Xiaoya said thoughtfully.

   "General, are you sick in your body?"

   "No, is there anything unusual in return for Peripheral Alert?"

"No, everything is very normal, the communicator is very quiet! General, are you too nervous? In fact, it's okay, Ekajia (lieutenant general) is personally guarded outside. There is something really happening, and he will give back as soon as possible. ."

   Gaso scratched his head and turned back.

   After listening to Gaso's words, Xiaoya didn't know why not only did she not feel at ease, but she became more irritable and disturbed.

   She picked up the special military communicator and dialed Ekajia's call.


   At this time, blood is gradually staining the entire area around the sealed land, and there are corpses everywhere. If you look carefully, you can find that those people have a dull expression, and they don't even know how they died.

   The surrounding defensive weapons were all cut in half, and the angle of destruction was very tricky. None of the defensive weapons exploded, just like paper.

   Lieutenant General Ekajia held the communicator in his left hand, his eyes protruding, a white hand pinched his neck, and the corners of his mouth kept flowing blood.

   Ekajia struggled with the last remaining strength, shaking hands, and pressed the button of the communicator in his hand.

   "Ekajia, why don't you speak."

   Xiaoya's voice rang.


  Ekajia spit out a word with blood in his mouth.

   In the next second, Beloga directly threw Ekaga aside.

   In the center of the Sealed Land, Xiaoya immediately reacted when she heard the word sky and stood up abruptly.

   "Pull the most advanced alarm! Immediately order Rodrit to lead the Cataclysmic Legion in the outer sky and the defensive weapons outside the Autumn Star to prepare for long-range fire support."

   Gaso suddenly reacted.

   In an instant, the ear-piercing sirens of the Autumn City sounded.


  The Central Assembly Building in the City of Creation. The President of the Assembly stopped his work and was about to start lunch, with a stack of corrected documents next to him.

   In front of him, a member of the council held a document, sitting quietly, waiting for the chief of parliament to finish his meal, and then continued to report.

   At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps.


   The door was savagely pushed open.

  The congressmen at the scene turned their heads and looked at them, and when they saw the people who had broken in, their faces were also very surprised. Isn't this the head of the intelligence department, Gotan?

   Getan couldn't care about etiquette at all, and was terrified of the report.

   "Autumn Star comes with an alert! The angel attacked the seal pillar, and the angel is not dead!!!"

  The head of parliament slammed the table and stood up, and shouted sharply: "Call all the councillors immediately and call an emergency meeting!"


   On the other side, in the lobby of the high-end luxury hotel, Shen Ye was sitting at the main table, drinking with Nanweisi and others.

   "Mr. Shen Ye, we will toast you again, and we have to rely on you to take more pictures of their new couple in the future."

   "Too polite, Shen Wu is my elder brother, Lucky is my sister-in-law, no matter what happens, I am naturally obliged."

   Shen Ye was a little bit dumbfounded. He felt that the style of painting was a bit wrong, how could he feel that he had become the subject and the guest.

   "Just say this to you, let's have another drink."

   Nanweisi is very happy, what he wants is this effect. In fact, he was willing to marry his daughter to Shen Wu. On the one hand, Shen Wu was also very good, and the most important reason was that Shen Ye was strong enough.

   At this moment, suddenly the Star of Creation sounded a low alarm sound.

   The originally lively hall suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at each other face to face.

   "What happened?"

Chapter 822: Disadvantages

   "The sound of this alarm is deep and long. It seems to be a three-level alert. It is generally used for gathering troops."

   a nobleman analyzed.

   At this time, Shen Ye's phone vibrated.

   He quickly picked it up and took a look.

   Tavern APP pops up an SSS-level emergency support message.

  The Seal Pillar of the City of Autumn was attacked, and a large number of alien monsters descended. All members evacuated the people at all costs to support the Sealed Land.

   Shen Ye's face suddenly changed and stood up, he said to his father and Nanweisi.

   "In case of an emergency, I will leave first, and I will come back to apologize at another day."

   Before Shen Xuan and the others could speak, Shen Ye left in a hurry.

   everyone left looking at each other.


  In the parliament hall of the coalition government, members of the Congress rushed to the parliament hall one after another.

   A virtual image is being presented in the center of the assembly hall. This image is transmitted from the Sky Eye device outside the Autumn Star.

   I saw Eve Yueya accumulating terrifying power, waving the demon sword that flickered with thunder, and slashing towards Beloga!

   Beloga raised the Spear of Death Strike in his hand to block, and when the two collided, a huge shock wave swept away.

   If it weren't for the Sealed Land, there is a special barrier that weakens the impact of the battle. Otherwise, the entire Autumn City would have been destroyed long ago, but even so, in the center of the city, a large number of buildings were affected and collapsed.

   There were screams everywhere, and innocent people were smashed into flesh by collapsed buildings.

   Pieces of wires broke, sparks splashed everywhere, explosions and fires occurred in a large number of buildings, and thick smoke billowed.

   Wailing and fearful screams kept ringing, and countless people fled out in fear.

  The City of Autumn constantly sounded the broadcast voice of the Red Leaf City Lord.

