After a while.

A fat monk came to the side hall.

Although he was fat and had big ears, he didn't look greasy, but was full of compassion and a solemn appearance.

When ordinary people saw him, they would be respectful just by his appearance.

This was completely different from Bai Yuchan's immortal style, which had a strong Buddhist style.

But the people present had a wide range of knowledge and would naturally not be confused by his appearance.

The monk came in, put his hands together, and respectfully saluted the emperor, saying: "I am Huiyuan, the abbot of Wolong Temple, and I pay my respects to the emperor."

"Well, what are you doing here?" Emperor Anyou said coldly.

Huiyuan said, "I heard that Taoist Master Bai Yuchan came to Lin'an, and I thought he must be coming for Master Zhang."

"It just so happens that Master Zhang's story about Master Xuanzang's journey to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures is inconsistent with Master Xuanzang's image."

"So I want to ask Master Zhang for advice with Taoist Master Bai to restore Master Xuanzang's reputation."

Prime Minister Cai asked, "Master Huiyuan, are you here on your own or on behalf of Buddhism?"

"Uh..." Huiyuan's mind raced.

If he speaks in his personal capacity, he will probably be turned away.

If he speaks in the name of Buddhism, he can exert greater pressure.

Buddhism has been suppressed by the court for decades and is now in decline. Even if it loses, it will not be a big loss to the "immortal" who is in the limelight.

So he said, "I am here to represent Buddhism."

"Yes, I see." Emperor Anyou asked Bai Yuchan again, "Master Bai, I guess you are here to represent Taoism?"

Bai Yuchan said, "I can only represent the Jindan School, but not the world's Taoism."

Prime Minister Cai said coldly, "Just now you said that if Mr. Zhang heard the Tao first, he should be worshipped by the world's Taoism. How come you suddenly became a Jindan School?"


Bai Yuchan didn't expect that the prime minister would catch the handle of his previous casual words, so he had to say, "I made a mistake and can only represent the Jindan School."

"There are still many inheritances in the world, such as Wudang Mountain, Laoshan Mountain, Longhu Mountain, etc. I dare not interfere."

Although this answer was a bit timid, it was very pragmatic.

Compared with this, Huiyuan's answer suddenly seemed a bit arrogant.

Although Wolong Temple is a big temple and is in the imperial capital, it is still far from representing the world's Buddhism.

If they force themselves to represent, it would be ok if they win, but if they lose, they may be criticized by their peers.

Emperor Anyou was not interested in these details, and was eager to ask Zhang Tian to deal with them.

But when the words came to his lips, he said: "I only conveyed your intentions, but I cannot represent Master Zhang to fight."

"If he doesn't agree, don't get entangled!"

Bai Yuchan and Huiyuan said in unison: "I obey your order."

The emperor could say that he was conveying, which actually meant to facilitate this matter.

Even if Zhang Tian avoided fighting, Bai Yuchan and Huiyuan did not dare to talk nonsense in front of the emperor.

At most, they would go to the door in a private name.

Zhuo Ping got the emperor's signal and ran out of the palace in a hurry.

When he arrived at Zhang's house, he explained the whole thing to Zhang Tian.

He also took out a piece of copied paper, on which was the Taoist song sung by Bai Yuchan.

Zhang Tian frowned slightly and said, "Am I too good-tempered? How could anyone dare to challenge me?"

Xu Wen said, "Master, mortals have never seen the power of the Master in person, so they are naturally arrogant and try to become famous through a battle."

"Well, maybe."

Zhang Tian looked up the poem in the database and compared it, and was almost shocked.

Just now, I only heard Zhuo Ping say that Bai Yuchan was from the Jindan Dao, but I didn't expect him to be so awesome and actually the founder of the sect.

Not only did he establish the Southern School of the Jindan Sect, he also wrote more than 1,000 poems, and also knew "Jindan Huohou Jue" and "Wu Lei Dafa".

Finally, it is said that he ascended to heaven on the "Feixian Cliff" of Wenbi Peak in Ding'an County, Hainan, leaving a footprint of his ascension to immortality.

