"The request is not approved. You don't have the authority."

"I am the only staff member in the world. Your orbit is so far north that it is very troublesome for me to communicate with the balloon satellite."

The AI ​​of Jiuchongtian still mechanically said: "The request is not approved. If you want to facilitate communication, you can move to a position."

Zhang Tian did not give up and said: "Captain of the No. 001 supply ship, request to deflect the angle of the solar sail."

"The request is not approved. You don't have the authority."

Zhang Tian stood in the light spot and stopped talking.

At present, I have contacted Jiuchongtian at least a dozen times, and the results are similar every time.

Can communicate, but cannot obtain any authority.

Can neither control the moving orbit nor the solar sail.

However, Zhang Tian's promise to Emperor Anyou that he could hide the "Emperor Star" was not false.

Zhang Tian has a "clever" way to make Jiuchongtian's solar sail fold up.

However, this trick has a disadvantage: it is easy to fold Jiuchongtian, but if you want to open it again, you need to control the authority.

What Zhang Tian lacked was authority.

Therefore, Zhang Tian did not want Jiuchongtian to take back the solar sail unless it was absolutely necessary.

Zhang Tian sorted out his thoughts a little.

There are two ways to gain control of Jiuchongtian Hotel:

One is to drive the supply ship into space, enter the interior after docking, and trigger the "Emergency Avoidance Regulations".

Another uncertain method is to make Jiuchongtian think that he is in danger, and perhaps... he may open certain permissions.

Zhang Tian is just speculating on the second method.

Because the security authority design of the space station does not include this special situation.

Zhang Tian just guessed based on the authority management method of AI and the "Emergency Avoidance Regulations".

If it were in the future, the second method would not be feasible at all.

Even if the ground staff is detected to be in danger, Jiuchongtian's first operating logic must be to notify the control center or notify the local government agency.

But now, in this time and space, there is only Zhang Tian alone.

The ground control center and government agencies cannot be contacted at all.

Maybe... you can try to use this possibility.

See if Jiuchongtian's AI has any logical loopholes.

However, Zhang Tian needs to plan how to operate it.


Zhang Tian pressed the smart bracelet, the light column disappeared, and the balloon satellite rose again and disappeared.

Xu Wen, Tiedong, Su'er, Xu Jingye and other talents came to the backyard out of curiosity.

They all "knew" that there was a "god who made the ball" behind the light column. Seeing that Zhang Tian summoned him alone, there must be some important "secret" to discuss.

So, no one dared to come over to eavesdrop.

Otherwise, they would have been discovered by the monitoring "yo-yo" long ago.

Xu Wen asked, "Master, have you discussed the matter of the Emperor Star with the gods in the sky?"

"I guess so."

Su'er said reluctantly, "Brother Zhang Tian, ​​are you going back to the sky?"

Zhang Tian smiled and said, "Not yet. If I can really go back, I will tell you."

"Okay. The chickens I raised are not grown up yet. When the time comes, tell me and I will buy a few for you to eat."

Zhang Tian was a little surprised: "Su'er, why do you think I will definitely go back?"

Su'er said, "Tiedong and Brother Xu Wen have always said that Brother Zhang Tian is an immortal who came down from the sky and will go back to the sky as soon as possible."

"Alas..." Zhang Tian touched Su'er's head, "Even if I can go up, I may still come down."

The possibility of the supply ship taking off again is very slim, and the chance of going up to space and finding the wormhole to go back is even slimmer.

If it can't go back, the Jiuchongtian Hotel can only serve as Zhang Tian's "space resort".

It's ok to come and relax occasionally, but you have to live on the ground for a long time.

Xu Wen said: "Master, I heard that one day in heaven is one year on earth."

"You go back and stay in heaven for a few days. When you return to the ground, I'm afraid that everything has changed."

"Ahem... If the disciples and others can become immortals, they can accompany the master..."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone's eyes were eager.

Tiedong has the swordsmanship passed down by Zhang Tian, ​​and Xu Wen has the "Haoran Zhengqi" way suggested by Zhang Tian. Naturally, everyone hopes to go to heaven and live forever.

Even Xu Jingye, who is just a "housekeeper", has expectations in his heart.

As the saying goes, if one person gets the Tao, the chickens and dogs will ascend to heaven.

If I can climb up to heaven by clinging to the thigh of the immortal, what's wrong with being a "chicken and dog" for once?

Zhang Tian said unhappily: "If you don't pass the imperial examination in a few months, I will let you know what it feels like to become an immortal."

"Uh..." Xu Wen's face froze, "Disciple will do his best."

