Hayden knocked on the door.


"Come in."

  The head of the council's low voice came from inside the house.

  Hayden opened the door and made a request to Shen Ye, indicating that he could enter.

   Shen Ye walked in and glanced over. There were three people standing in the office besides the head of parliament.

   They are Patriarch Gafee Sacred Shadow, Elemi, and Minister of Intelligence Yanlie.

   "Mr. Shen Ye, you are here."

   The three people present greeted Shen Ye one after another.

  Shen Ye is also very surprised, why is Elemi here too.


  The head of the assembly said hoarsely: "I'm all my own, don't need those politeness. I have to call you this time. There are some things that I can't do."

   "Master of the Council, you are too polite. I said before. If you need me, as long as you speak, I will be there on call in the night. What happened?"

   Shen Ye replied respectfully.

"Well, now the Alliance is in some big trouble and needs your power. Due to the invasion of the Angel Race, the Alliance Government is already a little overwhelmed. In order to stabilize the situation, the Alliance Government decided to try to temporarily truce with the new alien alliance to reach an alliance and fight the angels together. Clan and those very evil alien races. Therefore, the delegation led by Osakan Abidis was sent, and the delegation disappeared."

   The chairman of the council probably explained to Shen Ye.

   "Where did you go missing?"

   Shen Ye frowned and asked.

   Yanlie took out a star map very professionally, and explained by pointing to the red dot on it.

Chapter 957 Departure

"The last time we received feedback from the envoys was here, at the edge of the Baigri Star Sea. According to their road map, they should have entered the Baigri Star Sea, which was originally a gathering area of ​​mineral stars. The former resources were exhausted and they were abandoned."

   Shen Ye looked at that map, but also had a headache. The sea of ​​stars was very close to the orbit of the third planet, and it extended in all directions. There were all kinds of aliens wandering around.

   "Will it be dead, or captured by the angels."

   Shen Ye thought for a while and asked.

   "No, my father must be alive."

   At this time Elemi said very positively.

   "Mr. Elemi, why are you so sure."

   Shen Ye is also a little curious.

   "After my father's accident, I went to Master Xingyun for divination as soon as possible. Although the results of the divination were very vague. It was basically confirmed that my father was not dead yet, but the situation was not optimistic."

   Elemi explained to Shen Ye.

Yan Lie beside    also said to Shen Ye.

"As for being captured by the Angel Race, I feel that the possibility is not high. Because this mission is very important, our intelligence department has been watching the high-level combat power of the Angel Race, and after the incident, we were buried in the Angel Race. Among the information provided by the personnel, there was no news of the arrest of high-level personnel."

"I see."

   Shen Ye nodded.

The Chief of Parliament said in a deep voice: "You have a very difficult task this time. If you can, try to rescue people back as much as possible. If it doesn't work or the person is dead, then do everything possible to find Osakan Abidi. The Sky Confidential Box that Si holds in his hand contains a very important letter written to the new leader of the alliance. It must not be passed on to the hands of other alien races, and it can’t be destroyed. If that letter falls. In the hands of other aliens, we will be very passive in the future and may pay an extremely heavy price."

   When Shen Ye heard this, he immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

   "I understand the councillor!"

"Of course, if the search and rescue mission goes smoothly, you will go directly to the new alliance with Osaken and the others. Osaken knows what to do. If you just find the secret box, then you will act as the envoy and go directly to the new alliance. Alliance, Garfie Sacred Shadow, you know what to do."

  The chief of parliament said that he looked at Garfière last.

   Gaffiet Sacred Shadow nodded and replied, "Master of Council, I understand."

   The president of the council nodded slightly when he saw this scene, and then he turned his head to look at Shen Ye, showing a gentle smile.

   "The main business is over, Shen Ye, I heard that you killed two temple angels, Aboya and Nanli?"


   Shen Ye responded with an awkward smile.

   Although the three of Garfière Sacred Shadow who were present knew that the angel of the temple was killed by Shen Ye, their expressions were not calm when they heard Shen Ye's answer in person.

   "Well done, those temple angels relied on their strength and tyranny to attack everywhere while the Alliance government was overwhelmed! This can be regarded as a lesson for them, letting them know that the human race is not muddled."

   "That's what the Lord Councillor said."

   "You have made such a great contribution, what kind of reward do you want."

   "No need for the President, I just did what I was supposed to do."

   Shen Ye said modestly, what he was thinking in his heart, he wanted Mao's reward, and when he looked back, when the high-ranking angels chased him to kill him, the Alliance government would give him some strength and quickly send someone to rescue him.

   He doesn't have the confidence to be able to beat the tenth-order metamorphosis, but with his current cultivation base, it shouldn't be a big problem to insist on running away for a while.

   "Although I have nothing to reward you, but I also prepare a small gift for you. Come here."

   "Is the President of Parliament."

   Shen Ye walked over very curiously.



   Three days later, Shen Ye arrived at the Interstellar Airport at the agreed time.

   When he saw a scene in front of him, his mouth opened slightly, and his heart was amazed.

   Star Destroyer is docked at the center of the Interstellar Airport.

   At a glance, you can see its grandeur and extraordinaryness. The only pity is that Shen Ye didn't even recognize this thing.

