"Don't panic, think of a solution."

   Shen Ye didn't have a very good idea for a while, and he was still holding back the fire. This group of **** alien species is really insidious enough to be tricky, and they have chosen this time to do it, obviously they have planned it a long time ago.

   "It's useless to have a boat. You have also seen that the opponent's firepower is so fierce that he will die if he goes out."

   Akashine shook his head and reminded.

   "To the effect, I should have let the spacecraft go in advance if I knew it, maybe it would be better to go."

   Shen Ye took a deep breath, still ill-conceived. In fact, when Fang Cheng gave him information, he should have guessed that the group of foreign races would not let them go easily, and the tragedy still happened.

   However, Shen Ye and the others do not know that the real disaster has just begun.

   In the command room of the black square fortress, Mograine was sitting on the command chair, staring at the command screen with solemn eyes.

   An operator reports in an orderly manner.

   "Sixty-three percent of the charging progress of the main battery of the Star Destroyer Thunderbolt Fury!"

   "Star Destroyer·Shen Jingzhi's main battery charging progress is 64%!"

   "The second column fleet has entered the designated orbit and is deploying weapons!"

   "The Seventh Column Fleet enters the designated orbit..."


   Mograine's face tightened. He stared at the many green dots in the virtual astrolabe. Under normal circumstances, to destroy a planet, only one Star Destroyer would do. In order to prevent accidents, Mograine had two star destroyers dispatched at the same time and attacked together.

   Time goes by every second!

   When the last bar of the progress bar was full, Markley reported straight.

   "Report! Everything is ready, whether to launch an attack."

   "I, as General Mograine of the Alliance Government, formally authorized to launch an annihilation attack on the planet Montesi!"

   Mograine waved his hand, giving the order without hesitation.

   In the starry sky, rows of launch ports were opened for ships, and special missiles were shot out, and at the same time, the ship’s main guns shot out dazzling light beams.

   The sky's streamer flashed across the starry sky, as if the stars flickered.

   At the same time, the Star Destroyer·Lei Ji's Fury and the Star Destroyer·Shen Jing’s Light launched a devastating attack at the same time.

   Two destructive beams blasted towards the planet Monte at a super terrifying speed.

   At this moment, in the outskirts of Pollen City, Shen Ye and others who were thinking about how to escape, and everyone on the planet, were caught off guard by seeing it, the most unforgettable scene in this life. Everyone raised their heads and looked at the starry sky, and they could see two dazzling white lights of extinction, attacking at an unparalleled speed.

   The uncontrollable tremor of mind, and the howling of the remaining people collapsed!

   Everyone has a look of despair on their faces, and they are completely abandoned.

   "Oh my God!"


   "Operation Star Destruction is on! It's over!"

   Rafinki muttered to herself stunned.

   Bi Luosi turned her head to Shen Ye with a little guilt, "I'm sorry, I dragged you into the water."

   "Why do these things mean death? But can you answer me a question before you die?"

   Shen Ye looked at the stars and asked with emotion.

"what is the problem."

   "How old are you?"


   Bi Luosi's small white face suddenly flashed, and a trace of anger flashed in her eyes.




"what happened?"


   At this moment, on the planet Montesi, millions of kilometers of the ground instantly collapsed and cracked, and the strange flower of the deep vine suddenly emitted a breathtaking blue spot of light. I saw the mature giant Yuanvine flower completely unfolded, and the entire Yuanvine flower grew out like the planet Montesi, and its closed buds suddenly bloomed!

   A blue horror beam shot out.

   The three rays of light collided in the outer space of the planet Montesi!

   The burst of dazzling light made Shen Ye feel a sting in his eyes, and he quickly blocked his eyes with his hand.

   In the command room of the black grid fortress, everyone saw an extremely shocking scene. A blue beam of light rose up, and the middle surface collided with the gathering of Star Destroyer shells. It also disintegrated the Star Destroyer Cannon, pierced the starry sky, and instantly hit the Star Destroyer Thunder's Fury's energy barrier, exploding.

   "Not good, the star-killing attack was disintegrated, the Star Destroyer Thunder's Fury energy barrier was disintegrated, and the ship's body was damaged!"

   An operator shouted out.

   "How is it possible! How can the energy barrier of the Star Destroyer be so fragile."

   Markle said in disbelief.

   "General, when the Star Destroyer launches an attack, its own energy barrier is the weakest period."

   The people below quickly explained.

Chapter 731 Unity

Mograine saw that the Star Destroying had failed, and slapped his hand on the armrest with a slap of anger on his face. He stood up suddenly, pulled the cape of the general on his body, and threw it to the non-commissioned officer waiting next to him. .

   Ling Ling gave an order.

   "Markle, you are in charge of commanding the Tenchu ​​Legion, ready to launch the next attack."

   "My lord, are you?"

   "I will go down and tore the flower of the deep vine with my own hands, and create a chance for you!"


