"Go crazy, don't slow down, when they land, they are equally dead."

   "Heaven descends from the gods! It's so handsome!"

   "What a handsome shit! With this speed, such a big head, if you fall in one head, this is to save people, or to kill!"

   "Damn, it seems to be like this! I could live an extra hour or two. Are you here to give me the bell?"


   The public screen in the live broadcast room was directly swiped. Some people were excited, and some were deeply worried.

   In the eyes of the public, the entire medium-sized frigate slammed into the westernmost corner of Skar City, close to the suburbs.

   As the onlookers said before, the meteor impact!

   The huge impact was lifted up along with the ground, and countless tall buildings collapsed. This might not seem to be lost to the tactical nuclear bomb.

   This is also due to the slower speed when breaking through the atmosphere, otherwise it will be no problem to overturn the entire city of Skars. In this way, at a glance, at least three-quarters of the city of Skars has been affected, and the situation near the east is relatively better.

   "Wow~~ rely on~~"

   Looking at the image of the impact, everyone in the live broadcast room was speechless.

   "It really didn't slow down!"

   "It's so awesome, so fierce!"

   "Look, that ship is not deformed too much, it's so strong!"

   "What's the use of being strong, maybe the people in it are already dead."

   "It's too messy."


   At this time, there was a bang!

   The boarding exit of the ship was kicked open, and the four of Shen Ye got out of it in embarrassment, just barely crawling out.

   Lavinci and Akashine were both very pale. Although there were no injuries on their bodies, they were scared enough. If it weren't for the last critical moment, Shen Ye used the power of the gentle wind to encapsulate them, and the impact of the impact could directly make them burp.

   But even so, the heart can't stand it a bit, which is N times more exciting than playing a roller coaster.

   After Shen Ye drilled out, he immediately stretched out his hand and pressed it on the wreckage of the ship. Using its structural ability, the entire ship was broken down, compressed into materials, and directly stored in the space ring.

  Ravinci's expression suddenly became very exciting. She looked at Shen Ye and asked, "You disassembled the boat, what shall we take back."

   "If it doesn't break down, it will be broken. If it doesn't make a difference, try to find a solution when you go back."

   Shen Ye replied with a sigh of relief, then climbed out of the sinkhole and began to look at the surrounding environment.

   There are collapsed debris everywhere, the fire is shining through the sky, and the surrounding area is a complete ruin.

Chapter 714

   Of course, Shen Ye knows very well that these ruins are more of him, or they are not usually damaged so severely.

   But these sticky black flesh and metal on the ground are made of the remains of the deep vine, which makes Shen Ye very concerned.

   At this time, the sky suddenly dimmed, and the air temperature dropped significantly.

   makes people shiver involuntarily.

   Shen Ye raised his head, and saw that there were ugly, chilling Yuanling floating in the sky and all around, their dark pupils staring at them.

   glanced over, there were not a thousand but hundreds of them.

   And this scene is shown to all viewers through the sky-eye device without blind spots in all directions.

   Everyone took a breath.

   "Damn, they are surrounded! There are so many enemies."

   "No way, luck is so bad."

   "Can they kill it?"

   "I feel so choking."

   "Come on, don't die, we support you!"


   The vast majority of people have squeezed a cold sweat for Shen Ye and the others! It's a pity that they couldn't hear Shen Ye at all.

   In the image, Shen Ye looked helplessly emotional, like a peerless master, slowly pulling out the gaping fire, and said to the Man Tian Yuan Ling, encouragingly.

   "Hey, I didn't want to fight them. Since there is a way to heaven and no way to hell, you have to come up and die, then I will give you a ride, let's come together!"

   Shen Ye muttered in his heart, he wondered whether he had to fight anyway, it would be better to be harder. Because surely many people are paying attention to the rescue, so many people watching him, he can't act too stupidly, lose face and image, this is forcing you to pretend if you don't want to pretend it.

   "This guy is awesome, he wants to fight one thousand!"

   "The exciting time has come, and the fight is on!"


   I saw those Yuan Ling frantically rushing towards Shen Ye and them.

   Just when Shen Ye was about to rush up, ready to kill a **** road, Bi Luos suddenly stretched out her hand and pressed it on Shen Ye's shoulder, and said something.

   "We are here to save people, not to kill them, let's go!"


   Shen Ye replied in a daze, he wanted to wait a moment, at least let him hack a few Yuanlings to death, try the water before leaving, this is all pretended, and he can't give up halfway.

