"I see, I don't talk anymore, I need to save electricity."

   The cute kitten nodded.

   "Okay, you pay attention to safety."


   Soon the cute kitten's head dimmed, and Shen Ye sighed deeply. He knew that the lord must have a problem. But he didn't expect that the problem was so big, it was beyond his expectation.

   "Okay, dear fans, it's almost time to have lunch, I will broadcast it here first."

   "Okay, when will you start broadcasting next time, anchor?"

   "This is hard to say, but I will open it when I have time. Goodbye everyone."

   Shen Ye hung up the live broadcast after finishing talking.

   Then he got up to wash up, walked out of the room to the tavern lobby, and saw that the entire tavern was piled up with tightly sealed boxes.

Chapter Seven Hundred Meeting

   Xiaoha and a few people are carefully disassembling these boxes, and take out a bottle of very luxurious packaging, which looks like a very expensive wine.

   Shen Ye looked at these goods and said with a smile: "Yes, the delivery efficiency of Star Tower is still so high!"

   "The owner, these wines look so high-end, how much did you spend to buy them."

   "Not more than 500 million stars."

   Shen Ye replied.

   "So expensive! Can the owner sell this?"

   Xiaoha and the others moved more carefully, for fear of spoiling the wine.

   Shen Ye lay down on the chair next to him, stretched his waist and replied.

   "If you close your eyes, you know that you can't sell it."

   "Ah! Then you can't lose money..."

   Luo Yun and Hua Lin looked at Shen Ye in panic.

   Shen Ye smiled and waved his hand, replying leisurely.

   "What a big deal, I can't sell it for myself to drink, go and prepare for lunch, I'm almost starving to death..."

   "Okay, the curator, I'm going to prepare now."

   Luo Yun quickly responded, busy receiving the goods all morning, and forgot to cook.

   At this moment, the white bear walked in. He looked at the wine on the floor, his eyes glowing, and he directly bent over to take it unceremoniously.

   "Hey, don't you want to face it."

   Shen Ye was also a little uneasy, and quickly got up from the recliner, knowing that the white bear has sharp eyes. He looked at the packaging signs on the outside to know which wines were the most expensive, and he chose the expensive ones.

   "What kind of face do you want, really, yours is not mine, and I will get a few bottles afterwards."

   "Damn! I have to get some more bottles!"

   Shen Ye's face turned green.

   "Don't shout when you are alright, how can you say that you are also a local tyrant now, and you will reward 3 billion stars as soon as you get started. Don't cry with me!"

   "I wipe it, are you also in the live broadcast room?"

"I'm not here."

   The white bear replied while choosing the wine to take.

   "Then how do you know?"

   Shen Ye was also puzzled.

"You are on the headlines. Who doesn’t know? Let me tell you that you are famous again. Now we are talking about you in Star Tower. If there are any good projects to make a fortune in the future, you can take me with you. If you can't fly Huang Tengda, you will forget your brother!"

   "Go, go to you, if you are really short of money, I will give you as much as you want."

   Shen Ye didn't reply in kind.

"I know you are interesting, but it's useless if I ask for money now. I can just grab some wine and have a drink. Okay, you can also go with me quickly. Vanoranka has held an impromptu meeting. If you don't leave, you will be late. NS."

   Bai Xiong stuffed the selected wine into an empty box, and then hugged the whole box.

   "I really despise you! Let's go."

   Shen Ye complained, and followed the white bear out of the tavern.


  City of Autumn Star Tower Branch, Shen Ye and Bai Xiong walked into the conference hall. They arrived late, and basically all their colleagues were there.

   When everyone saw Shen Ye and Bai Xiong, they waved hello to them.

   "Master of Shen Ye Hall!"

   "White Bear..."


   Shen Ye also waved enthusiastically in response to the crowd, and found a corner with Bai Xiong to sit down.

   "See how popular you are, hehe, I can hug your thigh in the future, it's cool."

   Bai Xiong said in a very good mood.

   "I still want to hug your thigh, but my body is not crushed by you."

   "Don't worry, I won't."


   Just when Shen Ye and Bai Xiong were muttering, Vanoranka entered the venue, and the whole conference hall suddenly became quiet, and a handsome young man followed Vanoranka.

   That handsome young man is exactly the Siloku that Shen Ye saw last time at the airport.

Vanoranka walked to the front of the crowd and said hoarsely: "Thank you very much, everyone for coming. Before the meeting starts, I will formally introduce you to a person. This is Siloku, a new important person from the Star Tower headquarters. Staff. Starting today, he will serve as the assistant tower master of our Autumn Star Tower branch internship. Please welcome everyone with warm applause!"

   Everyone raised their hands and clapped their hands symbolically. The applause was not very warm, and the people were mostly whispering.

   "Deputy tower owner? Such a high position?"

   Shen Ye was also a little shocked.

"It's not surprising, this guy has a deep background, and he's only seven stars in his grade. In addition, he is now the super popular hope star shaped by the star tower, and it's normal to be the assistant master of the internship. I and I You said, there are rumors that he was transferred to the Star of Autumn just to take over Vanoranka’s class in the future."

   Bai Xiong lowered his voice to explain to Shen Ye.

   "Are you optimistic about him?"

   "Have a good fart, this guy has been here these days, I heard thief ass. And he likes to mess around. You didn't know that Yory complained to me several times in private."

   "I also think this guy is a badass. The meeting today is because of this guy."

   Shen Ye remembered being kicked in his live broadcast room before, so he didn't catch a cold.

   "I don't know about this, it should be in almost all cases, otherwise there seems to be nothing else."


   Siloku looked at the whispering colleagues below, his eyes flashed with displeasure, he turned his head and said to Vanoranka gracefully.

