The loudspeaker of the space suit was originally used for translation.

The guests received by the space hotel may come from all over the world. It is too expensive to bring a translator to space, and the staff of the space station cannot learn so many languages.

They can only use the real-time translation of computer AI to communicate with each other through loudspeakers and headphones.

As long as the sentences are not too profound, communication is not a problem.

When the soldiers of the Central Plains saw the "immortal" of their side flying in the sky, their morale suddenly soared again.

"The immortal has an order: follow me to kill the enemy!"

"The immortal has an order: follow me to kill the enemy!"

The army continued to advance and was unstoppable.

The morale aroused by the Hu soldiers was completely based on the premise that Zhang Tian escaped.

When they saw that Zhang Tian not only did not escape, but flew towards them in the air, they were suddenly frightened and their formation was scattered.

At this point, Zhang Tian knew that he could not stay out of it. He reached into his trouser pocket and took out a maintenance laser gun.

As a maintenance engineer, it is reasonable for him to have a laser gun for maintenance, right?

In fact, Zhang Tian is also a hidden security officer.

If a violent incident occurs in the Jiuchongtian Hotel, such as being hijacked by terrorists, he will serve as a hidden force to protect the safety of personnel and the space hotel.

"Beep... Detected a living body, can't start." A prompt sound came from the headset.

This is a safety device to prevent accidental injury to humans during normal maintenance.

Zhang Tian opened his eyes and said, "Start the safe mode."

"Beep, retina verification passed, safe mode is ready."

As soon as the voice fell, a dark red laser shot out.


The laser swept across the crowd of Hu soldiers, and a group of them fell down immediately.

The laser energy level is extremely high, even aerospace alloys can be cut, let alone the human body.

The dozens of Hu soldiers who were hit only felt hot on their bodies.

As they ran, the upper body left the lower body.

The upper body flew a short distance in the air and fell to the ground with a "plop".

Due to inertia, the lower body ran forward several steps before falling to the ground.

"Ah~~~, magic!"

"Help, I'm under magic."

"Help, help, I don't want to die..."

"My legs, where are my legs? Ah..."

Dozens of half-bodies were wailing, and some were crawling on the ground before they died, trying to find their lower bodies.

But there were dozens of half-bodies nearby, and the surviving Hu soldiers dug for a long time, but couldn't find their lower bodies, and died with hatred.

The offensive of the Hu soldiers behind them suddenly stagnated, and they dared not move forward.

"The immortal is mighty!"

"The immortal has boundless magic power!"

The soldiers in the Central Plains shouted again, and some even knelt down again.

"Damn, are you stupid?" Zhang Tian cursed in his heart.

Still in the battle, why are you kneeling? Don't you think you're not dying fast enough?

So he quickly shouted: "Don't kneel! Kill the enemy for me. If you can't win, I will send you to hell."

"The immortal has ordered that we must win this battle. If we don't win, we will go to hell!" The Central Plains general shouted.



The Central Plains soldiers were like Shura evil spirits, with bloodshot eyes, and they madly killed the Hu soldiers.

The more fanatical they were, the more terrified the Hu soldiers on the opposite side were.

The Hu soldiers could no longer maintain the army formation and were quickly broken through.

Without the assistance of the army formation, five thousand soldiers were no better than five thousand pigs.

The Hu general roared and tried his best to reorganize the formation.

In the air, Zhang Tianfei saw that there was a strong resistance and signs of reorganizing the formation, so he flew over and shot randomly, killing and dispersing the Hu people.

The scattered Hu people were then easily strangled by the Han army formation.

After several times, wherever Zhang Tianfei went, the Hu soldiers had collapsed before he fired the laser gun.

With a desperate howl from his mouth, he fled in all directions.

The soldiers from the Central Plains then attacked and killed the Hu people like cutting melons and vegetables, leaving a field of Hu people's corpses.

Of the 5,000 Hu people, only a few hundred people finally fled to the north.

Looking at their state, they were crazy and crazy. Even if they fled back, they would be almost crazy.

As for the soldiers from the Central Plains.

