Tiedong would lock himself in the armory every morning to practice his secret weapon.

After practicing, he would go out to the training ground to practice his one-armed swordsmanship.

This made Niu Er greedy, so he would wait in the training ground every day to practice with Tiedong, trying to find out what the secret weapon was.

On the other hand, he shamelessly wanted to ask through Tiedong and Xu Wen to ask Zhang Tian if he had a second set of "magic armor".

Zhang Tian had to refuse explicitly.

It's not that there is no material, but there is not much left, and some needs to be kept for emergencies.

It's really impossible to take care of everyone.

General Guo is a general, usually commanding the central army, and will not go into battle to kill the enemy unless necessary.

Therefore, he doesn't need too good armor.

As the leader of the "Five Hundred" elite, Niu Er has now been promoted to a general, and even has his own soldiers, and his guard force far exceeds Tiedong.

So, the only set of "magic armor" currently should naturally be left to Tiedong.

Tiedong usually guards Zhang Tian to prevent sneak attacks. If necessary, he can cooperate with the "Five Hundred" elite to attack.

At the same time, Zhang Tian practices "Thunder Method" every day.

Gradually, he has found some experience.

With the help of the breathing of "Small Zhoutian Gong", he can actually restrain his own breath to a certain extent and delay the time of triggering thunder and lightning appropriately.

If he can control it at will in the end, Zhang Tian feels that this is considered a successful practice.

Unfortunately, until now, Zhang Tian still can't figure out what the connection between himself and this world is.

If he can figure it out and use it.

Not only can he control thunder and lightning at will, but he can also control the earth like when he buried the Su couple.

Even people can shine the so-called "divine light" to regenerate broken limbs, and eunuchs can become men again.

Behind these strange things, there may be a new truth of heaven and earth in the world.

As for whether it is "science" or "metaphysics", Zhang Tian can't judge.

Only by understanding it more deeply in the future can we gradually uncover the true face of this world.

As more and more troops gathered, General Guo and Niu Er and others also became busy and were not in the general's mansion all day.

The open area outside the city was full of troops.

Dust was flying and shouting was deafening.

Or the cavalry ran back and forth, familiarized themselves with the nature of horses and practiced formations.

Or the infantry practiced military formations and marched step by step.

Even the tops of the walls were full of people all day long, practicing siege.

Among all the tactics, the An Dynasty army practiced siege the least.

In the past few decades, only others had attacked their city, and their experience in defending the city was extremely rich.

Now they suddenly have to practice siege, and everyone from generals to soldiers is a little unfamiliar.

Before the war begins, practice as much as possible.


In addition to daily practice, Zhang Tian also has a lot of things to do.

On this day, I suddenly heard an AI alarm: the army of Tianjin Kingdom is forcing Chuzhou on the east line.

Chuzhou is more than 1,800 miles away from Xiangyang.

If we follow the feudal dynasty's way of fighting, we can basically only give a general strategic direction, and then fight on our own.

The communication delay between the two sides alone may take ten days or half a month for a fast horse to run back and forth.

If you want to command remotely, I'm afraid the opportunity will be lost.

However, the reason why Zhang Tian is confident in the northern expedition to Tianjin Kingdom is not only because of his advanced equipment.

Although these equipment are powerful, they are definitely not as good as the army in terms of direct casualties.

Just like the high-energy battery on the balloon satellite, if one is thrown down and exploded, it would be good to kill 1,800 people at a time.

But Zhang Tian doesn't have so much equipment to throw.

If he goes north alone without the help of the An Dynasty army, he can only take a "decapitation" action to deter.

There is deterrence, but it is still far from enough to destroy Tianjin Kingdom by one person.

Zhang Tian came to the hall to find the emperor.

At this time, after these days of recovery, the emperor can barely get up and walk around, as long as it is not strenuous exercise.

Zhang Tian dismissed Doctor Sun and said, "Emperor, Tianjin Kingdom finally can't bear it anymore. They have sent a large army to the south of Shandong Road."

The "road" here is not a highway, but the administrative area of ​​Tianjin Kingdom, which is roughly equivalent to Shandong Province.

For example, the north of Xiangyang is Nanjing Road.

Under the "road" are cities, called "states" or "prefectures".

The emperor was in a very good mood and said, "Then notify the Chuzhou garrison and let him prepare."

These days, Emperor An You has been treated by two "ancient medical immortals" and has hope of giving birth.

Secondly, Tianjin Kingdom is courting death and actively attacking Zhang Tian.

An Chao has received strong support from Zhang Tian. Now not only has it restored its previous country name, but it has also taken the initiative to help, go north to attack and take back its old place.

If both of these things areSuccess can not only give birth to children and continue the bloodline, but also establish a great cause for generations.

Emperor Anyou felt that his life as an emperor was complete.

Of course, life always carries the word "human". Whether he can become an immortal in the future depends on Zhang Tian.

Naturally, he now relies on Zhang Tian as much as he can.

Zhang Tian said: "I am thinking of this. I am going to use the clairvoyance technique with the emperor to notify the Chuzhou garrison to make preparations."

"Okay, please cast the spell, Master Zhang."

Zhang Tian took out a "big eye".

This "eye" is the size of an ostrich egg and is suspended in the air.

The lines on it are surrounded by eyebrows, eyelids, and even eyelashes, with a black and white "eyeball" in the middle.

This is the "clairvoyance" made by Zhang Tian.

The lines on it are all for decoration, and only the "eye" in the middle is a projected holographic image.

It is made like this to conform to the imagination of the ancients, and it is directly called "clairvoyance" to save the explanation.

As soon as the "Clairvoyance" was suspended in the air, the emperor was a little excited and took the initiative to say: "Clairvoyance, please help me call General Zhao Li, the garrison commander of Chuzhou."

The "Clairvoyance" floated up and down slightly, saying: "Clairvoyance received, calling..."

An Dynasty, near the sea front, Chuzhou.

A big "Clairvoyance" is enshrined in the general's mansion, surrounded by heavy guards!

On the table, there is an incense burner in front of the Clairvoyance, with whole chicken, mutton, fruits, etc.

Looking at the ash on the incense burner, it is obvious that the incense is still very diligent.

With Zhang Tian's call, the "Clairvoyance" suddenly burst into light and made a sound:

"The emperor summoned General Zhao Li, please ask General Zhao Li to come and talk immediately."

The garrisoned soldiers were frightened and looked at the "Clairvoyance" together, their eyes full of disbelief!

At the beginning, this "Clairvoyance" was sent by the emperor, saying that it could see things thousands of miles away like in myths and legends.

However, the imperial edict only said so, but it has not been tried yet.

Zhao Li, the garrison commander of Chuzhou, was half-believing and half-doubting. Since it was something sent by the emperor, he would worship it first.

He went out to command military affairs.

One of the guarding soldiers was the first to react, his voice broke, and he shouted: "Quickly notify the general~~~The immortal cast a spell~~~The Thousand-Li Eye is alive~~~"

A group of guarding soldiers rushed out together.

Fortunately, the leader was still sober and hurriedly stopped: "Stop, everyone is gone. If the Thousand-Li Eye is stolen, who will take responsibility?"

"Zhao San, Zhao Si, the two of you go to the general, and don't make a noise."


They are all General Zhao's confidants, and they have to rely on them to guard the "Thousand-Li Eye", so they know the existence of the Thousand-Li Eye.

However, it cannot be spread to others, so that Tianjin Kingdom knows that they have such a magic weapon.

The two soldiers covered their mouths all the way, for fear that they would not be able to help but leak the secret.

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