Chapter 133 Circles

   Bai Xiong touched his forehead and didn't know what to say. In fact, he had a good relationship with Zhao Lan before. But every time Zhao Lan sees him, he is extremely enthusiastic, making Director Bai feel uncomfortable. Of course, Director Bai is not a fool. Of course he knows what Zhao Lan means. The problem is that he is unwilling.

   "Okay, I won't make trouble with you, I have something to tell you."

   Zhao Lan suddenly put a smile on her face, and said to Director Bai in a serious manner.

   "You can just say it, it's okay, this guy can rely on it."

   Director Bai didn't plan to avoid Shen Ye either.

   Shen Ye was somewhat surprised, he didn't expect Director Bai to trust him so much.

   "People from the Ye family are also here to attend the annual meeting, please pay attention..."

   Zhao Lan reminded Director Bai with a smile but a smile.

   Director Bai heard Zhao Lan's words, and his face became dark and replied, "I see."

   Shen Ye was also very curious when he heard this, Ye Family?

   But he didn't dare to ask more, he could see that the white bear was not in a good mood.

   "Sister Lan..."

   A few women not far away waved to Sister Lan and shouted.

   Zhao Lan said with some regret: "I'll go to say hello to other friends first, and talk later."

   "Go ahead..."

   The white bear nodded slightly.

   Shen Ye watched Sister Lan walk towards the women, and soon a group of people gathered around her, who seemed to be more popular than the white bear, so Shen Ye stabbed the white bear and asked.

   "How do you feel, sister Lan is better than you?"

   "She sells weapons. Isn't it good to be able to mix it? I threw your equipment to her last time, otherwise you don't have to think about selling it for 100W."

   "Sister Lan is indeed amazing."

   "Let me remind you, don't go to her if it's okay, otherwise you can guarantee that you can't keep your pants, she is not a vegetarian."

   Bai Xiong gave Shen Ye a vaccination in advance.

   "Don't worry, don't worry, I know it in my heart."

   Shen Ye was not ashamed to tell Bai Xiong that he actually wanted to discuss with Zhao Lan. See if the heavy sniper in her hand can be sold cheaper.

   Looking at this posture now, let's look back and look for opportunities.

  As the time from the opening gets closer and closer, more and more people enter the field, and the temperament and strength of each entry are good.

   Shen Ye and Bai Xiong found a corner table and sat down.

   The two picked up their wine glasses and drank while looking at the people who came in.

   Bai Xiong introduces people to Shen Ye from time to time.

   "Did you see that person? The man over there is called Yagi. He is a high-level star hunter. He is very powerful. It is said that he has stepped into the six stars."

"The wretched guy in the north is called Zhang Xian and he is also a star hunter. Although he is not strong, don't underestimate him. He is not an ordinary star hunter. He is a professional intelligence star hunter. Look around him. With so many museum owners, they all want to pry out some information from his mouth."


   Shen Ye looked at the people coming and going, and asked the white bear curiously.

   "The strongest people here are six stars?"

   "No, the strongest one should be entering the Seven Stars. As for the Eight Stars I haven't seen before, there may or may not be."

   Baixiong explained.

   "Who is so awesome, stepping into the Seven Stars" Shen Ye asked curiously.

   "Who else? Master Vanoranka, the chief of the star tower in this area."

   "By the way, what level is Ofalo?"

   "Six-star high section, but I don't know the specific sections. He is in charge of the night-bearer in this area."

   "Strong enough!"

   "Try hard, your current strength, let alone compare with this group of people, you can't even compare to those museum owners from outside."

   "Outdoor pavilion owner?"

   Shen Ye looked at the crowd curiously.

   "It's the large group of people entrenched on the left. All of them are tavern owners in other cities of the Autumn Star."

   "How do you feel that they rarely communicate with people here?"

"Of course it's less, I've been ostracized, do you know what is called "three, six, nine, etc."? It makes a difference where you are. Don't look at the trash in your tavern. The surroundings are messy to death. But no matter how trash is, the location is also in the autumn. In the city, your starting point is higher than others."

   The corners of Shen Ye's mouth twitched, and he groaned inwardly. He didn't feel any better, but it was a mess.

   "What time is it now, why doesn't the annual meeting start?"

   "What's the hurry, the main character hasn't been on yet."

   "Oh yes, Miss Sylveer hasn't arrived yet."

   Shen Ye suddenly remembered that he was attending this annual meeting, and the things he most looked forward to had begun.

   Just then, a famous reporter walked in in an orderly manner.

   "Damn, which one is this?"

   Shen Ye asked very curiously.

   "Which one can come out, live broadcast."

   Although Bai Xiong said it lightly, it was a bit surprised. In previous years, the annual meeting of the Star Tower was not announced to the public. It seems that this year has changed.

