Some of the people watching nearby were indignant and shouted, "You evil man, the immortal is willing to accept you as a disciple, but you are still so long-winded."

"That's right, the Taoist priest must have become an immortal in the fight just now. You may be able to go to heaven with the immortal in the future."

"Immortal, do you think I can do it? I will listen to you in everything."

"Me too, immortal, I work hard and am not picky about food..."

Zi Tianrui saw that such a good opportunity should not be snatched away by others.

So, he agreed without hesitation.

Bai Yuchan said, "Since I'm a guardian of the mountain, I can't be a butcher anymore."

"But the temple has monthly fees, and when we go out to perform rituals, there will be gifts from lay Buddhists, and you also get a share of the money from incense."

"Lay Buddhist Zi doesn't need to worry about not being able to support his wife and children without the butcher business."

Zi Tianrui still had a last bit of doubt: "Master, if I leave my soul at night, you are so powerful in Taoism that you are naturally not afraid, but what if I hurt other people in the temple?"

Bai Yuchan smiled and said, "I have prepared it long ago, just look at this magic weapon."

Bai Yuchan took out a magic weapon from his Taoist robe.

When Zi Tianrui saw it, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This magic weapon is a ring-shaped bell, and it is not known whether it is used for rituals or to exorcise evil spirits.

Looking at the shape, it is obvious that Zi Tianrui is wearing it on his body or feet.

As long as he sleepwalks at night, the bell will sound.

It can gently wake Zi Tianrui up and remind others:

Emergency alarm! The "Tenth Generation Bandit" is approaching...

Hui Yuan saw Zi Tianrui's face twisted, smiled compassionately, and said: "My Wolong Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in Lin'an Prefecture."

"I wonder if Mr. Zi is interested in coming here to be a Vajra protector?"

Hui Yuan saw that Zi Tianrui was born with a strange appearance, and even Bai Yuchan wanted to recruit him as a disciple, so he also wanted to try hard to see if he could snatch him away.

Just with this strange appearance, if he stood in front of the temple, people would believe that he was a furious Vajra.

However, he usually looked like a Buddha, but now he had no golden cassock and his hair was black and gray, so his image was really not very good.

Zi Tianrui said without thinking, "No, no!"

"You monks cannot eat meat, and you were just scolded by the Buddha for not making money. You are destined to be poor in the future."

"Wouldn't I be a fool if I went?"

"You..." Huiyuan was so angry that he quickly put his hands together, "Amitabha! I almost broke my vow of anger."

Seeing that the problem was solved, Zhang Tian asked some trivial matters: "What kind of pigs do you usually kill?"

"Ah?" Zi Tianrui didn't expect Zhang Tian to ask this question, and said honestly, "The pigs I kill include black pigs, white pigs, spotted pigs, boars, and sows."

"Uh... I'm asking what breed of pigs."

"Sir, pigs are pigs, what other breeds are there?"

Zhang Tian originally wanted to ask if there was any delicious pork, and wanted to buy some to take home to satisfy his craving.

After all, the most eaten meat in the later life is pork, and there are many dishes that he misses very much.

Coming to this world, I mostly eat chickens and sheep, and I haven't eaten pork yet.

Whether in Xiangyang or Lin'an, everyone thinks pork is cheap meat, how can it be used to honor the immortals (immortal masters)?

Now that he met a professional, Zhang Tian asked casually, but he didn't expect that this fool didn't know either.

"Forget it," Zhang Tian said, "You can send a few pounds of pork to Zhang's mansion later."

"Ah? The immortal wants to eat pork? I have sheep at home. The ones I send to the immortal must be real. I will never sell dog meat under the guise of sheep."

Zhang Tian said unhappily: "Just send it when I ask you to, don't be so long-winded."

Some people behind him said: "This is the immortal accepting your offering and blessing you."

"Last time, many of us went to Zhang's mansion to worship, and the immortal refused to accept our offerings."

"You evil man, you really don't know what's good for you. If you don't send it, I'll send it for you."

Zi Tianrui nodded hurriedly: "I'll send it, I'll send it..."

Zhang Tian nodded with satisfaction and left.

I feel that my "immortal" identity has finally brought me some benefits. I cheated people out of a few pounds of pork, and they still have to thank me.


Send away the "tenth-generation bandit".

Zhang Tian and the other two finally entered the palace.

As soon as they entered the palace gate, Zhuo Ping had already been waiting and led the three to the square outside the Chongzheng Hall.

