Xu Wen was a little proud and said, "If you don't have talent, it will be difficult to learn everything. You don't have to take the imperial examination in the future. Just find a way to make a living."

Looking at his expression, it is obvious that he was once a "little prodigy".

Being able to learn a thousand words of "Thousand Character Classic" at the age of seven or eight is definitely a gifted talent.

Unfortunately, what China lacks the least is "prodigies".

These scholars who can pass the elementary school will be eliminated by the levels of Tongsheng, Xiucai, and Juren.

Zhang Tian searched briefly.

He found that the famous enlightenment books "Three Character Classic" and "Hundred Family Names" in ancient times had not been published at this time.

Now that the direction of history has changed greatly, it is hard to say whether they will appear in the future.

Even if they appear, Zhang Tian can't wait.

Zhang Tian doesn't expect Su'er to learn a high level of knowledge, but being illiterate is definitely not acceptable.

Zhang Tian said: "Go get some pen and ink, I'll write an enlightenment book so that Su'er won't have to learn so painfully."

Xu Wen was overjoyed, and hurried to get some paper and ink and spread it out.

Zhang Tian said: "When a person is born, his nature is good; natures are similar, but habits make them different..."

Zhang Tian retained most of the original "Three Character Classic".

As for the content involving history and characters after the Song Dynasty, they were all deleted.

At the end, the original author's inappropriate words "People leave their children with baskets full of gold; I teach my children only one scripture" were also deleted.

Xu Wen wrote and read at the same time. At the end of the book, he couldn't help but sigh: "Master, with this enlightenment book, countless children can cross the enlightenment barrier."

"Master's teaching is no less than that of the ancient sages."

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "Don't flatter me. This book is not written by me."

"Could it be Wenquxing in the sky?"

Zhang Tian shook his head and said: "That's not the case. He is a person two hundred years later, named Wang Yinglin."

"By the way, you can also write his name, don't use my name."


Xu Jingye, who was serving on the side, took a breath.

Although he had seen many magical works of Zhang Tian, ​​he still couldn't control his shock.

Borrowing the manuscripts of people in the future casually, this method is indeed the work of immortals.

Those fortune tellers often boast that "knowing five hundred years in the past and five hundred years in the future" is indeed something that immortals can do.

No one, including Xu Wen, questioned the truth of Zhang Tian's words, and they didn't even think about it.

After Xu Wen finished writing, he copied another copy.

Zhang Tian asked Tiedong to take it with him, saying, "Tomorrow you send Su'er to school, and give this book to Mr. Wen, so that he can use it to teach Su'er."

"Yes, Master."

Su'er, who was standing by, just listened to Zhang Tian reciting it once, and heard Xu Wen reciting it while copying it.

He was able to recite a few sentences of "When a person is born, his nature is good... one becomes ten, ten becomes a hundred, a hundred becomes a thousand, a thousand becomes ten thousand... the sun, the moon, and the stars..."

The effect was so fast that it was much faster than the "Thousand Character Classic".

More importantly, it would not make the child feel that he was a fool, and he would have the confidence to continue learning.

Children are very malleable, and their interest and confidence in learning are even more important than talent.


The next day.

Tiedong sent Su'er to Mingde Academy as usual.

In the past, he would leave Suer at the door and not enter the academy.

Today, with Zhang Tian's order, he naturally had to complete the task and take the initiative to find Mr. Wen Yuquan.

When the dean heard that "Suer"'s servant had something to say, he also took the initiative to come over and receive them together.

Since the emperor and the Tianjin envoys sent them two heavy gifts one after another, they could no longer "treat them equally".

In normal teaching, Wen Yuquan naturally cares most about Suer's progress.

Seeing that Suer is really not talented, he is anxious instead, fearing that he will be punished by the noble.

But the dean is more anxious than him, and comes to ask about Suer's studies every few days, which puts him under great pressure.

If you don't know, you would think that the dean is Suer's parent.

Tiedong handed over a book and said, "My teacher said that "Thousand Characters" is too difficult, so he asked Mr. Wen to use this book to teach in the future."


Wen Yuquan looked bad and was slightly angry in his heart.

Although he didn't know who the other party was, even the emperor sent people to give gifts to put pressure on him, so he accepted it.

However, since he had joined his school, he had to accept his teaching method.

Now, he even wanted to tell the students how to teach, which was too much.

Wen Yuquan really wanted to quit teaching and let them find someone else.

The dean was also a scholar, so how could he not know Wen Yuquan's thoughts? He said, "Yuquan, let's take a look at the book before we talk about other things."


Wen Yuquan slowly opened the book, and saw three big words:

Three Character Classic!"What a big tone!" Wen Yuquan blurted out.

Ancient books, not just any book can be called a "classic".

Only the books among books, the classics among classics, are qualified to be called "classics".

Like the Five Classics: The Book of Songs, The Book of History, The Book of Rites, The Book of Changes and The Spring and Autumn Annals, each of which can be regarded as one of the sources of Chinese culture.

Such a thin book in front of you, dare to be called a "classic", on par with those ancient divine books? !

Even the dean looked unhappy.

In his heart, he thought that if it was a heretical book, even if he risked offending the unknown "noble", he would write to the emperor through channels and severely punish him.

Open the text.

The content inside is very simple and easy to understand. With the knowledge of Wen Yuquan and the dean, there is naturally nothing that they don't understand.

At first, he was a little disdainful. Such simple words and sentences can also be called "classics"?

The more they read, the more solemn their faces became.

As teachers in the elementary school, they understood the value of this book best.

Finally, Wen Yuquan sighed: "This book is easy to understand, but it draws on a wide range of allusions, including human ethics, loyalty, filial piety, chastity, astronomy and geography for thousands of years."

"Three words per sentence, two sentences per rhyme, easy for children to memorize."

"It can be used to read briefly and let children recite it for enlightenment, or it can be expanded in detail and explored for a lifetime."

"Once this book is published, it will surely make it easier for thousands of children to be enlightened."

"Its educational contribution is no less than that of the ancient sages."

"It can indeed be called a classic."

Tiedong stood aside and saw the two people startled, his face did not move.

He often followed Zhang Tian and was used to Zhang Tian's magical methods, but he couldn't help himself, let alone them.

Wen Yuquan asked, "Who wrote this book? Is it Xu Wen?"

The dean said, "If Xu Xiucai could write it, he could be called a great scholar just based on this book."

Tiedong smiled and said, "No. There is a signature at the back, and you still have the last page to turn."

Wen Yuquan flipped through it hastily.

On the last page it was written:

Two hundred years later, written by Wang Yinglin, a native of Yin County, Qingyuan Prefecture.

The immortal master Zhang Huiming used the book to teach his adopted sister Suer.

"Uh..." Wen Yuquan and the others were stunned.

They thought of countless names, but they never expected that the key point was not who wrote it, but that "two hundred years later".

Is there really someone who can "know five hundred years later" and use the book of the future to teach people of the present?

Or is there someone who is obviously a great talent, but puts such a great work aside, pretends to be "supernatural" and puts it on someone else's name to plan for greater things?

Thinking of the recent victory in Xiangyang and the "immortals entering the court", Wen Yuquan and the dean had thousands of thoughts in their minds.

From the perspective of scholars, they don't believe that anyone can "know five hundred years later".

The relevant "prophecies" in history books only talk about the general trend of the world.

This is the first time they have seen a book from the future and "borrowed" it to this world without missing a word.

The dean said: "I will copy a copy and ask someone later."

"Yuquan, you can use this book to teach children today."

"Yes, dean." Wen Yuquan bowed.

What happens next is not his turn as a teacher to worry about.

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