Tiedong laughed loudly.

He was still a little worried about the spear formation, but now it was close combat, which was his strong point.

The Tianjin soldiers saw a flash of human figure in front of them, and Tiedong's figure disappeared under the knife.

After a closer look, they found that Tiedong was almost sticking to the ground.

But he did not fall.

He used his legs to gain momentum, and slid continuously like a dragon.

Wherever he passed, the big knife drew a white silk, passing over the legs of the Tianjin soldiers.

The Tianjin soldiers felt their feet soften, and fell to the ground with a "thump", and then they began to feel pain.

"Ah... my hamstring is broken..."

"Kill him quickly... he cut off my leg..."

Human bones are hard, and Tiedong, as a veteran of hundreds of battles, certainly does not expect to cut off everyone's legs, which will affect his speed.

Therefore, most of the cuts were on the hamstrings and muscles, as long as the Tianjin soldiers' legs could be disabled.

The man follows the knife.

When Tiedong slid to the other side of the city wall, most of the spear team on this side had fallen.

Although Tiedong was also stabbed many times, fortunately he was protected by the "divine armor".

Not to mention being injured, he didn't even feel much pain.

A good set of armor is much more important than a good knife.

In all dynasties, the laws on hiding knives at home have been loose or strict, but there is one rule that almost all dynasties would consider illegal.

That is hiding armor.

Without armor, even a peerless warrior would have to die in the northwest when facing ten or eight spears.

But with good armor, a warrior can instantly go from being ten to a hundred enemies.

This is exactly what happened to Tiedong.

If there was no sword technique passed down by Zhang Tian, ​​Tiedong would definitely not have enough force to kill so many ordinary soldiers.

Force alone is not enough.

The space on the wall was narrow, and Tiedong had been hit by dozens of swords and spears since he climbed up.

If there was no armor, even a master like Bai Yuchan would probably be chopped into dozens of pieces.

But ordinary armor is not enough.

The clothes worn by ordinary soldiers in the Xiangyang army were too thin and had limited protection.

The clothes worn by generals were well-protected, but extremely heavy. If they wore them, they might not even be able to climb up the wall.

Only the combination of the swordsmanship and the magic armor given by Zhang Tian could bring about such a miraculous effect.

Niu Er, who was under the city, was very envious when he saw this.

"General, Tiedong has only been with the immortal for half a year, but he is so powerful. Even the most powerful generals are no more than this."

"Maybe after practicing to the end, he can really become an immortal or a god with his sword skills."

General Guo's face remained unchanged, and he said: "Focus on command, increase the support for Tiedong, and see if we can tear a hole."

Niu Er immediately waved the flag and transferred the siege ladders on both sides.

At the same time, the generals on the city wall finally came up with a countermeasure to deal with Tiedong.

"Form a circle and use people to push him down."

After the order was given, the soldiers of Tianjin Kingdom on both sides suddenly changed their military formations, and everyone quickly shrank and squeezed together.

Spears and shields were firmly guarded in front of them, and they pushed forward.

Do not seek to hurt people, but use defense as offense.

If they were allowed to press forward, Tiedong would be squeezed to death by this human flesh wall no matter how powerful his sword skills were.

However, Tiedong is not alone.

Just as Tiedong was killing people on the wall, several more people climbed up the ladder.

"Brother... I'll help you!"


As soon as he finished speaking, he was picked up by the people of Tianjin Kingdom and thrown off the wall.

The Xiangyang soldiers who climbed the wall all used broadswords. Now that they had just attacked the city, there were sufficient troops on the wall, and they were equipped with spears and broadswords.

Ordinary soldiers did not have Tiedong's force and shield. Facing such long weapons, they could not even last a round and were pierced through the body.

However, there were still a steady stream of people climbing up.

Seeing this, Tiedong roared: "Use spears, throw the spears up."


Several spears were thrown up at the bottom of the wall.

The Xiangyang soldiers who climbed the wall had spears and could barely stand firm.

