And at this moment, there was a commotion not far away. A woman suddenly howled and cried, and stretched out her hand to pull at a young man who looked rather strong

   "Don't grab my food, this is my last bit of food."

  Looking over carefully, the young man gave her a kick directly, and then hurriedly stuffed the biscuits he grabbed into his mouth.

   At this time, the numb person next to him waiting to die, his eyes lit up, but his eyes were like beasts.

   They rushed directly at the youth, punching and kicking him.

   The young man didn't care about being beaten at all, he stuck his mouth firmly, and put the whole compressed biscuit into his mouth.

   However, the people next to him would not let him do what he wanted. They pinched the young man's mouth, stretched out his hand, and buckled it out of his mouth.

   Shen Ye frowned slightly. This kind of large-scale air-raid shelter should have a lot of emergency supplies. Although it is not enough to eat, it is not short of this point, right?

   Just then, there was a harsh laugh.

   A man who looked very tugged, followed by dozens of heavily armed subordinates, many of whom had five-star masters. He said to everyone: "I told you a long time ago. You just don't believe me if you can eat and drink with me. Also, isn't it good to hand over all your net worth earlier? There is also something to eat. There is also something to eat. Beautiful girls, don't let me use strong ones, don't you obediently do not like me?"

   said that the man stopped in front of a pretty girl, squatted down and touched her cheek.

   That beautiful girl was trembling all over.

   The boyfriend beside him shouted angrily: "You bastard!"

   As a result, her boyfriend was held on tightly as soon as she wanted to do it.

"Boy, I'm not a bastard, I never force others. Don't you, beauty, I think you should know how to choose, behave with me, not only eat and drink, but also live! I didn't lie to you , My people have come to rescue me and will be here soon."

   After speaking, the young man picked up the phone and opened a video.

   A team of heavily armed mercenaries said in a deep voice, "Master Hannah, we have successfully landed, and we will rush to your city, and we will be able to pick you up soon."

   Hannah smiled and said to the girl: "How do you want to live? As long as you make me happy, I will be in a good mood, maybe I will take you away."

   "Ru'er, don't believe him."

   the girl's boyfriend yelled in panic.

   "I'm with you."

   The girl named Ruer tremblingly replied.

   "Haha! That's right!"

   Hannah directly took the girl away!


   The man just wanted to catch up, he was directly pressed to the ground by his subordinates, and he was beaten! Suddenly his head was broken and he was paralyzed on the ground within a few strokes.

   The refugees squatting around were numb after watching this scene, and no one said anything.

   In this air-raid shelter, Hannah is the boss and the king here. He is in control of everyone's materials, and anyone who opposes him will be beaten to death without hesitation, and eventually die naturally.

   Shen Ye glanced indifferently, he didn't bother Hannah, he picked up two photos and started searching.

  He wants to find his goal without causing commotion.

   As a result, Shen Ye searched for a circle, and then circled, but he didn't find the person he was looking for.

   He was also stunned, what's the situation?

   Logically speaking, both Wei An and Varoranka’s friend Li Chahui that the old man wants to save should be here.

   So Shen Ye tried to dial Li Chahui's phone, but there was no accident that it was a busy tone, and it couldn't be reached?

   He tried to call Wei An again.


   Although it was connected, no one answered it, just when Shen Ye thought it was out of play.

   The call is connected.

   "Hey, where are you?"

   Shen Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

   "You, who are you?"

   There was an extremely weak voice over the phone.

   "I'm here to save you."

   "Really? I'm in the air-raid shelter in the east area of ​​Laws City."

   Wei'an stagnated, and then said with a hint of excitement in a weak tone.

Chapter 721: Possessing the Actress

   "I'm in the east air-raid shelter, I didn't look at you."

   Shen Ye asked in a low voice.

   "I'm in the westernmost corner."

  Weian responded quickly.

   Shen Ye walked towards the corner calmly. Sure enough, in the corner area, he saw a half-lying person, but is this really Wei'an?

   The whole body is dirty, the hair is very messy, and he is very thin, as if he is about to die.

   It's no wonder he missed his eyes.

   But Shen Ye picked up the photo and compared it carefully. It seemed a bit like it.

   He quickly squatted beside him and asked in a low voice.

   "You are Wei An."

   "Yes! Are you here to save me? Take me out of this place, it's hell."

  Weian dragged Shen Ye's hand tightly.

   "Don't worry, it's okay."

   Shen Ye mobilized the power of nature's gift, and the soft green light penetrated into Wei'an's body, and Wei'an immediately regained a little energy and vigor.

