There are arguing and begging everywhere.

   There are even rescue teams who went up and robbed the spaceships of other regiments and met directly.

   It was a mess anyway, but as time passed, more and more people and teams gathered.

   "Bi Luosi, who are we going to connect with, are you sure it's okay?"

   Shen Ye looked at Bi Luosi.

"follow me!"

  Bi Luosi is also a little unsure.

   Soon they followed Bi Luosi to a relatively remote area, where a large frigate was docked.

   Ten night-bearers guarded the ship, and when they saw a crowd approaching, they shouted: "Please stop, this is the private area of ​​the Star Tower rescue team. It is strictly forbidden to approach any other people."

   "Hello, I am Bi Luosi, the owner of the Star Tower of the Autumn Star."

  Bi Luosi stepped forward and introduced herself.

   "Hello, Master Bi Luosi, I'm finally waiting for you, I'm Chen Tie!"

   The leader of the night bearer suddenly reflected, he walked up and stretched out his hand and shook Biloss.

   "I have already declared before, and I want to take your spacecraft to leave. Are there any changes?"

   Bi Luosi asked straightforwardly.

   Kang Mu and others behind him all looked at Chen Tie nervously.

Looking at the many people behind Bi Luosi, Chen Tie was also a little embarrassed. He said to Bi Luosi, "Master Bi Luosi, there are too many people in your area. The number of people declared in advance with you is not too large. The same, the error is a bit too much, I'm afraid..."

   At this time, Shen Ye also hurriedly said: "Do me a favor, I can't save it, I can't give up. This is not in line with the principle of our star tower, even if it is squeezed a little, it doesn't matter."

   "But there are a lot of people going on the boat. If that's the case, it won't fit in at all, it's overweight."

   "If you are worried about this, there are ways to solve it. Take down the unimportant things in the ship and throw them away, such as weapons, ammunition, chairs, tables in the room, beds, quilts, etc."

   "Good idea! Who are you? You look familiar!"

   Chen Tie's eyes lit up, and he had forgotten it.

   "Hello, my name is Shen Ye, and I am also the owner of the Autumn Star Tower branch!"

   "Master Shen Ye, I'm really lucky to be able to see you. Go back and sign your name."


   Shen Ye was also a little surprised, and he was able to meet his admirer.

   "Then you get on the ship, tomorrow the ship will follow the large forces to take off on time and leave the planet Montesi."

   Chen Tie greeted Shen Ye and they boarded the boat very warmly.

The seven hundred and twenty-eight chapters snatch

   "Thank you! Everyone board the boat in an orderly manner, don't rush, don't mess."

   Shen Ye began to greet everyone behind him in line to board the boat.

However, at this time, another group of Star Tower rescue team returned with the trapped compatriots. Several of the team members yelled: "That group of idiots, if you change the time, change the time. We still have many companions who have not withdrawn. Woolen cloth."

   "Okay, don't talk about it, hurry up and arrange personnel to board the ship."

   "A huge number of fugitives are about to gather. After arranging the personnel to board the ship, everyone is armed with weapons and guards the spacecraft!"

   "Captain, shouldn't we help those innocent people?"

   "The premise of extending a helping hand is that we have the ability, so don't say anything more."


   Hearing their conversation, Shen Ye looked into the distance thoughtfully, and he could clearly feel that a convoy like a tide was coming here.

   The large number of them made Shen Ye a little uncomfortable, and the number of people who gathered was a few million.

   This number is really nothing for the population of a planet, but for them with limited spacecraft, these millions of people who have fled are terrifying.

   If you know that Shen Ye, they also said that they had brought five or six hundred people, and there was no place to accommodate them. So many people who have spacecraft to accept.

   After all, this kind of rescue, in terms of flight, is the preferred speed, high-defense express ship, and the capacity is about 5,000-10,000 people.

   There is another thing that makes Shen Ye very puzzled, who organized the rescue of so many refugees, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for them to move here so quickly in a group.

"What's wrong?"

  Bi Luosi walked around Shen Ye and asked.

   "A large number of refugees have gathered here."

   "But there are not enough spaceships to accommodate them?"

   "That's the correct way. Even if they have one, they won't be seated."

   added Shen Ye thinking.

   "Conflict is inevitable. I hope that nothing too **** will happen, otherwise it will become an ugly scandal."

   La Vinci walked over and said helplessly.

   "Did our people get on the boat?"

   Shen Ye stretched out and asked.

   "It's all up."

   "That's OK, I will go over and check and see how the situation develops. If the situation is not right, I will notify you as soon as possible."

   "Okay, pay attention to safety."

  Bi Luosi nodded and replied.

   Then Shen Ye walked forward alone.

   is right in front of the gathering area of ​​the fleet, coming like a long convoy of dragons. However, when they were about to approach the docking area of ​​the fleet, they were stopped.

