Zhang Tian smiled and said, "Master Zhang, you misunderstood. I asked you to pay compensation just to punish your son, not to take your property."

"This..." Zhang Baiwan was not sure whether what Zhang Tian said was true or false, and looked at General Guo.

General Guo said, "Do whatever the immortal tells you to do."

"Then how much should I pay?"

"Well... pay 10 times the price of the fan."


Zhang Tian didn't know how much the fan was worth, so he just said 10 times.

General Guo called the quartermaster over seriously and found out the purchase price was only 300 copper coins.

10 times, that is 3,000 coins, 3 taels of silver.

Zhang Baiwan originally wanted to pay 30,000 taels of silver, but was kicked out by Zhang Tian.

Helplessly, he could only honestly pay 3 taels of silver, saying things like "The immortal is tolerant and generous, I am very grateful."

Then he went back in a daze with confusion.


Things like this related to the immortal naturally could not escape Niu Er's big mouth.

Not long after, the whole thing spread throughout Xiangyang City again.

Everyone was not surprised that the Zhang family was punished, but why the immortal only took three taels of silver?

Most people thought the same as Zhang Baiwan. Even if they didn't want half or eighty percent of the family property, they should at least compensate 30 percent of the family property and 30,000 silver, right?

Three taels of silver is simply like a child's play.

Even for ordinary people, three taels of silver is not a small amount, but it is not a lot, let alone the wealthy Zhang family.

After the Zhang family went back, they were puzzled and uneasy.

Summoning the core members of the family, Zhang Baiwan asked: "Everyone, what does the immortal mean? Is there any hint?"

Zhang Zhou, the elders of the clan, the concubines and more than a dozen people looked at each other.

"Master, the Immortal is unfathomable, we really can't guess."

"How about asking Captain Niu to ask? He serves the Immortal, so maybe it's okay to ask him for help."

"No, we asked in front of the Immortal, but the Immortal smiled and said nothing. If we ask Captain Niu to ask again, I'm afraid he will be unhappy."

"This... what should we do?"

The Zhang family members became more and more uneasy.

They never expected that the reason why Zhang Tian was punished so lightly was that he had just landed in this world and his mentality had not changed yet, so he just treated it as a normal fight.

He was fine, but he broke the other party's head. If it was done according to the practice of later generations, Zhang Tian would be the one to pay compensation.

Now, using the name of "Immortal" to punish the Zhang family is already Zhang Tian's limit.

If he wants to use this to rob the Zhang family's property, Zhang Tian still can't get over the hurdle in his heart.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the Zhang family did not do a big evil.

Those who bully others by throwing money are not that bad.

Zhang Wang raised the arm that was not broken and said, "Dad, I..."

"Evil beast, you still dare to speak, now this disaster is all caused by you."


"Shut up!"

Zhang Zhou couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Master, no matter how big the mistake is, you have to let Wang'er finish speaking before scolding."

Zhang Baiwan said unhappily, "Go ahead."

Zhang Wang said, "Dad, that Xu Wen was accepted as a direct disciple by the immortal. Ask him, maybe you can know the deep meaning of the immortal?"

Everyone's eyes lit up. This is indeed the best candidate.

Zhang Baiwan still scolded, "You finally said something human."


Although the Zhang family has nothing to do with Xu Wen.

But the Zhang family is big and powerful, just in the city of Xiangyang, it is not difficult to find someone to connect with.

The next day, Zhang Baiwan brought his son Zhang Wang, two servants, and a load of gifts to Xu Wen's house.

Because the middleman found by the Zhang family was really important, the Xu family had to meet him.

After a simple greeting.

Zhang Baiwan said: "Mr. Xu, you are the direct disciple recognized by the immortal. May I ask what the three taels of silver mean?"

"If there is still something that our Zhang family has not done well? We will definitely correct it sincerely."

"This evil beast, you can beat or scold it as you like."

Zhang Wang was so scared that his head shrank. His left hand was broken, and it was Xu Wen who beat him.

