Xu Wen entered early.

There were no papers distributed, so he slept in a daze with his bag as a pillow, and woke up only when he heard the bell of the Imperial Examination Hall.

The examination lasted for three consecutive days.

During this period, many family members wandered outside the Imperial Examination Hall, always feeling at ease when they were closer to their children.

Although Zhang Tian did not go to the Imperial Examination Hall, Xu Jingye was extremely nervous.

After handling household affairs every day, he would take time to go outside the Imperial Examination Hall to take a look.

Three days later.

Xu Wen returned home with a haggard face and a foul smell.

He wanted to tell Zhang Tian about the examination process, but Zhang Tian drove him to take a bath.

He did not take a bath for three days, and even had to use a toilet to defecate and urinate. Who could stand the smell?

After the imperial examination, all the candidates in Lin'an Prefecture went to the streets to relax.

Suddenly, the streets and alleys around the West Lake were full of scholars.

They didn't dare to run around before the exam, but now the papers have been handed in.

Life and death are determined by fate, and wealth and honor are determined by God.

Except for a few scholars who couldn't let go, most people took this opportunity to have a good time.

At this time, the most nervous thing was to mark the papers.

Inside the Imperial Academy.

More than fifty clerks began to copy nervously.

In the early imperial examinations, the papers were marked by covering the names.

But due to the handwriting, it was too easy to cheat.

In order to prevent the examiners from recognizing the handwriting of the candidates, a procedure was added, in which the clerks copied the examination papers, and the examiners marked the papers based on the copied copies.

To ensure the greatest fairness.

When the candidates are selected and the ranking is finally determined, the font of the original paper, whether the paper is neat, and other external items will be considered.

After several days and nights of busy work.

After the more than 100 papers that were finally confirmed to be admitted were selected, the ranking was roughly determined, divided into first, second, and third.

Prime Minister Cai said, "Go and bring the original papers so that I can draw up the rankings and present them to the emperor for his decision."

More than a dozen civil servants quickly found more than a hundred original papers, removed the names, and placed them on the desk.

Prime Minister Cai quickly searched the name and place of origin columns.

After flipping through them once, he thought his eyes were blurry, so he flipped through them again slowly.

This time, Prime Minister Cai was not calm, and said unkindly, "Why is Xu Wen's paper not on it?"

"Uh... Prime Minister, we are reading the papers based on the copies, and we don't know which one is Xu Wen's paper."

The people present naturally knew that Zhang Tian had a disciple named Xu Wen.

Prime Minister Cai suppressed his anger and said, "Xu Xiucai is Mr. Zhang's direct disciple. I don't know how many times he has been enlightened."

"He has also practiced the righteousness taught by Mr. Zhang. How could he not be shortlisted?"

"Quickly find his paper for me. I want to review it myself."

More than a dozen civil servants were in a panic. They found Xu Wen's paper from thousands of papers.

More than a dozen people, not feeling crowded, all squeezed behind the prime minister to read together.

At first glance, it seemed as if more than a dozen heads had grown behind Prime Minister Cai.

In less than a moment, the papers were read.

The room was suddenly silent.

Prime Minister Cai was doubting his life and asked, "Are you sure this is Xu Wen's paper?"

A civil servant said, "Prime Minister, there are his name and place of origin written on it, so it should be correct."

"Besides... no one should impersonate such a... such a bad paper, right?"

More than a dozen civil servants, including Prime Minister Cai, stared at Xu Wen's paper on the desk for a long time without saying a word.

They all knew that the emperor sent Prime Minister Cai as the chief examiner, and he must have made things easy for Xu Wen.

If the emperor dared to help a scholar cheat blatantly in the past, the upright people would definitely "die to advise against it".

Even if the scholar was a royal relative.

However, since Zhang Tian entered the court, several miracles have shattered their three views, and they no longer dared to have any idea of ​​confrontation.

Since the emperor wanted to help the "immortal disciple" cheat, they just went with the flow.

Zhuo Ping was just a registered disciple, but after two days of instruction from Master Zhang, he was able to establish his own school of painting.