   It's a pity that it's too late, and for a while, Bi Luosi directly pulled Shen Ye and jumped away.


  Skar city east area, inside the underground air-raid shelter.

   I saw Kang pale, panting, holding a sharp long sword, a sword penetrated into a Yuan spirit.

   The mouth of Yuanling exhaled black smoke, and his whole body began to collapse.

  The companions beside him, some holding firearms, some holding battle axes, constantly attacked the abyss spirit in front of them.

   In the area not far from the air-raid shelter, a mouth collapsed on it.

   Yuanling kept crawling down from the gap.

   In the entire underground air-raid shelter, there are corpses everywhere, but most of the dead have no injuries on their bodies. It's just that the whole body seems to be frozen, white and blue, with a hideous face.


   From time to time, a famous companion who was penetrated by Yuan Ling, let out a painful scream and fell down.

   At this moment, the mountain shook suddenly and heard loud noises from the sky.

  Comme, who took the lead, was a little unsteady, with a look of horror on his face.

   After a while, the vibration gradually subsided.

   "What happened?"

  Com was confused and asked his companions who were fighting side by side around him.

   "I don't know, it seems that something happened outside."

   The companions next to him responded one after another.

   At this time, a thin, agile boy jumped over, his face was full of fear.

   "What's wrong, Xu Sheng!"

   "It's not good, the vibration just now made the gap in the air-raid shelter bigger, and more Yuan spirits poured in, and we couldn't stand it anymore."

   Xu Sheng replied in horror.

   "If you can't stand it, we can die. But we are all our family members behind us. If I fall, they will be finished."

   "What should I do? I can't stand it anymore. There are too many monsters pouring in, and both Xiaolin and Xiao Zhang are dead."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Ling drilled in one by one, and rushed up frantically.

   "Fight with them!"

   The two three-star star tower fighters rushed up with a nervous breakdown.

"do not go!"

  Comm shouted anxiously.

   It was a pity that it was still too late, and the two who rushed up were instantly surrounded by Yuan Ling.

   After they waved for a few times, those Yuanlings suddenly showed their bodies, sharp claws, and directly tore them to pieces.

   "Go back! Go back while hitting! Hold on to the last moment."

  Com gritted his teeth and said, he didn't know what he was insisting on, he was already in desperation.

   But he didn't want to give up.

   They kept backing, and soon back to the corner, there was no way to back!

   The people hiding behind them, with a look of despair, huddled together in groups.

   "Brother, there is no way to retire!"

   Xu Sheng retreated to Com, and said in a flustered manner.

  Com naturally knew that there was no retreat, and he had come to the end after all.

   At this time, Yuanling monsters surrounded him, his eyes bursting with bleeding red light, like a pack of wolves surrounding a lamb to be slaughtered.

  Com was holding the sword in his palm, but he couldn't hold his hand tightly because of his nervousness and sweat constantly.

   At this time, those Yuanlings opened their mouths, roared like evil spirits, and rushed towards Com and the others.

   "Fighting with these beasts, I have to pull them back when I die."

   Just when Com and others felt that everything was about to end.

   Suddenly a white light flickered in front of them!

   In the next second, Shen Ye, La Finqi, Bi Luosi, and Akashine appeared in front of Com and the others just like the savior, how tall and stalwart their figures are.

   Bi Luosi raised her hand and waved, a wave of spatial fluctuations spread.

   The Yuan Ling that rushed up was like hitting a transparent barrier, all blocked.

  Com was completely stunned, his eyes widened, and he shouted excitedly.

   "Big sister head!"

   Several people beside Com, also shouted excitedly.

   "It's really a big sister!"

   "The eldest sister is here to save us."


   Shen Ye twisted his neck and said in a good mood: "Good luck, I have caught up at the critical moment. This has to be waited for a while, and it is estimated that it will be completely wiped out."

   "Kill all these Yuanlings."

   Bi Luosi looked at Cam and the others in embarrassment, her eyes revealed a trace of anger, she said to the three of Shen Ye.

   "Kill them all!"


   Shen Ye answered the three of them, and then the four violently started their hands at the same time.


   The surrounding Yuanling screamed, without any fear, it turned into a black mist and swept toward the four of them.

   Shen Ye pulled out the rift in the sky, swept across, and slashed the black mist with a sword.

   But it was split by the black mist, and quickly gathered together, without immediately dying.

   Shen Ye frowned slightly, as expected, these Yuanlings were not very easy to kill, and the regular attack effect was very unsatisfactory, just like cutting into the air.

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