Hannah pleaded with extreme fear, joking and being thrown out, not just as simple as death, because dying in the hands of those Yuanling monsters would never be beyond life.

   It's a pity, Shen Ye doesn't waver at all!

   Shen Ye waved his hand, and countless shadows entangled Hannah and the others.

   "No, no, I beg you!"

   Unfortunately, it was useless. In the end, they sank into the shadows, and they were all moved to the outside of the air-raid shelter by Shen Ye.

Inside the air-raid shelter, the people who were still clamoring to kill Hannah, saw that Shen Ye's handling methods were so swift and vigorous, they were taken aback by surprise, and they all calmed down.

   Shen Ye shouted: "Wei'an!"


  Weian was very happy to squeeze out of the crowd.

   Shen Ye waved his hand, and the shadow directly entangled Wei An, and the three of Zhang Hao escaped into the shadow.

   The people present suddenly reacted and hurriedly cried.

   "Take us away!"

   It's a pity it's too late, Shen Ye and the others have already run away.

   Soon after, Shen Ye escaped from Fasi City with some people, and merged smoothly with Bi Luosi and the others in the area outside the city.

  Sun Dan and the three of them are still in a trance.

   "What are we?"

   "You three are silly, we are saved!"

  Weian was extremely excited. He had never felt so happy before. Not only was he saved, but most importantly, that **** Hannah was also punished.

   "We are saved!"

  Sun Dan hugged each other in tears of joy.

   Bi Luosi looked at the rescued four people and asked Shen Ye: "Why come back so slowly, are you in trouble?"

"I was in trouble. The person that Master Vanoranka was trying to save died. I don’t know how to deal with it when I go back. Forget it, let’s not talk about it. Let’s go to Dunau City as soon as possible. It’s too late. Throw it away."

   Shen Ye sighed and said helplessly.


   Bi Luosi waved her hand, and the convoy set off again.


   Five days later, Shen Ye lay on the bus, chatting with Bi Luosi in a good mood to pass the time.

   "Below, I remember your little brother Com, or your classmate, right?"

   "Well, yes, what's the matter?"

   "You see his hair has fallen out, and his head is still so shiny, which makes me very curious, how old are you?"

   After listening to Bi Luosi, her small eyes couldn't help but stared at Shen Ye fiercely, her cheeks puffed up.

   "Why do you care so much?"

   "I'm just curious, because you seem to be younger than me."

   Shen Ye asked with a smile.

  Bi Luosi shook her little finger and jumped directly onto another bus. She stopped chatting with Shen Ye. She was obviously angry and stepped on her tail.

  Ravinci smiled and said: "You said something wrong, you don't know the age of a woman, but it's taboo, you can't ask."

   "Isn't this curious?"

   Shen Ye coughed and replied.

   Akashin reminded him at this moment: "We are almost at Dunau City."

   "Finally, it's almost here. I'm almost boring to death these days. After saving people, we can rush towards the light-hit area. By the way, have you contacted the retreating spacecraft?"

   Shen Ye asked breathlessly.

   "Don't worry about this, you have already contacted. Star Tower has many spacecraft coming down to rescue, as long as it is a Star Tower ship, we can take a downwind boat back."

   La Vinci replied with certainty.

   "Sure enough, it's easy to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and it's easy to find a spaceship to go back. Okay, it's the old rule. You wait for me outside the city of Dunau, and I will go in and save people by myself."

   Shen Ye twisted his neck.

   "No problem, be careful. In addition, you may have to move faster. We don't have much time left."

   Rafinci reminded the sinking night.

   "No problem, as soon as possible."

   Shen Ye nodded, he didn't intend to delay any longer. Then it turned into a shadow and left the convoy, moving quickly towards Dunau City.

   In less than half an hour, Shen Ye entered Dunau City smoothly.

   The whole city is quiet, in the sky, the streets are full of Yuanling wandering.

   They wandered like death.

   In the silent city, one or two desperate calls were heard from time to time, and then quiet again.

   You don’t need to think too much to know that an unlucky ghost was found and killed.

   Shen Ye raised his spirits and moved quietly towards the air-raid shelter where the cute kitten was. With the lessons learned from the past, Shen Ye didn't dare to ask for it.

  Ghost knew where there would be another invisible High Yuanling.

   Fortunately, everything went well, Shen Ye found a small air-raid shelter according to the position given by the cute kitten. Shen Ye could feel that many people were guarding the entrance of this air-raid shelter.

   Shen Ye observed for a while, and slipped in quietly through the ventilation opening.

   The space in the air-raid shelter is not very large, and there are not many people hiding. Shen Ye saw a petite figure at a glance.

   A young girl in a cute floral skirt sat on the ground with a worried expression on her face.