On the contrary, there is no record of Huiyuan, and he is obviously an unknown person in history.

If I meet someone like Bai Yuchan in the future, whether I believe in it or not, I have to politely bow and say hello.

Zhang Tian asked Zhuo Ping: "He said he doesn't believe in immortals or heaven, which is good."

"But he shouldn't challenge me. I will...send him a divine light. Can he resist it?"

"Go back and tell them that I'm not interested in fighting. If I kill him by accident, I'll get into trouble."

"And that big monk, tell him not to talk about debates anymore. I don't understand Buddhism."

Zhuo Ping hesitated for a while, and finally went back to the palace.

Xu Jingye on the side said: "Sir, the emperor has already spoken about this matter. Both Buddhism and Taoism know about it. I'm afraid... I have to accept it."

Zhang Tian asked: "Do they dare to come to the door by themselves? If they dare to trespass, I will deal with them."

Xu Jingye was bitterHe smiled and said, "Master Bai Yuchan and Abbot Huiyuan may not."

"But once this matter spreads, I'm afraid many people in the world will think that the immortal master and disciple are just in vain."

"At that time, the ruffians who want to become famous in one battle may come from all over the Central Plains to provoke the immortal."

Zhang Tian was helpless. No wonder the great man said, "One punch is better than a hundred punches."

He first defeated the Tianjin Kingdom twice in Xiangyang, and then used Tianji to intimidate Emperor Tianhui, which brought him the current peace.

For the Nan'an Dynasty, it was also in the court that "three gifts" were used to completely subdue the emperor and officials.

But the information among the people was distorted. Many people did not see Zhang Tian's power in person, and without a reference person, they began to have small thoughts about him.

Huiyuan is needless to say, even Zhang Tian can see through his little tricks.

As for Bai Yuchan, given his background, Zhang Tian believes that he is indeed out of the heart of seeking the Tao and for the people of the world.

Buddhism and Taoism have always held the right to speak about "immortals" among the people.

Now that Zhang Tian has come as an "immortal", even if this kind of thing doesn't happen now, he will probably encounter it sooner rather than later.

Zhang Tian felt helpless. It's really not easy to pretend to be an immortal. Does he have to defeat Buddhism and Taoism before he can live in peace?

Based on the information from later generations, Zhang Tian has no special views on Buddhism and Taoism.

Throughout history, there have been many good people and sages in the two major religions, but there are also many evil monks and evil ways.

In such a comparison, it seems that they are not much nobler than other professions.

In fact, because they were originally too noble, many ordinary people became disgusted after knowing the scandals of the two religions.

Just like the priests in Western religions, there are many good people and ascetics, but there are also many bad ones.

Even the news of priests molesting boys is seen in newspapers from time to time.

If you remove this halo, they are just regarded as a special profession.

When there are many people, there will naturally be good people and bad people, and this mentality will be clear.

Seeing Zhang Tian pondering, Xu Wen said: "Master, how about I chase Zhuo Ping and ask him to come back to discuss it?"

Zhang Tian said: "No need. Since they are coming, they will not give up so easily."

Sure enough, Zhuo Ping ran back to Zhang's house not long after returning to the palace.

Zhuo Ping took a few breaths and said, "Master, they've got a reply."

Zhuo Ping said, "Master Huiyuan said they're not going to debate Buddhist scriptures with Master Zhang, but just to discuss Master Xuanzang's deeds with Master Zhang to avoid rumors."

Xu Jingye said, "Buddhism is good at tricks. It looks harmless, but actually has hidden secrets."

"Master, once you agree to change the image of Tang Sanzang, those monks will naturally tell the public that they won the debate, and even the immortals will have to correct the description of the Buddhist sages."

"In this way, just by using their three-inch tongue, they are slightly superior to the master."

"Damn!" Zhang Tian cursed inwardly.

I didn't expect there were so many twists and turns here.

Luckily, Xu Jingye, who has been in business for a long time, is here, otherwise, I and Xu Wen alone may not be able to avoid these tricks.

But on the surface, I had to be calm and nodded, "Well, I know. What does Bai Yuchan say?"

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