
   Shen Ye raised his hand and shouted.


  Everyone was quiet, and they looked at Shen Ye very nervously.

Shen Ye bowed slightly to everyone, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry! I understand your feelings, everyone. But I really can't do anything. Due to previous battles, I am now seriously injured and unable to help you all. Please go back."

   Hearing the words of Shen Ye, many of the people present collapsed directly and wept bitterly on the spot!

   The only hope was dashed.

   Many people showed extremely disappointed expressions on their faces and left numbly.

   Shen Ye watched this scene, and his heart was also very complicated. After all, a person's power is limited.

At this time, a young girl with flaxen hair seemed unwilling to accept this result. She pointed at Shen Ye angrily and cursed: "You are not incapable of saving us, but you are not saved. You are just like those high-minded people, only If you are willing to rescue those big countries, you don't care about the death of our small countries."

   Shen Ye's expression became more and more silent, he didn't know how to respond to the girl's roar in front of him.

   Finally, Shen Ye just spoke to him.

   "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

   Then he turned and walked back to the tavern. He also has more than enough energy but not enough energy!


   The Summer City, in a luxurious villa, Kraut opened the door and walked in. There was no servant in the huge villa.

   Six figures exuding horror were sitting in the lobby of the villa.

   They are respectively, the deputy chief of the demon clan·Hakedolun (9th stage and 10th stage).

   Deputy Chief of the Demon Race·Fegaelen (Nine Stages and Nine Stages)

  The Duke of the Demon Race·Robosolo (Ninth Stage and 5th Stage)

  The Deputy Chief of the Yuanling Clan·Grigao (Nine Stars 4th Stage)

  Vice-empty Alien Race Deputy Chief·Mingluo (Nine Stars 6th Stage)

  The leader of the Redemption Organization·Promisch (Nine Stars Three Stages)

   Kraut went to sit down in front of them and asked straightforwardly: "The location of Kishoku has been determined. When will you start?"

  Robosolo said with a smile: "Don't worry, the success rate of rushing hands is not high."

   "Xia Zhi Xing's Kishoku is more strict in defense than Qiu Zhi Xing, so I'll do it directly, I'm afraid that if I haven't got anything, it will attract those who are old and immortal."

   The corners of Promixi's mouth rose slightly, revealing a playful smile.

   "What do you mean?"

   Kraut's expression was a little gloomy.

Robosolo smiled and said, "Don't worry, we have a better plan. And I know that you hate Shakira's bitch. Don't worry, I promised you and I will let her soon. It's over. And it will fall into your hands. You can abuse her any way you want."

   Hearing this, Kraut frowned and looked at Robosolo.

"what's the plan."

   "First pull Shakira off from the position of the city lord."

   "Do you think this joke is funny?"

   Kraut is like hearing something very funny, Shakira is in such a solid position now, how could it be possible to say nothing.

   "This is not a joke, but a fact."

  Robosolo took out a special potion from the space ring.

"what is this?"

"This is sacred water, and it's sacred water that has been specially treated. As long as Shakira touches or smells it, and the recruits won't feel it at all, it will only happen through special secret methods. At that time, she will show the prototype, showing the appearance of a vampire. Of course we know that you can't get close to Shakira, that woman is very wary of you. So we helped you think of a way, seven days later, it will not be Xia Zhixing Is the 644th referendum? At that time, we will find a way to sprinkle holy water on her city lord's robes, and then she will show her true shape in the eyes of thousands of people."

  Robosolo explained to Kraut.

   Kraut heard this, his face distorted with excitement, and he let out a harsh laugh.

   "Haha! After a long time, that incredible woman. Turned out to be a dirty and lowly mutant, she is dead! The Xia family will never turn back."

   Although Xia Zhixing has a mutant protection law, all the nobles and wealthy merchants live here. Who can accept that their city lord is a mutant? There is a saying that is good, but people who are not from our race can be condemned.

   Trust this thing takes a long time to accumulate, but it only takes a moment to collapse.

"I believe that Shakira will definitely fall into the altar at that time. You should know how to do the rest? Political fights. I think your cosmic nobles should be better than anyone else, and you should know who to look for. As a substitute, superior, right?"

  Robosolo looked at Kraut with a smile.

   "I will deal with these naturally."

   Kraut said confidently.

"But Kraut, you have to remember one thing, we don’t care who is in charge. But you must find a way to get the upper person to control Monroe in the central system of Xia Zhixing. Even if you can’t, you have to find Monroe’s center. Control room location."

Chapter 907: Riot

  Robosolo finally said his goal, not to disintegrate the artificial intelligence Monroe. Xia Zhixing's defensive measures will be a big obstacle.

   "I will arrange it."

   Kraut was very excited and left.

   After Kraut left, Ming Luo said hoarsely, "This guy is not reliable."

"Relax, our demons have always been very accurate in seeing people. He has already lost himself. We just need to wait for the moment. This action must be foolproof, so when you don’t take the final action, don’t disclose your plan. The people below."

  Robosolo did not forget to exhort him.

   On the other side, after Kraut left, he directly asked Valdre Makoli to meet in the hotel under his seat.

   Soon after, the two met in a hidden room.

   "Master Clout, what are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

   Wadley Makoli asked respectfully.