Speaking of this, Zhang Tian asked: "Manager Xu, Su"

Xu Jingye said, "My Lord, I have found three private schools. They are not far away and have good reputations."

"Which three schools are they? Tell me."

Xu Jingye said, "One is called Sanren Academy. The tuition is not expensive. Most of the students are children of common people. They are mainly for elementary education, and fewer are for advanced studies."

"One is called Lianyun Academy. It has been in existence since the Tang Dynasty. It is mainly for advanced studies. Only some talented students are admitted to elementary education."

"One is called Mingde Academy. It only has elementary education, not advanced education. Before the age of ten, boys and girls study together."

"After the age of ten, if you need to continue to go to school, boys and girls need to be separated."

"There is a female academy for learning needlework and etiquette, and there are female teachers teaching. ”

When talking about the third "Mingde Academy", Xu Jingye spoke in more detail, and obviously felt that this private school was the most suitable.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, very satisfied with Xu Jingye's way of doing things.

It is a qualified subordinate to make several plans and give the superiors room for choice.

You can focus on some aspects, but you can't be self-righteous and make choices for the superiors.

As for what is elementary school and entering school?

Zhang Tian fell into this era and knew a little about it.

As the name suggests, elementary school is enlightenment.

Generally speaking, it is to learn basic literacy, arithmetic, writing, etc. After studying in elementary school, you can claim to be "read books and know characters", but you cannot be called a "scholar".

Only after you have passed elementary school and continue to study can you be called "advanced school".

The main purpose of advanced school is to take the imperial examination.

From a student to a scholar, and then from a scholar to a juren, jinshi, etc., you climb up step by step.

Of course, there are also people who study "advanced school" to pursue knowledge, such as the original female writers of the Song Dynasty.

They are not allowed to take the imperial examination, and they mostly study more profound content for hobbies.

Zhang Tian hesitated for a moment and said, "Then choose Mingde Academy."

"After passing elementary school, Su'er likes to continue studying, and then consider other academies."

"If you don't want to continue studying, you can learn needlework and etiquette from the female teachers of Mingde Academy."

Xu Jingye bent down and said, "Yes. Then I will contact the academy when I go back."

Su'er on the side suddenly said, "Brother Zhang Tian, ​​can I not go to school? I'm good at raising chickens and sheep."

Zhang Tian said: "Is it bad to study? You can play in school."

Su'er frowned and said: "Daddy taught me to write, I... I can't learn it."

Looking at Su'er's expression, I'm afraid she didn't have a good impression of reading and writing before, and I don't know how her father educated her?

Zhang Tian had to say: "It doesn't matter, you can learn slowly. I won't force you to learn, you can learn as much as you can in the private school."

Su'er's face was still a little twisted, but he was afraid that Zhang Tian would blame him, so he whispered: "Brother Zhang Tian, ​​I raise chickens and sheep, I don't need to know how to write."

Zhang Tian smiled and patiently advised: "Su'er, you are wrong to think so."

"If you can't write and count, you can't even raise chickens and sheep well."

"The more words you know, the better you can count, and the better you will be at raising chickens and sheep."

"Really? "Su'er was a little confused.

Even Xu Wen, Tiedong, Xu Jingye and others had some meaningful expressions, thinking that this was Zhang Tian's trick to trick the children into going to school.

Seeing this, Zhang Tian smiled and said, "I'll give you a question, and you'll know that raising chickens and sheep is not that easy."

"Su'er, you often raise chickens and sheep together, so let me ask you a question."

"If there are 35 heads and 94 feet in this group of chickens and sheep, how many chickens and sheep are there?"

Su'er was a little confused: "Brother Zhang Tian, ​​why should I count the heads and feet? Can't I just count the chickens and sheep? "

"Ahem..." Zhang Tian was embarrassed.

The thinking of a science man is really not suitable for educating children.

He thought of the difficult problem of "chickens and sheep in the same cage" and wanted to embarrass Su'er, but he didn't consider the actual situation at the moment.

But it was not easy to admit his mistake in person, otherwise it would be difficult to persuade Su'er to go to school.

So he said: "Su'er, when you understand the truth, the chickens and sheep you can raise will not be in one yard."

"But it will be a mountain."

"By then, the whole mountain will be full of you raising chickens and sheep. If you can't write and count, won't you be able to count how many are missing?"

As soon as the voice fell, a "hiss" sound came from the side, as if someone was sucking saliva.

Su'er asked curiously: "Brother Zhang Tian, ​​then I can count the heads and feet to know how many are missing?"

"Uh... I guess so."

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