   "Master Vanoranka, if you don't mind, I want to say a few words to my colleagues."

   "Let's talk about it."

   Vanoranka certainly did not reject Siloku, even though Siloku was the assistant master of the internship. However, his rights have nothing to do with the principal and deputy tower owner, and he is also qualified to speak independently in the parliament.

"Hello everyone, I’m Siloku, maybe many of you don’t know it, but it’s okay. We will be familiar with it in the future, and I’m very happy to be able to do things with you and develop the will of the Star Tower together. But I still want to mention a word Click on everyone, I feel that your discipline is a bit loose. Although we are not a military department, the discipline is not that strict, but there is a saying that is good, and there is no rule. I hope that you will be able to abide by yourself in meetings in the future. Promiscuous conversation, because this can’t reflect the quality of our Star Tower personnel..."


   Shen Ye listened and said to the white bear with his lips moved slightly: "I finally understand why you all have opinions on him."

"It's all trivial. We are expatriates and don't do much activity in the headquarters, so the impact on us is not great. But those colleagues in the headquarters are guilty and suffer, and I don't know if this guy is trying to express himself and highlight himself. The importance of this, or if you want to make some achievements, it doesn’t matter."

   "Master Vanoranka doesn't care about him?"

   "What can I do, what can you say about three new officials?"



   Ten minutes later, Silokku finished his reprimand that he felt good about himself.

   At this time, Vanoranka said, "Now we will discuss business matters. The content of today's meeting is very simple, it is about the planet Montesi."

   "Huh? The matter of the Montesi planet, shouldn't it be decided by the Alliance government?"

   asked in confusion.

Vanoranka calmly and calmly said to everyone: "From now on, I don’t allow anyone to leak out what I say. Anyone who leaks will be severely punished by the Star Tower. You should be very clear that the Star Tower has a way to confirm who Leak confidential information. Okay, if you’re warning, I’ll stop here. Let’s get back to business. Although the meeting on whether the planet Montesi will destroy the planet has not yet been announced, the result has been decided by default. The resonances on the planet Montesi have already followed The planetary foundations are linked together, and there is no choice at all except for destroying this path."

Chapter 701 Report

   Everyone took a breath, and their faces were full of shocked expressions. The resonance is connected to the planet. What kind of concept is that?

"Don’t be surprised. Although the Star Destruction is unavoidable, the Alliance government has also given a gap. Now the Star Tower headquarters has issued the latest order to send personnel from all of our sub-towers to the Montesi planet to rescue them. For the remaining colleagues of the Star Tower, it is impossible for us to give up our compatriots."

   Vanoranka directly explained the main issues of this meeting.

Everyone on the scene began to feel a little uneasy. Regarding the matter of the Montesi planet, everyone knew how dangerous it was, and they knew more or less in their hearts. Although it can’t be said that it’s a nine-death life, the probability of falling into it is absolutely overwhelming. high.

   "Considering the danger of the Montesi planet, I decided not to force someone to be appointed to the rescue, everyone is free to sign up."

   Just when the hearts of the people mentioned their throats, Vanoranka's words made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

  Siluoku was a little uncomfortable sitting aside. There were indicators on the star tower. At the very least, how many rescue teams should be dispatched and how many colleagues should be rescued.

   You must know that on the planet Montesi, there are still hundreds of cities remaining. Each city has taverns and night-bearer institutions. At least hundreds of thousands of low-level members of the Star Tower are trapped.

"Master Vanoranka, I think it would be better to assign. We have so many colleagues waiting for rescue. We should not chill them at the critical moment. We must give full play to the spirit of mutual assistance of the Star Tower. Your decision is a bit unconsidered. what."

   Siloku directly refutes Vanoranka.

   "The Montesi planet is too dangerous. Any compulsive behavior is a contempt for one's own life. People want to save, but they must ensure their own safety."

   "As Star Tower personnel, have we forgotten the ceremony of the initial appointment? We must have the spirit of dedication and sacrifice, Master Vanoranka, your behavior is somewhat contrary to the will of the Star Tower."

   "If you think my decision is inappropriate, how about you personally call the name and lead the team to Montesi planetary rescue?"

   Vanoranka wasn't annoyed at all, and he just threw the question back because it was neither salty nor indifferent.

Silokku suddenly became dumb, his smile on his face became very embarrassed, and he coughed and replied: "I also want to lead the team. The problem is that you also know that I just came to the Autumn Star branch and have too many things on hand. , You can’t get it at all, so let’s just follow what you said before."

   Hearing Siloku's words, everyone below laughed lightly, and they were fascinated faster than anyone else.

   Vanoranka shouted in a deep voice: "The meeting is over!"

   Then Vanoranka turned and left.

   Silokku also left in a hurry, his face was also very annoyed, and his face was lost today. However, he cares more about his own life than his face. Knowing that the seven-star old star warrior has fallen on the planet Montesi, it is enough to prove that he has gone, and maybe he will die on it.

   "I just said that guy cocky, just pretend to be forced, slip faster than anyone at critical moments, what the hell."

   The white bear was out of anger and complained to Shen Ye.

   "Tucao return to Tucao, don't let him hear, no matter what they say, they are now the deputy tower owner. Although it is an internship, the power here is great. Be careful to give you small shoes."

   Shen Ye replied in a good mood.

   "I really don't understand, what I think above, send him down as the deputy tower master."

"No wonder, just relying on his 7-star cultivation base in his grade is enough. Although he can't understand that guy, he still has the strength, and his ability is very powerful, belonging to the special mind force system. !"

   "Well, when I didn't say, shall we go?"

   Bai Xiong didn't say anything anymore.

   At this time, Bi Luosi walked over, tucked up the hem of her skirt, and bowed gently.

   "Shen Ye, White Bear."

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