Except for the heavy casualties in the first round of collision, they had an absolute advantage in the rest of the time, which can be said to be a great victory!

The battle was over, the general sounded the retreat and gathered the soldiers.

The general dismounted, knelt on one knee, and looked up at the sky: "I am Guo Shoucheng, the defender of Xiangyang City, please come down to earth."

"Please come down to earth!"

"Please come down to earth!"

Another group of soldiers shouted.

Zhang Tian dragged a white cloud behind him and slowly landed in front of General Guo.

Then he put away the space suit, divided it into 3 parts, and retracted it to the back shoulder, waist and feet.

Seeing that there were many people kneeling again, Zhang Tian became impatient and said, "Get up,Why are you kneeling? You are soldiers. How can you fight if you kneel all day long? "

General Guo said with a serious face: "Goddess, as the saying goes, a man's knees are made of gold. He kneels to heaven, earth and parents."

"You came from heaven, isn't it just right for us to kneel to you?"

"Uh..." Zhang Tian was speechless. This logic seemed to be correct.

"Get up first. It's uncomfortable to see a group of seven-foot men kneeling."

"Yes, Goddess!" General Guo led the soldiers to stand up.

After a little hesitation, Zhang Tian said: "I am not a god. My name is Zhang Tian. According to your saying, you can call me Master Zhang. "

Zhang Tian had just thought about this before saying this.

Although Zhang Tian didn't know how he traveled to this era, it might be that a wormhole or some other space-time channel appeared in space.

Now the supply ship has not disintegrated. If it can be repaired and returned by the original route, maybe he can go back.

Even if he can't go back, relying on his own equipment and knowledge, it is not a big problem to survive in this era.

There is no need to pretend to be a ghost and make people kneel down. It will be tiring for yourself and others.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the voice fell, General Guo and the soldiers looked at each other.

They all showed a strange expression.

He bowed his head slightly to show respect, but his eyes and eyebrows were raised again, with awe and suspicion mixed together.

It was like a humble version of the "black question mark" expression, hesitating to speak.

Zhang Tian said unhappily: "Just say what you want to say."

General Guo said hesitantly: "This... forgive my boldness. Immortal, we are mortals, but not fools. ”

“You and the immortal boat descended from the sky, you can ride on clouds and mist, and emit divine light, killing the enemy is as easy as taking something from a bag.”

“You said you are not an immortal, we...can't believe it.”

Zhang Tian was speechless again. He didn't expect that this general was quite capable of reasoning, and it was difficult to explain to them for a while.

He had to say: "Just call me if you want to. You are a general, don't be so fussy."

“Okay, Immortal Zhang.”

“Call me Young Master Zhang!”

“Yes, Young Master Zhang!”

“ God.” Zhang Tian stroked his forehead.

Is there something wrong with this General Guo? Why can't he communicate?

But he has a respectful expression, which makes people unable to get angry.

“Immortal, the battle is over, why don't you follow us back to Xiangyang City so that we can show our hospitality. "

Zhang Tian was powerless to complain. Well, it was less than 10 seconds, and the name was changed back to the original one.

But all the soldiers thought it was natural.

Zhang Tian had no choice but to stop forcing and asked: "You said this is Xiangyang City, what dynasty is it now?"

General Guo's weird expression appeared again.

As if to say: You still say you are not an immortal? You don't even know what year and month it is now. Who among mortals doesn't know except the immortals in heaven?

"Shangxian, it is now the 56th year of the Nan'an Dynasty, and Emperor Anyou is in power. "

Zhang Tian was stunned. What dynasty was the Nan'an Dynasty? I had never learned history before.

Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing - Zhang Tian still knew these simple historical dynasties.

Xiangyang City is an important town in the Central Plains. Any dynasty that occupied this city has a name in history.

But I have never heard of the Nan'an Dynasty.

Isn't it a time travel back to ancient times, but a parallel time and space?

Forget it, there is no rush to figure it out for a while, so I'd better find a place to settle down first.

Zhang Tian said: "Wait here first."

As he said, he walked towards the supply ship.

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