Zhang Tian said calmly: "Their every move is under the surveillance of the clairvoyant."

"As long as we don't rush in, I want to see what tricks he can play."

General Guo nodded. He knew all the troops of the other side in advance, and he had the help of Zhang Tian. If he didn't have confidence in fighting, then he would not be a general.

General Guo personally led 50,000 troops to Tangzhou and rested for a day.

This action was not only to defeat Tianjin Kingdom, but also to completely recover the northern land.

If he wanted to behead, Zhang Tian would have acted long ago.

Since the An Dynasty army was launched this time, it was naturally to take the opportunity to unify the Central Plains and eliminate the scourge of Tianjin Kingdom from the root.

Otherwise, if he was always stared at by a feudal dynasty that was not afraid of death, something would happen sooner or later.

Every time he captured a city, he digested it and weakened Tianjin Kingdom from the root.

Even if the newly captured cities could not help him, he could not let them drag his feet in the rear.

Therefore, Zhang Tian spared no effort in using the energy of his space suit.

Following the army, he stepped on the clouds and flew into Tangzhou City.

Suddenly, countless people on the ground knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly.

They had long heard of Zhang Tian's countless "miracles". Now they were so excited to see the immortal flying in the clouds.

Apart from kowtow devoutly, they didn't know what to do.

If it were in the past, Zhang Tian would have taken the initiative to call them up and said that he didn't like being kowtowed.

But now the city has changed hands, and it is the time to stabilize people's hearts the most.

Zhang Tian had to cater to the psychology of the people of this era.

At this time, under the organization of local tyrants and gentry, most of the people in Tangzhou City came to welcome the army with food and drinks.

While kowtowed to the "immortal" with piety, they were uneasy and deeply afraid of the army in front of them.

Since ancient times, every time a city changed hands, in order to boost morale, it was inevitable to be looted by the victorious army.

First, to boost morale, and second, to take the opportunity to replenish some money and supplies.

This is still a relatively good military discipline.

When encountering some poor military discipline, burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil, the degree of harm is not much different from massacre.

Therefore, there is a saying that "bandits pass by like combs, and soldiers pass by like combs."

It can be seen that in the eyes of the people, the army is more harmful than bandits.

General Guo and Xu Wen were well prepared and ordered people to shout along the way:

"The immortal has ordered that no one should be harmed."

"You are the people of our An Dynasty. This northern expedition is only to punish the royal family of Tianjin Kingdom, and will never involve others."

"If any soldiers are bold and reckless, you can come to the general's tent to complain, and you will be given justice."

Every time they walked a distance, someone shouted loudly.

Later, the soldiers began to shout slogans on their own initiative: "The immortal has ordered that no one should be harmed."

"The immortal has ordered that no one should be harmed."

Shouting along the way, the people's hearts were indeed settled.

As soon as the army was stationed in the barracks, local tyrants and gentry came to congratulate them with gifts in large and small carts.

As a local big family, they were different from local people and their targets were the most conspicuous.

They were afraid that the Xiangyang army would find a reason to confiscate their homes and exterminate their families.

Although the army shouted "no one should be harmed" when entering the city.

But they were all smart people of this era, how could they believe it just based on a slogan?

So they hurried to express their opinions and test An Chao's attitude.

For these things, General Guo showed up a little and expressed his attitude, and then went to work on military affairs.

The following trivial matters were handed over to the military civil servants.

Qin Changshi, who had hinted at General Guo's rebellion, felt that he finally had a place to use his skills.

Under his "hint", many local tyrants and gentry donated money and materials to express their "welcome to the royal army".

Some local tyrants said that the Xiangyang army was easy to talk to, and they immediately became bolder.

"Sir Qin, my Liu family is willing to add another 10,000 dan of grain. I beg Sir Qin to say a few good words in front of the immortals and come to my Liu family to bless."

Blessing is a very common ritual among the people. Usually, monks and Taoists are invited to perform a ritual, and some talismans are left behind to pray for blessings.

Qin Changshi was immediately furious: "You Liu family are so bold!"

"The immortal is a real immortal who has descended to the earth. How can he be compared to those charlatans who pretend to be gods in the world?"

"Let alone 10,000 dan of grain, even 10,000 dan of gold is an insult to the immortal."

"Since this is your first offense, I will not pursue your blasphemy this time. Please don't say it again."

Immediately, a gentry cursed: "Liu Datou, you really haven't seen the world."

"In Tangzhou, you are considered rich and powerful, but looking at the world, you are not even a leg hair of an immortal."

Someone else added: "Yes, I heard that when the immortal first entered the court, he used his magic to enlighten"I heard that the whole mountain is full of gold and silver. You can dig up a lot of gold." "Hiss... Is it true? Why didn't anyone find it before?" "Are you stupid? I said it was a gift from the gods. It was just a dirt mountain before. How could there be any gold or silver?" "I heard that the emperor sent a third-rank official to guard the gold and silver mountain. It must be true." Everyone talked about it, making the local tyrant "Liu Datou" blush. He felt that he was a country bumpkin and was very embarrassed. Finally, he said embarrassedly: "Ashamed, Lord Qin, I am ignorant. I won't..." "Huh?!" Qin Changli stared at the local tyrant Liu, "Do you want to swallow the offering to the gods? You are so sincere. ”

After these words came out, "Liu Datou" knelt down hurriedly and said, "I dare not, I am sincere, but I am stupid and talk nonsense. I beg Lord Qin to forgive me."

Seeing this, Qin Changli knew that it was almost time and he could not just beat him without giving him any benefits.

So he said, "I will make a gift list for the top ten people who offer money and goods this time and let the immortal take a look."

When Liu Datou heard this, he was immediately delighted and felt that this was not a loss.

Although he was a little scared, he thought that he would definitely rank first if he sent 10,000 dan of grain.

Maybe the immortal will remember his name.

As for the benefits of spending such a big price just to remember his name, ordinary civilians may not understand, but as local tyrants, they know it well.

Leaving an impression in the mind of the superior may be an opportunity for rapid success or a life-saving straw in the future. .

In the future, if there is something, you can ask the immortal or General Guo for help and say that you have donated 10,000 dan of grain in Tangzhou.

If the other party has an impression, just nod slightly and say a few words, and the matter may be easy to handle.

When others see it, even if they can't compete for the first place, they must at least squeeze into the top ten.

It's a great blessing to let the immortal take a look at the list.

So, they all said: "My Hu family originally offered three thousand taels of silver..."

"My Cui family has five hundred good horses, in the villa outside the city, originally offered to the immortal. "

Everyone was talking at the same time.

After a while, the money and property willing to be donated had reached an astronomical figure.

Qin Changli sorted out the names, prepared the gift list, and gave it to General Guo and Zhang Tian respectively.

Zhang Tian just took a curious look to see what people in this era would "donate".

It was still a bit surprising to see that a family in Tangzhou, which was not big or small, could casually donate 10,000 dan of grain and thousands of taels of silver.

This was "donated", so you can imagine how rich these families would be.

It seems that even in this era, money and property are not in short supply, but they are not in the hands of ordinary people.

As for General Guo, he personally came out again to meet the top ten donors.

He said a few words of encouragement and praise to comfort them.

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