At this time, a few simple stools and chairs were placed outside the hall.

The emperor and the court officials looked up at the sky, looking at the "Heavenly Gate Guest Star" that could be seen in the daytime, and they refused to look away for a long time.

Seeing Zhang Tian and the other two come in, the emperor stood up and greeted them in person.

"Mr. Zhang, Taoist Bai, Abbot Huiyuan, this battle of magic really opened my eyes."

Huiyuan blushed slightly. He was a fake among fakes, and he was really ashamed to be praised. He had to put his hands together and said: "Amitabha."

Fortunately, heHis face was dark, and others could not see his embarrassment.

Zhang Tian and Bai Yuchan said: "Your Majesty is too polite."

After the greetings, they were given seats to sit down.

Among those present, only the emperor, Zhang Tian, ​​Bai Yuchan, and Huiyuan had stools.

The other officials stood on both sides.

Emperor Anyou asked: "Mr. Zhang, although this guest star is good, it must be returned eventually."

"I wonder what the Nan'an Dynasty can do? Borrow a big star from the sky and stay in our sky forever?"

Zhang Tian shook his head slightly and smiled without saying anything.

This time he pretended to be cool, but he had no ability to light up a real star in the sky.

Even if he could find a way to get control of the "Nine Heavens" hotel in space, it would not be permanent.

According to Zhang Tian's calculations, even if he did not discover the "Nine Heavens" hotel space station, with its energy reserves and design life.

At most, it would last for one or two hundred years, and it would fall to the ground due to friction with the extremely thin atmosphere in space.

At that time, it will really be the "fall of the emperor star".

I wonder what kind of bloody storm will be set off? !

Seeing Zhang Tian smiling but not saying anything, Emperor Anyou and the officials were slightly disappointed.

Knowing that this matter involves "heavenly secrets", they can't ask too much, and there will be no answers even if they ask.

Then, Emperor Anyou asked a few more questions about the fight.

Except for the "lightning rod" that Zhang Tian clearly stated that the palace could use, most of the others were "smiling but not saying anything".

After talking with Zhang Tian about the questions, Emperor Anyou turned to Huiyuan and said, "Abbot Huiyuan, just now the Tathagata Buddha appeared in the Dharma body and corrected the direction of current Buddhist practice."

"I want to inherit the Buddha's will and announce it to the world. The government will liquidate the property of monks and temples, and the excess property will be distributed to the poor people."

"What do you think?"

Huiyuan's dark face became even darker.

As an abbot, how could he not see these twists and turns?

The government liquidated the property and said it would be distributed to the poor, but the government had no say on how much to distribute.

But now that things had come to this, there was no other way to go, so he could only say: "Your Majesty is wise."

Emperor Anyou smiled and said: "This time, Abbot Huiyuan represented Buddhism."

"Since Abbot Huiyuan has agreed, I will draft an edict later, and ask the abbot to sign it as well, so that Buddhist monks all over the world know that the abbot has received enlightenment from the Buddha."

Huiyuan was about to cry in his heart.

Once his name was signed on the imperial edict, he would definitely become the public enemy of Buddhism.

The monks in Lin'an Prefecture were still okay, after all, they had seen the Buddha's Dharmakaya.

But in other Buddhist temples, without seeing it with their own eyes, it was hard to say how many monks were willing to believe that this was the Buddha's will.

Anyway, their interests were affected.

They didn't dare to confront the royal family, and they would probably vent their anger on themselves and Wolong Temple.

Seeing Huiyuan didn't speak, Emperor Anyou's tone suddenly became serious: "Abbot Huiyuan, what do you think?!"

Huiyuan had no choice but to say: "As ordered!"

When he came to Bai Yuchan's side.

He asked a few questions about fighting, but Bai Yuchan didn't answer most of them directly.

Many of these "Taoism" are secrets of Taoism.

Even if it's the emperor, he won't reveal them.

Emperor Anyou was not stupid and cruel, and he didn't dare to force him, so he had to say: "My worldly affairs are over, I want to hear the three of you sit down and talk about Taoism, talk about fighting?"

Huiyuan was just roasted on the fire, so he didn't dare to speak at this time, just twisting the Buddhist beads, pretending to be a great monk.

Bai Yuchan's momentum changed, looking directly at Zhang Tian, ​​and asked: "Mr. Zhang, I have a question."

"Just say it."

"Excuse me...Mr. Zhang, are you Sun Wukong?"

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