Xu Wen listened, shook his head and thought for a while, and said: "Although three taels is light, it is very heavy."

"What do you mean? Mr. Xu, please tell me clearly."

"Do you know the eight characters of birth?"

"This... I know it."

If someone else asked this question, I'm afraid he would be scolded. Who doesn't know the eight characters of birth?

Xu Wen said: "Birthdate is the year, month, day and time of birth. Each time is represented by two characters, which is the eight characters."

"It is said in the physiognomy book that different weights can be used to represent different times. The eight characters can be used to calculate the weight of a person's life fortune."

"For example, if you are born at Si time (9-11 o'clock), your life weight is: 1 liang 6 qian. Add the yearThe weight of the birth date, month and day can be used to determine the weight of a person's birth date, month and day, which is also the blessing of a person's life. "

"The immortal asked you to pay 3 taels of silver, but in fact, it reduced your blessing by 3 taels."

"You Zhang family, calculate, add up all the weights of the birth date and time, and then subtract 3 taels, how much is left?"

When everyone heard this, they suddenly "suddenly realized".

Weighing bones to tell fortunes has existed since ancient times.

The ordinary people usually say that the birth date is light or heavy, which refers to this calculation.

Xu Wen linked this calculation with the 3 taels of compensation, and everyone suddenly felt enlightened.

Otherwise, why would the immortal be so stingy and only ask the Zhang family for 3 taels of silver?

Zhang Baiwan calculated and shouted: "Wang'er's birth date originally weighed 5 taels and 6 qian, and he had a life without worries and a life of wealth and honor. If you subtract 3 taels, wouldn't it be only 2 taels and 6 qian? ”

“This, this, this… This is even more despicable than the fate of an ordinary poor family.”

“No wonder the immortal said that after I die, my son will lose all his wealth and end up on the streets.”

Zhang Baiwan humbly bowed to Xu Wen again and said, “Mr. Xu, do you have a way to reverse this? I am willing to add another load of heavy gifts.”

The heavy gifts were all valuable things such as copper coins and silver, and one load was worth hundreds or thousands of taels.

Ordinary people can’t make so much money even in their lifetime.

If it was just to ask a question, the Zhang family would not be willing to spend so much money.

But Xu Wen was Zhang Tian’s recognized disciple. Giving him gifts was equivalent to sending them to the immortal’s door. Naturally, the gift had to be heavy to show sincerity.

Xu Wen flicked his sleeves and said coldly, “This is the punishment given to you by the immortal master. Don’t say I don’t have a way to break it. Even if I do, I dare not break it.”

“Take this load of gifts back the same way. ”

Zhang Baiwan was really anxious when he saw Xu Wen was about to leave.

He didn't care about his image, he lowered his body, hugged Xu Wen's thigh, and begged bitterly: "Mr. Xu, don't leave, we know we are wrong. Mr. Xu is a scholar, a scholar, and will be the top scholar in the future."

"I insulted Mr. Xu by using this thing as a gift."

"It's a pity that my Zhang family has only this one bloodline, and it can't be cut off. Mr. Xu, you can beat or scold me, but please give me a word or two."

Xu Wen didn't expect that he would be hugged by his thigh one day. He struggled twice, but found that Zhang Baiwan hugged him too tightly and couldn't get rid of it.

He could only say: "Your son bullied others and did many evil things in the first half of his life. The immortal cut his three taels of fortune as a punishment."

"If you want to resolve it, you should do more good deeds in the second half of your life, and maybe you can make up for it. ”

Zhang Baiwan was enlightened again after hearing this.

“Yes, yes, the Immortal is merciful. He is teaching us mortals to accumulate good deeds. If you were not Mr. Xu’s direct disciple, we would be stupid and still not understand. Thank you very much.”

After all the trouble, Zhang Baiwan finally “understood” the meaning of the three taels of fine.

It feels that the “Immortal” is really unfathomable and his magic is boundless.

If we were not sincere and found Mr. Xu, I am afraid that Wang’er would have really been reduced to living on the streets for the rest of his life.

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