After hearing this, everyone was silent again.

Such calculation and self-sacrifice really achieved the ultimate of a minister.

Emperor Tianhui sighed: "Ha Shikai, what a pity."

"If there was no immortal from heaven in Nan'an Dynasty, I'm afraid you would be my right-hand man in unifying the world."

After saying that, his tone changed and he said: "Pass on my order, the whole country is preparing for war, and defense is the main thing."

"On the other hand, Walibu, you and Zhang Jue are responsible for sending people to ask for forgiveness from the immortal Zhang, and see if there is a chance of forgiveness."

Walibu and Zhang Jue stepped out and said: "Yes!!"


Zhang Tian's side.

After sending the emperor back to the general's mansion in Xiangyang City, he "retreated" alone in the room.

With the help of the central control computer of the supply ship, he constantly analyzed the resources in his hands and the various situations he would face in the future.

Especially the resources on the Jiuchongtian Hotel, which had just been granted authority and needed to be constantly familiar with.

The effect of the anesthetic should have passed in the afternoon.

But the emperor did not wake up, and slept until the next morning, when he was awakened by thunder.

This is Zhang Tian "practicing" thunder magic.

Stimulated by the black gunpowder sneak attack, Zhang Tian also broke through his science student thinking and began to try to understand "metaphysics".

The most direct thing at hand is the strange electromagnetic induction between himself and this world.

This morning, Zhang Tian did not habitually eliminate the magnetic field on his body.

Instead, he installed a detection instrument to detect the electromagnetic changes on his body and in the sky.

Even before leaving the room, Zhang Tian meditated for half an hour.

What he practiced was the Taoist "Small Zhoutian Gong".

This method has been passed down by Taoism for thousands of years and is regarded as a secret.

In the information age of later generations, it has been spread to people all over the world. After many people have verified that it is indeed a method that can be practiced.

Let's not talk about how much effect it has, at least it will not make people bad.

Before he had to exercise, Zhang Tian preferred sports such as Tai Chi, and didn't like to sit still and meditate.

But now, I am ready to try the legendary breathing technique.

However, today is the first time I meditate, and I can't even sense anything.

Meditation is over.

AI reminds Zhang Tian that the magnetic field on his body has reached the critical value.

Zhang Tian got off the bed and strode to the training ground where he gave the last lecture.

With the appearance of Zhang Tian, ​​the dark clouds in the sky gradually took shape.

The soldiers along the way had experience. When they saw Zhang Tian coming, they saluted from a distance and ran away.


A lightning bolt struck as expected.

Zhang Tian easily dodged it with the help of sweat hair induction and the power system of the space suit.

Because the magnetic field has only accumulated for one day, the triggered thundercloud is relatively small, and the time for accumulating lightning is relatively slow each time.

Zhang Tian has experienced two or three "thunder punishments" of varying sizes, and he has already been full of experience, so dodging is not a problem.

Zhang Tian couldn't help but think of Bai Yuchan. I wonder how he controlled the timing and triggered the thunder?

Bai Yuchan can scatter metal powder into wires, which requires some effort, and Zhang Tian cannot do it for the time being.

But there are substitutes, such as iron wire.

After some modification, it can also form a conductor in the air when thrown out.

With this thought, Zhang Tian looked towards the armory.

At this time, the armory had been burned by lightning for half a year, and it had been repaired long ago. The walls and wood outside were still brand new.

Zhang Tian took advantage of the gap when the thundercloud struck a lightning bolt and rushed into the armory quickly, pulling out a thin iron chain.

Then he used a laser gun to cut it into several one-meter-long chains.

When the thunderclouds in the sky accumulated to a certain extent, the hair on his body stood up, and he was about to throw it into the air.


The lightning struck down in advance, hitting the iron chain, splashing a large piece of sparks.

Fortunately, Zhang Tian had already thrown his hand at this time, and the lightning struck the iron chain less than one meter away from him.

The body was just numb, and there was no serious injury.

Zhang Tian immediately saw that lightning would be triggered in advance in the presence of a conductor.

If he hadn't acted a second faster just now, he would have been struck by lightning again.

