drink!"

   Shen Ye raised his glass and touched the white bear.

   Two people make one day.


   The next morning, Shen Ye lay down on the bed and fell asleep, but the phone kept ding-dong ding-dong.

   Shen Ye opened his eyes in a daze, picked up the phone and took a look. Who would look for him early in the morning?

   As a result, I was dumbfounded when I picked it up, my face turned black, all of them were news advertisements, and all of them were about the planet Montesi.

   "Montessie planet, the secret inside is revealed!"

   "Montessie planet exclusive news, purgatory on earth!"


   Shen Ye got up, picked up the phone and browsed for a while.

   It turned out to be dumbfounded, **** it!

   The popularity of the Montesi planet has not only not declined, but it has exploded.

what's the situation?

   Then Shen Ye opened the Quanmin Live and took a look, his mouth almost opened into an O shape. In the entire software, from the big anchors to the small anchors, all are discussing the planet Montesi.

   The most exaggerated point, Shen Ye also saw a live broadcast room that was placed on top, and the title was impressively written, save us!

   Shen Ye went in curiously, only to see a dark basement with a large number of people fleeing.

   A group of refugee representatives collapsed and cried to the camera.

   "I beg you, come here soon, we can't hold it anymore. We have run out of water, food, and electricity. Every day, people die of sickness and starvation!"

   "We dare not go out at all. The wandering monsters outside are like demons that devour human souls."

   "We are also a member of the coalition government, you cannot give up on us like this."

   "Please! We are willing to shell out all the money."


   The entire public screen keeps scrolling through the comments of the viewers.

   "They are too pitiful, why haven't the Alliance government sent a rescue team?"

   "How to save it? I heard that the people who went down to the rescue are basically dead. Their lives are fate, and the lives of the rescuers are not fate."

   "Then I have to find a way to save it!"

   "It's so light, go and save it!"

   "Stop making noise, when is it, are you still making noise?"


   Shen Ye finally understood why things had fermented into this way. The signal of the Occupied Montesi planet is unobstructed, and the people trapped inside are constantly crying for help.

   This made Shen Ye very puzzled, how could a fallen planet signal such a good signal. There is only one possibility. Go to the Alliance government fleet that encircles and control the situation, activate military satellites, and cover the entire planet with all-round signals.

   Shen Ye immediately clicked into a popular live broadcast room.

   An old professor is explaining and analyzing the situation.

"Actually, the current situation is not optimistic. Judging from the latest news. The situation on the planet Montesi is further deteriorating. There has already been a large number of Yuanling aliens' resonance. The task force dispatched is almost destroyed. It’s said that the seven-star super star warriors have fallen inside, and the internal danger level has been raised to SS level. Fortunately, the alliance government has sent two strategic-level star destroyers and an ace army to encircle the area. Under normal circumstances, the situation will not expand. But the alliance government’s military power is limited, and the range to defend is also very large. It is impossible to send more troops for a planet in trouble, so everyone can’t just rely on it. Alliance government."


Chapter 698 Donation

   However, the response on the public screen is also various.

"Professor Maiduo, your analysis of the situation is very good, but I do not agree with your concept, and I do not deny how desperate and pitiful the people above are. You have also seen how dangerous the situation above is now, maybe the aliens will pass. This springboard invades us in an all-round way, and there will be more people affected by the disaster. So in my opinion, sometimes it is inevitable to survive with a broken arm. The coalition government should not be indecisive. What kind of discussion meetings should be held and should be acted directly. Implement the Star Destruction Plan!"

   "Oh, it's light, don't you see how many people are still alive? There are no one billion, there are two or three billion people! Do you think they are Chinese cabbage?"

   "You can't say that, you know there are so many people on it. That's not tens of thousands of people, how can you save it! If you want me to say, you are a virgin whore!"

   "You are the mother bitch. It doesn't hurt to talk. If you are on it, I think you cry more ugly than anyone else! Maybe you can lick your feet and ask for help."

   "As you say, Lao Tzu is not on it. I'm alive and well. They died early and were overborn, don't cheat me!"


   Shen Ye also had a headache, this argument is fierce. At this moment, he suddenly saw Miss Sylvaer's live broadcast room, her room's popularity unexpectedly reached the top, suddenly becoming the first place.

   So Shen Ye jumped in.

   As a result, Shen Ye found out that Sylvaer was talking to a girl with beautiful star-drop earrings in a purple dress and beautiful star-drop earrings, who was full of grace in every move.

   Shen Ye glanced at the girl and recognized it at a glance.

   Isn't this the cosmic noble girl Hailiansi Holy Shadow who played with Xia Kira on her birthday?

   At this time Sylver was lying on the bed, her face was a little pale, not too bloody.

   Xiweier's eyes were very firm, and she continued to argue.

"I know that the Montesi planet is in a particularly bad situation. There are too many desperate ordinary people on it. I also know that the rescue is extremely difficult and extremely dangerous. But I want to say one thing, I hope everyone and the Alliance government are not at the last moment, and don’t take it lightly. Give up the compatriots above and try to find a way to redeem all this."

"I don't agree. Reality is reality. Now the situation is very clear. The resonance is connected to the entire star, and there is no way to eliminate it alone. As for how dangerous it is, everyone should be very clear. We can't count on the alliance government for everything. The coalition government is not a god, and there are times when it can do nothing. After all, the coalition government still has to maintain the big market, and it is impossible to lose the big because of smallness. Although it is painful to make the decision to give up them, we have no choice, and we can't let people go in vain. Those who are alive are more important to die."

   Hailiansi Shengying retorted calmly.

   "Miss Hailiansi is right, we have to be rational..."


   A large number of fans continue to support the screen.

"I know the situation you said very well, but there are so many innocent people on the planet Montesi. It is not easy for everyone to come into this world. We must learn to cherish. What if the trapped people are We, what kind of mood will we feel? We will also be desperate, we will also be miserable, and we will be extravagant to be rescued. The reason why we established the coalition government is to unite with each other and hug each other to keep warm in times of crisis. Now Monte We should give full play to the spirit of the alliance when there is difficulty in the western planet, and support from all directions when one side is in difficulty! We should not chill anyone's heart, otherwise the ultimate evil result is tantamount to shaking the foundation of faith of the alliance government. Of course, I also understand the alliance government’s foundation of faith. I also know that the Alliance government has tried its best. So now I can only rely on us. I call on everyone to donate money and make a strong contribution. We will do everything we can to do our best to do our best before the planet Montesi is destroyed. In the case of causing trouble to the alliance government, we will try our best to rescue, no matter how many people can be saved, at least we have worked hard and extended our own helping hand! We have a clear conscience. And I want to say one more thing, Monte Although the events on the Western planet happened by accident, they will definitely happen again in the future. If we all stand by now, maybe one day, the same thing will happen to us."

   "Miss Sylvaer, you said so well."

   "We support you."

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