"Sorry, I was too busy before."

   "It's okay, it's all your own, are you looking for something to do with me?"

   Farola didn't circle with Shen Ye, he asked directly.

   "That's it. I heard that Shakira was taken away by you for investigation. How is her situation?"

   Shen Ye asked quickly.

After Falola listened to it, she pondered for a while and said to Shen Ye: "I shouldn't have told you this, but for my own sake, I will tell you. Shakira's situation is very different. It’s not good, and she’s now being pushed by everyone. I have the latest news that the parliament has already made a verdict on Shakira’s crime, but it hasn’t been announced yet.”

   "So fast? What crime? Will it be life-threatening?"

Chapter 922 Small Law

   Shen Ye was also stunned, the speed of this conviction was too exaggerated. He finally understands what Northern Risa said, and he won't give you a chance to refute it at all.

"The crime of negligence, the crime of fictitious identity, will be deprived of the position of the city lord and the position of the family patriarch, and will not participate in the internal affairs of the alliance government system for life. Fortunately, there is no life-threatening, but the Xia family estimates that it will be miserable. Deprive half of the fixed assets."

   Farola explained to Shen Ye.

   Shen Ye's expression is also a bit complicated after hearing it, which doesn't mean she's completely desolate. And maybe everyone will betray their relatives and leave. Knowing that the entire Xia family was fined half of its assets, it meant that all the divisions would suffer along with it.

   "Then when will she be released?"

   "Almost a month later, wait for all the dust to fall."

   Farola explained to Shen Ye.

"Thank you."

   "You are welcome, is there anything else? If not, I will hang up first."

   "Lord Farola, please take care of Miss Shakira inside."

   Shen Ye said politely.

"I understand."

  Falola definitely replied, but he actually made this call to Shen Ye. Needless to say, he knew what to do.

   After Shen Ye hung up the phone, he took a deep breath.

   "It will be a month before it will be released. If I go to see her now, it will be a bit conspicuous. Forget it, go back to the Star of Autumn first, look back and find a chance to see her again."

   Two days later, Shen Ye returned to the tavern, and she saw Eve Yueya, Yunlan and others standing at the entrance of the tavern welcoming him.


   Shen Ye was a little embarrassed, and she didn't know how to explain her sudden rush to Xia Zhixing.

   Eve Yueya said with a smile: "Don't explain it, you can just come in for dinner."


   Shen Ye suddenly opened his eyebrows and smiled.

   Soon they sat together, Yun Lan asked Shen Ye curiously.

   "Will Sister Shakira have anything to do? Now there is news that she will be imprisoned for life everywhere."

   "Don't worry, she's fine, but the position can't be kept, and the family is also involved. If there are no accidents, it is probably going to fall."

   Shen Ye replied while eating.

   "It's okay, I have heard all the internal information, and I seem to care about her very much."

   Eve Yueya propped her face with one hand, looking at Shen Ye and said.

   "Ahem, don't say that, you are a friend anyway."

   "Is it just a friend?"

   "Haha, let's watch TV."

   Shen Ye decisively changed the subject and turned on the TV.

   As a result, just after opening the news, Shen Ye's expression was a little stiff, and only a reporter was interviewing Xia Zhixing.

   The streets are full of cheering people.

   "According to the latest news, Shakira has officially resigned as the lord of the city. At this time, the people on the street can see the news and they are very excited and happy. For them, the old rule is over, and they are about to usher in a new life."

   "The new general election will be held in seven days, and the people can elect the best candidate according to their wishes."


   The corners of Shen Ye's mouth twitched constantly, and he didn't know what to say.

   Eve Yueya said with a smile: "Don't care, normal things, this kind of thing is common. In fact, Shakira should have expected it, otherwise she would not have to conceal her identity as a mutant."


   Shen Ye didn't say much, but he didn't have much interest in eating.

   After having eaten the meal hastily, Shen Ye breathed out and said to Eve Yueya and the others: "I'm a little tired. Go back to the room and rest for a while."


   Eve Yueya nodded.

   After a while, Shen Ye returned to the room, and then escaped into the secret room.

   He raised his hand and tried to mobilize the stone of God, trying to summon Xiaofa.

   Soon a group of little blue ghosts were released.

   After being released suddenly, Xiaofa was also bewildered. Immediately reacted, showing loyalty to Shen Ye Kuang Li.

   "As long as you let me out, you will be my boss from today, and if you let me go east, I will never go west."

   Shen Ye's face twitched hard.

   "You really have no morals."

   You must know that when I was in Kishoku, this product was as arrogant as it was. As a result, there will be more counseling now, if it weren't for Shen Ye to confirm that the strange stone was not dropped, he would doubt if he had made a mistake.