Zhang Tian wasn't sure if he could survive every time, but he didn't want to try the feeling of being struck by lightning again.

No wonder Bai Yuchan said that practicing the Heavenly Thunder Technique was a life-or-death struggle.

This was still a "small heavenly thunder" triggered by himself, which was slow and small in power and difficult to control.

Taoist priests like Bai Yuchan, who ran under the thunderclouds to throw metal powder wires on a rainy day, were no different from seeking death.

I don't know how many Taoist priests who practiced the "Heavenly Thunder Technique" died under the heavenly thunder.

General Guo, Xu Wen, Tiedong, Niu Er, Zhuo Ping and others saw the continuous thunder in the training ground, so they naturally came to watch the fun.

General Guo said: "Xu Jieyuan, what is the immortal doing? Did he leak the secret again and was punished by the heaven?"

Xu Wen took a closer look and shook his head and said: "The immortal master seems to be...It seems that he is actively attracting thunder. He is probably practicing the art of thunder. "

"Hiss..." Everyone was surprised and happy, "This is the first time that the immortal (immortal master) has practiced the immortal art in front of us. Don't blink, watch carefully and learn well."

Niu Er grinned and said, "Hahaha... When the emperor recovers, the Jin Kingdom will suffer."

At this time, the thundercloud gradually shrank and was approaching the end.

After throwing those iron chains, Zhang Tian also gained some experience.

The biggest benefit is that when avoiding thunder, it is more handy, the control distance is getting closer and closer, and more and more accurate.

According to the monitoring of the instrument, every time a lightning strikes, the magnetic field on the body is weakened, and it is neutralized with the electromagnetic field in the sky.

Zhang Tian can rely on the data of the instrument to accurately judge the excitation time of lightning, accurate to seconds.

In this way, he no longer needs to rely on the hair sensing on his body.

Hair sensing is useful, but it is very uncertain and very dangerous.

Even, Zhang Tian is vaguely looking forward to it. If he practices like Bai Yuchan, he will not Can I sense the changes in the magnetic field on my body without relying on instruments?

In theory, people who practice cultivation have sharp six senses and can sense many things accurately.

If successful, even without the blessing of scientific and technological equipment, I can be regarded as a "master".

As for the "Sky Thunder Technique", it is still far from being mature.

The iron chain is too heavy and inconvenient to carry. Zhang Tian does not have the strength to use metal powder to spread the powder into a line.

If I miss when attracting thunder and it sticks to my body, I will be in trouble.

I have to think about how to operate it.

After the last lightning struck and the thunderclouds in the sky disappeared completely, everyone dared to come over.

Zhang Tian said: "Are you free? A group of people are watching the show here?"

General Guo said: "Shangxian, the emperor has woken up and wants to talk to Shangxian."

"Well, I'll take a shower and go to his room later. ”

The emperor just had an operation, and he should not move around these days, so he can only lie down.

When Zhang Tian came to the emperor's room, the imperial physician was taking the emperor's pulse.

Seeing Zhang Tian, ​​General Guo, Xu Wen, Zhuo Ping and others coming, the imperial physician saluted and greeted them, and stepped aside.

Emperor Anyou asked: "Mr. Zhang, what did the two immortal doctors Bian Que and Hua Tuo say?"

"It's a pity that I didn't wake up and couldn't see the two immortal doctors off."

Zhang Tian said: "This is the effect of Ma Fei San, the emperor doesn't need to care."

"As for what Bian Que and Hua Tuo said..." Zhang Tian pondered for a moment, "The operation was very successful, and the emperor can rest assured to recover."

"The rest, leave it to God."

Zhang Tian decided not to tell the emperor about the hidden dangers of the operation, giving him a "placebo" of confidence, which would help him recover.

If there are any problems later, I have to push them all to God.

Emperor Anyou nodded: "Well, please tell the two immortal doctors, Mr. Zhang, I am very grateful. "

"Okay, I'll tell them."

Emperor Anyou said, "I heard thunder just now. Is Master Zhang practicing thunder magic?"

Zhang Tian glanced at General Guo and Doctor Sun and said, "You haven't told the emperor what happened yet?"

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