   Then, Shen Ye took out a bottle of water from the space ring and handed it to Wei An quietly.

  Weian lowered his head and secretly drank the water, and then let out a long sigh, as if he had come alive.

   "Open your mouth."

   Then Shen Ye bounced a marching pill into Wei'an's mouth and let him swallow it. After a while, Wei An, who was originally hungry, suddenly felt no longer hungry.


   "No thanks, we are half relatives anyway."


  Weian was also taken aback.

   "Don't be so surprised, my elder brother married your sister. So don't worry, I will take you out safely."

   "Oh, it turns out that you are from the Shen family, that's great, let's go quickly."

  Weian said with joy on his face and said quickly.

   "Don't worry, I have to take someone away. But I can't find this person, or you can help me see if you have seen this person."

   Shen Ye took out Li Chahui's picture and asked.

   "This old man is a bit familiar, he seems to have seen it somewhere."

  Weian took a closer look, and replied with some uncertainty.

   "You take a good look at where he is? I have been searching for several laps, but I haven't seen him."

   Shen Ye originally asked casually, but didn't report much hope. He didn't expect to have clues.

   "Since you can't find it, there is only one place. Maybe you can find it. Come with me."

  Weian said to Shen Ye with certainty.


   Shen Ye didn't think much.

   After a while, Shen Ye and Wei An stood in another abandoned corner of the air-raid shelter.

   It smells so bad here, there are dead bodies everywhere.

Shen Ye looked down at the corpse of a gray-haired old man. The corpse was bruised, and many bones were broken in his body. At first glance, he knew that it was not killed by a monster, but was beaten to half death. In the end, he bleeds to death. .

   "Hey, it's still too late. If I have trouble this time, how can I explain it. People did not die in the hands of the monsters, but in the hands of people. How can I explain to Master Vanoranka."

   Shen Ye sighed, feeling a little complicated, and an anger burned in his heart.

  Weian stood by and dared not say a word, he could feel it, and Shen Ye was angry.

   "Who did it?"

   Shen Ye didn't even notice that his voice had become a little cold.

"Who else could do it? Of course it was Hannah's gang. After our lucky group of people hid in the air-raid shelter, he relied on the large number of people and strong subordinates to occupy the emergency material reserve. The boss, anyone who doesn’t agree with him, and those who don’t want to listen to him, not only didn’t eat, but also got beaten to death and dismembered. Those beautiful girls are even more miserable. He changes to play abuse every day, and the end is very bleak. I I was also beaten several times, and all the valuable things on my body were stripped. If I hadn't been clever and hid the phone, I wouldn't be able to wait for you."

  Weian cried out with tears and tears. It's not good to say, as a noble nobleman in the world, when has he been bullied like this?

   "Okay! Come with us, let's clean up those guys."

   Shen Ye took a long breath.

   "But that group of people is very strong, there are several five-star masters."

  Weian lowered his head and reminded with some anxiety.

   "What are you afraid of, I have played with the seven stars."

   Shen Ye replied coldly.

"That's great!"

   Wei'an's eyes lit up, showing an expression of excitement.

   Shen Ye waved his hand to freeze Li Chahui's body and put it into the space ring.

   Then he took Wei An towards Hannah calmly and touched it.

   Of course, Shen Ye didn't plan to kill him directly, after all, there was still order here. And that guy is still a nobleman after all, killing him would be a lot of trouble if anyone knew.

   Besides, Shen Ye didn't count as letting that family die so happily, he wanted to ruin him.

   So Shen Ye plans to have fun with him.

   I saw Hannah hugging the beauty named Ru'er while kissing, and happily looking for new prey.

   He is going to play key flavors today, and he plans to find more girls.

   Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he stared at a small, delicate-faced female student in school uniform.

   "Yeah, there's another little thing!"

   The female student shrank back in fear when she realized that she was being spotted.

   "Don't be afraid, I will love you well, you will know that you are still a young man by looking at you! I like it the most!"

   Hannah stretched out and touched her.

   At this time, the two male classmates stood up beside the female student and guarded her.

   "Sun Dan, don't be afraid!"

   "Zhang Hao, Wang Chen..."

  Sun Dan tugged at their clothes fearfully.

   "Just the two of you, you still want heroes to save the beauty, I think you are tired of living."

   Hannah is like hearing something particularly funny.

"You, you! Don't think you can do whatever you want. Now when everyone is in trouble, you are not united, and you oppress us all day, oppress us, you are simply a bastard. Big guy, let's not be bullied by him anymore, we follow He did it."

   Zhang Hao blushed and shouted.

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