Zhang Tian patted Xu Wen: "How are you? Are you not scared?"

"With the Immortal Master by my side, how can I be scared?"

"Well, it's good that you are not scared. Next time, we can try something more exciting."

"Uh..." Xu Wen was stunned on the spot.

After an unknown amount of time, Su'er woke up while staggering.

"Awake? Are you hungry? I'll ask someone to heat up some meat porridge. Come and drink it."

Zhang Tian gently helped Su'er up, scooped up a small spoonful of porridge, and put it to Su'er's mouth.

Su'er was in good spirits. She wolfed down half a bowl of porridge. As she ate, tears suddenly flowed out and fell into the bowl.

"Brother Zhang Tian, ​​you must be the best person in the world. Apart from my parents, no one has ever been so good to Su'er, woo..."

Alas, this child is quite well-behaved, but she cries too much.

Zhang Tian suspected that her two big eyes were made of springs. Spring water would come out when she blinked casually.

"Don't cry, don't cry, Su'er." Zhang Tian was in a panic, and he really had no experience in coaxing children.

Su'er said: "Brother Zhang Tian, ​​my home is in Sujia Village outside Xiangyang City. You can take me back and let me go."

Zhang Tian asked: "Is there anyone else in your family?"

Su'er shook his head: "But there are still many orphans in Sujia Village. I can work with them in the future."

"Where do so many orphans come from in your village?"

"The Hu people came to rob things, and some adults were killed before they could run away."

"How do they live?"

"Help the adults in the village to farm and work, and eat at the house of whoever they help."


Zhang Tian said it lightly on the surface, but his heart was full of emotions.

If you are not in it, you will never be able to understand the harm of war to ordinary people.

I don't know how many lives were buried by the simple sentences I read from history books before.

Zhang Tian said: "We won't go back to Sujia Village. Since you call me brother Zhang Tian, ​​you are naturally my sister. Will you live with me in the future?"

Su'er hesitated and said: "Okay, I can work, so you don't need to raise me for nothing."

Zhang Tian laughed, knowing that rural children have to do farm work since childhood and have developed the concept of not being able to eat white rice.

"Brother Zhang Tian, ​​you can eat this half bowl of porridge, don't be hungry."

Zhang Tian smiled: "I'm not hungry, you continue to eat."

Su'er looked at Xu Wen in the carriage again: "Big brother, are you hungry? Here is half a bowl of porridge."

Xu Wen's nose was sour.

Su'er was obviously not full, but she only ate half a bowl, and the remaining half bowl was repeatedly wanted to give to the people around her.

Although Xu Wen was a poor scholar, people who could afford to read books in this era, no matter how poor their family was, were many times better than ordinary people.

"Su'er, don't worry about him, he's full. If you have nothing to do, you should get off the carriage and walk to digest the food, otherwise you will get sick." Zhang Tian said.

Su'er said enviously: "Big brother, your family must be very rich and have a lot of food."

Xu Wen said: "Yeah, so Su'er don't worry about me, just eat by yourself. After eating, I'll get another bowl for you, okay?"


Su'er quickly finished the remaining half bowl, and even stretched out her tongue to lick the bowl, looking like a little greedy bug.

Rested for two days.

Su'er finally got much better and was able to get off the carriage and move freely.

The first thing Su'er did when she got off the carriage was not to play, but to see where she could work.

But how dare the sergeants of the team let Su'er work? They didn't even have time to care for her.

And most of the work was heavy and tiring. A little girl of eight or nine who had just recovered couldn't help even if she wanted to.

After a round, Su'er found that she couldn't help much, and she was a little disappointed.

Finally, she ran to the military chef to help with cooking.

Nine out of ten chefs are fat.

When the fat chef saw Su'er coming, he said he wanted her to help watch the fire, and then quietly set up a stove and cooked a lot of delicious food for her. Su'er's mouth was full of grease.