   More than a thousand rescue teams armed with various weapons, cut off the road indifferently.

   Although each rescue team is independent, basically everyone does not care about who. But with such a large number of refugees fleeing, no matter how stupid a fool is, he knows that he can no longer sit and watch a show.

   At this time, the refugees were dragged down from the car, and they looked at the rescue team holding weapons in front of them with trepidation.

   Regardless of the large number of them, it is really not enough to fight this group of people.

   The combat effectiveness of the Star Warrior is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

   "Give you ten minutes, all quit and change lanes, otherwise don't blame us for being polite."

   took the lead in a man with fierce eyes and gave the final announcement viciously.

   "Please, please take us along."

   The refugees present tremblingly pleaded.

   "Huh, are you funny? Do you know how much a rescue location is? If you want to sit for free, sit for free?"

   "How can there be a free lunch in the world."

   "That is, I want to sit with us even with this garbage."


   At this time, a saved nobleman emerged from behind the rescue team and scolded sarcastically.

  At this moment, the crowded refugee group suddenly dispersed, and Ethan walked out.

   The moment I saw Ethan, the rescue team was blocking the scene, their expressions became solemn.

"Please get out of the way and don't help the others. You should be very clear about what kind of people you are saving your lives. It is just a bunch of extremely selfish garbage. A spaceship can obviously accommodate thousands of people or even There are more people, but they are only willing to let a few of them sit, and they are not willing to share the extra space with others. Is this kind of person worth your hard work to maintain?"

   "How old are you, why should I give them my things?"

   The nobles and chaebols who were rescued behind, fought back angrily.

   The cruel man who took the lead said very trickyly: "Ethan has nothing to do with you. Take your people and leave. We can assume that nothing has happened."

   "In fact, I have given you a chance. Since the truth does not make sense, I am sorry, I can only solve it with my fist!"

   Ethan drew the holy blade and pointed it straight at the opponent.

   "Do you know what your current behavior is? You are not only violating the laws of the alliance government, but also against the entire upper-level staff. You will pay for it!"

   the lead captain warned sharply.

   "Heart to the light, fearless!"

   Ethan said calmly.

   At this moment, a famous refugee armed with weapons and capable of fighting came out of the crowd. There were more than three thousand people.

   The situation turned over!

   "Go on! Take down all the ships of the nobles and chaebols!"

   Ethan took the lead and charged up.


   Shen Ye watched this scene quietly in the distance, and it was exactly what he expected. When the supply and demand were not enough, conflicts were inevitable.

   Shen Ye didn't mean to intervene. He only hoped that it would not affect the ships of the Star Tower.

   An hour later, without accident, Ethan took over 80% of the ships in this area. As for the other 20% of the ships, he did not rob. Because those ships are either Star Tower ships or spontaneous rescue ships.

   All the nobles and chaebol's spacecraft were taken down, and the people who blocked them were all **** and thrown aside.

   It is a pity that even so, the spacecraft present still cannot accommodate so many people.

   "Ison can't do it, the spacecraft is not enough to hold so many people."

   "Lan Xiao, let's first look at the statistics. How many people can these spacecraft hold, and how many people can't get on the ship."

   "Sister Qingliu and I have budgeted, and the maximum limit can only accommodate 400,000 people. We still have more than 900,000 people who can't get on the ship."

   Lan Xiao said worriedly.

   "Now the panic has been spreading among the people. And a lot of scrambles have occurred. We must find a way to get more boats."

   Qing Liu came over to remind Ethan.

   "It's too late and there is no boat left."

"Now what?"

   "Let the young and old go first, and wait to send them out. Then drive the spaceship back and run a few more times!"

   "But I'm afraid that people's hearts will be chaotic."

   Lan Xiao said her worry.

Chapter 729 Suppression

   "Tell everyone, we will stay, and live and die with them!"

   "Well, then we will stay with you too."

   Lan Xiao replied without hesitation.

   "No, this is too dangerous, you go first."

   Ethan shook his head.

   "Ethan, it's useless to persuade you. You don't know their personalities. You either go together or stay together, and this is not the time to argue about these issues."

   At this time, the two-meter-high man with muscles like steel came over and said.

   "Steel Duo, have those who won it dealt with it?"

   "Don't worry, I'm all tied up, and I can't turn over any waves. I'm afraid that the star tower personnel who are alert to us will suddenly jump in."

   "It shouldn't be. They will open one eye and close one eye. Okay, let's not talk about it. Let's prepare quickly. It's not long before take-off."

   Ethan thought for a few seconds and replied, his overall impression of the star tower is not bad, if possible, he does not want to conflict with the personnel of the star tower.

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