   A soldier in a single armor lined up neatly at the scene.

  At the entrance of the boarding, Garfie Sacred Shadow and Elemy stood there, both of them brought a lot of accompanying personnel.

  The most conspicuous among them is the sea lotus silk and the three old men who exude a strong breath. One of them, Shen Ye, who has seen him, is Corundion, who guards Xia Zhixing's Kishishiku.

   The other two nine-star elders, standing behind Garfie Sacred Shadow and Elemie, seemed to be the ancestors of their respective families.

   Shen Ye quickly walked over.

   "Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

   "You are too polite. We should have caused you trouble. I have to ask you more on this journey."

   Gaffiet Sacred Shadow did not have a trace of arrogance, and talked to Shen Ye in a very approachable tone.

   Hailiansi kept looking at Shen Ye, her bright eyes revealed a trace of admiration. She had rarely seen her father be so polite to anyone since she was a child.

   And Hailian Silk also admired Xiaoya's eyes more and more, and chose Shen Ye before the gold did not shine.

   It was so lucky that she was a little jealous.

   Standing aside, Corundian stared at Shen Ye with straight eyes, especially after seeing the Heaven Selection Sword pinned to Shen Ye's waist, his expression became very unnatural, and he blurted out subconsciously.

   "This is Amos' Natural Selection Sword, right?"

   Shen Ye was slightly startled, looked at Corundian, then pretended to be stupid, and replied with a puzzled expression on his face.

   "Yes, this senior, what is the problem?"

   "What is your relationship with Amos?"

   Correndian asked.

   "Corundian, Shen Ye is the inheritor of Lord Amers. Everyone has known this long ago. You only woke up not too long ago. You may not know it."

  Gafie Sacred Shadow hurriedly ended the game. He knew that Correndian and Amers had a very bad relationship. It is said that they liked a girl at the same time, and Correndian had lost the competition. But no one knows the specific inside story, only that the two of them clashed.

   "Huh, that guy is really useless, he died so soon."

   Correndian cursed angrily.

   The corners of Shen Ye's mouth twitched slightly. It stands to reason that he should go back, but Shen Ye knew that Amos was not dead, so he didn't care about the other party's complaints. On the one hand, I don’t want to start conflicts with him and destroy unity. On the other hand, there is another very important reason. Since I ran into him here, I still performed the task together. Shen Ye wondered if he couldn't, and figured out a way to use the fifth-level practice method of Correndian's chanting arc.

   "Colendian is almost there, don't talk about it."

Chapter 958: Absent-minded

  Gafie Sacred Shadow's expression was also a little unsustainable, he glanced at Shen Ye from time to time, for fear that Shen Ye would go crazy when he waited, and that would be troublesome.

   Ailemi naturally didn't want to have a conflict, so he said, "I think it's almost time, let's get on the boat."


   Shen Ye responds down the slope.

   Then they boarded the ship.

   Shen Ye asked curiously: "What kind of ship is this? It looks very special."

"Master Shen Ye, this is the Star Destroyer White Shadow of our Holy Shadow Family. It is a very special Star Destroyer. The combat performance of this first ship can only be considered average. But it has the ability to surpass ordinary Star Destroyer. The speed of the ship and its stealth capability are very suitable for our mission."

   Hailiansi was very enthusiastic and introduced to Shen Ye.

   "Then how long will it take us to take this ship to the Baigri Xinghai?"

   Shen Ye asked curiously.

   "In order to act as low-key as possible and not be targeted, this first ship will remain invisible throughout the entire process, so it cannot fly at faster than light speeds, so it takes about twelve days."

   Hailiansi explained.

   "Can't fly faster than the speed of light or jump to a nearby safe star sea, and then slowly pass by?"

   Shen Ye asked curiously.

"Theoretically, it is possible, but the disappearance of the last mission was too weird. The intelligence department suspects that some aspects of the alliance government may have been infiltrated. Therefore, even their own territory is not safe anymore. Now the only thing that can be confirmed is 100% safe. , There is only the creation star, so we can only take off in stealth from the beginning. In fact, if I can, I want to reach the star sea for search and rescue sooner than anyone else."

   Elemi sighed and explained to Shen Ye.

   "Master Elemi, I believe your father will be fine."

   Shen Ye comforted.

   "I hope so."

   Elemi nodded slightly.

"This is everyone's room. For safety's sake, our rooms are all close together. Whatever happens, we can gather together as soon as possible. In addition, the spacecraft will take off in half an hour. You can go to rest first. In a while, I will inform you as soon as possible if there is anything."

   Gaffiet Sacred Shadow said calmly.


   Shen Ye and Elemi nodded and walked towards their room.

   Hailiansi followed Garfie Sacred Shadow towards the ship’s command room.

   "Sea lotus silk."

   Gaffiet Sacred Shadow suddenly shouted.

   "At the father."

   Hailian was surprised, and quickly responded.

   "What do you think of Shen Ye?"

   Gaffiet Sacred Shadow asked suddenly.

   Hailiansi thought about it seriously, and said to his father for a long time: "I think this person, Shen Ye, is very outstanding in terms of his personality, strength, or talent."

   "You are right, but you still ignore one point."

   Gaffiet Sacred Shadow said in a deep voice.

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