As a direct disciple, Xu Wen couldn't be that bad.

He felt comfortable doing this favor and felt at ease doing it.

Unexpectedly, when they saw the papers, Xu Wen's poor level was so bad that everyone was shocked.

Not to mention passing the imperial examination, even among thousands of scholar papers, he was at a medium or low level.

If he really had to be ranked, he would probably be thousands of places away?

Xu Wen was originally a border scholar, and the environment was unstable. It was good enough for him to pass the examination.

In addition, he learned a lot of miscellaneous knowledge, especially books about ghosts, gods, and strange things, and he was particularly proficient in research.

He was not talented enough, and his time and energy were wasted on meaningless things. Without the guidance of a wise teacher, it would be strange if he could compare with the talents in the country.

Although after entering Lin'an Prefecture,, Wangyue Tower, met Fu Jinyu and other students, and studied hard together for a month or two.

However, how can cramming at the last minute beat others who have studied hard for more than ten years or even decades?

The test paper is naturally unsightly.

A civil servant said: "Ahem... this test paper, if you look carefully, it is still acceptable. Prime Minister, how about recording it as the last of the top three?"

Prime Minister Cai did not change his expression, looked at the other dozen civil servants, and said: "What do you think?"

Those civil servants looked as if they had eaten shit.

Finally, they had to say: "This handwriting is good, he can be admitted to the top three."

"Yes, the papers of the top three do not need to be publicized, and it should not be a problem to admit him."

"In this way, Xu Wen can be considered to have passed the imperial examination, and he can also give an explanation to Mr. Zhang."

Prime Minister Cai shook his head and said: "Xu Xiucai's paper may contain mysteries that ordinary people like us cannot understand."

"Why not list him as the first place in the first class, and Xu Wen will be the first place!"

"Wow..." The civil servants exploded immediately.

They all wailed, "Prime Minister... You must not do this."

"The papers of the top three need to be announced to the world to show fairness and convince the scholars of the world."

"If these papers are listed as the first place, our reputation will be ruined!"

"Prime Minister, you are certainly not afraid..."

Prime Minister Cai glared: "Huh?!"

The frightened civil servant hurriedly changed his words: "Prime Minister, you are not afraid of the emperor's punishment, so you are responsible. But how can we face the world's gossip?"

At this time, an official who had been silent sighed: "Prime Minister, you are sure of this ranking, where does it put my Censorate?"

"I am afraid that from now on, no one will be convinced by the Censorate."

The person who said this was Pang Qiwen, the supervisor who once stopped Zhang Tian outside the palace gate.

In the imperial examination, in addition to the examiner, an official from the Censorate must be allowed in to show the intention of supervision.

Once Xu Wen's papers are published, people will definitely scold Prime Minister Cai and the Censorate for being blind. Can't they see this?

Pang Qiwen said, "Prime Minister, how about we compromise and give him the second place?"

"I suggest that we give him the second place in the middle, so as not to attract attention."

As a supervisory historian, Pang Qiwen only has the power of supervision. It is a great overstepping of authority to propose the ranking of the papers.

But at this moment, who on the scene can care about these things?

As soon as Pang Qiwen said this, he was echoed by other civil servants: "Yes, it is also an explanation to Mr. Zhang."

"The first place in the second place is also very eye-catching, and the middle place is just right."

Prime Minister Cai was unmoved.

Pang Qiwen suddenly had an idea: "Prime Minister Cai, Xu Wen has made great contributions in saving the emperor. Why don't we propose that the emperor grant him an official position? It doesn't matter if he ranks higher or lower in the imperial examination."

"I second the proposal. Even if Xu Wen is given a higher rank than us, we will fully support it."

"Is the seventh rank enough? Otherwise, how about starting from the sixth rank?"

Prime Minister Cai smiled, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes. He said: "I have made up my mind. I will decide that he will be the first in the first class. Xu Wen will definitely be on the list as the first place winner!"

Everyone wailed again: "Prime Minister, please think twice, Prime Minister, please spare me..."

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