Every time "Short Legs" passes through a county or city, it can cause a sensation.

The thin Su'er and the huge body of Short Legs, which is more than ten meters long, form a strong contrast.

In addition, children are naturally cute. Sitting on Short Legs, it is like a goddess riding a dragon to the earth, patrolling the world.

It is precisely because of this that there is no commotion.

When everyone saw that a little girl could ride on the back of this strange beast, they only felt strange and surprised, and the fear was not so strong.

However, Zhang Tian only dared to let Su'er play with Short Legs within his sight, and absolutely did not allow her to play with it alone.

Although the space rope on Short Legs' neck can restrain it, if it is ferocious, it can drag at least several people to be buried with it before strangling to death.

Since there was no more play along the way, the speed of the convoy increased greatly.

Soon, Lin'an Prefecture was already in sight.

That evening.

Twenty or thirty carriages and hundreds of war horses arrived at the foot of Lin'an City.

At this time, memorials were sent in like snowflakes, filling up the emperor's desk.

All of them advised Emperor Anyou to withdraw his order and not allow evil ways to enter the court, disrupt the court order, and deceive the king!

There were even many stubborn people who had already kneeled outside the Daqing Hall, ready to fight for their lives.

The Nan'an Dynasty and the literati ruled the world together.

Although Emperor Anyou hoped to become an immortal, the opportunity to become an immortal was illusory, and the turmoil that shook the foundation of the country was real.

Once the civil servants of the entire court were alienated from him, it would be hard to say what the entire Nan'an Dynasty would be like after a long time.

Although Emperor Anyou was incompetent, he could still distinguish between what was important and what was not.

The series of grand welcome ceremonies originally prepared had to be cancelled to appease the civil servants.

At this time, Zhang Tian stood at the west gate of Lin'an City, standing still and not entering.

With the momentum of a great victory, he escorted General Nianhan into the capital, and hundreds of war horses were offered as tribute. This was definitely a great achievement.

If it were in the past, it would have been a big celebration.

Zhang Tian did not expect the emperor to personally go out of the city to welcome him, but the way of welcoming him could not be so shabby, right?

Only three eunuchs were sent, and there was not even a welcoming guard.

They even had to salute Zhuoping, and it was obvious that their status was lower than Zhuoping.

Even if Zhang Tian was a political naive, he knew that the matter was not simple.

Zhang Tian asked: "Xiao Zhuozi, what does the emperor mean?"

"Your Majesty, the emperor is naturally looking forward to seeing the immortal face."

"What about the officials in the court?"

"This..." Zhuoping was embarrassed, he did not dare to speak publicly about the faults of the officials in the court.

He had to say tactfully: "Your Majesty, they don't know that you are a real immortal who has come down to earth. As long as they see the immortal's magic, they will naturally be convinced."

The three eunuchs who came to greet him dared not breathe in front of Zhang Tian.

Before they came out, they knew that this mission would be difficult.

On one side was the mysterious immortal, who was strongly supported by the emperor and the prime minister.

On the other side were the court officials, who were strongly opposed, rubbing their hands, and were aggressive.

The fight between the two sides was so big that it could kill anyone except the emperor.

Anyone who was not careful would become cannon fodder in this big fight.

What's more, there was a more than ten-meter-long dragon staring at them.

Seeing an eight or nine-year-old girl sitting on its back, the three eunuchs who greeted them became more awed.

"I hope so." Zhang Tian did not comment, "Go in first."

The generals guarding the city clasped their fists to Zhang Tian in awe, and without saying much, they opened the city gate to let the convoy in.

They were at the foot of the imperial city, and were subject to the most severe supervision. They were often impeached by civil officials, so they naturally did not dare to address or chat casually like General Guo and Yu Jiangzhou.

Entered the city gate.

Niu Er came over and said, "Sir, we soldiers have strict rules and have to stay overnight in designated military camps. I'm sorry I can't accompany you."

"Well, go and get busy."

Niu Er led the convoy and took Nianhan to the Dali Temple Prison to put him down first. The hundreds of war horses that followed were arranged by the Beijing army.

Zhang Tian, ​​Xu Wen, Su'er, Tiedong and other four people, led by three eunuchs, came to a mansion.