   But then again, how does this flexible and stretchable character resemble someone?

   "This thing is worthless. I thought I was going to be locked in that big guy forever and never see the sun outside."

   Xiaofa sighed in tears.

   "Stop talking to you, let me ask you something."

   "Boss, just ask, I promise to know everything without saying anything, as long as you don't shut me in again."

   Xiaofa quickly pleased Shen Ye.

   "Then it depends on your performance, first tell me what your role is."

   Shen Ye asked curiously.

Xiaofa's eyes lit up and quickly said, "You are asking the right person. I am omnipotent. Only you can't think of it. Without me, I can't do it. Even if you want someone else's wife, I can help you. Get it."

   "Bah! What the **** are you talking about."

   Shen Ye did not spit out angrily.

   "I'm just making an analogy. Of course you don't like the boss."

   Xiaofa said with a smile.

   "I ask you, I want to be promoted to ten stars, can you do it?"

   Shen Ye asked.

   Xiaofa's head shakes like a rattle after listening to it.


   "Then I can use you to kill a ten-star master?"

   "Neither does it."


   Shen Ye said with a black face, "I said you can't do this, that's not good, what do I want you to do?"

   "No, I can let someone whose cultivation level is one star lower than yours disappear at any time. I guarantee that he will die silently. No one knows what's going on, you just need to say something."

   "This ability seems to be pretty good, how much star power does it cost?"

   Shen Ye tried to ask.

   "That consumes more. In the specific analysis, each person's life is different, so the strength required is different, but at the worst, it will consume more than twice the normal star power to kill the opponent."

   Xiaofa smiled and responded.

   "Go! It takes so much effort to have a fart. I might as well just go to the door by myself and slap him to death."

   "You can't blame me for being useless. In fact, you should be blamed for what is really to blame."

   "Why blame it on me."

   Shen Ye is also happy.

"As long as you give me enough strength, I can indeed achieve all your wishes. If nothing else, you provide me with 11-star power, and I promise to directly turn you into a 10-star master. Of course you give me 11 stars. I can also help you curse the ten-star master in minutes. To put it bluntly, you can’t give me star power, and then blame me for not doing it. This is a typical example of not being able to pull out a **** monster."

   Xiaofa retorted very excitedly.

   "Well, it seems to make sense, bah bah, who do you think can't pull out the **** in the toilet?"

   Shen Ye was almost taken into the pit by this guy.

   "Ahem, I'm just like, how can I say you, my dear boss."

   "Okay, you don't need to explain, I just don't understand your thoughts."

   Shen Ye didn't reply in kind.

Chapter 923: Secrets

   Xiaofa bulged his small round face, and said to Shen Ye with a smile on his face.

   "Boss, in fact, I'm still very strong. Anyway, I'm also a god-level strange stone, and I'm still the best in my class."

"Cut, I believe you a hammer. But what you said also makes sense. Anyway, it is a god-level strange stone. It should be a bit useful to drop it. Use your ability to help me turn the stored star power into the head of cultivation. Bar?"

   "No problem, it's a trivial matter, I'll help you convert it into an eight-star cultivation base."

   Xiaofa responded with a smile.

   "Go away, I use the nine-star star power to convert it into an eight-star cultivation base, I'm so stupid! Why don't I change slowly by myself."

   Shen Ye sprayed wildly at Xiaofa, which was simply too ridiculous.

   Xiaofa was also speechless by Shen Ye, but he was a little panicked. But Xiaofa discovered one thing, this guy has always wanted to convert the star power into his own, he is not ordinary smart. If you keep charging that strange stone to a very high level, it might get out of control, or even become a guest. Of course it couldn't say this directly, so it said implicitly.

   "You found it too."

   "Hehe, that is."

   "Aren't you stupid, it's smart!"

   "You are stupid!"

   Shen Ye rolled his eyes at Xiaofa.

   Xiaofa coughed and said, "By the way, I'll give you a heartfelt advice."

   "Okay, let go if you have fart, don't sell it."

"You must pay attention to suppressing the cultivation base, and don't expose it too strong. Because under normal circumstances, it is impossible for you to have such a strong power at such a young age. I don't know how you covered up the past. You have not been suspected. You must know that it is so abnormal. It's impossible for the coalition government to fail to notice."

   Shen Yexin was startled, and he suddenly reacted. It should be that he was holding the title of Ames inheritance, and he was not suspected. If he hadn't held the title of Amos's inheritance at the beginning, I guess it would really be a bad dish.

   Thinking of this, Shen Ye's expression changed for a while, and he said.

   "I see, wait for something I want to ask you."

   "Boss, you say."

   Xiaofa asked diligently.

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