   Marklei lowered his head and replied.

   Mograine walked straight outside, a famous general waiting on both sides of the command room, half followed Mograine and walked out.


   Montesi planet, the outskirts of Pollen City, Shen Ye shook his head, his vision began to gradually recover.

   He looked around, everything was intact, and the star-killing attack failed.

   "Great! We are still alive."

   There were bursts of cheers with tears in their eyes. Everyone thought they were dead, but they didn't expect it to be safe.

   La Finqi sighed for a long time, and said for the rest of his life: "I have escaped the catastrophe, and I have recovered my life, and the destruction of the stars has failed."

   "Hey, don't be too happy too early. The star destruction failed, indicating that the situation is completely out of control. And we are completely hostages and bait."

   Shen Ye sighed deeply. At this moment, he didn't feel happy at all, but felt that his chest was blocked and he couldn't breathe.

  Rafinki naturally understood the meaning of Shen Ye's words immediately, and the trace of happiness in his heart had disappeared without a trace.

   "Then what shall we do now?"

   Akashine asked solemnly.

   The three of them looked at Shen Ye in unison, and at this time, Shen Yedan was so painful that he didn't know what to do for a while. Of course, he was quite sure, squatting in place was a chronic suicide, and he still had to do something.

   At this time, a sonorous and contagious voice sounded.

   "Please keep calm, everyone, and gather around me, listen to me!"


   Shen Ye looked far away, and saw Ethan standing on a boulder, holding up the sword in his hand, shouting loudly.

   "Let's take a look."

   Shen Ye proposed.


  Bi Luos nodded, anyway, they didn't have a very good idea.

   Then Shen Ye and they all gathered.

"Everyone, please listen to me. Just now, the Alliance Government's Tenchu ​​Legion has launched annihilation. Fortunately, we are still alive, but with the worse news, the failure of the annihilation is equivalent to all of us. We have all become hostages, and our situation has become more dangerous. If we die at the hands of the Yuanling alien race, we will never be superborn. Now we have no retreat. There are only two roads before us. , Either wait here to die, or rise up to resist and take control of our own destiny. Although we are weak, as long as we are united, we believe that our destiny will be ruled by ourselves. I hereby appeal to those who are capable of fighting to join me and go At the core of the flower of the deep vine, destroy the root of the evil! The goddess of victory will be with us."

   Ethan's impassioned speech.

   "We are willing to follow you and fight to the death!"

   A famous person with a weapon walked out of the crowd. Although they were not very strong, their faces were full of firm confidence.

   It can be seen that Ethan's appeal is still very strong, and most people are willing to follow him.

   "Should we go too?"

   Rafinci asked in a low voice.

   "Normally, we also have to participate."

  Bi Luosi nodded in agreement.

   "It's too dangerous, basically there is no return. You don't want to join in the fun, I just go, you are here to watch the rescuers come back."

   Shen Ye was thinking twice about expressing his thoughts.

   "But just go by yourself, we are not at ease."

   "It's okay, my life is hard."

   "Well, just do what you say, you must pay attention to safety."

  Bi Luos nodded.

   "Don't worry, I will run away as soon as the situation is not right."

   Shen Ye shrugged and replied with a smile.

   At this time, after Ethan finished his speech, he jumped off the rock and raised his hand!

  All the combatants leaned towards him, and Shen Ye followed along. He was a little curious, what Ethan would do next, to rush to the target area, is also a very troublesome thing.

   Shen Ye observed for a while, there were probably more than 500 people who responded to Ethan's call. However, the combat effectiveness is not ideal. Basically, they are all three-star, hovering around four-star, and very few are five-star.

   The main reason is that two groups of people are missing to participate. One group is the rescue team of the noble regiment, and the other part is the rescue team of the Star Tower. Even if someone participated in the war, only a few symbolically came out like Shen Ye, and everyone else chose to stand by.

   "Ethan, I don't feel I have enough power."

   Lan Xiao looked at the people who gathered, with worried expressions on his faces.

   "It's really a bit weak."

   Qing Liu also echoed the Tao.

   "It doesn't matter, although we are greeted by difficulties and obstacles, but I believe that victory belongs to us, let's go!"

   Then Ethan slapped his hands on the ground!


   A simple stone gate carved with various patterns rises from the ground.

   Shen Ye looked at Ethan's ability to activate, and he was also very surprised. He didn't see any strange stone glowing on Ethan's body, and his abilities were very special.

   Then Shimen slowly opened.

   Yi Sen did not hesitate to take the lead and walked in, and Shen Ye followed in among the crowd.

   After entering the stone gate, Shen Ye only felt the scene change. They appeared on the edge of a messy ruined city, where a stone gate was also erected.

   Shen Ye suddenly understood that this is a bit similar to a portal, but it is estimated to be different from a spatial portal, and there should be a lot of restrictions.

"This is where?"

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