   "Vadre, let me ask you a question, do you want to regain the position of the city lord of the summer city."

   Kraut looked at Valdre with a malicious smile.

  Vadre couldn't help shaking when he heard Kraut's words, he said tremblingly.

   "Master Clout, are you telling the truth?"

   "Of course what I said is true, but what can you give me back?"

   "Master Kraut, as long as we can do it, we will never refuse, no matter what."

   Wadley said very excitedly.

   Kraut stretched out his hand to pat Wadley on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Are you sure everything is OK?"

   Wadley gritted his teeth and replied: "OK!"

   He also spared no effort, as long as he could regain the position of the city lord. Even if the city of Xia is destroyed, it is a big deal to rebuild it.

   "Okay, I want artificial intelligence Monroe's control authority."

"This, I am afraid it is difficult. Unless Shakira is pulled down, I will be able to get the upper position. And there may be variables in this. Even if Shakira steps down, she will not easily control Monroe. Hand over the power."

   "It doesn't matter, then you can find a way to find out the position of Monroe's center. I know you buried a lot of chess pieces in the Xia family, it shouldn't be difficult for you."

   "This is okay, but Master Croute, how do you pull Shakira from the city lord position?"

   Wadley gritted his teeth and agreed.

   "Don't worry, I will ruin her, and she will show a prototype under the eyes of everyone, so that everyone knows that their Lord of the City is a mutant·vampire."

   "What? Shakira is a vampire? But this ruined her at the most, can she really be pulled down? Will the councillor agree? After all, she did not make any mistakes."

  Vadre’s excited old face flushed, but he calmed down immediately.

"No matter how good she is, she is a vampire, no one will accept it. At that time, it will definitely cause confusion and panic. We will send someone from the top to investigate and contain Shakira, even if Shakira is dead. If you don't want to step down, what about it? Don't rush to compete with her. When Kishoku is lost, she will be dead."

   Kraut said excitedly.

   "What, sir, are you going to attack Kishoku?"

  Vadrei was like being bombarded by five thunders. He immediately realized why Kraut wanted the control and position of the artificial intelligence Monroe.

"It’s not that I’m going to attack, it’s a monster attack. We are all victims. Why? Are you scared? Don’t want to return to the seat of the city lord? I tell you! Even if Shaqi pulls down, without the support of our Milan family, do you think Can you be on top? And besides, when your family was in trouble, who saved you and helped you so that you can survive until now? Don’t you know it in your heart?"

   Kraut threatened with a sullen face.

  Vadrei's expression changed for a while, and finally he knelt on one knee to Kraut and said, "We are willing to follow Master Kraut to the death!"


   Seven days later, in the city lord’s mansion, Shakira got up very early, and two maids were behind her, carefully grooming her.

   Shakira looked at her face in the mirror, she was very calm. For this referendum, she didn't care at all, because she was already prepared.

   No matter whether it is the votes of the bottom class or the votes of the upper class nobles, there will be no problem.

   She will achieve victory in the form of absolute crushing and continue to be the lord of Summer City.

  Of course, in order to pursue perfection, Shakira will of course do everything well, so that no one will pick out any faults.

   He wants to fill his day with tedious business affairs, not to let himself have energy, and to think more about the person who makes him feel discouraged.

   At this time, the four maids walked over with their heads down holding the carefully ironed robes of the city lord and said respectfully: "Miss, it's almost time to change clothes."


   Shakira nodded.

   In the square in the center of the Summer City, a special countertop was erected at this time.

   A famous reporter is already in place.

  The eight roads leading to the square were all under control, and a large number of people gathered on the spot.

  Although it is basically electronic voting nowadays, for the sake of atmosphere and preservation of tradition, you can also come to the scene to cast physical votes.

   Kraut, Wadley and others came to the scene early.

   There are ill-intentioned smiles on their faces.

   At this time, the costumed Xia Kira came out, and there was cheers on the scene, and the people shouted Sha Kira's name.

   "Master Shakira!"

   "Master Shakira!"


Shakira walked to the stage and addressed many people: "Thank you all for participating in this event during your busy schedule. Xia Zhixing upholds the will of the coalition government and holds the referendum on the principles of fairness, justice and democracy. All people Everyone is free to cast a valuable vote. In the past years, I am very proud to be the city lord of Xia Zhixing and serve every citizen..."


   Shakira’s speech was excellent, especially under the blessing of the Seven Orifices Linglong Stone.

   "Master Shakira, we support you!"

   "Yes, we support you, you are Xia Zhixing's hope!"


   Through the public statistics of artificial intelligence Monroe, we can see that the election has just begun, and Shakira has already won 30% of the votes. It is important to know that the entire voting process takes three days. According to this trend, it is estimated that it will exceed 50% in a few hours. At that time, it can be directly announced that it is over.

   But in the middle of Shakira's speech, suddenly her delicate face showed an expression of pain.

   Shakira felt like her heart was pierced by a needle, and her body's blood was boiling uncontrollably.

   Suddenly her white face, blood vessels appeared, and then sharp teeth appeared in her mouth, and the pupils of her eyes began to turn deep red.

   Ten fingers grow sharp claws.

   The bracelet on her hand shattered in an instant, suddenly showing its original shape.


   Accompanied by a scream of fear, the people at the scene rioted and backed away.

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