This book is very famous in later generations, but its sales are not good.

Because the minimum threshold it requires is professional level.

You know, how many professional chess players are there in the whole country, including those who have retired?

Even if everyone buys a copy, not many will be sold.

Many amateur chess players follow suit and buy it, but they are mainly for appreciation. There are very few people who want to learn and can learn it.

Since it is a secret weapon to defend against barbarians, Zhang Tian naturally cannot spread it in public.

In the future, it will be forbidden to spread it without authorization, and it will only be practiced by the children of the Chu family.

Otherwise, if more people know about it, it will sooner or later spread to the island country and the Korean country.

Zhang Tian said: "After tonight, you come to my house and I will teach you."

Chu Sizhuang looked solemn, bowed deeply and solemnly, and said: "I will write this into the clan precepts, and use chess to protect the chess soul of China."

"Yes. I hope your clansmen will still remember this."

Zhang Tian naturally had no idea how the future history would go.

However, now is the right time to sow a seed. Whether it can be used in the future depends on God's will.


The chess competition on the sixth floor ended.

A group of scholars began to go down to the second floor one after another, and the literary gathering in Wangyue Tower officially began.

Zhang Tian naturally asked Xu Wen to go down with him, and he was too lazy to squeeze with a large group of people.

As the calligraphy appreciation master of this literary gathering, Yan Weishu's calligraphy on the second floor is his home court.

As soon as they got to the second floor, they asked, "Who knows where the calligraphy of Master Xu Wen is?"

Everyone searched for a while, wanting to see what the calligraphy of the disciple of the chess master who had just defeated the national champion by 5 pieces would look like?

Xu Wen said awkwardly, "Sir Yan, my handwriting is so unbearable that I dare not hang it up."

Yan Weishu said indifferently, "It doesn't matter. If you are interested, you can come to my house to practice calligraphy when you are free."

"In the imperial examination, it is important to observe the handwriting as if observing the person, and you can't be careless."

Xu Wen was overjoyed, "Thank you, Sir Yan."

In the imperial examination, you can not play musical instruments or draw, but you can't miss the writing part.

Especially when it comes to the last test of the palace examination, the emperor personally selects the top three.

How many emperors in the past dynasties can write articles comparable to the candidates?

Therefore, most of the time, the emperor looks at the appearance and the handwriting, and the content of the answer sheet is secondary.

An excellent handwriting may be the difference between the champion and the ordinary Jinshi.

The other scholars immediately showed envy.

They knew that Lord Yan Weishu was able to accept Xu Wen directly because of his teacher.

However, they didn't know that Yan Weishu felt that Xu Wen was marrying up.

A disciple of the immortal who had learned calligraphy from him, this kind of relationship was something that countless officials in the court wanted but couldn't get.


Here on the fifth floor.

While the scholars downstairs haven't come up yet.

Yan Zhuoshan respectfully asked Zhang Tian to guide his new painting.

"Mr. Zhang, outsiders think that the new painting technique of this subordinate is personally guided by Mr. Zhang. This subordinate is ashamed, and due to the secular world, I dare not tell the truth."

After Yan Zhuoshan met Zhang Tian last time, although he had some realizations, he asked Zhuo Ping for a sketching tutorial.

However, he didn't dare to tell others that he learned from a eunuch.

Zhuo Ping didn't say it either.

He has been serving people all his life, and he is the best at observing words and expressions and understanding the ways of the world.

If he told others for the sake of momentary pleasure, it would damage Yan Zhuoshan's reputation.

Then Yan Zhuoshan would not be grateful, but resentful.

He kept his mouth shut and let everyone think that Yan Zhuoshan learned from the "immortal master", so that he would be grateful and rewarded by Yan Zhuoshan.

As for Zhang Tian, ​​he was too lazy to talk about these trivial matters.

Zhang Tian waved his hand and said, "It's okay."

Yan Zhuoshan pointed to the new painting with his palm and said, "Please correct me, Mr. Zhang."

This time, Zhang Tian understood a little.

Yan Zhuoshan is worthy of being a master of painting. He actually combined the traditional Chinese ink painting with 3D vision in a short time.

Although the painting is still a landscape.

But the mountain seems to float on the paper, and the waterfall in the painting gives people the illusion of flowing out of the paper.

The whole painting uses 3D visual effects very restrainedly to better serve the artistic conception of landscape painting.

It is indeed much higher than Zhuo Ping's wild way of exploring by himself.

"Yes, the sense of space is very strong." Zhang Tian said.

Yan Zhuoshan was delighted by the simple compliment and said, "Thank you for your affirmation, Mr. Zhang. I will continue to work hard."

Soon, the fourth floor was full of people.

From time to time, poems were chanted loudly, including Tang Bohu's "Peach Blossom Cottage".

Obviously, the literary gathering has progressed to the fourth floor, which is a homophone: Poetry Tower.

Zhang Tian said to Chu Sizhuang beside him, "Master Chu, why don't we go to the seventh floor?"I can just pass the chess records to you first." Chu Sizhuang was naturally very happy: "In that case, thank you, Mr. Zhang." The game on the sixth floor just now was considered to have completed the literary meeting of the Go Dao in advance. Even if it was not completed, Chu Sizhuang was too lazy to care about these trivial matters and would record the immortal records first. It is not difficult to record the records of "100 AI Chess Games that Humans Can Learn". With the memory of a national player, he can record it as long as he plays it once. The difficult part is the annotations, which are the essence. These annotations are the chess theories derived by the top-notch chess players of later generations from the human perspective, combined with the analysis of Go AI. Without these annotations, just holding these 100 chess records, it would be like a heavenly book, and it would be difficult to understand why many chess games were played so unbelievably.

I don’t know how many detours, wrong paths, and dead ends I will have to take when I start studying.

Zhang Tian first asked Chu Sizhuang to record the chess records on the seventh floor.

It was already very late when he finished recording 100 games, so he could only ask him to come home in two days to copy the notes.

Unexpectedly, he had to wait for 7 days.

Zhang Tian almost forgot about this matter, and suddenly heard Xu Jingye report that Chu, the national master, came to the door.

Chu Sizhuang was supported by two juniors and came to the living room.

Zhang Tian was shocked when he saw him.

He saw that his eyes were full of bloodshot, and his black eye bags seemed to be drained by excessive indulgence.

Zhang Tian said: "Master Chu, if you are not feeling well, please copy it later."

Chu Sizhuang waved his hand and said: "Thank you for your concern, Mr. Zhang, I am fine."

"To be honest, I overestimated my ability. I want to use the power of a mortal to unlock the immortal record. "

"As a result... even with the combined efforts of the entire Chu family, they still couldn't figure out the first score."

"It is indeed a fairy score, it is so profound that it cannot be understood by ordinary people. "

The two juniors who came with Chu Sizhuang also had a look of fear on their faces.

The national player who was known as the best in the world was not only defeated by 5 pieces, but now the chess record was delivered to him. Even with the efforts of the whole family, he couldn't understand the first piece.

He almost died.

The immortal's record is so terrifying!

Fortunately, the Chu family saw this and was afraid that Chu Sizhuang was too persistent and obsessed, so they immediately sent someone to bring him to Zhang's house.

Zhang Tian smiled, let alone people of this era.

Even the top chess players who are often trained with AI in later generations can't understand it directly without AI software analysis.

Many chess pieces fell in bizarre places, and the responses were also inexplicable.

Behind these two moves, there may be dozens of traps hidden, which can only be discovered after counting dozens or even hundreds of steps.

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