The mansion was large and a little run-down.

The plaque on the gate had been removed, and I don't know what it was called.

It was probably left by a convicted noble minister.

There were many passers-by dressed as servants in the distance. When they saw Zhang Tian and his party arrive at the mansion, they turned around and ran away, obviously to report the news.

Zhuo Ping said: "My Lord, this is the house that the Emperor has prepared for you. Let's rest here for now. Tomorrow morning, we will go to court to see the Emperor."

"Yes. Thank you, Xiao Zhuozi."

"No, no, please take care of yourself, my Lord. I will go to report to the Emperor."

The house was empty, but it had been cleaned and all the necessary daily necessities were prepared.Zhuo Ping left two eunuchs to serve him, and he hurried to the palace.

During dinner, Zhang Tian and Xu Wen talked about the situation in the court.

But Xu Wen had no way of knowing more specific information except that the civil officials opposed the entry of the charlatan into the court.

Zhang Tian had to give up, and he could only deal with it tomorrow.

The short legs were chained in the courtyard, just outside Zhang Tian's room.

The two eunuchs who came to serve Zhang Tian were so scared that their legs trembled and they almost dared not pass by, fearing that the dragon would suddenly rise and eat them alive, and the immortal would not be able to save them in time.

After washing, everyone went to rest early.


I don't know how long I slept, and when I was dazed, Zhang Tian heard Zhuo Ping's voice shouting.

"Shangxian, Shangxian, it's time to get up and go to court."

Zhang Tian looked at the bracelet, damn, it's not even 4 o'clock, can't I sleep?

But Zhuo Ping shouted so anxiously that in the end, even Xu Wen joined in.

"Master, Master, it's time to get up and wash up."

Zhang Tian stayed in bed and said to the door, "It's still so early, why wash up, let me sleep a little longer."

Xu Wen knew that Zhang Tian liked to sleep until the sun was high in the sky, so he had to patiently explain, "It's not early, Master. You have to go to court at Mao time, so it's just right to get up now."

Mao time is between 5 and 7 in the morning. It's almost 4 o'clock now, and there is still about an hour to 5 o'clock.

Apart from the time for dressing, washing, and eating breakfast, there is also the time on the way to the palace. One hour is really not too much.

In this era, there were no cars, and carriages could not run around the imperial city. At most, you could come here in a sedan chair to be comfortable.

But it was just comfortable, and you couldn't expect it to be fast.

Therefore, officials who had to go to court and lived far away usually had to get up and prepare at around 3 o'clock.

Zhang Tian was so annoyed that he sighed in his heart. This job was really not easy.

Not only do I have to get up so early, but I don't know how many big-name officials will resist me when I enter the court today.

But they are different from the people of Tianjin Kingdom. They can't be beaten or killed. Thinking of having a verbal fight with them later, Zhang Tian feels a headache.

After struggling like a salted fish on the bed for a while, Zhang Tian finally got up and opened the door.

Seeing Su'er standing outside the door with her eyes unable to open, Zhang Tian's face suddenly eased.

"Why did you wake up Su'er too?"

Xu Wen said: "Master, have you forgotten? I agreed to bring Su'er to the court last night."

"Okay. Tiedong, you bring a small blanket and let her sleep in the carriage later."

"Yes, Master."

This time, Zhang Tian went to court, needless to say, the emperor also specifically asked Tiedong and Xu Wen to go together.

Su'er was left alone, so Zhang Tian naturally couldn't leave her and "Short Legs" in this mansion.

Since Su'er is going to be with him, let's take the short legs with him.

The main purpose of keeping it alive is for today.

Along the way, Zhuo Ping explained the palace rules to Zhang Tian and his party in detail.

This was not the Qing Dynasty, and there was no complicated process for servants.

As long as they did not run around and remained respectful when the emperor asked questions, there would be basically no problem.

Xu Wen and Tie Dong were people of this era after all. They were very nervous when they heard that they were going to see the emperor.

The group took a carriage and walked for half an hour before finally arriving outside the main gate of the palace.

Suddenly, there was a sound of weapons being unsheathed outside the carriage, and someone shouted, "What do you want to do by bringing the beast to court?"

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