   At this time, Shen Ye quietly appeared beside the girl. Said with a smile.



   The girl beside her was shocked!

   "You don't need to be so excited, I know you are pleasantly surprised and surprised. But you are not mistaken, I am like a god, omnipotent. The anchor in your heart is big, and I have come to save you desperately."

   Shen Ye said very proudly.

   The girl in front of her, her bright eyes showing confusion, her face with a trace of fear, she said hurriedly.

"who are you?"

Chapter 724 Fang Cheng

   The smile on Shen Ye's face suddenly stiffened, and he replied slightly embarrassed.

   "I'm Shen Ye, your anchor is so big, I'll save you."

   "But, I don't know you!"

   "No, I have seen your certified photo, yes? Are you really a cute kitten?"

   Shen Ye's head buzzes, what the **** is it? Could it be that I made a mistake?

   "I am the cute kitten."

   At this time, a loud and violent voice came, followed by a bulge of muscles all over the body, each piece is full of strength, a red cloth tied to his arm, and a strong man with a big knife walked in.

   Behind him was a dozen men with various messy weapons.

   Shen Ye looked at the big man in front of him. He was dumbfounded and his mouth couldn't close. Is he a cute kitten? Suddenly felt a chill all over the body!

   "Are you a cute kitten?"

   "Yes, the anchor is great."

   The big man pointed at himself and said with certainty.

   Shen Ye heard the big guy in front of him and almost spewed out a mouthful of blood, like a fake replacement, this cat is a cute kitten.

   Sure enough, virtual reality is deceptive, and the Internet is risky!

   "Your uncle, you are a cute kitten, what about this one?"

   Shen Ye pointed at the girl awkwardly and asked.

"He is my sister Fang Lin, and my name is Fang Cheng! By the way, I used her number. Originally, this number was registered by my sister, but she stopped playing, so I took it and used it. The anchor is big, no Thinking of you really coming to save us, I am really moved to die."

   Fang Cheng Chuzhuang's hands firmly grasped Shen Ye's hands, his eyes were tearful, and he was moved to death.

   Shen Ye got goose bumps all over, coughed and said, "Don't be so excited, I am a fan of love, and I always do what I say."

   "If others don't believe me, I will believe you!"

   Fangcheng nodded heavily in response.

   "How many people do you have."

   Shen Ye took a deep breath, adjusted my mood, and started to get to the point.

   "We still have more than three hundred brothers, and most of them are guarding at the entrance of the cave."

   Fangcheng patted his chest and said.

   After Shen Ye finished listening, he felt that the whole person was worse, and asked embarrassingly: "Brother, I want to ask you something."

   "Big brother, just ask, never hide it from you!"

   "So many of you are holding weapons, what did you do in the first place? Wouldn't it be the rebel army?"

   "We are the rebels!"

   Fang Cheng and others didn't want to admit it directly.

   Shen Ye's expression is very exciting, although he has guessed it a long time ago, but the real stone hammer has mixed feelings in his heart, but what can he say.


   "Come on, eldest brother, sit down, you have worked **** this journey, we will get you something to drink."

   Fang Cheng and others were very enthusiastic to entertain Shen Ye.

  Shen Ye saw Fang Cheng and the others so enthusiastic, so he sat down and rested for a while.

   Fang Lin was very sensible and went to pour water.

   "Are you still safe here?"

   Shen Ye found a topic casually.

   "For the time being, it is safe. When the crisis broke out, we found here to hide as soon as possible. It can be considered a life, but it is really aggrieved."

   Fangcheng was very unwilling to hit the ground with a punch.

"What's wrong?"

   "We originally lived here well, it was the stupid Montesi Lord Mengxiu who colluded with other races and ruined everything!"

   "Yes, I heard you say last time, why are you so sure that he did it?"

   Shen Ye also came to be interested, knowing that Mengxiu put this black pot on the forehead of the rebel army, which is equivalent to two groups of people accusing each other.

"He did it. He mobilized a lot of manpower to build the structural base of the resonance object. How could it be so serious? We sacrificed a lot of brothers to figure it out, just when we exposed his conspiracy. That. Seeing that he was about to expose the stuff, the Lord activated the resonance and sacrificed a large number of people. He came to kill and ran away with his own people, buckling the **** basin on our heads."

   "Are all the people in the know dead?"

   "Almost all are dead, and only those of us who are alive are left to know."

   Fangcheng sighed and replied.

"Don't sigh, it's useless to say this. Even if you stand up and criticize him now, no one will believe it. First, you rebel, after all, what you say becomes false even if it is true. Second, even if it is the alliance The government believes that this matter is a scandal after all, and they will only deal with him privately. Third, you have no substantive evidence yet."

   Shen Ye carefully analyzed the situation for Fangcheng.

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