  Sure enough, right after the reporter entered the arena, the hall that had been very lively was suddenly much quieter.

  Due to professional reasons, many people who talked subconsciously lowered their voices, or avoided talking altogether.

   At this moment, soft music sounded in the hall.

   Immediately after a young girl in a purple star dress came in, her black hair was naturally scattered, her beautiful face revealed an ethereal atmosphere, just like an elf falling into the world.


   Countless flashes light up.

   Shen Ye looked at Miss Sylvaer who entered the arena, her mouth was a little bit awkward.

   He felt that the world was a little bit unreal, and Miss Sylvaer herself was even more beautiful than on the screen, without any cosmetic modification at all.

   At this time, from the innermost part of the hall, a kind old man with a cane walked out of the crowd and greeted Miss Sylvaer.

   "Master Vanoranka."

   Sylvaer lifted her skirt with both hands and bowed slightly to Vanoranka.

   "Miss Sylveer is polite, you can come to our annual meeting, it is really a great face for us, I am very grateful."

   Vanoranka responded with a kind smile on his face.

   "It is also my honor to be able to participate in the annual meeting of the Star Tower in the City of Autumn."

   "Haha, Miss Sevier, you are really humble, please here!"

   Vanoranka is very happy to personally lead Miss Sylvaer up to the parliament stand at the front of the hall.

   The Star Tower staff along the way applauded when Miss Sylvaer passed by, and one can see the popularity of Miss Sylvaer.

   The annual meeting officially began soon.

   Vanoranka stood in the center of the parliamentary platform, and the whole venue fell silent for a moment.

   "Big guy, I am Vanoranka. I am very glad that the midstream pillars of the Star Tower can come to participate in the annual Star Tower Annual Meeting as scheduled. On behalf of the Star Tower, I sincerely thank you all."


   There was a steady stream of applause in the hall.

"Thank you, everyone, let me just say a few words here. This year's Star Tower Annual Meeting is not the same as usual. Because we are fortunate enough to invite Miss Sylvaer, I know everyone is looking forward to Miss Sylvaer's singing, so I'm not too long-winded, I have asked Miss Sylvaer to do the opening performance of the annual meeting for us."

   After a simple and neat opening, Vanoranka retired directly from the table.

Chapter 134 Donation

   Sylver walked to the center of the stage, all the lights above her head were turned on, focusing on her body.

   The pleasant accompaniment sound began to sound.

   Sylver's lips moved slightly, making a sound like the sound of heaven.

   In the whole hall, everything is silent.

   Everyone was attracted by its voice, and the soul was immersed in it a little bit.

   The tranquil mind calls for the memory of sleep.

  The faraway traveler.

   embrace the bright sunshine with both hands.


After    is over, the hall is still silent.

   Until Sylvaer bends down and salutes the crowd, the crowd regains their senses from the sound of the heavenly song.


   There was very warm applause.

   Shen Ye woke up for a while, he raised his hands and clapped vigorously. He had never heard such a sweet singing. Because the feeling of listening live and what I heard on TV are totally two feelings. Sylvaer's voice at the scene seemed to have a peculiar magical power, which could hit people's souls directly and let people relax completely.

   "Thank you everyone."

   Sylvia responded with a smile.

   "Everyone, don't you listen?"

   Vanoranka walked over and said to everyone kindly.

   "It sounds good."

   "Miss Sylver is the best."


   Quite a few people shouted in excitement. It can be seen that many people in organizations like Star Tower are her fans.

   "Since everyone thinks Miss Sylvaer is good, then today's annual meeting will be hosted by Miss Sylvaer hard. How does the big guy feel?"

"Very good…"



   The voices of everyone present in response were higher than the other waves.

Vanoranka raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet. He said to everyone: "Since everyone thinks this suggestion is good, then the host of this annual meeting will be handed over to Miss Sylvaer. But before we start , I have something to say. Miss Sylvaer came here specially to participate in our annual meeting, and sang the opening song for us, and now she is going to host it for us. Our Star Tower·Autumn Star Branch can't be shabby. The old man heard that Miss Sylvaer had even put up her most beloved necklace for charity. I really admire it. How about holding a charity fundraiser for us here!"

   "No problem, Miss Sylvaer's field, I have to hold everything..."

   "Yes! Fundraising is a good thing."


   Shen Ye asked the white bear in a low voice.

   "Isn't this something that has been agreed long ago? How can it be made like a temporary intention?"

   "You'd better keep your mouth shut, don't you see so many reporters behind? This fundraising is not entirely for Miss Sylvaer's face, but more for the Star Tower, don't you understand?"

   The white bear twitched slightly, and whispered to Shen Ye.

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