Tiedong abandoned his sword and used Yu, swinging the spear with one hand.

The speed of Tianjin Kingdom's soldiers' advancement was frightened and slowed down.

Just now, this one-armed man was so brave with a knife. What will happen now that he has a long weapon?

If I stab him once, it's fine. If he stabs back, it will probably be a bloody hole.

But they don't know that Tiedong is not as good as a sword as long as he is physically stronger.

Especially since he has only one arm at this time, it is far less effective to use a spear with one hand than with two hands.

But Tiedong wants just such a moment.

Finally, more than a dozen people climbed up the wall and quickly formed a battle formation to fight.

The generals of Tianjin Kingdom were very nervous and sent troops to support continuously.

General Guo took the opportunity to say: "Beat the drum! Launch a general attack."

"Yes. Beat the drum... generalAttack! ! "

"Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!"

The strong drum sound resounded throughout the Caizhou City, and tens of thousands of Xiangyang troops began to cling to the city wall like ants.

The people on the city wall were suddenly distracted.

On the one hand, they wanted to send troops to counter the gap opened by Tiedong, and on the other hand, they saw that the Xiangyang army suddenly increased its troops, and they were frightened and wanted to defend on the spot.

For a while, the Tianjin soldiers on the city wall actually ran back and forth, hesitant.

"Hahaha... Brothers, follow me!"

Tiedong roared, and with the help of friendly forces, he broke the army formation on one side.

Sometimes he was close to the ground, and sometimes he was like a cone, and he broke through the obstruction of the Tianjin soldiers and rushed towards the military flag on the city wall.

The commanding general was frightened and shouted repeatedly: "Quickly form a formation and stop him. ”

The Tianjin soldiers near the flags once again formed a circle to block Tiedong with their manpower advantage.

However, this formation meant that there were fewer people to deal with the people climbing the wall below.

The Xiangyang soldiers under this section of the wall felt the pressure relieved, and they were overjoyed and climbed up even faster.

Tiedong rushed to the front of the circle and suddenly stopped.

He laughed and killed back.

The Tianjin soldiers were still in shock at the section of the wall that he had just broken through, and they saw Tiedong coming back to kill him.

They were at a loss.

If they wanted to defend against Tiedong, they couldn't defend against the Xiangyang soldiers climbing the wall, not to mention that they couldn't defend against Tiedong.

With such an internal and external attack, this section of the wall was quickly defeated.

There were already one or two hundred Xiangyang soldiers climbing up.

The city The space on the wall was narrow, and one or two hundred people were more than enough.

The two sides formed an army formation and held on to this section of the wall tightly, so that their own people could continue to climb up.

Both sides fought fiercely for this small section of the wall.

People from the Xiangyang Army and Tianjin Kingdom kept falling off the wall.

However, with the help of Tiedong, they were never defeated by Tianjin Kingdom and stood firmly.

A thousand-mile embankment collapsed because of an ant hole.

Tiedong was the ant hole that defeated Caizhou City.

Seeing this, the morale of the Tianjin Kingdom soldiers plummeted and the army began to disperse.

Not long after, other sections of the wall were also breached by the Xiangyang Army.

Seeing this, the deputy general guarding the city pulled the main general Zhang Zhencong and said, "General, things have come to this point, and there is no way to save the situation. Let's retreat."

Zhang Zhencong sighed, "I swear to live and die with this city. ”

A lieutenant general said: "General, the fourth prince has withdrawn our troops to defend the city, regardless of our lives. It is clear that he does not want to preserve Caizhou."

"Why should we die for him? !"

With that, he pulled Zhang Zhen down from the city wall without saying anything and rode towards the north gate.

When the other Tianjin soldiers saw that their commander had run away, they immediately lost their fighting spirit and retreated, also running towards the north gate.

Seeing this, General Guo did not rush to pursue, but ordered his men to firmly occupy the city wall first.

The north gate was the door he deliberately left for escape.

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