   "As the owner of the city, I declare that the City of Autumn has entered an SSS-level emergency. All people, please leave the City of Autumn as quickly as possible and go to the suburbs T7, C8, F8, S2, four emergency underground shelters!"

  As soon as he was attacked, City Lord Hongye announced his abandonment of the city. When the City of Spring was attacked, more than half of the entire city was affected and destroyed.

   Now the battle has just begun. When you hit the back, it might be possible that the entire city will be destroyed.

   A famous nightman hurried over, fell into the chaotic crowd, and evacuated the crowd anxiously.

   "Don't mess around, don't block the traffic!"


At this time, in the sealed land, Eve Yueya constantly waved the demon sword to attack Beloga. Gaso and others also launched sneak attacks from the side. However, in the face of the siege, Beloga was not afraid, with a spear in her hand. Pick, and directly picked away the demon knife in Xiaoya's hand. At the same time, raising his right hand, the palm of the hand exudes a strong white light, and at the same time a white halo spreads out, blasting out the attacking Gaso and others.

   Everyone in the parliament hall, watching the scalp-numbing battle, did not even dare to take a breath for the atmosphere, many people sweated for Eve Yueya.

   Judging from this posture, Eve Yueya is not the opponent's opponent at all.

  Of course, there are a very small number of people who have bad intentions, and there is a trace of gloating in their eyes, but they cover it up very well.

   At this time, the cabinet member Morfinlus Nightstar and others hurried over.

   They just entered the parliament hall, and the old parliament chief said to him with suppressed anger.

   "Look at the good things you have done, and immediately let Tiergarn Nightstar go to the Autumn Star to solve the angel."

   Morphinlus Nightstar said with a very ugly face: "Master of Council, the true ancestors set out on an expedition in secret ten days ago!"

   Hearing that the old councillor was furious, he slapped him on the table.

  The councillors present all trembled.

   "How about we invite another true ancestor out?"

   Cabinet Osaken Abidis quickly suggested that the situation is so urgent now that they can't take care of that much.

   "Waiting for you to come out, the city of Autumn has been slaughtered."

   The old parliament leader replied with an iron face.

   "Lord of the council, let's go to invite the true ancestor. We immediately sent five nine-star masters to the Autumn Star and besieged the angel. Although the angel escaped, he must have been injured."

  Osaken Abidis immediately made suggestions.

   "Execute now!"

   The council leader said coldly.

   On the other side, Shen Ye rushed to the center of the interstellar airport. The entire airport was requisitioned and closed, and a large number of troops were quickly gathering.

   As soon as he approached, he was stopped by an officer.

   "Emergency control, prohibiting any idlers from approaching."

   Shen Ye anxiously picked up his credentials and said, "I am a member of the Star Tower, and the Autumn Star is attacked. I want to go back and support immediately."

   The non-commissioned officer glanced at Shen Ye's ID, and said nothing.

   "You go in, the spacecraft will take off in half an hour, you can follow it up."


   Shen Ye hurriedly ran into the interstellar airport.

   He picked up his mobile phone and clicked on the live broadcast to see if he could search the scene.

   Not surprisingly, I really found it, and there was more than one live video.

   The anchor of the most popular live broadcast room seems to be a capable person. He actually intercepted the signal from the SkyEye device and threw the captured images into the live broadcast room.

   There are three other live broadcast rooms, where three anchors do not want to die, using remote viewing devices to capture images.

   From the moment the City of Autumn was attacked, it has only been ten or twenty minutes since the full play, but the news has spread throughout all areas of the Alliance government.

   At this time, the number of people online in the live broadcast room has reached 50 billion people watching, and the number is still exploding.

  Countless people swiped the screen, praying that Eve Yueya could defeat the opponent.

   The consequences of the damage to the seal pillar of the Spring City, everyone experienced firsthand. The probability of being attacked by foreign races all over the world has soared tenfold. If anything goes wrong with the Seal Pillar of the City of Autumn, they can't imagine what nightmare it will be to meet them.

   "General Eve Yueya must hold on! Come on!"

   "We believe in you!"


  Of course there are many very pessimistic sayings.

   "There is no hope, the general guarded by the Spring Star is not also crushed and killed."


   And judging from the battle images at this time, Xiaoya has always been at an absolute disadvantage, and everyone's heart is in their throats.

   Shen Ye clenched his hands into fists and squeaked, his eyes fixed on the angel, and he prayed silently.

   "Xiaoya, you must hold on, I'll go back right away! You must be fine."

   He can't wait to rush back right away. The problem is that it's useless to be anxious, and he won't be able to appear on the Autumn Star next second.

  In the area of ​​the Seal Pillar of the City of Autumn, Beloga raised his head to look at Eve Yueya, raised the spear of the dead thorn in his hand, and made a sound like a natural sound.

   "The mayfly shakes the tree and doesn't know what to do."

   Eve Yueya was nervous and told her rationally, to escape from the other party, the farther the better, otherwise the one who greeted her would be death. But she didn't take a step back, her eyes grew firmer.

Chapter 823 Crisis

   She slowly raised the demon knife Leizheng in her hand, and took a deep breath.

   "We humans seem to float in the eyes of your angels, so what? It is indeed moths to fight the fire to fight against you, but what about it? We have our belief that this is our human world, which cannot be trampled on by you!"

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