After the "live" was finished, Su'er came back with a guilty conscience.

Xu Wen took one look and said jokingly: "Su'er, I caught you. You must have gone to eat secretly."

"No, no, I didn't eat secretly."

"Then what's the matter with the greasy light on your mouth?"

Su'er's tears suddenly flowed: "Wuwu... Brother Xu, I didn't eat secretly, it was Fatty Uncle who gave it to me. Don't tell Brother Zhang Tian, ​​I only ate a little."

Now it was Xu Wen's turn to panic: "Oh, aunt, don't cry, I'm just kidding you."

"If the immortal master knew that I made you cry, I would get off the car and run again. Good boy, good boy, stop crying."

Su'er still couldn't stop crying: "Wuwu..., Brother Xu, don't tell Brother Zhang Tian, ​​okay."

"Okay, okay, justI told you not to cry, so I won't tell you. "

But it was too late. Zhang Tian heard Su'er crying and lifted the curtain.

Su'er quietly wiped her mouth with her clothes behind Xu Wen, and then came over hesitantly: "Brother Zhang Tian..."

"Yeah." Zhang Tian took out a handkerchief and wiped the corner of her mouth, "I didn't wipe it clean after eating secretly."

Su'er's tears flowed again: "I know I was wrong, Brother Zhang Tian, ​​I won't dare to do it again. Woo woo..."

"Hey..., sit here. Su'er, I'm not blaming you for eating too much, I'm just afraid that you'll get a stomachache. You just got better, don't get sick. "

Although Zhang Tian has not experienced the era of hunger, looking back at history, China did not really solve the problem of food and clothing until the end of the 20th century.

Before that, people's obsession with food was unimaginable.

Because food means survival, many families have to count their rations, otherwise when there is a shortage of food, people may even starve to death.

Unlike the 21st century, many families have to chase their children around the house to feed them.

In such a context, poor people will be particularly strict with children who eat secretly.

Zhang Tian comforted: "Su'er, don't eat secretly in the future. If you like to eat something, ask Uncle Fatty to make it for you. You can eat as much food as you want from the big carriages, okay?"

"Really?" Su'er opened his eyes wide, "Then what kind of work should Su'er do?"

"Work? What kind of work? You are still young, you don't have to work."

"My parents said that if you don't work, you are not allowed to eat. "

"Oh, your parents are right. How about this, you are responsible for patting my back, and when the snow stops, you help me supervise Xu Wen and let him get off the car to run. "

"Ah? Why does Brother Xu eat so much? He also needs to run to digest food. Eating less can save some food. "

As he said, Su'er gave Xu Wen a contemptuous look, which made Xu Wen laugh and cry.

"Yes, he is not as obedient as Su'er, always doing things recklessly. So, Su'er, you don't have to worry about eating too much, just don't eat too much. "

"Yeah, I know, Brother Zhang Tian." As he said, he patted Zhang Tian's back.

Zhang Tian deliberately let her pat for a while, and then let her rest.

Suddenly, the convoy slowed down.

Niu Er came to Zhang Tian's carriage and said, "Shangxian, there is a small road ahead, with cliffs on both sides, which is very easy to encounter an ambush. Please see if it is passable? "

All along the way, Zhang Tian's miraculous anti-reconnaissance ability deeply shocked Niu Er and others.

Now that they encounter dangerous terrain, the first thing they want to do is to ask Zhang Tian to take a look.

Zhang Tian stood in the carriage and looked forward. It was indeed a typical canyon passage.

As long as a pile of stones are prepared on the cliffs on both sides, when the convoy passes by, thousands of stones will be thrown at the same time. No matter how brave you are, you will be buried under the stones.

Zhang Tian was about to release the yo-yo for reconnaissance when a "rumbling" sound came suddenly.

From top to bottom, getting closer and closer, like a huge army!

Niu Er shouted anxiously: "Avalanche! Avalanche! Get off the carriage and go to the open space. "

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